Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"You are such a horrible lier." I smirked as i moved over to him. I stopped just next to him and peeked over at his paper. "Uh huh, you've been coloring all day i'm sure." I said before moving over to sit on the bed next to him. "You know, if i have to, i'll get some rope from the guys down there and tie you to the bed to make sure you don't move, or pick on them for a while either." I told him.
"Pfft I wasn't picking on anyone and if you try to tie me up I'll kick your ass" ,he stated with a smirk. He put the paper and crayon down on the bedside table then looked at Shade, "So where did you go and how come you're all cut up?" ,he asked curiously. The man really hoped that she hadn't gotten herself into any trouble while she was out and he was trying to change the subject.
"You kidding, you wouldn't be able to do much to me in the state you are in." I pointed out, carefully running a hand down along his side. "And you mean, other then from where Matt had gotten his grubby littler fingers on me, and the fact only some of them had decided to open back up?" I asked, but added on before he could reply. "Like i said before, i was out training, practicing, you know, that kind of thing." I told him.
"Hm let me fix you up in a little bit I'll make sure the cuts don't open up again" ,he stated in response to what she had said about her cuts. "As for me not being able to do much in the state I am you'd be surprised sweetheart" ,he teased. Snake rolled so that he was facing Shade and smiling, "I missed you punk and then you come back to me all bloody" ,he gave her a playful frown before kissing her on the cheek.
"At least i did come back. And you so much as even try to get up again, i will tie you down." I told him. "At the moment my small little cuts, have nothing compared to you having been shot. You do get shot way to much." I told him as my hand came around to run over his waist line then up to his stomach. "I'm not kidding though on having to tie you down though."
"Mm be careful I might like it" ,he teased at her. "And I don't have to get up to fix your cuts babe I'll just have one of the guys bring up a first aid kit for me" ,he continued. Snake let his own hands caress her stomach in return being careful not to touch any cuts knowing they probably stung a bit. He looked into her eyes as he touched her softly and he smiled just glad that she was there with him now.
"Oh, i'm sure you would like it, until i left you there to make sure you wouldn't be able to again until i got back. And i'm sure that could become a hassle for you." I chuckled some. "But, there will be no fun time for you anyway until you are doing better, without pain killers." I told him, letting him know that a head of time, and that if anything i'd be giving him some teasing if i had to tie him down just to get it done.
"You're mean" ,he stated simply. He was joking of course and it was clear by the tone in his voice and the way he turned and crossed his arms over his chest then turned his head away from her. "Don't you dare come near me with any rope or we're gonna be fighting bottom line" ,he joked. "Can we at least cuddle for a little while"? Snake knew he sounded cheesy and really unlike himself but he was slowly starting to realize that Shade brought out a different side of him that was different from the normal.
I gave him a smirk at his act and moved to get up. "You want to cuddle with somebody like me who is sitting here slowly bleeding, and planning on trying to possibly tie you down anyway later on just for the hell of it?" I joked right back as i got up and moved for the door, looking back over at him for a second a smirk still on my face.
"I meant after your cuts were cleaned and bandaged ya jerk and yes I would still cuddle with you no matter how much of a punk you are" ,he told her in response. When she went to move for the door again he sighed and gave her a frown, "Where are you going now?" ,he said in a mock sad tone.
"To get the first aid kit. Somebody has to get it, and you don't kneed to be moving anyway." I told him, sticking my tongue out at him and then left before he could say anything else. I didn't go back up for a short while, jut to leave him wondering some as i got the kit before finally heading back up to him. When i got back i shut the door behind me, and moved back over to him, placing the first aid kit next to him.
He stuck his tongue out at her in return and gave her a look right before she left, while he was waiting for her to come back he lit up a cigarette seeing he hadn't smoked one nearly all day. When she came back and set the first aid kit on the bed he looked at her, "OK lift up your shirt" ,he stated as he opened up the kit and got the stuff out to clean her up and bandage her wounds.
There wasn't much to lift up, since my shirt was short enough to let my stomach show. I removed my shirt though and let it fall to the floor since the door was shut, and moved to sit on the side of the bed there next to him. My eyes fell on the door though for the moment, letting my back face him first before he'd end up reaching more closer around to my stomach.
When she removed her shirt Snake moved over to her and began to clean up her cuts then proceeded to bandage them, she had quite a few and he didn't like that at all. "There you're all set now why don't you relax a bit and let yourself heal up a bit before you go running around again" ,he stated in a sort of teasing but serious tone.
I listened to the rain outside as he worked, letting it take my mind instead of having to worry about thinking on the pain that shot through me while he'd worked on the one that had been just over the scar on my back first and then the others. My mind pulled back to him the second he spoke up. "I won't be going back out anyway until tomorrow." I told him as i settled back more next to him.
"Hm I think I may have to tie you down hon" ,he stated in response to her comment about going out the next day. Snake may have been hurt worse then her but it still didn't matter to him, the fact that she was going out while hurt put her in more danger and the last thing he wanted was for her to get seriously hurt without him or anyone else to help her out.
"I'd like to see you try." I teased some, hoping he really wouldn't try stopping me from going out again to train more or not. Then again, knowing him, he probably would one way or another. If i had to though, i'd leave before he woke so i could train more. Well it was a thought anyway as i moved up against him to lay there.
"Oh if I knew for sure you were putting yourself in any danger I would try" ,he told her this time his tone was serious. Snake had never felt this way about anyone nor cared about anyone as much as he cared about Shade and losing her was the last thing he wanted. When she laid against him he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, enjoying the moment while it was there.
I gave a sigh at his words but simply hesitated for a second before i spoke. I'd known well enough what it was i had planned, though i had a feeling he wouldn't approve of it fully anyway. And i'd had my mind made up the moment he'd left the first time, not having expected him to show back up for any reason. "i don't plan on putting myself into harms way for a while. Just training myself is all." I told him.
Snake let out a sigh and just continued to hold her, "Every time you go out there you put yourself in harms way, I'm not gonna make you stay just be careful" ,he stated quietly. He didn't want to bother her on the subject seeing as he had no right too after what he had done but he really didn't know what in the fuck was going on in that point of time and felt like she had betrayed him. "I just want to keep you around for a while that's all".
"I could say the same about you when you go out there you know." I told him, not really wanting to admit it but did anyway. "We all get put in harms way when we step out there. There is no stopping it really." I pointed out. "But, as far as i know, there is still only one guy left that has a problem with me for his own reasons, and i'm not going to let a loose end stay around all to long if i can help it. I made that mistake before with Matt a few times. And Tallon just happens to be more on tactics then just thinking of things as a game." I told him.
"I suppose you're right babe I just care about you that's all" ,he told her. When she mentioned Tallon he sighed, "You should let me help you I know it's your fight and you can kill him I just want to be there to back you up" ,he suggested. He kissed her on the forehead softly as he held her taking in the warmth of her body against his, loving the feeling.
"I didn't plan on going alone actually. And i'll tell you know, i've got at least one other person who also wants to see that man fall." I told him. I shifted some to look at him better and gave him a soft smile. "Even if you hadn't showed up, i wouldn't have gone alone. But, the fact that you did come back, only lets me know i will at least be able to get out of it alive though." I told him.
He gave her a confused look when she had mentioned someone else going with her, he knew damn well it wasn't the boy and he started to wonder again, "Who would be going with you?" ,he asked. Snake wasn't a jealous man he just liked to be the one to protect Shade and he hated the fact he couldn't at that point in time. He sighed then rolled onto his back, "Seeing as you won't be needing me I guess I'll be a good little cripple and take a nap" ,he stated sarcastically.
"He's a friend from the other little cult. But the only one i'd known before everything went down. And the others in his group doesn't know he's been helping me out." I sighed explaining it to him but then gave a groan as i looked at Snake and took the pillow out from under him and then hitting his head with it. "If you go getting jealous on me, i'll have to put you in line hun." I told him.
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