Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"You never ask about anything for me to tell you about it. Hell, i clearly haven't been asking you things either since i didn't think you ran with others like those guys over there." I told him. "But seeing how when i do tell you about something like this, you go off the deep end. Kind of makes me wonder just what all i should and shouldn't be sharing with you. Mainly when you've been shot and need to heal."
Snake didn't say anything in response he just sat there quietly he didn't want to argue anymore and he knew if he opened his mouth again then that was where it was going to lead to. He sighed then got up slowly, "I'll go back upstairs and lay down" ,he said quietly before walking off holding his side. When he got into the room he got onto the bed slowly and laid down on the side that wasn't hurt.
I watched him as he headed off. I wasn't sure if i should follow after him or not at the moment. I wanted to follow and clear some things up, but then again i wasn't to sure on how well that would go or not if i did at the moment. Once he was out of sight i tossed my gaze down to where he had been sitting and moved to work on cleaning up the spot where he'd been bleeding to more or less help get it out of sight.
Snake lit a cigarette like he usually did when he was stressed or bored and took a drag off of it while looking around the room. He was in a shit ton of pain and he kinda regretted the way he had snapped at Shade but if she only knew how he felt about her and how damn rare it was for him to feel the way he did then she'd know why he was so jealous. Then again maybe he was just being an asshole about everything and she wasn't really doing anything wrong.
It took me a while before i was done with the project i'd given myself of cleaning up, even though i wasn't to sure it would matter since i didn't plan on anyone staying longer then needed or wanted. I looked over the guys keeping watch even though they really didn't need to, while the boy pestered them at the same time. My eyes moved to the stairs, thinking about going up there after Snake, but then decided against it as i moved around to another room more away from the others and relaxed against the well there behind the door.
After a while Snake figured Shade had left again and he sighed then got up slowly and made his way back downstairs so that he could get something to eat. He had been hungry before they had started fighting and almost forgot about it until his stomach growled and reminded him just how hungry he was. When he got into the kitchen he looked around until he found something he wanted then got the stuff to cook it in and started to make the food, he made enough for everyone to have figuring the guys outside and the boy were hungry and he figured Shade was all set seeing as she was no where in sight.
I'd shifted slightly at the sound of the sudden movement in the other rooms, bringing me back from having almost been ready to pass out there. I didn't move though from where i was, and just stayed there, despite the smell of food after a while. I tossed a glare off to the wall opposite from me before shutting my eyes again while i moved my foot to push the door shut, leaving a crack, before settling back down there again.
When he was finished cooking he walked out to where the guys were and shouted out to them, "HEY, COME IN FOR THE NIGHT FOOD'S DONE, YOU TO SEI TEN!" ,he said before walking back into the house still holding his side and letting out little sounds of pain as he walked. Snake made himself a plate then sat down at the table that was in the kitchen and started to eat his food, he wasn't sure if he would be able to make it back upstairs when he got tired so he would probably crash on the couch for the night when he was ready.
The boy glanced over at Snake when he called to them and headed on in. He glanced around for a second not seeing Shade, but knowing she hadn't left either. He didn't say anything on it though as he got himself some food and had a seat there, taking his time eating for the moment.
When the boy sat down Snake looked over at him then went back to eating his food, he too was taking his time eating he had nothing better to do anyway. "So what have you been up to?" ,Snake finally asked the boy before taking another bite of food.
The boy glanced up at Snake when he spoke up. "Been getting away with pestering the guys while Shade hasn't gotten after me yet for getting them to let me help them keep watch and all that." He said before taking another bite. "How about you? Your side doing any better?" He asked.
"Shade probably won't get on you for it much at all tonight honestly" ,he stated in response. "As for my side it hurts like hell" ,he told him. After Snake was finished with his food he lit a cigarette then got up slowly and made his way over to the couch and sat down while he smoked the cigarette, he looked to the boy again, "You can have some more fun for a little while but then it's lights out alright". He wasn't sure how the boy would take it but he knew it was what Shade would've wanted for the boy.
The boy nodded lightly as he watched Snake move once he was done before he went back to eating, only shortly after playing with what was left of his food, that not being to much anyway while he just sat there. He perked up though at the sound of a thud from one of the other rooms, not knowing it was the room Shade was in and had gone and passes out, sliding over and hitting the floor.
Snake heard the thud too and stood up to follow the boy wondering what in the hell it was, he was slow to get there and when he did he didn't go inside. He looked at the boy, "What the hell was that noise?" ,he asked not looking away from the boy.
The boy looked around for a second, not really seeing anything at first until he moved more into the room then turned and then noticed Shade more to the side just behind the door before looking at Snake. "Um, well looks to me like somebody passed out for the night." He said moving the door some and he pointed over at Shade there.
When the boy spoke then pointed Snake looked and seen Shade laying on the floor, "Oh no she hasn't, not there anyway" ,he stated before getting down to the floor slowly wincing in pain as he did so. "Shade....Come on get up" ,he said as he shook her. "Let's go to bed".
The boy just watched for a moment while Snake shook her some. It seemed to take a bit before i actually opened my eyes though, coming around to being shook. I moved to sit back up at seeing Snake and Sei-Ten there. It took me only a few seconds to keep my eyes open though as i looked at the two. "Why aren't you in bed resting?" Was all i had to say at that time as i looked more to Snake.
"It was too cold without you in it that's why" ,he stated. Yeah it was cheesy but that's how he felt now that he had gotten used to holding her during the night. "Come on, come to bed with me....please" ,he said the last part a bit quieter then the rest of his response but he said it loud enough for her to hear him. Snake got to his feet slowly and when he was finally standing up he reached out for Shade to grab his hand hoping she would accept his offer.
I just looked at him for a second before finally giving in for the moment as i took his hand and had to use the wall behind me though with my free hand the second i'd started getting up, a pain shooting through me from more then likely having pushed myself a bit to hard before and so suddenly all the same. "I'll get you some pain killers" I told him, as i moved out of the room and went for where i'd stashed the pills to get him some before heading back around to see where he was at since i hadn't left much time for him to really get after me if he had noticed just how i'd gotten up or not.
Snake followed Shade out of the room and walked until he caught up with her, "Why don't you take some too you look like you can use them" ,he stated his tone showed concern. He looked around before wrapping his arms around her gently, "I'm sorry" ,he whispered. It was simple but the way he said it got to the point, the man was sorry for how he acted and he was starting to feel bad for the way he treated her.
I gave a faint smile to him. "I'll be fine." I told him on the point of taking some myself as i help the pills out for him. "Nothing sleep shouldn't be able to fix." I told him, even though he was probably right, but then again i wasn't even sure since the pain had been coming from my leg for the most part. Something i'd have to check out later though when i was sure nobody would be around to see whatever it might have been either. "Let's get you to bed, and i'll see about accepting your apology." I told him as i pulled back from his grip some so he'd be able to take the pills.
He sighed at her comment about his apology but said nothing and just took the pills. Snake motioned for her to come with him as he made his way back up the stairs. When he got into the room he made his way over to the bed and laid down then pulled the covers onto himself and waited to see if Shade had followed or not, he really hoped the pain killers would kick in soon.
I let him get a head of me as i moved to get the boy and had him moving up up the stairs as well while i trailed behind and got him settled in for the night until i'd made my way around to another room, empty all but for a chair off to the side. I figured Snake would be a while before his pills would kick in and so i moved over to the chair and sat there, before i found a small slit in my jeans. I only made it worse as i pulled at it until i was able to get a better hold of the fabric to rip it until i'd be able to see my own leg. I probably could have just took the pants off, but then again i had left the door open. I was shocked though at what i'd found, even if the cut was small enough that it wouldn't have looked to have done anything, it was clear there was something more to it, where it looked more like there was a poison that had been put there. It wasn't until then that it had hit me as to how it would have even been possible though, and it left me trying to figure out why.
After a little while as soon as the pain killers kicked in he got up wondering where in the hell Shade was. He made his way out the door and looked around then stepped out of the room to search the house. When he finally found her he walked up behind her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders, "Are you alright Shade?" ,he asked quietly as he began to massage her shoulders gently. He could tell she was tense just with a touch and he got to work on the knots in her neck.
I'd been a bit lost in thought on it when Snake came in, not having payed attention as to how long i'd waisted there for those pills to start working for him. There was somebody i needed to talk to, though at the point in time i wasn't sure if Snake would want to here about it even before i might given him the reason why. "I'm fine, no kneed to worry about me." I moved the fabric back over my leg as i looked back at him with a smile to only try and help make the lie a little more convincing.
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