Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Mm if you're going into town I'm coming with you and there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind" ,he said in response to what she said about going into town. "We can take our new car" ,he continued with a laugh. When she asked if he slept well he kissed her again then pulled away, "I've never slept better babe" ,he told her. "Are you hungry? I got food started".
"No, no cars, if you are coming with me. I'm sure they know well enough that i's missing, and i don't really need to have to worry about anyone spotting us." I told him, not planning to argue with him on the matter of going with me. "Promise i'll stay out of trouble though if you think about staying and let that leg heal some more." I said, as a tease, and not to pick on the topic really. "Food might do well though. I'll wake the boy up later for it though." I replayed to his question.
"You're right we don't need anyone spotting us so we'll walk I've gotta go shopping anyway I'll need to find another way to cover my face though seeing as my cloak is in that assholes place" ,he stated in response. He wasn't too concerned with it seeing as he had a few solid black hoodies and a couple of half masks in his clothes drawers. "I think you and the boy should cover up yourselves as well you'd be less noticeable if you did" ,Snake suggested. He kissed her again just because he felt like it he truly loved the way her lips felt against his.
I gave a faint nod, but then looked over to the boy after kissing him back. "The boy can stay here, just in case anything does go wrong." I told him before pulling away and moving to the boy to wake him up finally. The only thing about him being such a heavy sleeper, meant at times he was just hard as hell to wake up. Thankfully it didn't take me to long before i had him up and moving.
"He can stay here as long as he behaves and stays here make it clear he can't wander off" ,he stated in response. Snake watched as she made her way over to the boy and began to wake him up he made his way over to the fire and continued to cook the food while she woke the boy up. "So should we leave after we eat then get it over with?" ,he asked curiously. He didn't really mind when they left he just wanted an idea of when he should get ready.
The boy gave Snake a look for a second then looked at me when he heard about them leaving for the while. I simply shook my head at him slightly. The boy didn't argue with my silent answer i gave him on going with us. Wasn't like i'd planned on us being gone to long anyway. "After we eat sounds good. Though might need to be safe and tie this boy up so he doesn't follow this time." I said, only teasing the boy slightly, just to get him to smile instead of his little frown he was giving over not being able to go.
Snake laughed at the comment Shade gave making the boy smile, "Besides kid don't you still have that box to go through? We'll be back in no time I promise" ,he told the boy. Snake sat down and made himself a plate and began to eat it and when he finished his food he got up and headed to where his clothes drawers were and grabbed two outfits. He threw one on the bed for Shade then went into a hidden part of the cave to change himself.
It almost seemed like a rather silent morning as the boy ate before going back to the couch where the box was at. I watched him for a moment before looking at Snake when he headed off to change. I'd taken my time eating though before getting up and cleaning up then heading over as the boy turned so his back was to me when i moved to change, letting my back also fall to him as i did so, and then waited on Snake.
When Snake came out he was wearing an outfit much like the one he had on when he went into LA only this one had a hooded jacket and he planned on putting a mask over his face. "I'm ready whenever you are" ,he told Shade. He pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it while he waited taking a nice long drag off of it. Snake looked to the boy and slowly walked over to where the box sat and reached inside it pulling out a pair of radios, "I'll have to get batteries for these while we're out so when the little runt goes outside we can check on him" ,Snake stated before putting the radios back into the box. He gave the boy a smile to let him know he was joking with the runt comment before walking over to Shade to see if she was ready to go.
The boy stuck his tongue out at Snake's comment tossing one of the small stuffed toys he'd found in the box at him and then grinned some. "Might not be a bad idea." I smirked watching for a moment before heading for the door and stopping to see if Snake was coming or not. "I do plan on this being as quick as possible by the way." I said, giving him a heads up that i wasn't exactly going to take my time out there. Not this time anyway.
"Trust me I don't plan on being out there too long either" ,he stated in response as he followed her out the door. When he got outside he didn't waste any time walking towards the town he wanted to get back as soon as possible and the quicker they were the better. Seeing as it was day time the craziness shouldn't be too high in the town and that was a good thing.
I tossed him a smile before we left, staying with him on the way out there, only stopping at two places that i'd had a few small bags of cloths for the boy and myself as well. I was glad so far though seeing as how nobody had bothered us just yet, i only kept hoping it would stay that way the longer we where out here though.
Snake stayed with the woman as she got the boys clothes he was grateful no one had bothered them yet, he was armed just in case anyone wanted to try anything but he wasn't exactly at a hundred percent. When he believed that Shade was finished gathering the boy's clothes he looked at her, "Come on let's go to the store and grab what we need and get the fuck out of here" ,he stated as he ran his finger down the side of her face gently.
I smiled at him for a second, giving him a kiss before nodding lightly. "Don't have to tell me twice on that one. Ready to go whenever you are though." I told him, just before stepping out of the building and looking around for any lurkers just in case before glancing back at him as i waited for him to lead the way this time.
After she told him she was ready whenever he was he smiled then led the way to the store and made his way inside. While there he grabbed everything he needed plus a few extra things for the boy like juice mix and snacks so he didn't have to deal with water all the time. When he was finished he checked out then left. "Well I think that's all I need you ready to go home?" ,he asked Shade.
Home huh? Well, ok, i had to a bit it had a nice sound to it, even if it was in a cave it did better then any place else this world really had to offer. "Always." I told him with a smile, pulling my eyes back to him after having been watching a few other people closely that had been stalking around out side. Thankfully none of Matt's little men, or anyone higher then him. But, i still couldn't help but keep my eyes on them to start with.
Snake smiled then placed his arm around Shade's waist as he began to walk towards the place he called home, he kept looking back at the people Shade had looked at a few times then leaned into her a bit. "Is there something wrong babe?" ,he whispered as he placed a hand on one of his guns. If anyone was going to attempt to attack her Snake was ready to kill them no questions asked.
"No, nothing wrong." I smiled lightly taking a last glance, they didn't seem to follow thankfully, or really seem to care to much to bother looking at them. "Just been a while since i've seen anyone from the other little clan." I admitted, putting my gaze back in front of me as we headed back. "No need to get worked up." I added on leaning into him slightly before shifting back.
When they got back to the cave Snake made his way inside then placed the bags he had gotten onto the table and began to empty them, he made sure he kept what he had gotten for Shade hidden as he placed the other items onto the table. After he was finished emptying the rest of the items onto the table he grabbed the last thing from the bag and hid it behind his back then made his way over to Shade and kissed her on the cheek, "I picked something up for you while we were out" ,he said quietly into her ear.
My eyes landed on the boy once we'd gotten back. He looked as if he hadn't even moved an inch from his spot since we'd left, yet he'd been sitting there playing with the things int he box when i went over and put the bag of his cloths down next to him with a smile. I'd have to get him out to the springs shortly so he'd get cleaned up. After he'd been given his bag, i'd gone and put the other next to the bed before Snake had come up. "Oh?" I asked giving a raise of the eyebrow at him.
Snake brought his hand out from behind his back and showed her what he had gotten for her, "I know you don't like guns so I got you anew blade, one that opens quicker" ,he stated as he held the knife before her. "Now can we please get Mr. Stinky butt to the springs his smell is starting to get over powering" ,he stated jokingly with a laugh. He looked over at the boy and gave him a smile to let him know he was joking around with him again.
I looked at the blade for a second before giving him a smirk just before before i gave him a kiss, even if the boy did look. "You know, once he's clean, then that leaves us after that." I told him so only he could hear. "And i love it. Rather thoughtful." I told him as i then looked at the boy who'd already gathered him some cloths to change into. "Alright, let's go get you cleaned buster." I said, just before giving Snake another quick kiss before i gathered the boy and moved him for the door.
Snake smiled at the thought of getting clean with the woman then as Shade went to gather the boy up to bring him to the springs Snake gathered up the soap and shampoo he had picked up while out. He then made his way out of the cave and headed to the springs, when he got there he set everything down where Shade and the boy could reach it then sat down on the ground and lit a cigarette, he faced away from the spring so the boy wouldn't feel uncomfortable at all while cleaning himself up.
I waited, with my back to the boy until i'd heard him get in, and moved more to the side as i took the cloths he'd just come out of and worked mostly to start cleaning them while the boy cleaned himself up. Once done with them, i simply set them off to the side to dry for the while as i joined Snake while i waited on the boy to finish and get dressed.
He watched as the woman began to clean the boy's dirty clothes and waited for her to be finished. When she joined him he was going to offer her a cigarette but remembered she didn't like smoking around the boy. Snake again placed his arm around her hoping she didn't mind while they waited for the kid to finish washing up.
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