Torn apart

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Loti whined as Jace stumbled over him, refusing to be woken as he snuggled into Erika instead, sighing softly as he drifted back to sleep, Loki groaning as he was startled awake by the door striking him, rubbing his eyes. "Jace?" he asked sleepily, blinking a little as he got to his feet and followed the other out to the front door, yawning and looking as adorable as Loti did as he followed after Jace as the other yanked the door open, looking sleepy and cute as he blinked at Jace. "Jay, what the hell are you... YOU!" he snarled, snapping out of his sleep fog as he drew another knife. "your not welcome here!" he snarled, advancing on the other, the point held sharp until he felt a tight power wrapping around him, immobilizing him... Elora was awake.. "...nnnf..." Loki couldn't even move his lips the poor man. "just what. is going on here?!" Elora demanded, looking as elegant as always as she examined Frost. "Lord Winterbane, have you ANY idea what TIME it is!?" she demanded, scowling. "i was sleeping quite peacefully until young Prince Jace woke me with a terrible surge of emotions. what DO you want at this time of morning?!" she demanded, annoyed that her sleep had been interrupted. "...nnnf." "hush, Loki!" Elora demanded, grouchy.
Frost winced, running his fingers through his hair."Sorry.IT was...early in the morning."rost said looking slightly confused, having not realized that in the unseelie realms, time ran different. It was late afternoon at home, here it was early early morning."I did not mean to wake you lady elora, prince jace." Jace sighed rubbing his ingers against his temple as he looked at the three."What are you doing here?" "I came to ask animesty.My father has lost his mind. I want sanctuary until he dies.Because he is you know. Dying I mean."
she sighed a little and shook her head. "there is a time different Lord Winterborn... a great deal of one... try to keep that in mind next time." she complained darkly as Loki growled, annoyed that he was still frozen in his place and even more annoyed that Frost was ignoring him!...wait... why was he annoyed by that!? son of a bitch. as soon as Frost admitted the request for Amnesty he started trying to protest, not that he could do anything but make high and low pitched noises in his throat until lady Elora froze his voice box as well. "Hush, Loki!" she demanded, Loki making a choked noise before falling asleep, Elora sighing a little as she examined the Prince. "i am well aware that he is dying." she admitted pondering him. "will Errin be seeing refuge as well?" Loki's eyes widened a little, horrified that she was REALLY going to let that bastard in there! "very well, come inside." Elora demanded. "you might not be my blood but you are still the Son of a dear friend." she was speaking of his mother of course. "and i owe Errin a debt that still needs be repaid." she admitted sighing a little. "come in, and be welcome within the walls of the sidhe." Loki stood there, his knife pointing to the door as the Lady Elora moved away to show Frost to a room, Loki could only hope she remembered him before he had to pee...
Frost smirked a little as he stepped inside, shutting the door as he patted loki on the arm."I'll make sure she remembers you....after I'm safely away of course."He teased a little amused as jace rolled his eyes, following elora upstairs before looking interested as he looked around him."I do not know. He might. Though he does prefer the woods like his son."Frost said, not realizing that he was letting the woman in on a secret, for once, totall unaware of the damage he was causing.
Loki's eyes narrowed darkly at Frost as Elora shook her head. "you should be a little more intelligent brat." she teased him, smiling., "if i had any desire to cause him or you damage, i could use the fact that Errin is still alive and that he has sons against you." she stated simply as she led him into a dim room, a large window looked out into the Garden. "do try to think while your here. i wouldn't want you to get hurt." Elora warned shaking her head. "your just lucky i was already aware of Errin." she admitted simply as she patted Frost on the head. "and if i find you causing any trouble while your here, or i find out that your up to something..." she gripped his chin tightly, forcing him to meet her eyes. "you will find that i am much, much more formidable than Orrin." she assured him before turning and leaving, releasing Loki downstairs, the boy groaning as he raced back up the stairs and into Erika and Jace's rooms, standing guard over them so that Frost couldn't hurt them while they where sleeping.
"Ah, but if I piss him off enough, he wont consider WHY I'm pissing him off. This way I know he's paying attention to me."Frost mused before sighing shaking his head."I always think. Sometimes.And loki's going to be the one hurting me."He said looking amused before nodding."I will my lady. And I'm not, except convincing my cousin to fall in love with me."He said watching her leave, wondering if he could convince the woman that being gay was okay, and thereby convincing loki.

Jace groaned as he rolled on hsi stoach in the morning, resting his cheek against loti's shoulder as he looked across the room at loki."Did you get anysleep?"
she huffed a little as she shook her head. "your right, i lack the power to be able to hurt you, i'll leave it to Loki, he's much more creative than i am." she admitted simply before pausing, turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering if he meant Loki and Loti or if he meant someone else entirely. "you leave Loki and Loti alone, i have high hopes of them falling in love with one of our females here thank you very much." yeah, that was never going to happen...ever. but Elora had her fantasies.

in the morning Loki turned and blinked at Jace, shaking his head. "no, Frost is here. he's up to something." his voice was slurred with fatigue. "he was going to sneak in here while we where all sleeping and do something, i know it." he hissed, so paranoid when it came to frost that he had actually stayed up all night for no reason. Loti sighed a little and shook his head a little. "Loki.. if i talk to frost, will you stop obsessing?" "NO! you stay away from him! all of you stay away from him he's dangerous and he's UP to Something!!!!" Loki nearly roared, Loti grimacing as he rubbed his ear. "there's no need to shout... come have breakfast..." Loti demanded getting up slowly, tired still but willing to make breakfast for everyone. Loki hesitated, glancing at the locked door before he followed Loti over to the table, poking at his food. "eat it, don't play with it." Loti scowled glancing at Erika and Jace, offering them a wink. he'd drugged the food so that Loki would sleep. the already overly tire illusionist was out in a matter of minuets, slumped over the table. "..i've never seen him so obsessed with someone before." Loti admitted, sounding amused. "i can't tell if it's hate or infatuation."
Jace snorted wincing a little as he ate his food, the royal couple having stayed out of the fight just because they didn't want to get roared at. Rubbing at his temple the prince smirked a little."I'm pretty sure its inatuation." Frost smirked as he walked into the dining room, slouching into a seat across from erika, smiling at his sister."It's a hateful inatuation." Erika snickered a little."you live to rile people up don't you?" "I do. Besides its good for him to be upset and emotional. Bastard's to asexual and remote for his own good. No sidhe should be that cut off. Seelie or not." "Seelie doesn't make us unfeeling."Jace pointed out. "Yes it does. Or at least more so then any of the unseelie court."
Loki was sleeping, slumped over the table with his arm as a pillow, breathing softly, and not even the appearance of frost could wake him now. he looked up at frost as the other came in and he shook his head a little. "... he never got over moms death." he explained simply. "it's why he clings so much to me and Jace and Erika. he's afraid that their going to leave him like mom did.." Loti admitted, stroking his brothers hair. "he's never dared love anyone again..." he shrugged a little. "the Unseelie are emotionless too you know. say the L word in front of them once and watch what happens." he ordered simply, Loki shifting, muttering in his sleep that he was going to kill someone, frost probobly. "it doesn't matter if we're Seelie or unseelie, we're all just broken pawns to be pushed into place by the kings and queens." he stated sourly as he got Frost some fruit salad for breakfast.
Frost winced a little at the words, raising a eyebrow."Hey if you want to say the L word and tell me your madly in lust with me, go for it.There's nothing wrong with kissing cousins." "....frost, seriously.Weird."Erika said nearly snorting orange juice out her nose. "I'm not pushed anywhere. I push people around the board like a good little king." "Your not king yet." "Ah, but I am more sane, and people tend to listen to me more then my father." "Again. Weird thy name is frost."
Loti snorted. "my point exactly frost. i was talking about LOVE, not lust." he teased handing the other the bowl of fruit. "just make sure your far, far away when Loki wakes up, he's going to be very, very pissed when he finds out i drugged him.....again." he muttered sounding amused as he popped a strawberry into his mouth. "..Erika that's disgusting." Loti complained, amused as he handed her a napkin. "Orange juice is supposed to go in your mouth, not out your nose." he complained before sticking his tongue out at Frost. "your just some spoiled pampered rich kid same as Jace." he stated simply. "i bet you've never had to go hungry, or suffer a broken bone in your life have you?" he demanded simply. "of course not, because you've always been a pampered little ponce." he stated simply, smirking a little. "that's why Loki hates you so much. your spoiled and everyone knows it. try showing some compassion once and a while. that's why i fell in love with Jace, he was always sneaking down to the village to give kids Candy." he admitted smirking as he remembered that first time Jace had shown up with armfuls of candy for the kids. "i'd never had candy before and he saved me a piece of his favorite kind for me to try. strawberry. i still remember the taste of it." he admitted, blushing a little as he sipped at a cup of tea.
Erika smiled a little."If frost'd stop saying riddiculous things I wouldnt snort juice out my nose."She whined a little watching the three men, wincing at the same moment that jace did as frost's power and emotions reacted to the question even if he didn't look upset or respond in any other way as he sipped his orange juice."Well yes, I am a spoiled prince, who knows something your queen would kill you for. It would do well for you to be nice to me."rost pointed out before standing, "If you excuse me, I think I'm going to go for a walk to explore."Jace was quiet as he watched the winterborne duke leave, rubbing his temples."Damn.That hurt."He grumbled still eeling that icy dagger of anger and shame like a sudden frost on his skin.
Loti smirked a little as Frost reacted, shaking his head a little as he stared at the other. "i'm not afraid of you Frost. if you where going to tell, you'd tell... i'm not going to leave again and if we get caught i will stand by the people i love with my head held high. i love who i love, and true it took getting kidnapped and throwing the tantrum of my life to realize that, but i know it now." he admitted smiling as he laid his head on Erika's shoulder. "and if their willing to have me, then i'll die happy." he admitted simply. "you can't bully me." he stuck his tongue out at the other. "i'll just tell Loki you tried to touch me in inappropriate places." he teased smirking a little as he watched the other leave, sliding a cup of headache tea over to Jace. "drink up love." he ordered smiling at the other as Loki slowly sat up and looked around, reacting tot he ice cold frost that had covered his back. "...are we outside?" the drugged man asked, Loti smirking. "yes Loti, i'm carrying you home and it's snowing... go back to bed. "...oh.. ok." Loki muttered, settling back to sleep, Loti giggling as he shook his head. "i might go see Errin today..." he muttered suddenly. "if he's really my father... i want to get to know him." he admitted looking hesitant. "do you think it would be ok for me to do that?" he asked, looking tat Jace, worried about the others opinion of visiting the Throne Prince of the Unseelie.
Frost snorted a little as he walked out of the room."As if I want to touch you. It's the other one I want."He muttered. Jace shook his head sipping the tea looking amused as he sipped the tea, leaning against loti with a sigh snickering as loki relaxed."Do you want company?"He asked sounding worried about letting loti go by himself. "I can watch loki if you want. So he doesnt freak when he wakes up."Erika offered knowing that if both her and jace left, loki was going to kill them both when they got home.
Loti smirked a little and shook his head as he bit his lip, glancing at Jace before nodding. "yes please... the tree's wont hurt you if i ask them not to." he promised smiling at Erika's promise to stand watch over Loki. "he's still going to kill us when he remembers Frost is here." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "but i think he might be a little more receptive once he realizes frost was in the room and didn't even try anything weird." he admitted smiling a little. "i think Frost might honest to gods love my brother..." he admitted shaking his head. "it's almost baffling!" he admitted with a small laugh, shaking his head as he took Jace's hand, hesitating before kissing Erika's cheek. "thank you." he muttered softly before leaving the room, grabbing some bread and other things that he knew his father would probobly not be able to get all that often, and headed into the woods where Errin greeted them with a small grin. "no Loki this time?" "" "is this your bodyguard?" "...sorta..." "...i'm not going to lock the doors this time kid, i only did that so you'd try and listen to me..." Loti's eyes narrowed and the man smirked. "you know Prince Jace, this one here can throw a wicked temper tantrum, i'd be careful if i where you." now Loti was blushing furiously.
"Well, not weirder then being nice."Erika pouted out snickering a little as she kissed her boys cheek as she left. Looking interested and amused and wondering just how worried they were going to be.

"Loki is sleeping off being drugged. Frost showing up gave him a nasty case of insomnia, so we made him sleep."Jace said snickering a little as she shook his head a little, running his fingers through his hair. Snickering at loti."Welll, I could guard your body if you want me to."He said a evil little smirk on his face as he considered that before pouting."It was only once!Only once. You could forget about it."Jace said sulking a little.
Errin chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "Loki was always the little worrier." he admitted, Loti frowning a little. "you've been spying on us haven't you?" "...of course!... i was at your mothers funeral you know..." he admitted moving into the house. "i couldn't let anyone know you where my kids of course... you where too young, too vulnerable." he admitted shaking his head as he sat down, Loti scowling at Jace before giggling. " love... i, er... threw a bit of a tantrum when he wouldn't let me go.." "i swear, he even banged his head on the floor." "...i did... it hurt..." Errin laughed at that, loud and happy as he smacked his knee. "your mother used to do the same thing! and then she'd blame it on me!" "well it WAS your fault." Loti grumbled, sulking as Errin laughed again before pausing. "wait a moment.. you say Frost is at the Seelie Sidhe!?" he asked, looking astonished as he suddenly took notice of that. "really?... what in the hell is that kid thinking!? Christ it's like he's stopped thinking... all the bloods rushed to the wrong damn head." Loti barked out a laugh, blushing hard at his fathers statement, clapping two hands to his mouth in horror at finding such a naughty comment funny.
Jace smiled a little wrapping a arm around loti, pressing a kiss to his head."you're still vulnerable."He muttered cuddling him a little before sighing softl.Giggling a litle at loti's confession he snuggled his lover, 'You had a tantrum?I don't believei t."he said amused at the idea before sighing softly. before looking startled that errin hadn't know where frost was at the moment, before bursting out laughing at errin's words. It was true. Maybe. Then again..."oh no. Maybe. He might be thinking wrongly, but he did it so well that elora can't do anything but accept him, or lose her heir. He asked for sanctuary until his father dies and puts him on the throne."
Loti snorted a little. "i am not!" he complained, pouting a little as he shook his head. "i did have a tantrum.' he admitted, scowling a little. "i couldn't very well grow anything to attack him! he'd just give them free will and they'd just sit there! i had to do SOMETHING!" "and a right big Temper Tantrum it was! ask Frost, he saw it too!" Errin admitted smirking wickedly as Loti groaned. "i'm not getting out of this with my pride intact am i?" Errin smirked and Loti sighed. "damn..." Errin snickered a little and shook his head. "one can never say that Frost wasn't clever." he admitted smirking a little. "but he has no idea the battle he's facing..." he admitted smirking. "of course, if Loki and Frost where to say... get married... that would tie the two kingdoms together..." "why you sly bastard! your setting them up!" "well, they ARE perfect for each other." Errin admitted, smirking a little. "i may have given Frost a nudge or two." he admitted smiling, looking rather pleased with himself. "now he just has to get his head out of his ass and seduce Loki properly." he admitted shaking his head. "Loki's never bee attracted to anyone before, as far as i know." Errin admitted, Loti shrugging. "if he has i don't know it either." he agreed. "Frost's attention has him all tied up in knots..." Loti admitted, amused that he was having a conversation with his kidnapper.
Jace snickered a little sighing softly."Frost is going to outsmart himself if he isn't careful.He seems to think he's amazing and no one can live without him."Jace snorted a little."But they are perect together. They might actually be better if frost stays as he is and changes slowly. Loki wouldn't trust it if frost was suddenly being all nice."Jace said thoughtfull. "nd frost does enjoy tying people up. Even if its just metaphoical knots."Jace said snickering as he considered exactly how brillant frost's plan for seductions was.
Errin snorted a little. "he get's that god forsaken Ego from his father." he complained. "sure as shells didn't get it from me!" he complained, Loti lifting an eyebrow, amused as he nodded. "your right, Loki might even take pride in being the one to make a decent human being out of Frost.... you know Jace you might consider taking over as the local Love Adviser." he teased kissing the other gently, chuckling a little. "and i think Frost is going to end up being the one tied up." he admitted. "Loki does love his rope traps." he admitted smirking a little as he helped himself to one of the fruits sitting at the table, Errin grinning a little. "you mean like the time YOU where hung outside the house for three hours because you tried to sneak out when he explicitly forbade you?" that was before Jace, and Loti colored at the memory. "well.. i only did it once." Loti agreed with a grumble, Errin snickering a little. "well, you two should get back." Errin warned. "or young Princess Erika might send someone after you." he teased, grinning a little. "thank you for the bread Loti, it was very kind." Loti beamed and nodded. "your very welcome." he chirped happily even as he got to his feet and gave his father a hug, Errin looking shocked before melting into his son, hugging him back. "you be safe now, alright?" he asked smiling at him. "ant tell Frost not to forget to come visit me when he can!"
"Ah but its not as arrogant as eros. Frost is just...confident. And way overcompensating for something."Jace said snickering beore shuddering a little."I can't do that. You know I AM a prince. I have to do royal things."He muttered before shrugging a little."I've been tied up a few times, when I tried to refuse to take care of myself when he needed me to use my powers. It wasn't pretty."He said before blushing a lttle at the mention of erika, so in love with her just the mention of her name could make him blush."We better go."he said smiling as he nodded."Yes. I'll tell him."he said smiling as he left with loti quiet as they walked out.
Loti snorted a little. "i think he's overcompensating for that 'head' of his." he stated, holding his fingers a mere inch apart and Errin laughed so hard he nearly fell over. "don't you be sayin that in front of frost or you'll get frostbite in some VERY bad places!" Errin warned, laughing again as Loti smirked. "you like being tied up." he teased. "specially when i tie you up, and do that thing with my mouth?... i should teach Erika how to do that." he teased, snickering as Errin choked an watched them leave, the old man so very amused.

back at the Palace, Loki was waking up after a nice four hour nap. "Erika!" he snarled, barley managing to focus on her. "what... what the fuck!?" he complained. "Frost is... here, and you.. DRUG me!? and then... where's Loti and Jace!? he's going to do something to them!" he complained, shaking his head, trying to clear his groggy vision and his clouded mind. "god damn Loti...ima kill him for this... i'm... i'm.. no his ass... his ass is getting TORTURED this time!"
"Ah but it would be worth it to see his face."Jace said snickering at the idea because it would be so amusing to see frost looking dumbfounded. Smiling as they left he looked over at his lover, raising a eyebrow."Oh?You want to be teaching erika things now?What happened to being afraid of girls."he pointed out with a smile.

Erika leaned over to look at him, gently stroking his hair out of his face, smiling softly."You needed to sleep. And jace and loti are not here. They went out for a walk."He said looking amused t his threat, sighing softly."You an't torture him.Jace wont let you."
Loti laughed a little and nodded. "of course, he might whip it out to PROVE he's not small and then all of us would go blind." he mused playfully, giggling a little. "Erika's not so bad." he admitted. "she's not so... icky, like other girls are." he admitted with a shrug, smiling at Jace. "besides, another person to help me torment you? who wouldn't like that?" he asked with a small giggle.

Loki glared at her, growling a little as he shook his head. "they can't go for WALKS when Frost is here PLANNING things!" he complained heatedly. "if i can't torture him then... then... then i'll torture Frost!" he decided, pushing away from her and racing out of the room to find Frost, pouncing on the other, grabbing him by the front of the shirt and giving him a small shake. "What do you want here!? GO HOME! your not welcome here!" he hissed, his eyes still slightly foggy, and it as pretty obvious to anyone that he was only doing this because the drugs had killed his self control for a moment.
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