Torn apart

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Jace groaned but let him go to go back to his brother. Sighing softly because loki was making his head hurt, which meant he had to stop creeping him out. Leaning back against the wall he sighed softly."But you're so amusing when you're being freaked out."Jace said snickering as he looked at loki, pain in his eyes, because he really believed that loki would make loti choose between him, and it was going to kill him to lose loti.

"Yea, she wants to talk to you.About the securty at the party.Seeing as your the bodyguard for them."Jace said snickering amused that loki felt even more horrified about being at a party then he was about being kissed."You can't run away. I need you here. Erika likes you, she needs someone to talk to."he said smiling a little as he watched them."You know she does. You became to good at your job, she needs the best at their job to guard her daughter."Jace said amused because he knew why loki was horrified at the thought.

"I wont. I'll talk to her after she gets done with loki."e muttered pressing a kiss to loti's head looking towards the bathroom before hesitating and wrapping his arms around loti, closing his eyes as he held the other."oh no. No one's retraining you. Besides, if your a duke, you can't be my doctor. Or anyone's doctor at that matter. The queen wont like it to much."He sighed before sighing a little."What did he say?"Jace said raising a eyebrow frowning as he consiered his best friend.
Loki glared at Jace, annoyed at the other. "i am not! stop it!" he complained before pausing. "well... as long as it's just security i guess i can go..." he grumbled sighing a little as he shook his head. "i could run away... but i couldn't willingly abandon Loti like that." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head a little. "i am the best at my job though." he mused, smug and pleased by that thought. "and i guess you and Erika aren't SO bad." he mused shaking his head. "i guess i could take a vacation, after all i am still on the Lists, the Queen can't deny me my job." he purred happily. "i'll just go out every few months instead of every week." he decided. "yeah, this could work for me." Loti giggled a little, amused by his brother as he grinned at Jace. "i think we where worried for nothing..." he admitted smiling a little as he cuddled into the other. "i can't be retrained... Loki's tried... i'm just too shy..." he admitted. "and very not good in stressful situations... i can't give orders at all unless it's to take a cup of tea everyday..."

he giggled at Jace's pondering of what Loki had said and grinned a little. "he called her a nosy, pushy bitch." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head. "very impolite... even if it is true." "mmpph phuum ffmp." Loki stated as he watched them, Loti giggling. "no Loki, we can't kidnap her and bury her alive." Loti protested shaking his head. "i know Jace will get the queen to rein in her adviser." he smirked. "she might even let you help Jace." the younger twin teased with a snicker as Loki chuckled and went to finish brushing his teeth, rinsing his mouth out before heading for the door. "come on then Jace, i have to go have that meeting with the queen, and you need to talk to her about that adviser bitch." he stated with a shake of his head. "annoying hag anyway. Loti? that mother of three was over while you where gone, her littlest has the wheezes, she was hoping you'd check on her." Loti nodded. "of course." he agreed going to get his basket of healing herbs before grabbing Jace and kissing him slowly, Loki making a strange sound in the back of his throat, Loti smiling at Jace. "everything is going to work out... i know it." he promised smiling at the other before letting him and Loki go.

Loki was silent most of the way to the castle, clearly thinking hard about how to handle what was happening. the Queen saw Loki right away and Jace was left to cool his heals for an hour while she drilled Loki about what had happened. finally she decided it wasn't Loki's fault and let him go, calling Jace in. "Loki says that you wish to speak to me Jace." Elora stated, looking tired. she'd been fretting for two days about security, about how to make the party perfect, and all the other things that she had to worry about. "what is the matter?" she demanded, frowning a touch. "both you and Loki seam very distracted, has something happened to Erika?" she asked, worried that perhaps Erika and Jace weren't getting along or something equally as horrifying for the kingdom.
"Well its good to hear you wouldn't abandon loti, and just leave me out there on my own."he said snickering a little at the idea that loki would probably at the moment be quite willing to let him be left behin. Jace smiled a little pressing a kiss to loti's hir."Hmm and telling me waht you want."he teased about the orers before snickering."She is a nosy pushy bitch."He said snickering at loki's words before sighing softl. Yelping a little startled as he was kissed, kissing him back before letting him go, looking at loki as they walked but letting him stay silent. While it would kill him to lose loti, if loki decided to tell the queen he really couldn't stop him. Or if loki wanted them to stop well...things ere going to get bad.

Looking distracted as he walked into the queen's chambers he looked concerned for her before shaking his head."No, Erika is fine, and currently picking out her wedding dress along with what she wants for the party and how she wants to look like.I'm distracted at the idea of what she looks out of them personally."He said sitting down across fom her, slouching forward resting his forearms on his knees as he looked at her, a smirk dimpling his cheek amused because he knew the idea that her daughter and jace were already having sex was disturbing her, even if they weren't having sex yet."No. I came to talk to you about your advisor. My lady, elora, I know that you want Loti to be a duke. But he does not have the temperment for it, and the girl's bugging him about it every day and making him fret even more. He will not cave, not for you, and definately not for her, but it is driving him insane with worry to be harassed about it."
loki snorted a little. "i could never abandon my brother." Loki admitted, smirking a little. "he's half of my soul." Loti rolled his eyes but smiled at the mention of the old fairy tale about Twins being two bodies with one soul, each taking the characteristics of a single personality. with Loki and Loti the fairy tale almost seamed real. Loki would never tell though, not on his best friend and his brother. never, Jace made Loti happy and Loki, as much as it disturbed him... he could never take that away from Loti.. he might take it away from Jace if he felt the other was putting himself in danger... but never Loti. the Queen knew nothing about Loti and Jace's relationship and Loki intended on keeping it that way. Elora sighed, relaxing at the promise of Erika enjoying her wedding planning and scowled at Jace for his comment, glaring at him really, though such a noble never GLARED, that was a commoner thing to do and she would deny it to the end of her days. Elora had spoken with Erika as often as she had been able, but the entire kingdom was in an uproar, excited about the return of the princess and the upcoming wedding and everyone was trying to see the queen in hopes of catching a glimpse of Erika.

"hmm, Loti?" she asked, startled as she blinked at him listening very carefully, scowling a little. "i understand that Loti does not have the temperament to be a Duke, but the other Dukes are pressuring me... Loti is too powerful Jace, and he is living like a commoner when he should be royalty." she admitted. "they don't like that he is more powerful than them yet only has the title of a common herbalist... i understand that he will never be a Duke, i would not want him to be, a job like that... he'd kill himself before the month was out, but i don't know what else to do with him." she scowled darkly. "my Adviser will be dealt with for going behind my back, very severely, but i can't just let Loti be... the other Dukes will not stand for it despite how useful the boy is in his current position." she admitted sighing a little. "so many people would have died of ill had he not been here to help them, and not just the nobles..." she shook her head. "i just can't find a place for him where he will be happy, and the other Dukes and duchesses will be happy." she admitted blinking at him, showing that she too had been fretting about Loti's position in life. "and that brother of his doesn't help matters either. the Dukes want him to be a Duke as well but he refused as well and won't even let me bother him about it." she smirked. "he at least, i can make a royal guard and make proper use of him."
JAce smirked a little for once not disturbed at being glared at. "Hey, you've talked to her. You know I've behaved myself."He teased before sighing softly moving to stand and look out the window, suddering a little."I know."He sai biting his lip, "Erika likes him you know."he said as if taking his time to figure out what he should do. IT would have been one thing to have erika suggest it, but if he could get elora to order it..."He doesn't do well as a duke, but make him my personal healer. Not only will be be above the other healers, my own protection will extend to him, and if they have a issue about what we call him, it will be me who sees about the insult."

He smirked a little at the window, enjoying the thought of the advisor being punished before sighing."Make them both mine. And erika's. No one can deny that being my personal healer and lady erika's bodyguard is anything else then a duke. They wouldn't have the title, which means they wouldnt be bound by the rules the rest of us are, and have the same restrictions, but they'd be properl honored so the others don't make me toss them all in a lake."
Elora sighed a little and shook her head. "yes, i know, she claims you've been a perfect gentleman save for your terrible jokes." she complained snorting a little. "it's almost impossible to beleive." she admitted watching him as he pondered. "Erika does like him." she agreed, her young daughter having nothing but good things to say about Loki, Loti and Jace. "hmm, you and Erika's personal healer... he IS the only one who can help your headaches..." she mused considering that. "yes, i like this idea. then he can heal you whenever you need it, and still be able to see the people of the kingdom when they grow ill. yes i DO like that." she agreed smiling at Jace. "you will make a great King." she admitted looking at a wall clock, sighing a little. "i want you to speak to Loki and Loti, explain their new positions." she ordered. "and then send Loki to me, i want his input on protection during the next weeks parties." she admitted looking so tired. "see if you can't bring Loti here with his basket of Herbs, i'm feeling very drawn out." she admitted smiling at Jace. "thank you for solving the problem for me Jace. i will deal with Tamika immediately." she promised getting slowly to her feet and demanding one of the guards who stood right outside her door at all times, to bring her adviser to her.

by the time Jace found Loti he was halfway out of the Castle walls helping a Farmers wife who had a fever. grinding herbs as he hummed a small song to sooth the farmers nerves as Loti worked, Loki already back with the queen, Loti blinking at Jace. "d..duke..." the Farmer stuttered, bowing low to Jace. "to... to what do we owe this honor?" he asked, hoping that no one had done anything wrong in his household... had his son done something wrong? was the Duke there for his wife!? royalty so rarely left the castle walls that the people who lived there nearly had panic attacks when they did. "oh! Jace." Loti chirped smiling at the other. "i'm nearly done here." he promised, the Farmer relaxing as he realized Jace was there for Loti. "do you have a headache again?" he asked, pretending, as he always did, to only know Jace through business. "here you goo Ma'am, drink this, drink it all now." Loti demanded, carefully helping her to drink a cup of hot tea. "there. the fever should go down within the next few hours." he promised the farmer. "come with me Duke Jace, i'll get you your headache Tea."
"Oh?Is it so impossible to think I could be gentlemanly?You wound me, my queen."He said dramatically snickering a little. Grinning to himself, because now not only did his personal reasons for wanting loti around him come true, but it helped the kingdom to. "Announce it at the engagement party. Make it your gift to me and erika."He said before smiling a little."I will. Rest well...mother."He muttered bending down to pressing a kiss to her forehead as he left. Blushing slightly because despite everything, he personally felt closer to elora then his own mother.

Jace looked startled at the farmer's words, because despite thinking he was better then most of humanity, he still wasn't used to hearing it from the trylle. Tilting his head at the farmer he smiled trying to be reassuring though his headache was probabl making it seem more like a grimace."I came to collect Lord Loti wen he's done with the healing. WE have some things to talk about and I have a headache."he said trying to relax the farmer smiling a little at loti, it was so weird to hear him speaking so formally to him."Good day, farmer. And if you should need him again, send a message to the palace.Lord Loti is going to be having a change of residence."He said smiling absently as he let the pain make him a little spacey, having found that when he was among the commer's they were calmer when they realized just how spacey and out of sorts his powers left him.

Following Loti out he smiled as he slid his hands into his pockets, the spaceiness not completely faked as he looked over at his lover."I have gotten both you and loki reassigned to my household, and the advisor punished. And even the queen has agreed to give you two as my engagement presents, instead of naming you dukes. That should satisfy everyone."He said smiling a little as he walked back to the castle.
she snorted a little. "i doubt anyone when it comes to my daughter." she admitted looking a little amused as he smiled at him. "the party tonight?... yes, i do like that, properly dramatic." she agreed chuckling a little as she was called mother, her expression softening. "thank you, Jace." she muttered. ever since he had come back to the Trylle, she had seen him as a son, she valued his opinion, and his company almost as much as she did Erika's now. in all honesty, Jace was the only person to have ever seen the woman cry. the Farmer on the other hand looked a little terrified of the visiting Duke, looking confused by the others spaciness as Loti smiled at him. "it's alright Erik." Loti promised smiling at the Farmer. "Tanya will be fine. and i will personally make sure that any messages sent to the palace will get to me, or i'll raise hell." Erik laughed at that, they all knew better. Loti couldn't cause hell if it turned out the young healer was the Devil himself.

"you did!?" Loti asked, so very glad to hear that. "thank goodness! i was so tired of that foul woman bothering me all the time, she kept tromping on my Thyme!" he whined pouting a little as he smiled at Jace, his head tilted. "you poor thing, Loki gave you a migraine didn't he? come on, we can try my new tea and see how well that works for you." he decided smiling at Jace. "i find it very amusing that i'm being given to you as a present... people might even suspect that i'm there to... 'keep you company'... while Erika is gone." he admitted looking so very amused. "but if i'm a GIFT, then no one can complain about it." he admitted with a giggle as he gently settled Jace into a chair, kissing him gently before getting the Tea ready, sliding it over to him. "there, try that." he ordered as he started packing his things, pondering what to take of his dried herbs before packing up them all, settling his suitcase of hundreds upon hundreds of seeds onto the table to take with, carefully bundling up all of his dried Herbs and laying them in a large canvas to be taken to the Palace as well.

"will i be in your rooms or in a separate room? i'm probobly going to have a lot of visitors being as i'm the only doctor both able and willing to help the sick." he admitted blinking at Jace. surprisingly, Loti was actually quite a busy little bee, not that most of the people realized it. the Dukes where going to raise a fuss about the commoners being int he Palace, but Loti was sure between Loki, Jace, Erika and the Queen herself the dukes and duchesses and other royalty would get used to it. because Loti wasn't about to abandon the common people, they needed him just as much as the Royals did. "i'm going to pack my and Loki's clothes, i know he's staying in the same Suite as you, being your bodyguard and all." he teased smirking. "try not to kiss him too much." he ordered, breaking down into furious giggles. he found this whole situation quite funny really.
"ah, but your leaving her continued happiness in her hands lady. I will try to be a good husband."He muttered looking amused because he loved her.Smiling as he left her snickered at the farmer's reaction but let loti make him leave,"You are a annoying little devil you know."He muttered amused.

"I did. And I think I'm going to make it a standing order she's not allowed talking to me. Or erika. Erika probably would not apperciate her presence."he said having over the last few days, come to love his future wife as much as he did loti, which would be problematic, and still would be .He didn't realize that you could love two people at the same time, in totally different ways. That was actually what was giving him a migraine instead of loki, but he was willing to let loti think that was it.Sighing softly as he sipped his tea he laughed softly before nodding."No, they really cn't complain. And if they do, the queen will take it as a offense that they don't think it was a apporiate gift."He said watching loti amused."In the suite across from ours, and loki's staying in the consort's rooms, since me and erika have come to a agreement that we'll always share a room instead of seperate."He said sounding thoughtful and worried.
Loti chuckled a little, smiling at Jace, his head tilted a little. "of course i am." he muttered smiling a little. "but only to certain people." he teased with a small giggle. "please make sure that she can't talk to me or Loki either... Loki might try to kill her." he muttered, shrugging his shoulders a little, looking worried at how spacey his lover was. "Jace, are you sure your alright? your acting strangely..." he muttered frowning as he stroked the soon to be Prince's hair. "i'm glad they'll all leave me alone." he admitted shaking his head a little. "those ass holes make is so hard to work..." he admitted scowling as he smiled at the other, his head tilted. "we'll always be close by." he mused smiling at the other. "i like that." he admitted kissing the other again before skipping off to pack both his and Loki's things. it didn't take long, being as poor as they where, they only had essentials. at least they never had to worry about food, being as Loti could grow whatever they wanted when they got hungry.

"i'm ready to go when you are Love." he muttered smiling softly at Jace. "i need to check on the queen anyway, she's getting nearly as many headaches as you do." he admitted smiling a little his head tilted at him. "...oh and...uhm... could me and Loki borrow some clothes for tonight party? we don't have any party clothes..." he admitted biting his lip, looking a little ashamed. he never did like going to parties, neither brother did though Loki got invited all the time to the parties of the Dukes and duchesses that he brought back... "Jace... what if i do something embarrassing?" he asked, looking worried. "i don't know how to act at a party... what if i shame you and Erika?"
Jace smiled looking up at him as he rested his cheek against his hand, smiling a little."Yea, I'm okay."He said waving off the other's worry, leaning into the other's touch before sighing softly."I'll make sure they leave you alone. After all, what fun is it to be a prince, if I can't order them around."He said sighing a little as he got up to leave, smiling as they walked outside towards the castle.

"IF you do something embarassing well you do. You can't catch my total of embarassing things. The trylle saw me through a temper tantrum the size of titanic. You can't top that."He said before sighing softly as they walked into the castle, knowing that loki was already here somewhere."You wont shame us Loti. The queen, maybe. But I'm pretty sure me and erika are more laid back."He said smiling as they walked into their suites.

"Loti!What are you doing here?"Erika said smiling happily as she looked through the door to the small living area that had been set up for her and jace.

Erika's dress:
he hesitated at the others reassurances before smiling as he was cuddled a little, kissing the others temple. "you'll make a good prince." he agreed smiling a little as he shook his head, following the other, making Jace carry the bundles of herbs so they wouldn't get crushed while he carried everything else. "well.. i guess your right, that WAS an impressive temper tantrum." he agreed smiling a little as he watched his lover, giggling a little. "i think i could belch in front of you guys and Erika wouldn't care." he admitted blushing. sure they wouldn't mind but if such a thing where to happen Loti would feel pretty mortified. he grinned at Erika, smiling a little. "i'm moving into the Suite next to yours as you and Jace's personal healer. so the other Dukes and Duchesses stop bitching about me being a waste of talent." he admitted rolling his eyes, blushing hard as he saw the Queen poke her head out, Elora looking less than amused. "i assure you Loti, you are anything but a waste of talent." she smirked. "now your brother on the other hand..."

"now don't get started in on me again!" Loki ordered, sounding strained as Loti blinked. "Loki? what are you doing in there?" "i'm being tortured! save me!" he was being fitted for a suit for the party actually. Elora was making the Palace dressmakers do it personally and was overseeing while both he and Erika where fitted. "oh stop complaining and hold still or the dressmakers will stick you with a pin again." Elora stated firmly, Loti giggling a little. "i take it me and Jace are next?" "oh don't be silly, Jace has plenty of suits suitable for the party... just you." Loti giggled again and smiled at the Queen. "thank you Ma'am." he chirped calmly, Loki cursing loudly as he was stuck with another pin, Loti giggling a little as he shook his head. "Erika... you look so pretty!" Loti stated suddenly, looking astonished as he saw her beautiful dress, his head tilted a little as he struggled not to hide how nervous she made him. she was gorgeous, and a woman... how could he compete with that?
"She probably wouldn't, but I don't think elora would apperciate it."JAce said snickering a little,"Besides. Erika knows worse things your doing at the moment then bleching."He muttered smirking a little as he set the things in loti's suite before crossing the room."Ah, lovely, you look beautiful."Jace said smiling as he rested his hands on erika's hips twirling her in a circle, and laughing as she squealed to be put down smiling as he set her down again he rolled his eyes at loki's protests.

"It's not torture. Just go along with it."Jace said smiling as he let them get back to the fittings, and leaving loti to their mercy as he stole into the consort's room-well loki's really- to stretch out and try to relieve his headache before he had to be with the rest of the kingdom.

By the time the party rolled around jace was better, or at least having smoked enough to numb his emotions, and taken a shower to keep the smell off of him. Walking into the suite he looked at the three waiting for him, blong hair curling slightly around his face. Looking...bemused as erika told loki about the things she wanted to change about the trylle, having already run into some of their prejudces, and wanted to make things better. "Are you boring them yet?"Jace teased looking amused, and glad that with loki and loti he didn't have to pretend to be non aware of loti as he had to be with the queen.
Loti blushed hard at that and ducked his head shyly as he glanced at Jace. "personally i think we should be doing such embarrassing things more." he teased, blushing even harder at his boldness as he smiled at Jace. giggling as he swirled Erika around the room, Loki laughing a little as he heard Erika squealing, Elora chuckling as she shook her head. "now stop that! your going to wrinkle her new dress!" she protested through her smiles. by the time Jace came out Loki was done with his fitting, and he looked as elegant as he ever had dressed in his Tux. the outfit did little to change his appearance, as he always held an air of 'i'm better than you' that the Tux just couldn't accent anymore. he did look dashing, this was true, but he was out-shined by his own brother, who stepped out in a white tux, fidgeting nervously.

Loti looked as beautiful as Erika did, his hair all done in tiny braids that framed his face, his white suit etched with silver and a single spot of blue in the pocket. he looked like an angel, and his beauty was only rivaled by Erika's. "...shit Loti..." Loki managed to choke out, Loti ducking his head, looking horrified. 'i..i know... i.. i told her i looked terrible but..." "no, Loti... you look beautiful." Loki admitted smiling at his brother glancing at Erika. "between you and the Princess... no ones going to know what to do with themselves..." he admitted smirking. "Erika, you simply MUST get Loti to dance with you." he teased smirking a little. "the Trylle shall faint with two such beauties as you." "oh!!" Loti tried to protest. "i..i don't... i don't know how to!" he admitted, looking so horrified. "i...i don't want to go..." he whimpered, Loki smiling as he wrapped an arm around his brother, murmuring comforting things to the other, glancing at Jace with a lifted eyebrow, wondering if the other was even going to be alright for this party. between Loti and Jace, he was sure this party was going to be a disaster.
"You know, you should dress up more of-"Jace trailed off as he looked at loti, glad that the queen had gone to get ready so no one but the ones who knew were witness to his reaction. Erika laughed softly pressing her fingers against her fiancee's hin, closing his mouth."You're going to catch flies like that."She teased before smiling looking at loti."Oh you must dance with me. And Jace. THAT would give them something to really talk about."She said blushing a little because she was worried abbout the two men that she had come to care for a lot.

Jace glared at loki pressing his fingers against his temple."I'm fine."He snapped annoyed at loki for worrying about him. Sighing softly as he straightened his tie, looping a arm through erika's. "Shall we, my lady?"He muttered smiling as they left the room. Pausing at the top of the stairs he winced a little, something only erika felt and absently stroked a hand over his arm trying to sooth the already almost overwhelmed man before they started down the stairs. The trylle's excitement over having their princess back was already getting to him.
Loti blushed hard as Jace stared at him, fighting not to tug at his sleeves or the hem of his shirt, the dressmaker had firmly informed him that if he ruined his suit she would cut off all of his fingers to keep him from doing it again... he believed her. "b..but i d..don't know to!" Loti protested looking terrified, Loki chuckling. "Loti, calm down! you need to calm down." Loki ordered smiling at Jace. "you two go ahead, i'm going to calm Loti down before he pukes on the floor." the room was full of people when Jace got there, the Trylle murmuring in excitement as they watched Jace and the princess walk down the stairs elegant and graceful, the Queen waiting for them at the bottom, beaming at her daughter and soon to be Son in Law, her eyes glistening with tears at having her daughter there, so beautiful. she took both of their hands and gave them a small bow, smiling brightly. "you both look wonderful." she whispered, smiling as she watched Loki and Loti slip in unnoticed through a back entrance.

"my don't they look lovely?" she asked her head tilted. "...i'm amazed that Loki hasn't ruined his suit yet." she admitted smiling at her daughter, kissing her forehead before kissing Jace's. "i'm so glad that your here." she whispered, hugging them both tightly before wandering off to socialize just like Jace and Erika where expected to. Loki and Loti hung out in the back, Loti hiding and Loki because he was keeping an eye on the windows and the entrances, waiting for an attack or someone slipping in who wasn't supposed to be there. as always, he took his job very seriously, and that was protecting Jace and Erika.
Jace laughed softly at elora's words."I'm sure he'll have a chance to do so before the night's over."He said smiling as he and erika moved into the crowd. Cringing every once in awhile as someone's thougts overwhelmed his shields. But when their newest guest arrived he was already turning to look at the stairs, already pushing erika behind him.

Frost Winterborne smiled bemusedly as he walked down the stairs, like he had every right to be there.And he did, they'd after all invited all the trylle, and like erika, he was a alf breed, though his birth was a result of rape instead of marriage. ERos had taken one of elora's ladies in waiting when his wife disappeared, and abused her until her mind was so oroken that it wouldn't matter.

"What are you doing here, Winterborne?"Jace growled one hand firmly behind him to keep erika from moving out behind him and the other starting to raise, ready to fling frost against the wall if he did anything threatening."You invited all the tryle, and sidhe. I am both."Frost said bemused as he looked around."I must admit,, this party is better than any father throws."
she chuckled a little and shook her head before gasping in horror as she saw Frost, backing away as Loki raced forward, planting himself firmly in front of Jace and Erika, his fingers twitching as Loti settled in front of the other Dukes and duchesses, the entire room huddled behind timid terrified Loti who had hundreds of tiny tiny seeds in his hands, ready to protect everyone who was hiding behind him. most the the royalty behind him didn't have the powers to protect themselves from someone as strong as Frost. "your not welcome here Winterborne." Loki snarled, his eyes fixed furiously on the other. "you already tried to kidnap Erika once and failed, i won't give you a second chance." he hissed, his fingers flexing, preparing to twist reality to chance Frost out... but he didn't know the others powers, he didn't know if it would work... he was suddenly glad that Loti was there with his more physical power, those tiny thorn seeds would grow into massive walls in a matter of seconds, and if thrown on Frost, the man had no chance....but Loti had to get close to the man first, and there was no way Loti was going to do that.

"You need to leave now Winterborne." Loki growled, advancing a few steps while Elora grabbed Erika and pulled her down a few steps to keep her as far away from Frost as she could. "now.. let us not be rude..." Elora managed softly. she didn't want him there... but he was right, in a sense she had invited him... and it was her fault his mother was broken after all... she had abandoned her poor Lady in waiting, who had been kidnapped with her, valuing her daughter over the other woman.. but Frost's mother had once been her best friend... how could she tell this man that he couldn't have Erika because they had the same father!? would he ever understand such a thing!? "let us all have peace here... this is a party..." she muttered nervously. "a happy occasion, and Frost wouldn't possibly have come here looking for trouble... not alone." Loki hesitated, but she was right, Frost was alone... they hoped. "what do you want here... Duke Winterborne?" Loki demanded, giving the other the proper title.. so as not to be rude and annoy the queen.
"I assure you.I am quite alone."Frost said smiling softly.

Jace was tense and ready to protect his girl, swallowing hard as he watched the winter duke coming further down the staircase, a hand rest on the railing, wintery frost trailing under his fingers as he walked."Ah, you see I came to see if I could convince a priness into a dance. After all, I am sure someone who likes the female gender has to be better then who she's currently dancing with."Frost mused as he stepped off the last stair. Along with his winter given ablities, the duke was sensitive like erika was, but instead of seeing emotions he could see links between people, and while the newly forming one between erika an her duke were showing silver, loti and jace's was a shining gold.

Jace growled softly annoed as erika side stepped him, but not reaching for her because he knew he'd get a kick in the balls for it. And he did enjoy her pleasant with him, but he had a feeling that there was a bad temper under all that niceness. "And why do you want a dance, duke?"

"Can one not want to dance with a pretty lady, just because she is pretty?"
Loki growled darkly, his eyes narrowed viciously before shuddering as he witnessed the frost, Winterborn had been aptly named. "you will get no Dance from Erika." he growled darkly, his eyes narrowed as he watched the other, stepping in the way so that Frost could get no closer to the others. the link from Loki to Jace and Erika was so strong that it was shocking, but it was not love that held them, but a fierce protectiveness that said that he would die to protect them. between him and Loti was a shining, slender strand of Family love, Loki would die to protect him too... Frost really was going to have to go through Loki to get to Erika, because the man had no intention of letting Frost anywhere near her. "Erika get back!" Loki demanded, glaring at her. "i don't care what this man says, he's bad news." he growled, Elora smiling hesitantly. "...he's also her brother..." "w...WHAT!?" Loki demanded, gaping at the Queen who shook her head. "he and she, have the same father." she admitted simply.

Loti was gaping in astonishment as well, staring from Frost to Erika... now that someone pointed it out... they did have a very similar appearance in the face. Loki was so astonished that for a moment all he could do was sit there and stare at the queen. giving Frost the chance he needed to get past the Illusionist and make his way to Erika. Loti moved forward a few steps, worried about his lover and Erika, wanting to protect them to the best of his ability. because he too would give his life to protect Erika, Jace, and Loki.
Frost tilted his head, silvery winter eyes unfocused a little as he saw the links tying them all together. IT was...odd. The unseelie liked each other, but there were no links this solid, even among the married couples, nothing shone in this seelie brillance. Before startling out of his vision, the world suddenly sharp edged again as he sut off his power, even the frost melting in his shock, the water pattering to the floor."W-what?"frost's head whipped around to stare at elora. He had known that erika was fathered by one of the unseelie, but he hadn't realized that his own father had broken the queen. He'd always assumed that it was one of the more civil unseelie, since elora's mind had survived the encounter.

Jace tensed swallowing hard as he rested a hand on erika's arm, gently pulling her into the cirlce of his arms, resting his chin on her head, he was just that much taller than the small girl, smiling at loti as he shifted a little to make sure he was in front of him to.
Elora smiled a little and nodded. "yes.. that's right." she muttered sighing as she shook her head. "i never thought to tell anyone, but i can't just let you go chasing after your own blood. no matter what Eros may have told you." Eros had been trying to tell his son that Erika was betrothed to him of course. Eros was so sick in the head that if he couldn't have Elora as his wife, then he wanted Erika. and if Eros couldn't have her, then he wanted Frost to have her, good strong powers had to come from such a pairing... that was what Eros thought of course. the man was so insane he'd even banished his own younger brother so that the man couldn't try for the throne or produce offspring stronger than his own. most of the world thought Eros's little brother was dead because he hadn't been seen in over fifteen years. "Eros tried to break me, but he failed." she admitted her eyes studying Frost. "so he broke my Lady in waiting instead." she admitted staring at Frost as Loki hesitated and then stepped out of the way so that Frost could go down and face Elora like the queen, and he deserved.

Loti moved forward, hesitating as he set a hand on Jace's shoulder, biting his lip a little. "whats going on Jace?" he asked softly. "why is Loki letting Frost come down here!?" Loti just didn't understand politics like everyone else did, and it was all making Loti very nervous. he stared at Frost, he didn't like how Frost had made that comment about Jace not liking girls. did Frost know!? HOW could he know!? it made Loti nervous, very nervous. "shouldn't we be making him leave!?"
Frost frowned looking thoughtful as he turned over the idea, considering what he knew about his father and what he would do to the ones around him. Tilting his head slightly he looked at elora, "Then may I ask the princess for a dance?Even her brother has to be better then a bore." "I am not a bore."Jace growled tightening his hold on erika as she leaned back against him to comfort him, giving him that protective shield, her own feelings and thoughts becoming the cloud and shield between him and everyone else.

"Frost is a lord of the sidhe, even if he is unseelie sidhe raised, he is trylle."He muttered thoughtfully. "we can't deny him access to a party just because he is unseelie without pissing him off. And I want to know what he really wants."He muttered because he was sure despite the man's surprise, he was really up to something else.
Loti stared at Frost, glancing at Jace, biting his lip a little. "he knows something..." he whispered, Loki growling a little, his eyes narrowing a little, grimacing as the other called Jace a bore, moving away from the other to study Frost, glancing at Erika. "your not really going to dance with him?" he demanded softly, making sure no one else could hear him. "he's going to kidnap you, or poison you!" he protested, soft blue eyes worried as Loki glanced at his brother, hissing through his teeth to shut the other up, Loti flushing and looking down at the ground, Loki sighing a little as he examined Frost before glancing at his Queen who nodded. "please, come in and be welcome in our Halls Duke Winterbane." she offered smiling at him. "whether you get a dance from your sister is entirely up to her, but i am certain Loki can keep you entertained if she should refuse." "!?" Loki demanded, startled, grimacing at the Queens small glare at him. "i mean, of course, i would be honored to ensure that Lord Frost does not become bored with the entertainments..." he stated as calmly as he could manage.

Loti was beginning to feel a little left out of things, and he wondered... Frost knew, Loti was sure of it, the way the man had looked at him Loti knew Frost knew about the little tryst between him and Jace... and as much as Jace tried to deny, or hide it... Loti knew that he loved Erika. he wasn't sure how much, but how could Loti get in the way of that? they needed to love each other so they could have strong healthy babies and rule the kingdom together. he was just some poor pathetic healer that had been taken pity upon because the other Dukes had been protesting. "Jace, i'm going to be over there, keeping an eye on Frost." Loti finally muttered, indicating a place a distance away where he would be able to watch Frost's every move. "make sure you dance with Erika." he ordered playfully. "so i don't have to." Loti DREADED the fact that Erika might drag him onto the dance floor where he would most assuredly make a mockery of himself.
Frost smiled slightly, tilting his head at loti's words, looking startled himself when erika took his hand."Come dance with me lord winterbane."Erika said barely hiding her wince at frost's muttered comment as they past jace and loti."At least she wont die of boredom with me dancing with her. Though, given our circumstances, I have about as much chance sleeping with her as jace."He muttered smirking at jace's pale face. While it amused him to put their teeth on edge, he wouldn't go out of his way to upset the balance at court. While he knew that the court would kick jace off the throne, and destroy loti, he knew also the only person,people, that would keep the court to devoling into the mess that the unseelie was,was the current prince and princess.

Jace looked startled at loti's words before nodding a lttle."I will.Don't worry, she's already threatened to drag me onto the dancefloor."He muttered snickering a little because it would so amuse him to see erika try to get loti onto the dancefloor. Leaning against the table he smiled absently, watching frost and erika, tense and waiting. but relaxing as the duke stepped away, looking at loki."Would you mind seeing me out?"He said kissing erika's cheek. "You have to leave already?" Frost nodded looking slightly uncomfortable."My father doesn't know where I am. He unpleasant if I do not return soon."
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