Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Ok babe but as long as you take care of yourself too" ,he stated in response. He winced a little bit as she pulled the bandages off and when she was done he let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding in. When she finished putting a fresh bandage on him he gave her a smile, "Thank you nurse Shade" ,he stated jokingly. "Hm come to think of it I think you'd look good in a skimpy little nurses outfit" ,he teased. The man knew he was probably going to get hit for his little comment but he didn't really care it was totally worth it.
I raised a eyebrow as i looked at him for his comment and patted the side of his face. "Keep dreaming on it Hun. Don't plan on ever getting into such outfits." I told him with a slightly wicked smirk before i moved back and started with my leg. I looked at it for a second once the bandage was off of it. I couldn't see where there was anything left, but only where he'd run his blade over it to help with cleaning things out. Just another scar to chalk up it seemed as i started to wrap it back up again.
Snake laughed he knew there was no chance in hell Shade would ever wear an outfit like that he was just picking on her for the hell of it. He watched as she patched herself up and when she was finished he looked her in the face, "When did you want to leave?" ,he asked curious as to when she had planned to head back with him and the boy.
"Whenever you are ready to go." I told him, getting straight to the point as i answered his question before moving over to him as i ran a hand over his chest before giving him a kiss but then pulled back after a moment. "And, i do still plan on training myself once we get back. You can watch if you want, but, no joining until that side is in better shape."
"Ok we can get going soon then and you need to rest up that damn leg Shade stop fucking pushing yourself or you're gonna end up hurting yourself even more" ,he stated in response to her. "If I'm not allowed to do anything neither are you". Snake crossed his arms over his chest then looked at her his expression wasn't mean nor overly serious he was just concerned that was all.
"You've been getting hit worse then me you know." I pointed out but then gave up as i dropped down next to him on the bed. "It's going to feel like forever you know, not being able to do much of anything. That alone might just kill me." I joked some with a smirk as i watched him for a second.
"OH yeah well how do you think I feel huh? I wish I could do my daily routine I feel so fucking useless right now" ,he stated in response to her. "In case you haven't noticed yet I'm not the type of guy that likes to sit around I like to be active". Snake gave her a smile to let her know he wasn't trying to complain he was just stating a fact.
I tossed a smirk over at him. "Alright, well, tell you what. Today is the last day we get to be active then. Seeing how we have to get you back tot he cave in once peace. And i'll waist away the next week with you just laying around in bed then. Sound like a deal? After that, i'll get to wipe the floor with you, or vise-versa, so we can try getting back into some kind of a routine again." I told him as i sat up again. "So, whenever you are ready to go."
"Sounds like a plan babe" ,he stated giving her a smirk right back. He got up off of the bed and put his shirt on and looked at her, "I'm ready to get the fuck out of here and go back home" ,he stated before making his way out the room and down the stairs. "Come on Sei Ten we're going home get in the car" ,he stated after getting down the stairs. He told the men they were relieved of their duty and he even thanked them for helping out.
I watched as he got up. I didn't hesitate to move as i grabbed the bottle of painkillers and moved after him. I was slightly shocked though when he actually thanked the guys for helping out, even though there job had consisted of keeping guard and being picked on by both him and the boy as well. I gave a light nod to the guys as i moved the boy on out and over to the car, getting in after him.
When Shade and the boy got into the car so did Snake, he started up the engine then drove off towards the cave. He did the same thing he had when he first got the car and parked it a little ways off from where the cave was when they got there. Snake got out of the car and lit a cigarette then made his way to the cave then went inside when he got there. His first instinct was to check everything and make sure nothing looked to be fucked with, he had certain traps set that weren't visible to anyone but him in case someone did come in and try to be discreet about it.
Nothing had been out of place once they got there, my eyes scanned as well, but not knowing he had anything set up as i moved the boy on inside. It felt good to be here again and i watched as the boy moved over to the coach where the box still sat for him, as if it had just been waiting on him, then shifted my eyes over to Snake.
It had been a week since they had gotten back and Snake's stitches were almost ready to come out, the wound was healing perfectly with the way it was being taken care of and Snake had little to no pain left in his side now. He sat by the fire smoking his cigarette as he cooked some food for the three. It was nice to finally be back in the comfort of his own home without all the bullshit that the town brought.
I watched Snake and the boy from where i was still laying on the bed. I'd been getting a lot of pain that last day, and today, but i didn't show it. I hadn't even thought to look either since i still hadn't changed the bandage for the night. It had been fine the night before, but it wasn't until the night had come that the pain had shot through me. I'd hoped to be able to sleep it away, but i'd been wrong when the day so far had been painful. I tried to ignore it though, not thinking about it as i just watched the guys for the while.
When the food was finished Snake took it off of the fire and brought it to the table and set everything up so that they could eat. "Shade food's done come get something to eat" ,he stated as he made the boy a plate and set it down before making one for himself and Shade. After he finished making the plates he sat down and began to eat his own food while he waited for Shade and the boy to sit down and eat.
I had to admit i was a bit reluctant to move suddenly as i watched the boy move over to go and join Snake to eat. Once i was up, i just stood there for a second before moving over to join them at the table to eat with them, not showing to much of a sign at the pain that had shot through me while i'd been on my feet, moving as if nothing was wrong, other then a smile limp here and there.
He didn't noticed Shade's limping mainly because he had gotten used to her limping over the last week, when she sat down he looked at her and gave her a smile. Snake ate relatively quickly then sat back when he was finished and lit a cigarette, "So who's up for a run today?" ,he asked looking to both Shade and the boy.
The boy raised his hand quickly while he still had his mouth full at that moment, his eyes a bit big at being able to finally go back outside after having to stay inside for a week when Shade hadn't been so willing for him to go out of sight for a 'just in case' thing mostly.
I gave a smile at the two of them but had to turn it down as i finished eating. "You two get to have fun with out me this run." I told them and gave Snake a smile on it.
"Your leg should feel better by now babe, come for a run we'll take it easy on you" ,Snake stated in response. He looked to the boy and gave him a nudge, "So where should we go today? Wanna go swimming I think I'm healed enough to at least do that" ,he continued. Snake took another drag off of his cigarette as he waited for the boy to answer and leaned back in his chair.
He was right, it should have been but yet the pain had only gotten worse over the last night. I didn't understand why just yet. "You don't need me slowing your run down." I told him as i cleaned up after the boy was done eating before i moved back over to the bed and started to take the bandage off my leg.

"How about a race to the lake, then once she catches up we can tag team her while swimming?" The boy asked.
I looked over at the boy for a second at his idea then over at Snake. "Wait, what is this about a tag team?"
"I don't mind it babe I'd like you to come with us even if we have to go slower" ,he told her in response. Snake then looked at the boy after he made the comment about tag teaming Shade at the lake and laughed, "Yeah this is my new partner in crime so you're in trouble now" ,Snake told her with a smirk on his face letting her know he was joking.
I just tossed Snake a smirk as i watched him for the moment before finally looking back down at my leg once it was fully unwrapped. I froze there for a second at understand suddenly why there was a pain there, even though the night before it hadn't been there, but had suddenly seemed to just spread like a wild fire in my leg. I gritted my teeth as i moved over to wrap my leg back up. "I think you will have to cancel that idea boys."
Snake looked at her as she gritted her teeth, "What's wrong? Why does your leg hurt so much?" ,he asked with a serious tone in his voice. He knew damn well she was in pain and she shouldn't be in that much pain if i had been fixed up properly and he had a feeling that it wasn't and it wasn't just because he didn't like the guy who had 'fixed it'.
"Sei-Ten, stay here please." I said as i got up and headed for the door. "And i'm driving as a heads up." I told Snake, but didn't give him an answer to his question, while i tried for the moment to hide the anger that had shot up. I gave him a look though that i'd tell him more in a bit, since the boy was there at the moment while i headed on out and around to where the car was then waited for Snake to catch up. While i waited, i took the bandage back off, so when he would show up, he'd be able to get his answer while i just sat there on the hood of the car to wait.
When she told the boy to stay there then mentioned she was driving then walked outside Snake went over to the boy and motioned for him to follow him. He showed Sei Ten a hiding spot for in case anyone happened to show up while they were gone, he then armed himself with the usual weapons and made his way outside to the car. Snake took one look at Shade's leg, "What the fuck is this? I'm gonna kill him" ,he stated simply. "Let's go". He got into the passengers side of the car and waited for Shade, the man was livid and it wasn't hard to tell.
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