Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I gave a soft and teasing moan at his words and kisses before gathering up a smile to give over to him as i looked over my shoulder at him. "I've no doubt in my mind about that." I told him before giving a kiss before pulling back again. "Get your sleep tonight though. Will do better for that leg." I told him just before bringing a hand up to mess with his hair some.
"Mm alright babe you get some sleep too" ,he stated giving her a smile back before laying his head on his pillow and cuddling up to her. It didn't take too long for him to fall asleep laying there with her in his arms. Snake slept pretty damn good over the night and when he woke up he felt good and rested. He made his way outside to use the bathroom really quick then came back in to make breakfast for everyone, he wanted to bring the boy out for a run a little later if Shade didn't mind.
I smiled when i could tell he was out of it for the night. I'd listened to his breathing for what felt like the longest time before i'd managed to pass out with him there. When i woke he wasn't there though only to find him in the other room. I gave him a smile as i watched him for a while before i got up and moved over to him. "So, how did you sleep?" I asked coming up next to him and putting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Snake had been looking through some stuff to see what he could make for breakfast when Shade came up to him and asked how he slept, "Mm I slept great" ,he stated in response to her question. "How did you sleep?" ,he asked while he continued to go through the food he had on his shelves. Finally he decided on a couple cans of fruit to have for breakfast and set them down on the table and sat down to wait for the boy to get up before opening them.
"Slept well." I smiled in reply to him. I waited until he had things where he wanted them before i moved over and gave him a kiss before looking over at the boy when i could hear him stirring suddenly. I gave the boy a smile as i watched him get up slowly and look around before wiping the sleep from his eyes before he got up and stretched.
Snake returned the kiss and gave her a smile before she looked to the boy, "I'm glad you slept well babe" ,he told her. He watched as the boy sat up and when he felt the kid was awake enough he opened the cans of fruit and poured them into bowls, "I don't feel like cooking this morning, wanna get out and go for a run if that's alright with you guys, maybe we can climb another tree" ,he said looking at the boy and Shade.
I gave a simple nod to Snake's remark. "I've got no problem with it, as long as you don't go off pushing that leg to much while you are out there." I told him before the boy came over and sat there for a moment.
"Can you try and teach me how to get up the trees faster?" The boy asked. I just smirked, and hoped more that the boy wasn't going to be pushing Snake and his leg more so then Snake simply pushing it himself.
"Yeah I can do that" ,Snake said in response to the boy. "And don't worry about my leg babe it's been feeling a lot better lately" ,he stated. It still felt like shit but it didn't hurt as much as it did a few days ago. Snake sat down and began to eat his food when he was finished he waited for the boy to finish so that they could go outside. The man loved the outdoors and he was glad the kid wanted to go outside it gave him an excuse to go outside himself.
I smiled watching the guys, taking my time while the boy finished up and was ready to go. "Go on, i'll be catching up soon." I told them and moved clean up only once i was finished with my own food, taking my time on it, trying to prolong the fact of having to do this, and making the man out there have to wait longer.
When the boy was finished Snake led him outside and to one of the trees not too far off from the cave, he then looked at the boy and showed him the easiest way to get up into the tree. "Alright now you try" ,Snake stated as he looked down from one of the branches at the boy. "If you need help I'm right here alright".
The boy gave a nod after watching Snake show him the easiest way to get up and then got ready to move up the tree. When he reached the branch he hung to it, ending up laying over it and looking over at Snake. "I need some work huh?" He asked.

I waited for a while before figuring they where more out into the forest before i slunk out of the cave, but taking my time finding Matt. I didn't say anything as i found him, he'd been keeping his eyes on the two, a gun aimed, clearly in case i hadn't stuck up with it. A suppressor at the end of what i figured was a sniper, with the size of it.
I watched the guys out there for a second, and waited on Matt, he knew i was there, but he still didn't move from his place, and so i simply found a place and sat to wait for him to finish up his game of torment for the while.
Snake watched as the boy climbed up and when he got up there and asked the question Snake let out a small laugh, "You did fine kid soon you'll be climbing up trees with no problems at all" ,he told the kid. He noticed Shade leave the cave and watched as she made her way away from it wondering what was up. When his eyes fell on who she had walked up to his heart sank, not wanting to alert the boy he turned away and pulled a cigarette out of his pack and lit it, "So kiddo how do you like it up here?" ,he asked trying to make conversation so he could distract the boy as he kept looking over at Shade and her little boyfriend. He couldn't believe he was so damn stupid to trust her he should've known better then to trust anyone in this world, the boy was a different story he was just a kid and a kid that had a gun pointed at him at the moment.
"One day i'll be able to get up as fast as you do." The boy said as he glanced around for a second.

Matt gave a twisted smirk back at Shade after as while when i gave a kick at him finally, but didn't say anything to him. He got up finally, as if he'd made his point while i gave him a glare over it, keeping my eyes on him. I wanted him to burn for it, but it was clear for now i was going to have to live without just to keep the two safe. He started walking and only stopped to look back at me before i got up and followed, looking back only once before i felt more like a dog on a leash as i headed back into the town with him.
"Yeah one day you'll be able to I think that day will come pretty soon too kiddo you're a fast learner" ,Snake told him in response. "Come on there's someone I want to introduce you to, I've got to go into town to do a few things and I want to make sure you're safe so what do ya say wanna go meet up with my pal he has a lot of cool stuff he can show ya" ,Snake stated. He would eventually have to tell the boy what was going on but for now he didn't want the kid to know he was about to go and kill someone he had known for three years along with his father.
The boy just looked at him for a second before giving a nod with a smile. "Sounds like fun." I said, almost getting excited about something new for a little while, completely unaware of what Snake had seen, or why he was going to be taking him into town for the while. "He's not a bear like you where at first is he?" He asked, bringing the joke back up as he worked his way back down from the tree.
Even though Snake was upset he let out a laugh at the boy's joke, "No kid he's not a bear at all he just tries to act like a tough guy sometimes" ,he told the boy. When he got to the ground he motioned for the boy to follow him and led him to the car he had stolen the other day. As they got to the car Snake opened the door and let the boy inside, "I'll be right back kiddo sit tight" ,he stated before making his way to the cave. When in the cave he grabbed ammo and one of his automatic guns along with his two pistols, he strapped the pistols to his legs then grabbed the other weapons and ammo and made his way back to the car where he threw it all into the back seat. Snake got into the driver's side and started the car then drove off.

When they got to where Snake was taking them he looked to the boy then got out of the car and walked over to a trailer that they had parked next to. Before Snake could even get to the door a man opened it, "Get out of here Plissken" ,the man shouted. Snake of course didn't listen and continued to walk over to the man. "Listen Eddie I need a favor from you if you help me out I'll owe you big time" ,Snake told the guy. Eddie being a man who couldn't resist a deal stepped out of the trailer and looked at Snake, "Alright what do you want?" ,Eddie asked. Snake looked over to the car and motioned for the boy to get out, "I need you to watch this kid for me and keep him safe I also need some men to help me out, someone figured out my location and I'm as good as dead if I don't kill them first" ,Snake told him. Eddie's eyes shifted to the boy, "I didn't know you had a kid Snake" ,Eddie stated. "He's not mine but he might as well be now listen can you help me or not?" ,Snake asked him. Eddie nodded his head, "Yeah I can help ya Snake but you owe me and don't let any of these guys I send with you get killed" ,Eddie stated in response.

After a little while a group of about five guys came in on a truck all holding weapons and dressed in black cargos and black t-shirts, "EX USPF guys huh?" ,Snake asked looking to Eddie. "Yeah Snake they're some of the best I've got to offer" ,Eddie said in response. Snake nodded his head then looked to the boy, "Eddie if I don't make it back take care of this kid with your life" ,he whispered so the boy couldn't here him. The look in Snake's eyes told Eddie that what he was about to get into was some serious shit, Eddie looked at Snake and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry Snake I'll keep him safe" ,Eddie told him. Snake made his way over to the kid and looked down into his eyes, he said nothing before getting down on one knee and grabbing the kid into a hug, "Take care of Eddie while I'm gona alright kid" ,he stated before letting go and looking at the boy one last time before getting into the back of the truck. He told the driver where to go and within a few minutes the truck disappeared down the road.

Eddie watched as the truck left then looked to the kid, "Hey kiddo what's you're name? You like cartoons? I got a television and a DVD player I can set up a movie for ya and cook up some mac and cheese what do ya say?" ,he asked the boy. "I'm Eddie by the way I met your buddy Snake in LA, I used to sell maps there" ,Eddie continued as he led the boy inside.
The boy followed after Snake, and nodded as he waited there in the car. He looked at the guns Snake had put into the back but said nothing, and thought nothing on it either as he simply looked out the window for the ride. The boy waited there though until Snake said he could get out. He was slow about getting out, not fully sure on it, since he wasn't exactly use to just up and meeting new people, but he still gave a smile to the man as he walked up and kind of stayed behind Snake, but still to the side while the two talked.

The boy didn't understand what was going on, but with the hug, he knew something was up and kind of clung to him until he pulled away to get into the truck, and watched him as they drove off. He didn't look back at the guy until the others where well out of his sight. "Sei-Ten." He said almost a but silently. "What are cartoons?" He then asked, a bit confused.
"OH wow kid you've never heard of cartoons? Well I am about to show you something you're gonna love, go ahead and sit down on the couch there" ,Eddie told the boy. He turned on the television then grabbed an old Tom and Jerry DVD off of his shelf and popped it into the DVD player then pushed play. "These are cartoons" ,he told the boy giving him a smile. The man wasn't too used to kids but he had more experience with them then Snake did. "I'm gonna go cook us up something feel free to look at whatever you want ok".

As the truck pulled up to the place Snake along with the other men got out and went inside killing off anyone who got in their way. When inside Snake immediately went looking for Shade and her buddy. He looked in all the rooms before finding the man Snake and his men surrounded the guy, "Where is she asshole? You're both about to die and I figure a good team should die together, you guys had me fooled hell I even fell for the bitch now where is she?" ,Snake demanded as he pressed his gun to the guys head.
The boy sat there, not to sure just yet what he had been talking about until he showed him what he'd been talking about.

Matt gave a twisted smirk as Snake came in, at seeing just how pissed he was. It was clear it was all a game to him as he just stood there. "I don't go ratting at my toy's who help me get what and who i want, when i want it." He said. "You want her, then you will have to find her on your own. Keep in mind, while there are two levels about us, there are two others below us. So you've got some exploring to do pall." Matt chuckled as he seemed rather relaxed, as if he knew Snake would show up, and just how he would go about things. "I've had my fun with her though. If you really want her back though, i would love to get to watch what you do to her." He said. "You will need a key to find her though. But i don't have this though." He said, making it clear, he was having some kind of fun with this. "I'd move fast though if you want to have any luck at getting to have your shot at her, before you don't get that chance again. She does make for a good toy though if you want to keep her and use her for anything later on, if you get my drift pall." He smirked just as some of his men came into the room to help him out.

I'd been stuck on the lowest level of the place, all doors in and out of the level well blocked and locked off. To get into it, it took more then just a key though, needing a eye scan to get in as well. There where many rooms in here though, most to all of them empty all but for the back one, the one i'd been stuck in, sitting on the floor, hands with shackles on them, chains leading into the wall, with little room to move, same for the legs. I'd been stripped down to my smaller cloths, a few cuts here and there, some gashes settled just right to allow for a slow and pain full bleeding to have to suffer with, one along the scar that had been on my back, just to have helped me recalled the past before. I'd known well enough just what i'd gotten myself into by coming here, but i'd only done it hoping and knowing Matt wouldn't go after either Snake or the boy.
Snake listened as the guy spoke and when his men came in he made quick work of them, getting a few more fresh injuries as he did so. After killing off the guy's lackeys Snake grabbed him by the throat and squeezed, "I'm gonna give you a fucking chance to show me where she is" ,he looked to his own men. "Hold his ass down" ,Snake stated. Two of the bigger guys he had with him grabbed the guy by the arms making sure he didn't have anything that he could use to harm them as they did so. Snake lit a cigarette and looked at the guy, "Here's the deal you're gonna help me find her or I'm gonna kill you slowly, make it drag out let's see how arrogant you are while I'm burning your eyes out with this cigarette". Snake took a couple of drags off of it to get it hot enough, he then blew the ashes off the head and opened the guys eyelid and slowly began to bring the hot ember closer and closer to his eyeball.
Matt didn't bother to flinch as Snake put his cigarette closer to him. He only tensed his arms in the men's grips some, as if seeing just how well they had a hold on him. He said nothing for a moment, until it was close enough. "The more time you spend on me, the less chance you will have to get a hold on the girl." He told him. "And if you don't believe me, then take a look at the computer screen. I've got a camera pointed right at the girl." He snarled at him. "Either way you need me, but you won't be able to get this help from me so willingly, or even if you try to force it on me."
Snake looked at the screen seeing Shade chained up, something didn't seem right about the whole scenario. "That's no way to treat your partner" ,he stated simply. "What do you want in return for your 'help'?" ,Snake asked as he pulled the cigarette away from the man's eye and took a drag of it. He blew the smoke out in his face slowly as he looked the man in his eyes.
"I don't count her or any other woman as a partner. I thought you would have had this figured out by now, they are all 'toy's to me, something that i can bend and use as i please, and they take it without any questions or retaliation. I've helped show you just how willing and easy she is to use you and then turn you over to me. I didn't expect you to show to soon though. I was kind of hoping to storm your doors before you showed up though. But, then again i did gift wrap the girl for you all the same." Matt smirked. "It's simple really. She also knows the location of the other clan, and since they've gone more into hiding, we've been looking for them. And she's the only one who knows where they are. She's good at not giving information, and maybe you could help me crack her some on it."
"And what the fuck's in it for me?" ,Snake asked in response. He took another drag off of his cigarette and looked at the man, "I don't trust you and seeing as you were going to 'storm my doors' how do I know you're not gonna try anything stupid? Like have some more of your second rate soldiers try and kill me" ,Snake stated.
"Please, like i'm going to put any more of my men up against you at the moment. As for you, i'll let you live in peace out there. No man or woman will ever get to step foot out there to get the chance to bother you again. Also, i'll be happy to take the boy off your hands if you get tired of him as well." He smirked. "If not, well then i can't really promise you any such luck on anyone finding out about your little location out there." He told him but then his eyes moved to the door when Tallen stepped in, letting him know silently not to bother with trying anything just yet.
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