Torn apart

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"He might. Though if we mention it at dinner, he might avoid it."jace said snickering a little before laughing softly."Not icky?I'm sure she truly apperciates that sentiment."he said looking amused as they walked, wrapping a arm around his waist."It's not nice to like her just so you can torture me."He pouted.

Erika laughed softly shaking her head as she followed him downstairs, wanting to make sure he wouldn't hurt frost, but not getting involved otherwise. "W-what?"frost yelped as he was dragged out of his chair looking up at the other man, wondering just how much of a fight he was going to have to put up to get free."Your queen welcomed me. Is that not enough for you?"He growled."besides, I want to be here. You're here."
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i doubt it, he's just that uncivilized." he joked laughing a little. "though it would be funny to see the Queens face!" he admitted laughing brightly as he shook his head. "it is too nice, because that's just ONE reason why i like her." he teased winking at his lover, pulling him down for a kiss before they got into the village and had to hide their relationship again, sighing a little. "i wish we could just come live in the woods..." he admitted softly. "then i wouldn't have to be afraid to kiss you..."

Loki snarled as he glared at the other. "your a LIAR! i don't know what you did but you've poisoned our queen with your lies!" he roared, throwing the other back into his chair. "you don't give a shit about me! your trying to confuse me! IT WON'T WORK!" and then he was gone, fleeing again, not wanting to face the truth he had seen on Frost's face. he was just a good liar... that was all... just a good liar!
Jace laughed softly sighing as he kissed him back, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against loti's closing his eyes at the edge o the woods. Not wanting to go inside. Not wanting to do anything, but stay here with loti but..."Erika would worry if we don't get back."he muttered runing his fingers through loti's hair.

Frost looked startled watching him leave before sighing. Erika shook her head a little as she followed after loki, scared of how upset he was. Wrapping her arms around his waist to make him hold still as he got back to his rooms, she gently kissed his forehead."Loki? are you okay?"She asked sounding worried about him and she was.
Loti smiled a little as he shook his head. "we'd bring Erika with us... we'll start our own Trylle society..." he decided softly. "we'll get other Trylle, and Loki and Frost can come with us, and Errin will be our King... or Frost if he ever grows up." he decided smiling because they both know it could never happen... but it was a nice thought. "we should go back." he mumbled as he felt the others fingers through his hair. 'you won't get bored with me right? even though Erika's prettier... and you can hug her, and hold her hand in the streets?"

Loki shuddered against her as she hugged him and he let out a small choked sob. "no... no i'm not ok..." he whispered, tears pouring down his face now. "i'm not okay... i love that fucking bastard..." he hissed, looking at her, looking traumatized. "i want to grab him, drag him to my room and ravage him like he wants to do to me... but i can't.. i CAN'T because he;ll LEAVE Erika! he'll use me, get bored with me and then he'll LEAVE!..."
Jace snickered at that."Frost is never growing up. That's just a weird thought."he said looking amused before sighing softl."I dont want to."He muttered even if honor kept him bound to be going home. Looking startled at the words he looked pained, because it hurt to cause him pain.And he knew that it was because he loved erika, he couldn't understand it was okay loving two people."No, I wont leave you. I promise.I'll be with you forever."She muttere.

Erika winced a little holding him tighter, wishing jace or loti where there, not because she didn't want to help him,but she had a eeling they would be able to calm him better then her gentle words."He wont leave. Loki, he's risked everything to come here, doesn't that mean he's willing to stay if you would wnat him to?"
he giggled a little and nodded. "i dunno, between him and Loki they MIGHT equal a full grown man?" he mused playfully, smiling a little. "we can stay for a little while longer... but then we do need to go back or Loki will be mad..." he admitted looking up at the other, smiling happily as he pulled the other down for another kiss. "well... maybe he could wait for another hour..." he purred, pulling Jace deeper into the forest, a carpet of moss springing up for them to... fornicate on.

Loki sighed as he closed his eyes, starting to relax into the hug, calm now that he had made his confession, tears still trailing down his face. "and what could would it do, admitting that i like him?... a death sentence for both of us at best..." he muttered softly. "death for me and banishment for him at worst..." he looked at her. "the Queen would never allow me to be with another man... being gay is a crime here... and i could never live with the unseelie... i belong here... just as he belongs there.. it would never work, and you and i both know it so why try to deny it? or admit it?"
"Maybe."Jace said grinning at that, before nodding."They can wait longer."he said before following him, so enjoying the peae.

Erika sighed softly tightening her arms around him."It does nothing but make you feel more at peae."She muttered."For the moment. When I am queen I will change to rules, so you, and jace can be with the people you want."She muttered pain in her eyes because despite everything, she thought her fiancee was acting, pretending to be in love with her for the better of the kingdom."It will make you feel better."She muttered softl.
Loki sighed a little and shook his head a little. "your a bit of n idiot aren't you Erika?" he asked smiling a little as he shook his head a little smiling a little as he watched her. "Jace does want to be with you. Loti even wants to be with you. they love you, they just don't realize it yet." he admitted sighing a little. "your the first girl that Loti has ever even looked at without panicking i'll have you know." he admitted smiling a little. "he's probobly plotting how best to get you to help him torment Jace." he admitted chuckling a little as he sighed. "still... if your going to be changing the laws..." he scowled. "no.. Frost is an ass... i know he is. he'll use me and leave me... i'm going to go take a shower..."

an hour later Loti showed up, practically glowing with after sex glee and he beamed at Erika as he bounced into the room. "so how pissed off is Loki? do i need to hide? he always threatens to torture me after i drug him." he complained pouting a little before beaming at her. "you know... when you and Jace... do the dirty." he snickered, glancing behind him to make sure the other wasn't coming in before he whispered into her ear all the places that Jace loved as much as he hated.
eroka blushed softly, punching him lightly in the arm at the insult."Shut up."She muttered blushing so hard she was actually getting a headache, not wanting to think about what it would mean.

Erika smiled s she leaned back in the bed as she read her book, smiling happily."He's still in the shower. and still threatening to torture you. And jace."She said smiling a little shifting to leave against him looking thoughtful as she closed her eyes just enjoying listening to him talk about the man they both loved. Glad that jace was elsewhere, for the moment not concerned aout what he was doing.
Loki snickered a little and shook his head as he moved into the bathroom, wondering if it was possible to drown himself in the shower?

Loti giggled a little as he shook his head. "trying to drown himself again no doubt." he complained rolling his eyes as he talked about Jace and all the things she should do to him, how rubbing his temples helped his migraines. how he hated it when people touched his feet, but loved to have his ankles caressed. doing everything he could to make sure that Erika would be there for Jace in every way he needed when Loti couldn't be. with the reassurances that he wouldn't be left behind, he was seeing Erika as a godsend, because he couldn't be with Jace all the time, and it worried him when he had to leave that Jace would have a problem and he wouldn't be there to fix him. with Erika there, she could fix him for him. he fell silent and stole the book she had been reading, feigning innocence when Loki came out in a towel, glaring at Loti. "...where are my clothes?!" "... dunno what your talking about." "LOTI WHERE ARE MY CLOTHS?!" Loti had them moved of course... to Frost's room, not that the Ice Prince would know that yet.
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