Torn apart

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Loti scowled at Erika, and so did Loki when she offered the lord a dance, annoyed at her noncooperation when handling her safety. Loti tensed violently at Frost's muttered comment, going as pale as the frost that spilled from the lord Winterbane's hands... which was shocking because no one had thought that Loti could get any more pale. apparently he could. he struggled not to panic or start crying, he couldn't embarrass Jace like that, or Loki. he refused to break down as he realized that he was a danger to his lover, he was going to get them all in some death sentence trouble here because he couldn't bare to be away from Jace... this just... wouldn't do. he watched with worry as Erika danced with Frost, Loki staying nearby, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched just as tense as Jace and Loti where, relaxing as he moved away from Erika.

Loki nearly leaped on him when he kissed Erika's cheek, but he restrained himself, his eyes narrowed viciously as he set a hand on Erika's shoulder. "Erika cannot leave her party, it would be rude to the other guests, and the Queen has presents to gift to her and Jace." he stated sternly, glancing at Erika, casually checking to make sure that she was alright. "i will see you to our borders Lord Winterbane." he promised. "Loti!" he ordered firmly. "you stay and guard in my place." Loti nodded and Loki turned to Frost, barley disguised loathing in his eyes. "come, Lord Winterbane, we wouldn't want someone coming to look for you." he warned, barley keeping a control on his temper. he didn't want to panic anyone by twisting reality by accident or something.
Erika jumped a little, as warm as the room was, the brush of frost's lips agaisnt her cheek was like a drop of ice water. Looking amused as she nodded goodbye moving back to loti's side, letting both him and jace check her over and make sure she was okay. "As you wish, Loki."Frost said looking amused at the hatred in the trylle's eyes as he walked out of the party with him."She is not in danger from me, loki. My father had promised her to me, had I gotten her back to the unseelie. And while it amuses me to fight you, I can't exactly marry my own sister."He mused.

Jace sighed softly as he realized his fiancee was okay, ignoring her muffled protests as he wrapped her in a hug, burying his face against her hair, holding her tightly. despite everything he had fallen for his calm, beguiling, loveable princess that had a hot temper to go along with her kindness. Yelping as he felt her punch him in the side he squired away turning to look at the queen."Okay!I think it's present time."He said eagerly refusing to rub his side and show the other trylle dukes who were eager to topple him off his throne and take his beautiful bride.
Loti sighed a little, relaxing as he realized she really was alright. he had to admit, part of him loved Erika... he knew what he had to do, especially when he saw Jace hold her like that. he smiled a little and shook his head a little as the Queen ushered everyone over and announced her gifts to Jace, Loti, who would be from then on his personal healer, Loki, their personal bodygaurds, to Loki she granted the entire east yard to make into his garden, and to her daughter she gave the shining crown that a Princess deserved, as well as a small pendant she was supposed to have gotten as a baby. others came with their gifts, most of them useless and showy, like the brand new red Viper car, and the racing horse. showing off their money to each other more than anything else. Loti sat in back and sulked a little as he watched everyone giving their Prince and Princess gifts they would never use, while he, and others of the 'common' folk starved because the rich where too cheep to share their food... no, Loti could never live in a place like that, and he could never risk Jace and Erika's happiness. while no one was looking, he slipped out a back door, and vanished.

Loki on the other hand just huffed darkly. "as if being your sister would EVER stop a bastard like you." he growled. "i don't trust you UNSEELIE." he growled darkly, his eyes furious. "and if you ever go near Erika and Jace again, i will personally cut off your head, and cut out your heart." he growled darkly. "if you say a WORD about..." he paused, glancing around to make sure no one was listening in as he walked with Frost down the palace steps. "well you know what, i will kill you." he promised his eyes narrowed. "my brother, Jace, and Erika are my family and i will not let some hot shot uppity unseelie prince do them any damage in any way!" he growled darkly before sniffing unhappily. "now lets get you home before some unfortunate unseelie guard has to come looking for your spoiled brat ass." so rude! but from the bonds that Frost ha seen earlier, not surprising. Loki would risk insulting the queen herself if it meant keeping Loti, Jace, and Erika safe.
As the evening went on jace looked tired and uncomfortable, not only because he couldn't stand the shows of riches when there were trackers and commoners going hungry, could be fed with the money used on that damned horse for a month. Siging softly as he rubbed his tempe he watced the guests leave, slumping back into his seat, not even startled as erika perched on the edge of his chair."You okay?"She muttered looking at him worriedly gently stroking his hair, looking for loti or elora, knowing she wasn't strong enough to help jace to the bedroom.

Frost was quiet looking thoughtful at amused at the guards comments, turning on his heel to face him, "Ahh such a unhappy little brat."he said amused as he drew the other into a kiss, knotting his fingers in his hair to keep him from pulling away before leaving back."If you were jealous, you could have just asked for a kiss instead of whining."he said skipping back a step and continuing down the stairs, knowing the man would be following when he recovered if just to make sure frost really left.
Elora moved over to them as she watched Jace slump in his chair, looking worried. "has your headache come back dear?" she asked, worried as she gently took his hand. "i'll have one of the guards go and find Loti, i think the Party might have been a bit much for the poor dear." she admitted smiling a little. "he's such a shy little thing. come on Erika Darling, we'll get him up to your rooms." she offered, carefully hauling Jace to his feet and up to the bedroom, where a still hot cup of tea was waiting for the three of them. one for Jace, which was labeled because it had the strongest herbs, and the other two for Erika and Elora to help with the stress of the evening. even leaving forever, Loti was very considerate.

Loki gasped as he was kissed, going completely stiff against the other as he tried to pull away, pushing at the others chest as a strange, startled, terrified noise fell from his mouth as he was finally released, reality twisting and bending, but nothing forming because Loki was too shocked and horrified. " BASTARD!" he hissed, wiping at his mouth. "what the FUCK is wrong with you!?" he demanded once he got his sanity back under control, not noticing an unusual little... problem, between his legs. "i should fucking Kill you for that!" he snarled darkly, and in fact, he did have a knife in his hands now. "try that shit again and i'll cut out your heart and bury your dead body in the forest!" not that anyone went into the forest. it was a frightening place the Wildwoods. in all honesty, Loti was the only person who could go in and out as he pleased without getting hurt for it, and that was only because the plants liked him. most people only went in once... and they never went back in... if they ever came back out at all.
jace smiled a little nodding."Yes my head hurts."he said smiling at the queen as he let the women help him up the stairs, amused as he let erika undress him despite his protests that she shouldn't see him naked."Will you check on Loti?I ddn't mean to upset him tonight. I did invite him, he needs taken care of."Jace said smiling as he sipped his tea and snuggled down into the bed. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll take care of loti."Erika said smiling as she sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair as he started falling asleep looking so beautiful and pale in the soft moonlit room. "Thank you mother."She said smiling as she sipped her tea, moving across the hall to see how loti was.

Frost smirked as he continued down the stairs, pulling on the finely wrought silver framed glasses, almost sunglasses despite it being night."Nothing's wrong with me. Besides, you can't yell at me when you enjoyed it."Frost saidsnickering, to amused with himself to really be worried about the other attacking him.while he knew that loki would and could incapitate him in a fair fight, frost had no intention of ever fighting the man fairly. "Well. There's my car. I should be going home."He said pausing as he stood next to the car, really, really not wanting to return home,but knowing he had to.
when Erika went to check on Loti he wasn't there, but there was a note on the table informing her and Jace that he had to go into the woods to get a rare herb for Jace's tea. that there was a new batch of dry tea waiting for him on the table for him to make his own whenever he needed it, and that there should be a months worth as long as he was careful about using it. just as promised there was three bags of tea, one marked Jace, and the other two a tea for the Queen's migraines, and a tea to help keep Erika relaxed 'while he was gone.' there was no mention of when he would be back, but Loti often vanished for a few days to gather supplies... usually after he was upset by something... but he always had come back before two or three days had passed... so until then, hopefully, no one would worry.

Loki snarled at the other. "what the hell are you talking about you f...freak..." he suddenly seamed to realize he was hard. for a moment all he could do was stand there and stare at it before a horrified, panicked look crossed his face, and the world twisted, and Loki vanished from sight, completely, as if he'd never been there. the only reason why Frost knew he had run away, was the wet footprints leading across the dirt, running headlong back into the safety of the castle where he could hide. Loti just couldn't handle shit like this, kissed by Jace, no reaction... kissed by Frost, instant hard-on... was he gay!? was he a whore!? he didn't know, he didn't want to think about it, he just wanted to be a coward for once and pretend it had never happened.
Frost grinned as he headed home. Oh yea, this was going to be enertaining.

A few days later jace scowled looking across the table at loki, annoyed at the twin who wasn't who he wanted, annyed with his fiancee wo was just trying to be kind, and most of all annoyed with the lover who wasn't back yet.Stabbing his fork into his eggs he glared at loki with a sigh."So.Do you know where he wandered off to?Your a tracker. Go find him."

Frost smirked a little as e walked up his uncle's steps. While common rumor had that the man was dead, it quite entertained him to be using some of his inherentance to make sure that the man had everything he needed."Uncle?"he yelled lookign around not about to walk further inside when he knew his father set magical traps in case eros showed up, not realizing his uncle had also managed to kidnap his own son. Poor frost was going to be so upset when he realized he was related to loki.
Loki shook his head, scowling as he poked at his meal, biting his lip a little. "....he's in the forest..." he muttered softly. "he saw the farmer and the sick wife before he went into the forest..." he swallowed thickly shaking his head a little as he dropped the fork, distracted. he'd been distracted since the party, so very distracted. he was often seen staring into nothing, completely nothing for hours on end with the world warping around him, of course he made sure not to do this around Jace. "he'll come back when he wants to come back." he muttered simply his eyes unfocused as he stared at Jace, looking strangely curious all of a sudden. "...Jace.... how does someone know their gay? like you and Loti... how did you know?"

Errin lived in the massive woods that no one dared enter. it was thanks to him really that all the trees had a life of their own. his Talent being that he could give life to things that shouldn't have it. Trees could think, Rocks could move, Dollies came to life and played with the little girls that owned them. now, it protected him by chasing out anyone who dared enter the woods. he'd been so shocked when Loti had appeared on his doorstep.... ok well appeared about half a mile from his doorstep. he hadn't been able to help himself, he'd kidnapped the crying girl. "Come in Frost." Errin ordered, sounding tired. "Loti PLEASE stop kicking the table." he complained, Loti scowling at the man claiming to be his father. it was hard to deny, being that Errin looked almost exactly like the twins save for the coloring. "Frost, i'd like you to meet one of my sons, Loti." "we've met." Loti growled annoyed as he looked at Frost. Loti wasn't tied up at all, but when one was in a living house, anytime Loti tried to escape all the doors sealed themselves shut. it was really pissing Loti off.
Jace scowled annoed with the answer and for once erika was annoyed with him."Deal with this mood jae. You're giving me a headache."She growled before kissing his head leaving the two men to talk, figuring loki didn't need her input on something so private. Jace startled, looking around the small dining room,looking relaxed when he realized they were indeed alone before frowning."What?Well I kissed him and...well stuff happened.Why?"He asked looking curious."Besides I was always getting more feelings from men then woman...except oddly erika. I can read her well."He said sounding thoughtful.

Frost looked startled at the sight of loti before looking at his uncle, giving a groan."Bloody hell. Of course it had to be them."He whined extremely annoyed to be finding this out."Errin, couldn't you have someone normal?Like Jace. Or someone else."He whined so so annoyed at being related to a man he hadn't been able to stop thinking about.
Loki bit his lip, hard, worrying it with his teeth until he cut skin and blood slowly seeped out from under his teeth and down his chin as he struggled not to start crying like Loti had after he'd kissed Jace the first time. "i...." he hesitated, going blank eyes again and his knee started bouncing, a nervous habit that Loti employed... Loki had never done it before. he was acting all out of sorts. "i..." he covered his face with his hands. "Frostkissedmelastnightand...." he shook his head hard. "i...i got...HARD!" he admitted, almost a wail. for a kid who had been borderline Homophobic for all of his life, this was the biggest horror that Loki had ever faced.

Loti glared at Frost and huffed a little. "like he's really my father, my father is DEAD, mother said so." he spate hatefully, Errin sighing a little. "i can't get him to beleive me... of course, it took me almost six hours to get him to stop crying in the first place... why? what's your problem with my sons?" he asked, more confused than anything else. it wasn't like the Trylle had any problems with cousins marrying. they did it often to keep the powers strong. they didn't have to worry about breeding issues as long as they weren't siblings or something. "you need to let me go you freak!" Loti growled darkly, glaring at Frost. "and you stay away from Jace and Erika!" he demanded slamming his fists into the table, Errin smirking. "you remind me of your mother... she was always moody as hell." "I AM NOT MOODY! I'M PISSED OFF!!!!" Errin rubbed a finger in his ear and turned his attention to Frost. "so, you've seen your sister have you?" he smiled. "you know i'm the one who helped her escape, it's one of the reasons why your father banished me."
"Hey hey hey. Stop. You're bleeding."JAce winced as he felt the sympathy pang in his own lip ,swalowing hard as he watched loki looking confused at the man's reactions before his eyes went wide a little bit. "Oh.Ohhhh."he said slowly starting to understand, before sighing softly."Frost is pretty. In a ice princess kind of way."Jace mused before sighing."Relax loki. Just because it's the first time it happened doesnt mean your gay."he said trying to get him to calm down.
Frost sighed rubbing his ears as the other yelled, wrinkling his nose a little."Nothing I guess. I just didn't have to convince him to forget family bonds along with dating a man."He said sounding thoughtful because he knew loki was going to have to deal with enough as it was. Dating his cousin was just going to be even worse. Looking startled at the idea he nodded."A few days ago. I went to her and jace's engagement party.I figured it was either me or father going, and since I convinced him that it was my right as the betrayed bethored to go, he stayed home."Ah-ha, so frost's apperanace at the party had kept eros from going. Thank god for that.
Loki brought a hand to his lip, shocked to realize he was in fact bleeding, staring at the other before letting out a choked sob. "you don't understand! i... i've been... having d..dreams! i...i t..touch myself and s..start... start THINKING about him!" he protested, hiding his face again, breaking down now. "i c..can't get him out of my head!" Loki was infatuated, who wouldn't be? but... it sort of made sense... Loki had never really shown interest in anyone... that, way. he'd never had a kiss, never had a touch, not from anyone but Jace... so the first person to ever touch him in such a matter had been Frost and now poor virgin in every way Loki was fixated on the man who tasted like ice-cream and snow.

Loti stared at Frost. "what did you do to my brother!?" he demanded leaping to his feet and staring at the other with fury. "What did you do to him!?" "oh Loti, please... just sit down your giving me a migraine." the man complained. "can't you do anything other than yell and cry?" he complained Loti pausing for a moment before a wicked gleam filled his eyes. "yes, actually i can." and in a manner that would have left Jace's history in the dust. Loti threw the biggest temper tantrum the likes of which no one had seen before. he screamed, he wailed, he kicked his feet and screamed profanities until Errin grabbed the boy and shook him to make him shut up. "FINE!!! FINE! Go goddammit JUST GO!" the doors flung open and Loti beamed. "thank you." he chirped, calm and happy as he skipped out of the house, Errin groaning as he sank into a chair. "...goddammit..." he complained sighing a little. "so.. you and Loki hmm?" he asked as if Loti hadn't just done the unthinkable.
"Yea, so everyone has dreams."JAce said trying to so hard to not laugh at his friend. It would be unknd, even if the man was making his head ache with how much he was upset. "Loki, you are the single most asexual person I've ever met. Of course frost winterborne made a impression. He probbly meant to get you all twisted up in a knot, so you wouldn't be thinking about what he's up to."Jace said knowing that wasn't it. If anything duke frost winterborne was known for following his libido and ignoring is father's plans to the point of recklessness, but he knew loki would latch onto the idea that frost was up to something.

"I didnt' do anything."frost said rolling his eyes as he leaned back against the wall looking slightly amused as he watched the temper tantrum before looking over at errin."Bloody hell. He just outdid jace, erika and eros all in one go on the biggest tantrum I've ever seen."He mused before smirking."Yes me and loki.Shut up."he ordered before his uncle even had a chance to say anything.
Loki shook his head. "they don't have dreams about someone sticking their DICK up your ASS!" he roared, leaping to his feet, too anxious and upset to stay sitting anymore, pacing back and forth before pausing, blinking at the other. "...that's right... your right! he's... he's just.. DONE something to me!" he decided, latching feircly onto that lie. "he's DONE something to me and i'm...i'm..." he paused scowling darkly. "i'm gonna fucking KILL him!" he decided, rushing out of the room. he wouldn't really, he was just upset, he couldn't go all the way to the Unseelie anyway.

"you should have seen the temper tantrum his mother did when she found out i was a prince and she was pregnant." he admitted looking amused as he watched Loti leave, sighing a little. "you do realize that Loki is so Asexual that he's never had a kiss before?" Errin was close to the Seelie kingdom for a reason after all. he watched his boys almost constantly, in an almost obsessive manner... they where all he had anymore. "he's probobly going to try and kill you the next time you see him." he muttered, looking vaguely troubled. "Eros is up to something." he muttered softly. "the Unseelie are trying to come into Wildwoods..." and over ten of them had been seriously damaged and so traumatized they refused to go back. two had not returned. "i think he knows i sired offspring... he's looking for me, he wants to kill them..." he growled softly. the real reason why Errin had to leave Loki and Loti's mother... he'd have given up being a prince without a care in the world... but if Eros had found out he'd had twin boys, one with elemental magic no less!?... no, Eros would never let that stand... never.
"Actually they do. You're just to asexual to know this from the normal teenage experience."Jace said refusing to be ruffled by the sudden outburst. "You have to find him first."He said snickering as he watched his friend leave, so so amused at the idea of what was coming. Sitting bac he sighed as he thought about what he had to do next.

Frost snickered a little at the idea of a bigger tantrum before smiling a little."Oh I know. And it doesn't help his brother's in love with the prince. I figured I might as well disturb him on a whole, and keep him off balance enough to figure out what to do next."He said smirking a little thinking about it."What?"Frost looked startled at that, before frowning."Loti's the only one who goes into the woods. Everyone knows that.Even the unseelie."He said thinking about it before sighing softl."They're with jace kroner, not to mention loki's good at what he does, and they're living in the palace. They're as protected as if they were here."He said already thinking about what he could do, because errin had been more of a father to him then his own, so he could do this one thing for him.It'd just take a little convincing to let errin let him really do it.
Errin sighed a little and nodded. "yes, Loti and the Prince..." h frowned. "that is why he was out here, crying... he was going to leave them and live out here in the woods." he admitted looking amused. "as talented as he is, i don't think he'd have lasted long really." he admitted sighing again. "i wish i had been able to convince him that i was his father... i do wish i could talk to them." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i know Loti is the only one who comes into the woods, except you of course." he muttered shaking his head. "and i suppose that they will be safe in the castle..." he looked at the other sternly. "and while we're on the subject, just what are your intentions with my son?" he demanded. "i'm not going to let him just be another one of your accomplishments Frost. no matter how much i love you like a son." he warned, studying the other. "such a thing would break Loki. well, you've seen his bonds." he stated simply. "he has two of them, strong ones. he doesn't know how to be but obsessive." he smirked a little. "like me."

Loti didn't return home right away. he found himself a little pond and had himself a lunch from the vegetable seeds in his pocket, staring at his reflection in a small pond, sighing a little as he considered things, setting a hand on a tree, smiling as it creaked under his fingers. "what do you think i should do?" he asked softly, blinking at the tree. "never mind, i know what you think i should do... stand tall and drink a lot of sunlight." he muttered. "so many problems now... is he really my father do you think?" he asked the tree, his head tilted. "and what should i do about Jace and Erika?... Jace needs me.. for his headaches if nothing else... but i'll get them into trouble..." he sighed and tucked his face into his knees. "i wish Loki was here... he always knows what to do..." finally he got up and headed back to the little house, setting something on the porch before heading back to the Seelie Sidhe. he might as well go back. he would tell Loki of the strange man in the woods... maybe Loki would go and check things out? when...if, Frost left, he would stumble upon the pile of fruit and vegetables that Loti had left behind.
Frost sighed a little."He's a idiot. Jace might love his wife, but his bond to loti is just as deep.I think it'd-it is killing him to not know where he is."He said thoughtfully before wincing at errin's words sighing a little."I have no intentions besides seeing if he could fall in love. I he can, well it might as well be with me. If not...well I'll giveh im someone else to rely on besides jace. Who already has enough problems."He said thoughtfully before running his fingers through his hair."I better be going. It's time to shake up the courts again."

Jae groaned as he cuddled down into the bed, sighing softly as erika stroked his hair not even bothering to acknowledge elora or his mother's presence. Talking to either of them was to much effort. "Mother."Erika smiled softly, but she looked so worried."He wont get out of bed.Says his head hurts."She said anxious because she couldn't think about what it would do to her or the kingdom to lose jace, and it looked like he'd worked himself up enough that his head was causing some damage.
Errin chuckled a little. "you forget... not everyone can see love the way you can... Loti is a shy boy, and insecure." he admitted simply. "and Loki might appear strong but he's just as shy and insecure. be gentle with him, and try not to loose important organs in the process hum?" he asked smirking a little as he watched the other, startled by the pile of fruit at the floor of his porch, chuckling a little. "be careful Frost." he ordered setting a hand on the others shoulder, squeezing gently. "don't shake too hard or too fast or you might be the one falling from the tree." he warned smiling at him.

Elora frowned as she stroked Jace's hair away from his head. "the Healers had seen him... they can't find anything.." she muttered, frowning a little as she watched Loki come in, shaking his head. "i couldn't find Loti anywhere..." he admitted looking worried. "he's been gone four days now... this isn't like him." he admitted, forgetting all about his own problems in the effort of finding his brother. "i went into the forest as far as i dared... but the tree's came to life!" he admitted. "and not in the way Loti can make them do..." he admitted carefully making a batch of tea from the stuff Loti had made for Jace. "Erika... may i speak with you?... alone?" he asked softly, Elora hesitating before nodding, helping Jace to drink the tea, Loki biting his lip. "Erika... i don't think he's coming back..." he whispered softly so Jace wouldn't hear. "...i think he left, ran away... so he wouldn't cause you and Jace problems..." he winced as thunder tore through the sky, and a heavy rain started to fall, Loki looking worried. "..Loti hates the thunder..." he muttered, worried about his brother. "he gets so scared he cries... god.." he covered his face with his hands. "i can't stand the thought of him out there all alone..." actually, he was sprinting for the castle now, a look of terror on his face, but no one would see him because they where all too busy, well, looking for him.
frost frowned slightly."Everyone should. At least with jace.I'm surprised the trylle hasn't figured out he's gay. really. The man dresses better then his princess does."He muttered before nodding."I'll be careful."He said heading back towards the seelie courts, not concerned about the storm as he walked.

Erika frowned looking at elora."there has to be something.Jace is so strong...he wouldn't be complaining if nothing was wrong."ERika muttered sounding so anxious about the man she was falling in love with,Looking at loki she sighed softly stroking jace's hair absently before moving away from the bed and going to the suite's living room glancing towards the bedroom."he's causing more problems by being gone then here. Jace's is refusing to function without him, and I've tried everthing to try to get him up. Even tried to convince him he had to help you.It's not working anymore."Erika muttered swallowing as she looked up at the tracker before wrappign her arms gently around him,hugging him gently, worried he'd freak out on her."He'll find shelter. He will be fine loki.and we will find him."
Errin chuckled at Frost's statement, shaking hi head. "they kept it a good secrete, and he honestly loves Erika." he admitted smiling a little. "they will be good for the Seelie Sidhe... just as you, and Loki, will be good for the unseelie." he admitted calmly, giving Frost permission to seduce his poor traumatized son. things where about to get very interesting.

Elora sighed a little and shook her head. "i'm certain it's his powers manifesting about something... he's emotional and his powers are causing him pain." she admitted looking worried. "please my son... come back to us..." she whispered softly, stroking his hair gently. "i can't loose you, not when i already had to loose Erika once... please, wake up Jace..." Loki sighed as he stared at Erika. "he's in too much pain now to do anything..." he whispered softly. "i've tried reaching out to Loti... being Twins we can tug each others souls... if i'd tugged hard enough he would know something is wrong, but he's too far away, anytime he goes into that fucking forest i can't reach him... it's like the trees themselves shield me from him.." he admitted wrapping his arms around her as another furious crack of thunder ripped through the air, and a sharp squeal from down the hall made Loki jump. "..Loti!?" he asked, astonished as his brother barreled into him and hid his head under Loki's shirt, both of them laying on the floor, Loti trembling so furiously it looked like he was going to vibrate out of his own skin. "...really?! your gone for four days and a STORM finally brings you home!?" Loki demanded, furious as he gathered Loti into his arms and headed into the room, intending on yelling at Loti... once the storm had passed and the boy wasn't babbling in terror anymore.
Jace shifted a little at elora's touch, shifting a little, turning his face into elora's hand even if he didn't turn all the way into her hand, or respond otherwise. Erika sighed softly shaking his head."damn. I'm going to yell at him if we ever find it."He said snarling softly because she had a feeling that even if loti returned, the damage to jace might be permanant, might be irrepairable. Yelping at hte squeal she looked down at the other twin before staring at him, trying to figure out what to do to him."No.Take him to his own room. Jace can't see him now."She said her voice soft, but not offering any other option because she wasn't going to cause her fiancee any more harm, so she was going to protect him, until she knew what was going on."We'll deal with him later."

Two hours later, and after the bitch of the storm blew itself out, erika sighed softly as she knocked on loti's door, looking tired and strained, having refused to let loti see either of the royal couple until the storm was done, because she had no idea what to do. "Loki?It's me?"
Loki nodded and took Loti into his own room, setting the other on the bed and cuddled him until the boy calmed down. when Erika knocked on the door Loti was sobbing, crying as Loki yelled at him for being a heartless idiot who left people who needed him because he was too stupid to take people's feelings into consideration. he only stopped yelling at Loti to let Erika in, Loti sniffling as he wiped his eyes. "i'm SORRY! i was SCARED!" Loti finally managed to get out. "what was i supposed to do!? just let Frost tell the world, get Erika and Jace in trouble, you and me KILLED!?" Loki snarled at his brother before sighing a little. "Loti, you should have TOLD Jace about being worried!" he stated softly. "why where you done for so long anyway!? even when you run away you always come back after two or less days..." "oh... yeah i was kidnapped." Loti admitted shaking his head. "some man is living int he Wildwoods... he caught me crying in the woods and took me to his house and then the damn thing wouldn't let me out!" he complained hiccuping as he wiped his eyes. "he said his name was Errin..." he admitted, not realizing that Loki, and Erika would recognize that name. "he said me and you was his sons..." Loti admitted, Loki falling still, astonished.

"...i'll go check it out... for now, we need to get you to Jace..." he paused glancing at Erika because Elora was still in the room. "only... Elora's still in there and i don't think she'll leave we... we might have to distract her or talk her into leaving..." he admitted biting his lip before nodding. "i'll go get Elora, Erika, you get Loki in there once i get Elora out of there, i'll tell her about Errin." he muttered. "she has to know he's so close to the Seelie... i'll go and look him up myself... there are ways to find out for sure if someone is related to you." he admitted biting his lip a little before heading into Elora's room, explaining that Loti was there and needed to examine Jace, and that he needed to talk to her about a problem in the Wildwoods. she left, letting Loti into the room to carefully stroke Jace's hair. "Jace." Loti whispered softly. "Jace... it's ok, i'm here, i'm back.. i'm sorry i was gone for so long." he whispered glancing at Erika. "can you go into my room and get the Jar labeled NightenBloom? it's dark." he explained. "it might help pull him out of his pain." he promised gently kissing Jace's forehead. "it's alright Love, i'll never leave you again, i promise..."
Erika frowned a little as she looked at them both, looking thoughtful."Well. At least there is something we can tell jace when he asks why you were gone. Kidnapping is a good excuse."Seh said looking astnished because she had no idea what to tink about her exiled uncle claiming loti and loki as sons. IT was so weird, that she didnt want to consider it yet. Smiling slightly as she helped loki distract her mother before going to loti's room

"Here."Erika muttered handing the jar looking down at jace as she sat on the edge, gently rubbing his back, sighing a little as the man shifted, leaning bck against her knees."Will he be okay loti?"She muttered looking up at him worriedly, so scared that her prince as going to fall.
Loti shook his head. "i shouldn't have left... i should have known better..." he sighed a little and stroked Jace's hair gently, smiling at the other, giving him a small kiss. "i don't know if he'll be alright or not..." he admitted softly, looking worried. "i've never seen him react like this before..." he admitted softly as he took the jar from her and made a tea, very carefully. "it's very dangerous using this." he admitted glancing at her. "make sure you never touch it unless i give you permission." he ordered firmly. "help me sit him up?" he asked softly, sliding one arm around Jace's shoulders, trying to sit him up as he carefully pressed the cup to Jace's lips. "Jace, you need to drink... come on Blue Jay... drink it, for me?" he pleaded softly, trying to get the other to drink, kissing the man's forehead. "come on Jace, you can't leave us..." this tea was so strong, that it wouldn't just dull the pain, it would kill it... and then leave Jace completely powerless for hours... even days. it wouldn't kill him, but loosing ones abilities could be traumatic, but Loti knew that no other herb would help... this was their only hope. "come on love, drink it all."
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