Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

The man just looked at Snake when he came over, only seeming slightly startled at the fact he seemed so calm about it. "No, more like one of Matt's." I told Snake as i only glanced at him for a second, some what shocked myself he'd only started up a small conversation on the matter.
"I don't think you understand here." The man said. "Just walk away, this is between me and the girl." He told Snake, as he only gripped the boy a little tighter.
"Listen shit head I don't take orders from anyone and if you have a problem with the girl or the boy then you have a problem with me" ,Snake stated as he put his arm around Shade's waist and pulled her into him. "Oh and if you have a problem with me then you have a problem with them as well" ,he continued pointing behind the guy. There were at least ten guys standing there all of whom were decently big and looked like they could rip a man apart with their bare hands in fact the only small guy there was Bill and he was holding a double barrel shotgun in his hands. "Like I said I'm gonna give you a chance to let go of the kid, you see everyone behind you is either an ex marine or mercenary do you really wanna take your chances"?
The man looked annoyed as Snake only seemed to babble for the while, until he spoke of others and got him to look over his shoulder to see who he was talking about before tossing his gaze back at the two. "I'll take my chances." He said as he started moving with the kid. "I can't really go back without the girl anyway."
"Um, yeah you can. Matt's dead." I pointed out blankly and enjoyed the shocked look he gave, as if he didn't believe me on it.
Snake let out a laugh when Shade said that Matt was dead, "Oh he didn't know that? Wow word sure travels slow around here huh, listen mother fucker let the kid go or you're gonna die" ,he told the man. He was doing his best to keep his cool but this guy's stupidity was bothering him a lot. "Don't be stupid these guys aren't going to let you get anywhere with that boy and if you make one wrong move they'll kill you and the boy will come out unmarked I can promise you that".
"Apparently not." I said in response to him not already knowing about Matt's passing. The man didn't really care to stop either until the boy decided to finally bite the man's hand, getting him to let go long enough for him to move out of reach, when the man cursed and tried to swing the blade at him, only to miss when the boy stopped just in front of me. "That had to hurt." I smirked some, but then quickly moved to the ground with the boy wen the man attempted to toss his knife at me, missing clearly as it went over the roof of the car and really leaving him unarmed suddenly.
As soon as that knife was thrown Snake lunged at the man and tackled him to the ground and started pounding on him. After a few minutes Snake got up and the guys moved forward and grabbed the man off of the ground, "Boy you must be stupid" ,Bill stated as he looked the guy in the face. Just then on of the men stabbed the guy in the side a good five times it was enough to hurt him but he didn't stab deep enough to kill him. After that Bill shot the guy directly in the knee with the shotgun blowing his leg clearly off, then that was followed by the rest of the guys pointing their guns and shooting the man until he was a blood stain on the pavement. "You don't fuck with kids 'round here" ,Bill stated before spitting on the ground right next to the body.
I'd covered the boys face, to keep from really looking at what was going on as i slowly pulled myself to stand back up. "Talk about a fun town." I said as i looked over at the guys before over at Snake. "A little more homey then the other." I said, not really being able to help but give a rather small chuckle on it as i got the boy into the car. "You ready to go?" I then asked, leaning against the door once it was shut as my eyes held on Snake.
After Shade got into the car Snake said his good byes to everyone then got in the car himself, "Well after that I think we can just call it a day and go home I did want to make another stop but I think we had enough fun for today" ,he stated. Snake then gave Shade a smirk, "You wanna drive us home?" ,he asked.
"You really like my driving huh?" I asked with smirk on my face as i watched him. "Ok why not. Might as well teach you how it's done anyway." I laughed as i got out to swap seats with him. "And you buster. Buckle up this time." I told the boy, looking back over the seat at him.
"Yeah I do like your driving" ,he stated in response as he got out of the car and switched spots with her. When he got situated in the passenger's side he looked over at Shade, "I'm ready to go whenever you are hon" ,he told her. Snake then looked back to see if the boy had buckled his belt yet.
I waited for the boy to get buckled before i pulled out, spinning the car around and heading out of the town without really bothering to stop for anything if it could be helped. I took the same path through the town he'd brought us from until i reached the woods. "Better hold on if you've never been through such tight turns." I smirked glancing over at Snake only for a second since i didn't even slow as i broke through he forest floor, weaving in and out of trees, often having to drift around a few when i knew the gap between a few wasn't wide enough for the car to fit through.
He smirked as soon as Shade pulled out of the parking lot he did love the way she drove, it gave him an adrenaline rush and excited him something that wasn't really easy to do. When she told him to hang on he did and as she drove through the woods he let out a laugh and just enjoyed it, he had to admit she was damn good at driving and he liked that.
It didn't take to long to really get back to the cave and park at the normal, coming to a rather dead stop there with a smirk as i parked the car, looking over at Snake. "Can't understand why you enjoy my driving so much." I joked some then looked back at the kid who was holding tot he seats, since he'd never really been in a car while i was behind the wheel.
Snake let out a laugh then got out of the car and untied the mattress and box spring that were tied to the roof of the car. He then began to carry everything into the cave the bed and box spring were first then he grabbed the rest of the stuff. When everything was finally inside Snake got to work on setting up the kid's bed in his new room.
I helped as much as i could anyway with the leg, before slinking off to grab some pain killers before i found the guys off working on the bed for the boy. I smiled as i watched at first, before helping the boy out for a second on some smaller stuff before offer to help Snake if he needed the help with the bed.
Snake accepted Shade's help and when the bed was finally finished he brought all of the stuff the boy had picked out at the store into his new room, "Here kiddo set everything up the way you want it and when you're done we can have some lunch sound good?" ,Snake asked the boy.
The boy nodded as he moved to work, before suddenly sticking his tongue out before sliding behind Shade first and pushing her slowly out of the room, then doing the same to Snake. "Will, show once i'm done." He smiled before getting to work.
I just laughed at the boy before heading on back around and moving to sit on the coach.
When the boy began to push them out of the room Snake let out a laugh and began to walk out, "I look forward to seeing what it looks like" ,he stated. He then made his way out of the room and grabbed himself a bottle of water before making his way over to the couch, he sat down next to Shade then opened the water and took a sip, "The kid seems excited about the new room" ,Snake stated after he took the sip of water.
"Oh, i'm sure he is. But, i get the feeling it might take him a bit to really get use to the change of it." I smiled leaning my head back slightly, relaxing some as i let the pain killers finally start setting in. I glanced over at him after a while and smirked. "How long you think it will take him to really finish setting the place up?" I asked, thinking about maybe having some fun to strike a random bet with him.
"Yeah it might take him a bit but I have a feeling he'll do just fine after a while" ,Snake said in response. When Shade asked how long he thought the boy would take finishing the place up Snake thought for a moment before turning his head to look at her, "I say no more then an hour" ,he stated before reaching into his pocket to pull out a cigarette and light it.
"I say until Night falls." I smirked, leaving really almost only three hours before that would happen. I smirked before moving myself over to straddle him after he'd had his cigarette lit. "You planning to keep track of time?" I teased slightly, hands moving to rest at the back of his neck.
When Shade moved to straddle him Snake bit his lower lip as he looked her over, the man would always enjoy looking at her body that was for sure. "Hmm you think he'll take that long" ,Snake asked right before taking a drag off of his cigarette he then threw it into the fire pit and let his hands move down to her hips. "What in the world are we going to do to occupy ourselves while the kid is setting up his room?" ,he asked with a smirk on his face.
"Tell you what. If he's going to be a while either way, might as well head out side for a little. I win when we get back, then i've got claims to top before bed. You win, then you have top. Or however you might like to set this little bet up." I smirked a bit teasingly at him before moving to give him a kiss, but not letting to hold to long before i pulled back to hear what he would have to say on it.
He kissed her back then gave her a smile, "Alright it's a deal" ,he stated in response to her. Snake was all for going outside for a bit and getting some fresh air and regardless of who won the little bet Shade made Snake knew it was going to be fun no matter what the outcome. "Well let's go outside then hon before it gets too dark out" ,he stated before patting her on the ass to motivate her to get up.
I gave him a smirk at first before getting up and heading for the opening of the cave, waiting on him before heading on out, and moving a little bit more away from the cave before finally stopping and looking back at him, a teasing smirk on my face as i watched him, hands sliding into the back pockets off my pants.
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