Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Good, something different is well needed while we are out here anyway." I told him. "It's a one day only thing though on this part." I explained to him. I'd have to let him get some pain killers though later as well, but i didn't exactly feel like tossing any thing out with the kid around.
The boy gave a nod in reply when, at the time he'd had food already in his mouth.
He ate and listened as Shade spoke and nodded his head in agreement, when he was finished with his food he set his plate aside and took a deep breath of satisfaction. "I'm tempted to rig the cave to get electricity so we can get a fridge that'll keep eggs and bacon cold so I can have it more often" ,he stated with a small laugh. Snake was grateful that Shade was taking care of him, even though he was a very independent man he knew when he needed help and right now was one of those times.
"I bet you are." I chuckled lightly on the topic. "Think you can handle only having the guys here though for a few hours at a time for the day though? without me here to keep you to much company?" I asked was i was done, and the boy was as well. "And by guys, i mean even Sei-Ten." I added on before the boy would ask if wherever i was going, he could tag along as well.
Snake let out a groan of disappointment, "But Shade" ,he whined playfully. The man was curious as to why she had to leave him again and hoped she wasn't going to get herself into anymore trouble, he lit a cigarette and looked her in the eyes as he took a drag, "So why do you have to leave us this time?" ,he asked.
I'd almost felt like acting as if he was a child when he started into the 'but Shade' part but simply gave him a smirk on it. "I promise i won't be getting into any problems. Not for a while anyway. But, i do plan on picking my personal training back up again for a while. And i would have asked you to go, but you aren't in any shape for it. So, it will be done on my own for a while." I explained to him.
"Alright but please be careful ok babe, I'm really going to miss you when you're gone" ,he told her in response. He took another drag off o his cigarette then looked over to the boy, "So kid what do you want to do today? Remember I'm crippled so we can't get too crazy" ,Snake stated. He looked to Shade and motioned for her to come over to him for a little bit while he waited for the boy's answer.
I gave him a nod with a smile. I wasn't going to just up and promise him i'd be careful. I knew just how into things i'd get once i was moving. Picking up the plates i only gave him a smirk as i headed out of the room with the plates, leaving him there for the moment.
The kid looked up at Snake for a second, and seemed to think about it for a moment, and didn't reply until after Shade left the room. "I was thinking of seeing if the guys would let me help out with keeping watch on the place some. And then pester you as well." He told him.
Snake let out a laugh at the boy's response, "Really now? That sounds terrific kid" ,he stated in response the the kid's answer. He took another drag off of his cigarette then put it out before laying back down on the bed. The man was in for a long day and he knew it at least he'd catch up on sleep that he had missed over the years.
The boy gave a faint smile. "Don't want her knowing though, i think she might not be to happy on either. With you needing your sleep and all for one." He said but didn't pick up on the other part when i'd just reached the top of the stairs and made my way back to the room.
Snake gave the boy a nod and a blatant look that told Shade he was hiding something, it wasn't anything too big in his eyes but he wanted to drive her crazy for a little bit. "So you gonna come over here and see me for a little bit before you go?" ,Snake asked giving her a smile then patting the bed next to him.
I raised an eye brow at the man when i could tell he was hiding something. I glanced at the boy for a second then back to Snake, with a questioning look before he spoke. "Depends on what you are hiding there." I told him, but then noticed the boy slipping out of the room, hoping not to be seen probably. I let him slip out but then glanced back to Snake with a smirk as i moved over to him.
"I'm not hiding anything, that would be too risky in my condition" ,Snake stated in response. "I'd be stupid to do that knowing you'd probably search me". Of course he wasn't physically hiding anything he was just trying to be a ball buster and she probably knew that. He smiled as Shade made her way over to him with a smirk on her face, "What are you smirking about babe?" ,he asked still smiling.
"I'm sure you aren't." I said with a faint chuckle as i stopped about a foot from him, and held that smirk there leaving him to think on it for a second. "Though, i think i'm sure if it came down to it, you would enjoy it if i did search you." I said after making sure the door was shut, or closed enough as i moved to finally sit with him some and only gave a slight tease on the searching manner as i ran my hand slowly down his good side to his waist line before i looked back up at him and then held out the hand i'd had behind my back, holding two small pain pills there in the palm of my hand for him. "Should help you some with your pain." I told him.
"Hm I think you're right I would enjoy that just stay away from my hurt side" ,he stated in response jokingly. When she handed him the pain pills he took them then looked at her, "You know you're such a tease you give me pain pills that will relieve my pain and you're leaving so I can't take advantage of it" ,he teased as ran his finger down her jawline then down between her breasts. "Oh well guess I'll just have to deal with it, maybe I'll color or something while you're gone".
I gave him a smirk at his words about staying away from his hurt side. I didn't really say anything in response to it though. "You poor thing. I only do it to make sure you don't over work yourself." I said just before catching his hand for a second. "I'll be sure to make it up to you once you're better though. I'll let you do whatever then, even if i'm sure you will teas all night on it." I told him before leaning over to give him a kiss.
"I know I know and that's probably a good thing" ,he stated in response. When she mentioned him doing whatever he wanted after he felt better a smirk came across his face, "That sounds like fun babe I'm gonna hold you to it" ,he stated with a devious little laugh to follow. He kissed her back when her lips met his and he sighed with content and closed his eyes while bringing one of his hands up to run his fingers through her hair.
I smiled against his lips, knowing well enough i'd probably end up giving him only some small teasing play on it later, but he didn't kneed to know about it just yet. I pulled back from the kiss after a moment and gave him another smile. "So, get your rest. And please, make sure the kid doesn't go off trying to do anything like helping those guys. I'll lock you both in here if i have to later though." I joked slightly before giving him a quick kiss and moved to get up.
"Well I can't exactly chase him if he runs off" ,Snake replied sarcastically. "Give us something to do while you're gone and it'll be easier to keep him here" ,he teased. When Shade got up Snake sighed knowing that she was leaving he didn't mind her leaving he would just miss her while she was out. The man never thought when he first met her that he would miss her if she ever left him but now he had feeling for her deep feelings.
"Alright, i'll have him bring some things in here." I said over my shoulder before i headed out of the room to find the boy. It took only a moment to get him to find something from the room he'd been in before that had been left there and took it back to the room with Snake and i left him there. "Now you two behave." I told them with a smirk before i left.

The boy just watched as shade left then looked at Snake. "She trying to get you to keep me still huh?" He asked tossing the small stuffed bear over at him and stuck his tongue out with a smile.
"Yeah she is, I thinks she's gone nuts" ,Snake stated in response to the boy. When the bear came flying at Snake he moved out of the way of it then grabbed it and threw it back at the kid. He then smirked and got off of the bed slowly, the pain pills were definitely working and he felt a lot better and he was going to take advantage of it. "Hey kid look what I got" ,he stated before opening the drawer to the bedside table and pulling out a few packs of firecrackers. "I took them from Eddie's house and hid them from Shade but now that she's gone we can have some fun" ,he made his way over to the window and looked to the guys outside. "How much you wanna make a bet that we can freak those guys out and make them think they're getting shot at?" ,he asked the boy.
The boy smirked some on Snake's comment about Shade being nuts. He could only slightly agree with it though but then looked at Snake for a second as he got up before giving a small laugh as he moved over next to Snake. "I'll bet anything one of them might come in and tackle you or something over it." He smirked.
"They can try if they come near me I'll kick their ass injured or not" ,Snake stated in response with a small laugh. He then took one of the fire crackers and lit it before dropping it near one of the guys feet then ducking back into the house. When it went of Snake could hear all the guys guns cock and he laughed at it and looked at the boy, "Told you" ,he stated with a smirk on his face.
The boy dropped to the floor the second Snake dropped the fire cracker out the window and couldn't help but laugh at it as well. He got up slowly and carefully peaked out the window at the guys for a second, watching them for a second as he managed enough to keep from laughing at the sight before quickly drawing back when one finally decided to look up.
Snake enjoyed a laugh with the kid, "Those guys are so stupid, nice guys but stupid" ,he stated right before lighting three in a row and throwing them in different places. He then ducked back into the window as they all went off, the sounds of the men's guns cocking again was heard followed by an actual gun shot which made Snake laugh even harder then he did the first time.
The boy just laughed as he listened Before perking up at the sound of one of them heading on inside. "Ah, back in bed." the boy said,ducking under the bed at that same time as he listened to whoever it was out of them moving around down stairs before making there way up the stairs. He peeked out from under the bed, only moving once to grab the bear on the floor and pulling it out of sight with him back under the bed.
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