Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

The boy nodded in reply as he looked around the spot again for a moment before following after Snake. "That's good. And sounds like we should get him that bed then." I smiled. "Descent size i take it?" I asked looking over at the boy while he nodded. I then looked back at Snake and gave him a kiss.
Snake returned her kiss then looked to the boy, "Let's get going we'll get food first then go shopping for the kid and we'll stop at that store I mentioned for you Shade" ,he stated giving her a smile. "Get dressed kid you too Shade" ,he thought for a moment then looked at Shade, "Do you need help getting dressed?" ,he asked to make sure if she needed any help he'd be able to help her.
I gave him a slightly questioning look at first over his question before i tossed him a teasing grin on it as i moved to get up, the by finding a change of cloths and headed off to get changed while i did the same where i was. "I think i can handle, unless you want to try helping." I said in a bit of a tease as i got dressed.
Snake let out a laugh after Shade teased him, "I'm gonna go start the car" ,he told her before leaning down to give her a kiss. He let his lips linger on hers for a few moments before he broke the kiss and made his way outside. When he got to the car he got into the driver's seat and started up the engine then lit a cigarette while he waited for Shade and the boy.
I watched as he left while i finished getting dressed and then waited on the boy before i got up from the bed, having used it more for a prop when i needed to get my pant leg over the one leg without any problems. Once outside, i smirked as i watched the boy take off in the direction of the car while i caught up on my own time.
He waited until they were settled and in the car before driving through the woods, it was a lot harder then driving to the town they had been going to for the past few weeks but where they were going was a lot nicer and safer then the other town. When Snake got to the town he drove up to a place that looked like a regular house. "Alright let's go get some food" ,he stated before getting out of the car. He waited for Shade and the boy before he made his way inside.
I bit back a smirk at his driving through the woods and thought about telling him to pull over at one point to let me drive, but i didn't bother with it, and just enjoyed it, would give me something to pick at on him later with, even if i was sure it might lead to him only picking right back. I looked the place over for a second before i finally got out of the car and followed Snake and the boy inside.
When he got inside he walked up to a desk that was in the front and looked to the woman sitting at it, "Just want breakfast" ,he stated. The place rented rooms out as well to people who needed them, the town they were in was probably the most normal out of any other town in the area and a lot of places were still ran without any issues. "Three people?" ,the woman asked looking at Snake then Shade and the boy. "Yeah" ,he answered. "Right this way guys" ,the woman stated before getting up and leading them to the dining room and getting them settled at a table. "Your waitress will be with you shortly" ,she told them as she handed them each a menu.
"You know the people huh?" I asked once she was gone, giving him a teasing glare to know i was mostly joking with him at the moment While i looked through the menu with the kid when it was rather clear he didn't exactly know what all to look at to know just where or what he might possibly like.
"Yeah I do not her though I've never seen her before" ,he stated in response to Shade. He looked through the menu and finally decided on bacon and eggs with home fries and toast, Snake put the menu down and waited for the waitress to come over. He noticed the boy wasn't too familiar with the menu and he smiled a bit, "Why don't you get some pancakes kid they're pretty good" ,he told the kid trying to help him out. After a few moments a woman came over with a smile on her face, "Well there's a face I haven't seen in a while" ,she stated as she placed a hand on Snake's shoulder. "What brings you here Plissken?" ,she asked, her eyes then shifted to Shade and the boy. "Just came here to get something to eat Jen" ,he stated in response. "Well what'll it be guys?" ,she asked.
My eyes slide over to the girl for a second before i put my attention back on the boy to finish helping him make up his mine, before letting him order, then also getting something as well before my eyes shifted over to Snake for a second then to the girl, almost as if giving a silent question for the moment anyway.
After they ordered the woman smiled then made her way towards the kitchen to put their orders in with the cook. Snake looked at Shade and noticed the questioning look on her face. "Relax she's just an acquaintance" ,he stated. He knew that she was probably going to say something anyway but he figured he would let her know there wasn't anything to worry about. Just then the woman came back and placed glasses of orange juice down in front of everyone, "These are on the house cook said it's nice to hear you dropped by" ,she stated before again grabbing hold of Snake's shoulder and giving it a squeeze before walking off again.
"Yeah, i might take a hand if she does that again." I said so only he could hear while the boy was mostly looking around at the moment. I knew Snake might have thought as the girl as one thing, but the look in the girls eyes, to me, looked like she'd only wanted more from him. Leg messed up or not, i was sure as hell willing to take that hand from her if she kept it up.
Snake let out a laugh at what Shade said then placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hon I have no interest in her even if she has interest in me I only have eyes for you and considering how I was when we first met you should know that" ,he told her. After a little while the woman came back with their plates and set them down in front of them, "Enjoy" ,she stated. As the woman walked away she winked at Snake and he just shook his head and put a hand over his face.
I knew well enough he wasn't interested in her, i wasn't going to admit it though, well not yet anyway. I couldn't help but give a slight smirk though when i could recall just how hotheaded he was at first. It was a pain really, but there had been some points if i thought on it know i could have used if i wanted to just to pick on him. "You know, you never did get to tie me to the tree on those days." I teased some before my eyes scanned over to the girl for a second when she came back, but i didn't let them stay on her as my eyes moved to the boy for a second when he played with his food at first before noticing my look i was giving him and started eating.
"Hm well if you really wanna be tied up I can grab some rope later on and tie you to the bedpost" ,Snake teased in response to Shade giving her a smirk. He then got to work on his breakfast, it was good but he had to admit Shade could give the cook there a run for his money with the breakfast she had made him while they were in the house after he got shot. "So when we're done here we can go pick up your bed Sei Ten and then we'll stop at a few other places before heading home to set up your new room, sound good?" ,Snake asked right before taking a bite of toast.
I could feel a shiver run down my spine at his words on tying me up, i hadn't expected his reply on it like that. Instead of replying i started eating, figuring that was something he probably would end up doing if he wanted to anyway. The boy gave a nod of the head with a smirk on his face.
"Alright then that's what we'll do" ,Snake stated in response to the boy's nod. After he finished his food he motioned for the waitress to come over and give him the check so he could pay for their food. When the woman came over she placed the check on the table and looked at Snake before her gaze fell on Shade and the boy, "Never knew you were a family man Plissken" ,she stated. "Things change" ,Snake told her in response. "Hm that's a shame" ,the woman responded. It was clear she didn't mean to say that out loud by the look that came across her face after she did.
I bit back a glare as i instead only gave a faint smile to the girl, even when i could already see myself slamming the girl's face into the wall in my mind. I just waited for the boy to finish up right about that moment, even when he was still playing some with his food while he ate. My eyes then shifted back over to Snake for the while, a few unspoken thoughts probably more then clearly showing on my face for a second.
By the look on Shade's face Snake could tell she wanted to rip the waitress apart and he thought it'd be wise that they leave soon before the waitress said or did anything stupid. "Hey kiddo finish up your food so we can get out of here" ,Snake told the boy. He then looked at Shade and placed his arm around her letting her know she had nothing to worry about.
The boy looked over at them for a second before he went back to his food, playing still but finishing up. It didn't take him to long to finish up though. I watched the boy for a moment though after leaning over some against Snake while the boy finished up. "So, how many people around here do yo know?" I asked just to mostly make some small talk.
"I know a few but that's it mainly people who I used t trade with" ,he told her in response. When he seen the boy had finished his food he motioned for the waitress to come back his arm was still around Shade. When the waitress got there he placed the money for the bill on the table then looked to the boy and Shade. "You guys ready to go?" ,he asked before kissing Shade on the cheek and giving her a smile.
"Trade? Mmm. What kind of trading?" I asked while the boy got up with a nod after flashing a smile at the waitress along side a wave since he wasn't stuffing his place now.
"Ready to go." The boy said as he moved to get up.
"All kinds of things I used to get my cigarettes over here then the guy got ridiculous with what he wanted for them so I stopped trading him" ,Snake told Shade in response to her question. When the boy said he was ready to go Snake nodded then stood up and held his hand out for Shade to grab it.
"You know, I might have to try and break you of the smoking habit some day." I joked slightly on it as I took his hand as I moved to get up. I knew he probably wouldn't quit, it was just part of him. Well, that and it might be a bit odd seeing him walk around without even smoking once.
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