Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I gave a breath just against the top of his head, letting my hands come up to play in his hair while i moved against him. After a while, i simply moved him back down to the bed, placing a hand firmly on his chest just so he wouldn't come back up just yet. I kept my pace for a while before i picked it back up, riding against him, while at the same time making sure to keep him down.
His head leaned back the moment she pushed him back down to the bed and placed her hand on his chest firmly, he knew she wanted him to stay down and he was ok with that. Snake watched as she moved up and down up and down when she picked up her pace he groaned liking the way it felt. He looked up into her eyes his breathing heavy and his body getting sweaty from what they were doing.
I shifted on him, letting myself often change directions on him, from a normal motion to often in a circle motion, often changing it back and forth on him. I kept this up for a while, every now and then lifting the pace up more and more until i slowed once for a tease on him before picking it back up again. I wasn't to sure how long i'd kept this up with him before i started to slow, while having worked to try and wear him out i'd managed well enough to also wear myself down some as well, but knew i'd be able to last for a while all out.
The way she moved on him was driving him crazy and he couldn't help the sounds coming out of his mouth anymore, he himself was getting a little worn down as well but could go for a while longer. His hands made their way down to caress her thighs as she continued to ride his cock so beautifully. "So perfect" ,were the only words that came out of his mouth right before he bit his lip to muffle another groan.
I smirked at him as i moved, leaning down to kiss along his chest, letting my breath caress his skin, while being so low on him, simply let my breasts trail along over his stomach before i sat back up finding another pace against him before i slowed once more. "I can't hold it up here any more." I told him finding a breath as i still moved over him, not as fast as before, but still moving on him.
He sighed with content as he felt her breath on his skin as she kissed up and down his chest, when she told him she couldn't hold it up there anymore he nodded then rolled her onto her back. Snake looked down into her eyes and smiled right before giving her a kiss he began to thrust into her again as he held her close kissing her passionately.
It was clear i'd been reaching my limit on what i could take now. I moved with him, matching his pace when i could as i kissed him back, my hands trailing slowly over his chest, as i gave him a soft smile just before arching up slightly into him, one leg resting lightly over his, the other off more to the side.
After a little bit he broke the kiss to look into her eyes again his pace was getting a bit slower and he was getting close to his own release. "Want me to cum inside you again babe?" ,he whispered into her ear right before nibbling on it gently. He wanted to make sure that's what she wanted even if he had done it earlier that didn't mean she would want it again.
I had to admit, i loved how he double checked on things, though at the same time, i didn't since it seemed to often make me double think things before ruling one out of the picture. "I'll leave it up to you this time." I told him past a moan as i let my hands trail down over his stomach.
Snake leaned down and kissed her softly after she spoke he moved his cock in and out of her slowly but deeply, he moved his lips up to Shade's ear a nibbled it softly, "Cum with me baby" ,he stated breathlessly into her ear. He picked up the pace again making sure to hit an angle that he knew felt good to her. After a little bit his body tensed up, the muscles in his chest and arms showing fully as his cock spasmed inside Shade and his cum spilled into her. He bit his bottom lip trying desperately to muffled a loud groan that wanted to escape his body but if he bit any harder he would bust his lip open.
I leaned forward when i could tell he was trying to muffle his groans again and kissed him, helping with that matter as my body had gone tense with his, as i'd released with him, arms gripping lightly on his shoulders in the proses before pulling back to rest back into the bed to find my breath again as i gave a gentle pat on his chest. "Time to relax hun." I told him before giving him another kiss.
As soon as her lips met his he let his groan escape against them as he kissed her back, he could feel her body tense along with his and knew she was cumming with him and that made him feel good. When he was finished he looked down into her eyes again as she patted him on the chest and told him it was time to relax. Snake nodded his head then rolled over onto his back nearly collapsing on the bed, his chest rose and fell heavily for the first few seconds before slowing down as he caught his breath. He ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face then looked at Shade, "Need a smoke?" ,he asked her with a smile.
I smiled ass i watched him for the moment. "Please." Was all i said in response as i was sure it would help me get a little more relaxed for the while. I rolled to my side, to get a better view of him, letting a hand rest calmly on his stomach while i shifted to rest my head more at his chest for the moment.
As soon as she said yes to the cigarette Snake reached over and grabbed the pack out of his pants pocket along with the lighter. He took one out for himself then one for her and lit his before handing Shade the lighter, he took a long drag off of his cigarette then blew the smoke out slowly. Snake wrapped his arm around Shade and held her close to him loving the way she felt against his body, "That was amazing" ,he whispered before kissing her forehead softly.
I gave him a smile at his comment as i lit the cigarette he handed me, taking a drag off of it, setting the lighter off tot he side. "I can agree. Almost didn't think i'd be able to get you worn out this time." I admitted with a soft chuckle before taking another drag from the cigarette, letting the smoke go only a few seconds after that.
"You're the only woman that has ever worn me out Shade" ,he admitted right before taking another drag from his cigarette. He relaxed a bit as he smoked his cigarette just enjoying the closeness the two were sharing. "The kid really is a heavy sleeper huh? We got a little bit louder then usual this time" ,Snake stated with a small laugh.
"Like a rock when he knows he's in safe hands." I smiled as i looked over to where the blanket was hiding the sleeping boy from us as i took another drag. Once i was finished with the cigarette i put it out as i got up, snagging close and putting them on. "Don't plan on having to wake up naked with him around though." I pointed out, even though my body didn't want to get up, i still made it do so as i handed him his pants at least before waiting to remove the blanket.
He finished his cigarette as well and put it out before Shade handed his pants to him, he put them on without any issues knowing full well that the kid didn't need to wake up to either of them without clothes on. After he put his pants on he looked at Shade before placing a hand behind his head, "You can take the blanket down now but hurry back" ,he stated with a smile as he relaxed himself again.
I smirked at him before taking the blanket down but then teased some as i took my time getting back only for a second before i joined him back in the bed again. "You know, i think i'm looking forward to getting a bath out there in the springs with you tomorrow." I smirked as i curled up next to him, getting settled in again while also getting warm once again.
He couldn't help but smile when she teased him and when she got back into the bed he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "Mm I'm looking forward to it too babe" ,he told her in response. The man was completely content with the woman and he never wanted to lose her or the boy the three of them came of a shaky start but Snake got used to them and even liked them being there with him.
I gave a small smile to him, as i lay there with him, not moving to much once i'd found a spot with him i was more content with and had settled there. It took me a bit to pass out, my attention wrapped on the storm at times, but then also on him, listening to him breath, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, just listening until i'd managed to pass out for the night.
Once he got comfortable he just laid there with Shade, the storm had died down quite a bit and the rain was a bit soothing. It didn't take long for Snake to fall asleep along with Shade. When he woke up in the morning he got out of bed and made his way over to the pile of wood against the wall and grabbed a few pieces to put into the pit to start a fresh fire. After he started the fire he went to grab the things to make a quick breakfast for everyone before they left.
I perked up shortly after Snake had moved from the bed, relishing he'd moved, but i watched him for a while before i finally got up. I looked over to the boy for a second, still sleeping and smirked at him before i made my way over to Snake, placing my arms just around him from behind when he hadn't been looking and smiled as i peeked over his shoulder some.
When he felt her arms around him he smiled and looked over his shoulder at Shade, "Good morning babe, did you sleep good last night?" ,he asked as his hands made their way down to hold hers. The man could get used to mornings like this just the simple hug made him feel great. Snake turned around to face Shade after a few moments and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her lips softly.
"Slept perfectly." I smiled over his shoulder until he turned around. I'll end up running into town later for a quick grab for some cloths for the boy. Some that will fit him." I told him. Wouldn't take me long, other then having to keep my eyes open for anyone sine i'd had some cloths for the boy before, but had them stashed off in places at times. "You sleep well?" I asked, tossing his questin back at him after i pulled back from the kiss.
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