Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"As sneaky as it gets around here knowing there isn't much we can hide from you to start with." I smirked at him before giving him a kiss but then hearing the boy give a fake gag on it i just laughed some over it. "Think you can get him wound down for the night though since you brought him back somehow all worked up."
Snake laughed at the boy's reaction to the kiss Shade had given him, "Oh shut it you" ,he stated jokingly to the boy. He then looked back at Shade, "I can try to get him to calm down" ,Snake stated quietly so that only Shade could hear him. He discreetly nibbled on her ear afterwards then looked at her and smirked.
The boy just stuck his tongue out at both of us as i couldn't help but smile at the boy before i looked back over at Snake and gave him another kiss. "I think you will do well. Careful though, i think he might bite if you keep it up." I joked with him as i ran a finger down the center of his chest and stopping just at his waist line while the boy wasn't looking. "Have fun." I then added on patting his chest with a smirk before laying back down in the bed.
Shade was definitely making Snake want the kid to relax and take a nap if possible, the woman made him want her, she knew what she was doing and it was definitely working on Snake. "Hey Sei Ten why don't you take a little nap You must be tired after that long trip we went on today" ,Snake stated. He leaned down and gave Shade a kiss before looking to see what the boy was gonna say to his little suggestion.
The boy shook his head at first, not willing to take a nap, or go to bed as he picked the ball u again and tossed it at Snake and stuck his tongue out just before managing to muffle a yawn and give a grin instead. "Not ready for sleep." He told Snake as he crossed his arms over his chest as he just sat there for the moment.
"Yeah you're not tired" ,Snake stated sarcastically after seeing the boy hide his yawn. When the ball was thrown back at him he grabbed it and tossed it back at the boy, "You can stay up then all day and night if you want" ,Snake told him. He then looked over to Shade to see what her reaction would be to his little offer.
"Really?" The boy asked, his eyes getting a bit wide at this bit of information. I just looked over at Snake, a bit shocked at first before tossing him a playful glare.
"Yeah, if you don't have a problem with us kissing." I smirked up at Snake just before giving him a kiss, but laughed slightly when the boy did his fake little gag again and made himself lay down on the coach.
"Yeah Really" ,Snake stated in response to the boy. He smiled at Shade when she gave him the glare then returned her kiss when she gave him one. Snake laughed again when the boy made his way over to the couch and laid down, "Is that all it took? A kiss?" ,he stated before leaning forward to kiss her again.
"He is still a kid after all." I said so only Snake could hear after i kissed him back before moving so that he was laying just next to me while i moved into his arms but able to still keep an eye on the boy. "Doesn't take to much." I smirked. "Mainly when it's not like he has a different room to play in for the while." I added on, watching the boy still trying to fight from being tired.
"Hm you're right" ,he stated in response to her. He looked over at the boy on the couch before wrapping his arms around Shade, "Maybe I can figure something out and set him up his own room or we can try and find a new place that has a room for him" ,he told her. Of course Snake didn't want to move from where he was but he also didn't want the boy to have to feel uncomfortable sharing a room with him and Shade.
"I think we can set something up for him in here. Get him a little more use to the tunnels and such Can't say i'd be to easy about having to find a new place really. Like it out here after all. Means i get to keep you to myself." I teased at the end. "Unless you plan on getting off this damn planet at any point." I told him, but then again i wasn't to sure i'd be settled with that either, since i'd probably end up feeling out of place knowing, there was a thing about who was and wasn't aloud off this planet.
"Alright sounds good to me" ,he stated in response to the idea of setting the boy up a room in the cave. When she mentioned getting off the planet he thought for a moment and looked at her, "You know I never really considered getting off of Earth could be something to think about actually imagine the look on the president's face if I were to show up and point a gun right between his eyes" ,Snake stated. "I think we should consider it Shade".
I smirked at the idea he'd planted in my mind, just painting that picture there. "I can see that. Would probably start a little war out there." I chuckled lightly at the thought of it then moved and gave him another kiss. "Can think about it later though." I said when the boy was suddenly out of it.
"Sounds good to me and I don't mind waiting until later to think about it" ,Snake stated in response. He then looked over at the boy when she did, "I knew he was tired" ,he said with a small laugh before looking back to Shade, "So how is your leg feeling? Is it any better then it was before" ,he asked before kissing her on the forehead.
"Oh, he knew it as well, and was just trying to fight it." I laughed slightly as i shifted my leg slightly, testing it before i gave him a reply. "Doing as good as it can for the moment. Nothing i can't handle after all." I smiled just before kissing him. "Don't think i will have t worry to much on any problems with it after this. And like hell i hope i'm not wrong."
When she answered him he gave her a smile, "I hope you're not wrong too if anything else happens to you I'm gonna fucking kill that guy" ,Snake stated in response. He then leaned in to kiss her again, "I don't like seeing you in pain" ,he told her as he ran his fingers through her hair a bit.
"Even if nothing happens, you know i don't have a problem with you killing him anyway. And i can honestly say the same about you when it comes down to having to see you in any kind of pain." I told him just before the kiss. I kissed him back, letting my hands slide under his shirt to trail random patterns over his skin.
As soon as her hands went underneath his shirt he deepened the kiss a bit, he loved her touch and having her body next to his, just being close. He let his finger tips run over her bare stomach gently as they kissed, he smiled into the kiss after a few moments then pulled away. "I love when you touch me" ,he whispered before returning his lips to hers.
"I know you do." I smiled as he pulled away and having replied before he returned to kissing me again. "And i love getting to be able to touch you." I told him after pulling away this time from the kiss while my fingers kept up with making there random patterns over his skin, teasing only slightly with it for the moment.
"Mm well you can touch me whenever you want too hon" ,he stated in response with a smile on his face. He bit his lower lip as she continued to run her fingers over his skin, "That feels good" ,he told her quietly right before a sigh of content escaped his lips. His hands made their way to her hips and he gently pulled her into him wanting to be closer to her.
I gave him a soft smile at his comment and didn't plan on stopping any time soon at the moment, enjoying the reactions i was getting out of him over it. The man felt great under my touch and i enjoyed just that much of him either way. I gave him a kiss just before looking over at the boy when he shifted but gave a sigh at knowing he was already a sleep and out of it over there. "Oh yeah, need to work on getting him a room set up." I chuckled lightly.
Snake smiled and laughed at her comment about getting the boy a room set up, "I'll go into the town that's past the woods and the spring and take the boy with me so we can shop around for a bed and a dresser, I'll get him some more clothes and toys and stuff too the town through the woods is a lot more friendly then the one we have been going to the only downfall is it's further away" ,he told her. The kid deserved something for everything he had done and how well he behaved, Snake liked the kid and was showing that he did. Snake gave Shade another smile before leaning in and kissing her deeply while he moved his own hands over her body, taking in every curve as he did so.
I smiled at his words kissing him back. It was nice to at least know he cared for the kid, while there had been others out there who clearly didn't. My hands moved over him, coming up to rest around his shoulders while i slid the better leg over his waist, pulling myself up against him there.
When she moved closer to him he wrapped his arms around her then deepened the kiss, his hands gently caressing her back. He loved being so close to her and being able to hold her and just be with her. Little sounds of content escaped his lips through the kiss and he held her close to him.
My fingers found there way into his hair, playing around with it some as my lips held on his, enjoying the feel of him there so close before my hands found there way back around to rest on his chest, fingers drawing around in random ways over him.
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