Torn apart

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Erika nodded looking worried."I wont."She said sounding worried before helping jace sit up, gently resting his head against her shoulder, glad that they were almost the same height.Breathing a sigh of relief as jace sipped the tea slouching down against the two when he completely finished it. "Sleepy..."he muttered drugged, eyes blinking slowly. Erika smiled pressing a kiss to her head, looking so relieved."Oh sweetheart, its good to see you awake."She muttered stroking his hair looking t loti."What will it do to him?And I'll leave him to tell you how stupid it was."she said scoowling because she was still so pissed at the white haired twin.
he smiled a little. "it will leave him numb." he admitted softly. "completely numb, he'll be sleepy for a few hours and his powers will be offline for a few hours to a few days depending on how fast his body metabolizes the herbs." he admitted shaking his head a little, wincing as he realized she was mad at him too. "your not allowed to be mad at me." he complained, looking heartbroken at Erika. "you don't understand what they would do... if people found out." he hung his head in shame. "they would strip you, and Jace of your titles... banish you to the human realms where you will never be happy again, they'll make sure of it... they might even find a way to lock away your powers..." he sighed. "i would be killed for seducing a Duke... no matter that it was he who seduced me.." he smiled a little. "Loki would die too... for keeping our secrete... and the Queen, and Jace's parents would be shamed, and taken off their thrones..." he looked at her. "can you blame me for running away? for trying to protect you, and Jace!?" he demanded, feeling heartbroken. "this is the way things are... i am a commoner of all things, and even if i wasn't, this would never be allowed." a few tears dropped from his eyes, landing on Jace's cheek. "i can never be happy, knowing that at any moment i might ruin everyone i have ever loved... but i'm too selfish.. to leave..." he admitted softly, wiping his eyes. "i'm just a stupid kid who's never had anything..." he admitted softly. "and i'm too selfish to let go of the one thing i do have..."
ERik growled pissed that she had upset for him, and pissed that she was losing her anger at him.she so wanted to make him pay for hurting jace, but she didn't. Couldnt.Standing to pace she sighed, glad that jace was out and that he couldn't feel the anxious and heartbreak in this room. Running her fingers through her hair he sighed softly."No I can't, but you could have told him."She growled annoyed."If you were really going to leave, you should have told him loti, instead of letting him think it was one of your usual vacations and letting him break when he realized it wasn't."He said shaking his head a little."WEll, you can't leave now. You'll be lucky if you get to go to the bathroom by yourself when he wakes up."
he shook his head. "i couldn't have told him..." he muttered softly. "i wasn't going to stay away forever... i wanted to but even i know better than that." he admitted sniffling a little. "i can't stand the dark..." he admitted. "i'm too cowardly to survive on my own..." he admitted stroking Jace's hair. "i would have been back as i always come back.. this isn't the first time i've run away from home.." "it really isn't... he runs away from home once a month, sometimes just to be alone, sometimes because he's mad." Loki admitted running a hand through his hair. "but he always comes back." he admitted smirking at Loti. "you actually had me worried..." he admitted shaking his head. "Elora had to lay down, she nearly collapsed in the hall." he admitted shaking his head. "we need to figure out what to do though.. Frost knows your secrete..." "Frost was there, at the old man's." Loti admitted suddenly. "i'd almost forgotten..." he admitted scowling. "he said he did something to you... Loki are you ok?" "f..fine..." Loki managed to stutter through a massive blush. "just f..fine..." but he had pulled his knife out and was playing with it again, just as he always did when Frost was mentioned. Loti gave his brother a strange look but let it go for now as he leaned into Erika, closing his eyes. "i'm sorry i hurt you and Jace..." he whispered softly. "i didn't mean to.." he admitted softly. "i wanted to come home three days ago...i missed him too much but i couldn't get out..." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't know whats going to happen..." he admitted looking up at her. "he loves know." he admitted. "he gets soft eyes when he looks at you.." he was jealous, even he had to admit that. " a few years he won't need me anymore..."
Erika smiled slightly, relieved that the man hadn't planned on stayng away for foreever, not sure if they could convince jace that everything was okay if he hadn't planned on returning. Sighing softly she looked worried before frowning."Frost could have ruined everything.Why wouldn't he?He could tell hsi father...our father if he planned on destroying things."Erika pointed out trying to figure out her half brother's thoughts, because she had no idea what the duke winterborne was up to but sure something was up.Frowning at loki thoughtfully."What happened?"She asked curiously as she shifted to let loti lay down, laughing sotly."He doesn't look at me in any way, he always looked at me like that. I think you need to're upset and delussional."
he shook his head. "i don't know why he hasn't said anything... whose to say he hasn't? we don't know what happens over at the Unseelie..." he admitted biting his trembling lip. "Frost won't tell." Loki stated suddenly. "because if he tells... i'll tell on him." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "i am going into Wildwoods." he admitted simply. "i'll try and find this house... if Frost is there... i'll kill him, that will end all the problems." but Loti knew better, Loki could never kill Frost. "i haven't slept in a long time... i was too scared to sleep." Loti admitted, watching Loki leave as he hesitated, looking at Erika. "i'm sorry i'm so selfish." he whispered before crawled into bed next to Jace, closed his eyes and went to sleep, tears still clinging to his soft lashes. sometimes he looked like a girl, in ways that Loki just couldn't manage. what Loti just didn't understand, was that he too, loved Erika... he was just too jealous and upset to realize it.

Loki carefully stole into the Wildwoods, nervous and frightened as he moved through the trees. he did not have powers like Loti did to protect him, he could only hope that Loti hadn't been joking when he had said that the trees had never attacked him. Loki had gone into Wildwoods before, the trees had immediately attacked him, came to life and tried to grab and break him. now they where still and calm as he moved towards the house that Loti had described. biting his lip nervously as the trees creaked and groaned as they twisted, as if watching him. "i... i'm not here to h..hurt anyone." Loki informed the trees, hoping that they could understand him. "i just...want to talk to the man who lives here..." they creaked, and groaned, but did not attack him as he moved forward, trying to find the house.
Erika smiled a litle as she changed into her nightgown and laying down with both men and going to sleep. Knowing that things were going to be so complicated.

Frost smirked a little s he watched loki wander through the trees, looking amused as he picked dirt out from under his fingernails with his knife, absently flicking the silver blade in loki's direction, just as a directional tool to make frost appear along the trees nearest loki, warning him he wasn't alone anymore."I wont let you get near errin if you are coming to hurt him. Even just his feelings. He is a father to me, I wont let you pass."He said sounding thoughtful and wondering what the man had come here for.
Loki snarled as he noticed frost and whipped his own Knife out, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "you fucking son of a bitch." he hissed darkly. "i should kill you for what you did to me!" he snarled, but was taking a step back. Loki was more likely to flee from Frost than attack him. "i want you to... to give me the antidote! or..or reverse, whatever it is that you did to me!" he demanded, nervous, hand shaking as he aimed his knife at Frost, a small chuckle filling the air. "and whatever makes you think that Frost has done something to you?" Errin demanded, appearing to Loki's left, the boy moving to keep the knife between him and this new threat. "and just who the fuck are you!?" "i am Errin Frost." he admitted simply. "brother of Eros Winterborn. i took your mothers last name after my banishment." "you.. you shut up, my father is dead!" "no, your mother said that so no one would ask who i was... your Royalty boy, whether you beleive or trust me or not, you are who you are." "shut up! i'll deal with you in a moment! i can't handle two things at once right now! FROST! You'd better fix me!" he demanded, starting to get angry now. "you better undue what you did to me! SHUT UP!" he demanded of Errin when the man opened his mouth to talk, Errin looking shocked as he snapped his mouth shut. Loki wincing as the trees creaked and groaned, not liking Loki yelling at their Life Giver. "you just... tell me what you did and how i can make it stop!" Loki demanded, fury in his eyes now as he looked at Frost.
Frost looked amused as he flickered more dirt out from under his fingernails,looking decidedly uninterested in death threats."I didn't do anything to you except kiss you."He said smirking absently rolling his eyes at errin's sudden arrival."You do realize telling him he's a prince, gives him a area to try and topple me off my throne don't you?More then having dearest erika on a throne."He pointed out looking at his uncle, snickering a lttle at loki's anger."I didn't do anything but kiss you. If you think of me, then that is your own fault, lord loki."Frost said raising a hand,absently sending a soothing thought at the trees, the same thought of hiberation at high winter, where all the world ws still and calm.
Loki snarled again, fidgeting under the others uninterested, looking confused and almost hurt. "you DID something to me!" he snarled, his voice holding the keen edge of panic. "i KNOW you did something to me! i've never had.... interest, in ANYONE before! i KNOW you did something to me!" "Loki...please... calm down. your upsetting the trees..." Loki immediately flinched and fell silent, examining the trees warily as they settled, falling still under Frost's thoughts with almost a sigh of contentment. "i can prove your my son." Errin admitted staring at Loki. "and Frost really did not do anything to you. i promise." Loki shook his head. "no, he did something to me... has HAS to have!" but he didn't attack when Errin gently took Loki's am and drew him towards the house. "there's nothing wrong with being attracted to another man Loki." "YES THERE IS!" the high keen of panic was back, but it was clear the danger was gone, considering Loki had dropped his knife. "why is there?" Errin asked and Loki paused, frowning. "w..what do you mean?" Errin chuckled. "why is there a problem with liking men? Loti and Jace like men, i like men. your mother liked women you know." he admitted looking at Loti. "half of the unseelie like men, they don't even bother trying to hide it. even Orin likes men, though he does prefer women." he admitted, Loki staring at Errin, confused, frightened and almost traumatized he sat down in the chair the old prince offered him and he smiled at Frost. "you know, it might help if you admit you like him back." he suggested, well aware that Loki was that upset because he thought he was being messed with, toyed with, played. " i being kidnapped?" Loki asked suddenly as he remembered what Loti had said, Errin chuckling. "no, i won't hold you against your will, i know better."
Frost frowned,"Why should I?He's going to try to beat my head in if I admit to wanting to do to him all the things Jace does to loti."The ice prince mused absently, because he didn't know how other to act. So used to pretending that he didn't care for anyone, that everything was a game for him, that he had no idea how to break a habit of a lifetime. Laughing softly he sighed."Besides. Only the seelie sidhe worry about one's sexuality, the unseelie have always been willing to call a spade a spade."Frost said sighing as he shivered a little."Can we go inside, its kind of cold here."
Errin snorted a little. "you might be right." he agreed shaking his head a little looking pondering. "well, i'll prove i'm his father and then we'll worry about his impending mental breakdown." he decided chuckling a little as he led the way into his house, shaking his head a little as he sat Loki down, the man sulking as he glared at them both before blinking, astonished as he was handed a picture, one he had seen often, though the head of Errin had been torn off. it was him and Loti as babies with his mother, one being held by each parent...though in the one he had Errin's head had been torn off. "...holy flying fuck." he whispered, stunned as he stared at the picture. " didn't show Loti this..." "i was afraid he'd tear it up... it's the only picture i have of her..." Errin admitted as he sat down at the table, Loki's eyes flicking from the picture to his father, back and forth before he groaned. "oh son of a bitch... i'm a goddamn unseelie prince.... Elora is NOT going to be happy about this... shit LOTI is going to be very unhappy about this!" he complained staring at Errin who nodded. "yes, i know... but in truth Loki, the Unseelie need you, and Frost." he admitted simply.

"Frost is a good kid." he smiled at Frost. "especially considering his father... but he lacks certain areas that you have..." "...forget it." Loki stated firmly, getting to his feet. "i'm not leaving the Seelie." he stated, Errin smiling. "who says you have to leave the Seelie? "you are, by all rights, a Seelie prince through your mother." he admitted simply. "she was common, but she was powerful, and of the Seelie lines." he admitted. "just because i'm your father won't change your loyalties or where you belong." Loki looked stunned by that and he sat back down, looking confused and baffled by his... father. "you belong with the seelie." he smirked as he leaned forward and whispered something in Loki's ear for a moment, Loki flushing bright red, before pausing, looking stunned, staring at the other, blinking a little at him before scowling. "" Errin sighed and shook his head. "you and Loti are BOTH stubborn!" he complained, glaring at his son. "honestly!" "of course we are! Mother was too." he admitted with a small chuckle as he shook his head. "you can just forget it." he looked at Frost. "and YOU can forget it too... pervert... i'm going home." he growled with a sniff as he stalked out of the house, Errin smirking a little. "well.. he might be a LITTLE bit more receptive to you now.. but i have my doubts about you getting in his pants Frost, i'd give it up."
Frost smirked a little as he sat down next to loki, sitting on his hands to actually keep from reaching out and touching the upset man."Besides, her own daughter is unseelie sidhe. She can't be mad at you without getting jace AND Erika jumping down her throat for being a hypocritcal bitch."He said before starting a little."Me?I lack in things?I think you are very confused."Frost said before going quiet watching the scene."I am not a pervert!"Frost whined glaring out after loki before looking at errin, frowning at him."What do you mean?No. I never give up things. You know that."Frost said rowning.
Loki scowled a little before nodding. "your right." he agreed, actually looking relieved by that. "she won't dare cast me and Loti out, she just gifted me and Loti to Jace and Erika.." he snickered at Errin's horrified face. "as a personal bodyguard and healer since the other dukes where bitching that me and Loti where powerful but not controlled or some stupid shit, i don't know i don't pay attention to spoiled rich kids." he stated simply, shooting Frost a small glare. "an Egotistical too." he stated when the other protested that he was not lacking in anything. Errin chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "you kind of are a pervert Frost." he teased smirking a little. "and you lack any sort of empathy or compassion. imagine how he feels? he's been told being Gay is a death penalty his entire life, now he has some weird Unseelie prince trying to get into his pants. even if you rape him, if someone finds out HE'S the one in trouble." he pointed out. "now think about this... you stole his first kiss, he's never touched, never been touched and he has emotions he's never felt before..." he smirked a little. "how would you feel my darling nephew?" he paused, considered then. "you know... he does enjoy lilies. go pick him a few, get him some strawberries, try and romance him a little and he might just be a little more...pliable." he teased chuckling as he kissed his nephews forehead. "and if you rape my son... i will gut you." he warned, teasing his nephew. because spoiled or not, Frost would never do such a thing.
"I am NOT unempathatic, or non compassionate, I just don't understand this seelie fascination with why being gay is bad."He said frowning even though he was part seelie he had been raised in the decadance of the unseelie court, so it was foriegn to him to cnsider what was wrong."I am not weird!"He whined before slumping a little, realizing that he was so going to actually work to date something. Growling at the other, whining softly."I'll kick your ass i you try."He whined annoyed at the teasing when he was already upset about what was going on and how he was going to have to work on this
he smiled a little. "the Seelie think that because two men can't carry children, then it has to be wrong." he admitted simply. "it's just their way of keeping their numbers up." he admitted simply. "Loki and Loti will get used to things with time, and they might even help make the changes that both of our people need." he admitted frowning a little before laughing. "you so ARE weird!" he teased smirking at the other. "besides, i'd never try to gut you, you'd take my balls for the effort." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "seriously though, he's never going to take you seriously if you just try to have sex with him, his innocence won't just fall into your lap." he teased chuckling a little. "you should have seen all the effort Jace had to go through to woo Loti." Loti had been so terrified of the Duke at first that whenever he came to visit Loki the younger twin had hidden under the bed upstairs. Loti really had opened up after he had found his love in Jace.

Loki scowled as he moved into the room, slumping into a chair next to Erika, scowling darkly as Loti blinked at him sleepily. " look...pissed." he muttered rubbing his eyes a little as Loki nodded. "...sorry Loti but...we're Princes... there's no doubt about it...we're Seelie princes, heirs to the Unseelie throne..." he stated simply, sighing a little. "Errin Winterborn is our father." "...shit..." Loti groaned. "i'm not leaving the Seelie." "no, we don't have to." Loki promised chuckling a little. "we're Seelie through and through... but unfortunately that means we have to be dukes." "....dammit..." Loti whined unhappily, frowning. "Elora wont...send us away will she?" "not without having to send Erika away too, she's half unseelie after all." he admitted with a shrug. "...saw Frost there too..." he admitted scowling harder. "i don't know what he's up to... but i DON'T like it..." "...seriously... what did he do to you that your so pissed at him? you don't normally obsess so much..." "...didn't do nothin..."
Frost sighed a little looking thoughtful."Do you think Elora would allow me to stay within the seelie palace without getting killed?"He asked because while he was a prince, and a seelei one at that, or at least a unseele prince with seelie blood, he didn't know if he'd have to defend against death threats and the like the whole time.But he didn't seem as bothered as he usualy would be at the effort he was goign to have to spen wooing loki.

"..nothing is right you's not that bad really'"Jace muttered rubbing his cheek against his fiancee's stomach, having cuddled down into her like a child clinging to a stuff animal. looking amused at the idea that frost had managed to not upset loki not over the fact that the man could upset their whole life he he told the court they were gay, but that he had been kissed.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "honestly i think she'd be pleased... until she finds out your trying to seduce one of her most powerful guards." he teased smirking a little. "don't forget, she thinks being Gay is a sin just as much as Loki does." he admitted simply. "unless of course... you can convince her that being Gay isn't a sin... good luck with that though, and you'd better be careful your father doesn't find out." he warned. "dying or not, he'll slaughter you for trying to seduce someone your supposed to be killing, and ignoring the woman your supposed to be seducing. he doesn't care that your siblings, he's just that insane." he admitted. "your playing a dangerous game Frost." he warned softly. "i hope it's worth it in the end..."

Loki scowled a little and shook his head. "i don't know." he admitted simply. "i'm beginning to... maybe think it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was..." he looked amused. "did you know that the Unseelie don't care if you fuck another guy?" Loti looked shocked. "what really?" he asked, astonished. "huh, maybe you and me really are on the wrong side eh Jace?" he teased smiling at his prince. "i honestly don't think Frost is the threat i thought he was." Loki admitted scowling a little as he ran his fingers through his hair. "he's still a threat... but probobly not to Erika anymore at least." he decided. "i need to report tot eh queen and tell her i found Errin and explain to her" he admitted wrinkling his nose. "shit that's hard to comprehend eh?... us.. Princes... we have to... had to share a damn bedroom... and we're princes.." Loti giggled a little and nodded. in their little hut, they had to share a bed, because they only had the one. when their mother had been alive the three of them had shared in a great big puppy pile... Loki honestly missed having a warm body pressed against him in the night.
rost sighed softly."Yes,but if I convince him that it's a good idea, and I can convince jace and erika I wont hurt him, then she can't do anything without pissing of everyone in her court who matters. And father well...I've been hiding things from him for years. It'll ust be something else to wait until he dies to tell him."Frost sighed closing his eyes as he slouched into his chair."It will be.I have to believe that."

Jace laughed sleepily snuggling down into the bed, "Hmm it sounds like we are. How did we not know that?"He said sounding thoughtful."Because you dont' walk to unseelie unless you have to."Erika muttered yawning as she shifted snuggling in against them, to comortable to get moving."well it wouldn't be that bad. Princes are okay, I'm a prince."Jace said snickering a little amused at their words, awning but to content to be pressed between loki and erika to get up and move.
he smiled a little and nodded a little. "your right, if you can convince Erika and Jace that your good for Loki then they won't get in your way." he agreed. "they might even try to help you, the both of them could easily brow beat Elora into submission as well." he admitted smiling a little shaking his head a little. "your father won't last another year." he admitted. "i can feel his soul straining against mine. my powers want to work on him." he admitted simply. "it's taking most of my willpower not to give LIFE to the foul cancer that runs through him and urge it to work faster." he admitted simply. "i can wait one more year to return to my life however..." he admitted frowning a little before smiling at him. "just remember, i want to be the one who puts the crown on your head." he admitted smirking a little. Errin always said that, he wanted to be the one to crown his nephew as king, he wanted to be the one to show the unseelie their new ruler, their knew leader.

Loti scowled. "i know exactly why we didn't know that... people think it's a sin here..." he grumbled, Loki smiling a little. "mum liked women." he muttered suddenly. "the Seelie want to keep people reproducing so it only makes sense that they would start saying that being Gay is bad." Loti muttered sleepily. "well, the Unseelie seam to reproduce just fine." he growled unhappily. but that was because the Unseelie dukes who mated with other Dukes would take commoners and breed with them instead, and then pay the commoners a great deal of money for the baby. but Loti wouldn't know that, Elora did, but no one else did. "i don't want to be a prince." Loti whined, Loki snorting. "me either, but... if i play my cared right, i might become prince of the Unseelie." he mused suddenly. "if i can kill, or disable Frost enough that he can't rule... then i become the Unseelie King... i'll hate it, but i can do it... and we might be able to end this stupid goddamn war..."
Frost smirked a little."Of course I'm right. I would never do something as unseeming as be wrong."He snifed a little before nodding."Good.An you should. It would be a good thing to end his life now."He said softly before nodding smirking slightly."O course you can put me on my throne. If only you'll kill eros now."He complained a little.

Jace laughed softly listening to the, before sighing."Or you could just admit that your attracted to the bastard, and brave getting your bits frostbitten-"Jace smirked at erika's giggle at the pun-"And marry him and really become queen to his king."Jace said snickering as he raised his head enough to look at the twins."Why are we talking politics so early in the morning?"
Errin snorted a little as he studied his fool of a Nephew, shaking his head a little. "you'll learn." he teased smirking a little. "i'll see what i can do. i didn't want to do it because the cancer would die as soon as he did, but since you asked so nicely." he stated with a small shrug. "it will still take him a few months to die, Cancer is a slow killer." he warned studying his nephew. "go then, you give me a headache with your whinging." he complained simply. "go and try to seduce Loki if you can."

Loki snorted. "i am no such thing, he is a foul bastard who was raised to be a spoiled brat." he stated simply. "he grew up as royalty, he never had to go to the human world and he's always gotten whatever he wants. he's worse than those stupid nobles who wast money on cars that they'll never use." he complained. "and walk through the poor district flashing their money when people are starving. he's just an all around terrible person." he sniffed. "just because my body reacts when he forces himself on me, doesn't mean i'm gay or that i like him, it just means that i've never been touched before." he shrugged. "he's a disgusting pervert and i refuse to play his game." Loti was staring at his brother with a lifted eyebrow, clearly doubting the others words. "shut up Loti."
Frost grinned waving goodbye to his uncle as he left.

Jace snickered."And yet, he hasn't done the selfish thing and told on us all.Elora'd be in here bitching if he had."He pointed out amused before sighing."I don't think there'd be much forcing if he was here, you liked it."He teased before making a shooing gesture."Now go unless you're climbing in bed with us. I want to sleep before elora decides to question what the hell's going on."
Loki glared at Jace violently. "he hasn't told because he wants something from us, it's blackmail." he stated with a dark little sniff. "and i'll cut off his dick and then cut out his heart before i ever let him touch me again." he spat, Loti snorting. "now THAT, i can beleive." he admitted shaking his head a little as Loki stood up. "if she asks, just tell her that Jace had a fever and that Loti was trying to comfort the other. or tell her that Loti had a nightmare, she already knows to expect Loti crawling in bed with people at night from nightmares i warned her myself." he teased winking at them all. "simple as that." he paused, hesitated and then kissed all three of their foreheads. "you guys are dicks... but i love you like family..." "i am your family." Loti mumbled sleepily, Loki glaring at him. "shut up Loti and go to sleep." he demanded stepping outside to stand guard like he was supposed to.
in the wee hours of the morning Jace yelped as he stumbled out of bed, stumblng and cursing as the blanket tangled around his ankles, cursing as he freed himself, nearly hitting loki with the door as he slammed out o the room, heading for the front door. Suspecting what that dream darkened to white, a summer dy becoming as cold as a dark winter's day.Even before he pulled the door open with his powers as he walked down the stairs, he knew frost was standing on the other side.
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