Torn apart

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he snickered a little and nodded as he kissed the other as well. "these new potions should last a few days longer, three or four i think." he admitted. not about to let Jace knew he knew the 'potions' as Jace called them, where starting to fail as his own body got used tot he herbs that where being used. like a drug addict who had to take more and more just to get the same level of high. "i would never expect you to pick up a shovel." he teased smirking a little. "there's only one thing i expect you to plow." he teased wiggling his ass a little, chuckling a little as he nodded. "i'd enjoy them too... the sneaking might even make it all the better." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i'll just tell Loki i had another nightmare." he stated with a shrug. "when i'm feeling lonely i fake nightmares so Loki will come sleep with me." he admitted grinning at Jace. "he won't think it's too strange." he admitted simply as he followed Jace into the bedroom, yawning a little before chuckling at the other. "you are so full of yourself." he teased, smiling a little as he snuggled into Jace. "besides, when i relieve him of duty i'll slip him some sleeping herbs, he'll stay asleep well after we've talked to her." he admitted simply.

and at three in the morning, that was exactly what he did, and he didn't feel the least bit guilty about it as he gave Loki the mug of hot tea which had him dead to the world in a matter of minutes, sleeping peacefully while Loti took over standing watch before waking Jace at... gods early in the morning as he finally saw Erika moving about in her room. he made Jace make himself presentable and fixed up his own appearance and headed over to the other house, knocking on the door and fidgeting nervously as he waited for someone to answer the door. "...maybe this was a bad idea...." he muttered nervously, his shyness coming out at full swing now. so shy that meeting strangers had him wanting to go crawl under the porch steps to hide.
"Good."He smiled snuggling into the other snickering at the plowing comment. This night was his, and he wasn't going to lose it for anything.

Jace smiled a little, nudging him slightly as they stood on the porch."Well, just think about it this way, it'll be easier telling her instead of one of the trylle."he pointed out running his fingers through his hair in a nervous gesture as the door opened. Erika looked startled at the two, frowning.Despite not wanting to believe, she couldn't not believe, because she was indeed different, and she was going to be calm. Actually acting calmer then most people though she was sure to have a breakdown when she realized what was going to happen."We need to talk."Jace said looking nervous before following erika into the living room, ignoring the woman as she watched him pace. Erika tilted her head watching the powerful duke make the world swirl in pretty colors of his emotions before looking at loti."Loki, why are you here so early?"She asked looking sligtly confused.
he grimaced a little and shook his head. "i guess this is true..." he muttered softly. it was amazing that he was the most popular healer in all of the Seelie, and sometimes even unseelie courts. but then, Loti was good when he was doing business, sort of... he squeaked as the door opened and blinked, wide eyed at her as he moved into the room, watching Jace pace. "oh!...i..i'm n..not L..Loki!" he managed to stutter at being addressed. "i'm L.Loti... his T..twin..." he stated pulling his feet up onto the couch and wrapping his arms around his knees. the position made him feel calmer, safer. "Loki's...sleeping off some sleeping drugs i gave him so he couldn't stop us..." by law, Loki was supposed to stop them if they tried to inform the princess of the upcoming marriage. it was tradition and if it wasn't for the fact that Jace was the one marrying her they would have gotten in trouble for this. he hesitated and then grabbed Jace, pulling the other into the couch next to him as he started explaining what was happening, and what was going to be expected of her.

"you see... your supposed to Marry Jace..." Loti explained pouting a little. "but that will leave me all Alone..." he admitted staring at his toes now. "You see... Jace and i are Lovers... in secrete of course... if anyone found out he'd be punished... and i'd be banished..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "Loki doesn't even know... because he'll freak out beyond all belief if he knew..." he admitted softly as he looked up at her. "i know i can't be with him... when you are... but... could i please stay with him when you get annoyed with him, or when you have to go out?" he pleaded softly. "i won't be in the way... i know your the more important one but i...i NEED him..." he whispered, tears gathering in his pretty silver eyes. "he's all i have in this world except my brother..." he admitted softly daring to look up at Erika, swallowing thickly. "please?"
"Of course it's true.I know everything."Jace muttered finding his lover amusing because it was so sweet to see a usually self possessed man so nervous about taking to someone. Erika looked startled before smiling a little as she sat in the chair across from them,"Oh. Hello loti."she said befoe laughing a little at the idea of them getting stopped."Why would he want to stop you?"She said frowning a little. "Because of what we're here to tell you."Jace said sighing as he sat down next to him with a sigh.

Erika stared at the two looking so startled at the idea of getting married to a man that she didn't even know. she could handle not marrying for love, it wasn't really someting that bothered her, she'd always had a feeling she wouldn't fall in love easily. But not being the person who someone wanted was okay for him, the idea of being the wrong gender was sort of...odd. "Because we're supposed to have a heir, and it doesn't work if we're not having sex."Jace pointed out to erika's confused look. Beore sighing softly, running his fingers through golden blond hair."Erika, I will help you any way you want. I will do anything you need me to do, but just let me have this one thing."He muttered looking so worried about what she was say. Not sure what he would do if she wouldn't allow this.

Erika looked startled, then a little angry that they had even considered that she would be cruel enough to keep them from being together. Nodding a little she sighed softly."OKay... if I have to get married, okay."she swallowed hard."Wehn do we have to leave?"She said. "You know, she's being weirdly calm."Jace frowned looking thoughtful.
Loti pouted at the other, frowning a little. "don't tease me!" he complained, pouting a little before smiling shyly at Erika. "he's going to be pissed when he wakes up too..." being twins, Loti was very connected to Loki, and he could feel his brothers fury growing even now... a Loki temper tantrum was nothing anyone ever wanted to see. the last time someone had pissed Loki off they had seen spiders crawling on them for DAYS. poor Thomas was now so terrified of spiders that the sight of one sent him into a panic attack. fortunately Loki's love for Jace and Loti would keep him from taking any real repercussions against the two. he watched her try to understand what was happening, playing nervously with his toes. he bit his lips a little and shook his head a bit. "too calm..." he muttered studying Erika. "why do i get the feeling your going to start screaming at the Queen as soon as you lay eyes on her?" he asked his head tilted before wincing. "i'm going to go hide now... Loki's awake..." he muttered looking around before slipping under the couch as a strangled, rage filled scream filtered through the air from the house across the street.

it only took a few minutes for Loki to knock on Erika's door. "good morning miss Everdeen, is Jace here? i have to strangle him to death, mind if i come in?" he asked slipping around her with a furious air. "JACE! you son of a bitch!" he growled glaring at him. "what the HELL is wrong with you!? what if something had happened!? where the HELL IS LOTI!? hiding of course the little coward! Loti you get your ass out here! your not supposed to even BE here in the human realms let alone talking to the Princess!... LOTI!" clearly Loti was counting on Jace to calm the other down, Loti always started bawling when Loki... or anyone, started yelling at him and that always made Loki feel bad once he was done with his temper tantrum... such strange brothers.
"He is.He's going to try to bash my head in."He grumbled annoyed at the thought. Erika laughed raising a eyebrow."I would never do that. A princess should never yell at her mother."She said stiffly, as if she was actually considering it and was enoying the thought before looking startled at the sound of loki screaming, watching the three men with a bemused smile on her face.

Jace sighed raising a hand and flicking his fingers up and let the phantom hand choke loki into silence. While it wouldn't damage the nearly immortal trylle, it would give him a few seconds to talk."Nothing happened, and if it had, I am more then capable of fighting. Just because I don't prefer getting into a fist fight with unseelie ,doesn't mean I wouldn't."He said rolling his eyes as he refused to let loti come out from under the couch before standing."Now are you going to shut up so we can get the princess home and I can having a talking to with the queen about your brother?"
Loti chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "well, until a few minutes ago you didn't even know that you where a princess." he teased her, smiling at her a little sadly before wincing at his brothers rage. it was less that they had told, and more that he had been drugged. less that they had tricked him and more that they might have been attacked. still, he made a few choking noises as the phantom hand choked him, not that it really hurt, but if he made the noises then Jace stopped choking him sooner. not painful, but sure as hell not comfortable either. he scowled at Jace as he rubbed his neck and sighed a little as he shook his head. "honestly." he growled, glaring at Loti as the boy crawled out from under the couch. "That's where you choose to hide!? and you wonder why u worry about you living alone..." he complained, Loti blushing hard. "...i didn't want to invade the Princesses privacy by hiding in a closet..." he muttered shyly, Loki smacking himself in the face, frustrated with his brother and his best friend.

"whatever." he growled unhappily. "you two help her pack then..." he growled. "i'll go take care of the house." he grumbled as he pointed at Loti. "i am still, very mad at you." he growled before blinking at Erika. "are you sure that your ready to leave?" he asked, focusing on her instead. "you don't need to feel rushed no matter what..certain, people... may have said." he shot an annoyed glare at Loti who stuffed his face into his knees and burst into giggles. if only Loki knew. "stop laughing you!" he demanded glaring at Loti. "do you know how delicate this is!? i have to be careful when telling new Trylle things like this! they have panic attacks! they try to run away! what would you have done if she'd tried to hurt herself, or YOU!?" Loti blinked at Loki. "i'm sorry i nearly ruined your job Loki..." he muttered sheepishly, Loki making a frustrated noise. "that is NOT the point!... GAH! i can't look at you right now!" he complained storming out of the house and slamming the door shut, Loti whimpering a little as tears pulled into his eyes again. he hated it when Loki was angry at him. but at least Loki hadn't yelled at him. "... i guess i never realized how stressful this process could be..." he muttered glancing at Erika. "sorry if we upset you..."
"Ahh,yes but I always thought I was a princess."Erika said watcing them before laughing softly as jace let loki go. "You expected me to just let you yell at me?"e asked raising a eyebrow at his best friend ebfore sighing a little."You know that loti would hide somewhere reasonble.And you didn't see him under there, so it was a good spot."He said even if it was more a good spot because jace had been sitting above him, and no one would look for loti when they had a more dangerous problem in front of them.

"Hey.Hey I didn't tell her she had to leave now, no matter how much I want to have sex and get married and all the husbandly things a duke does."JAce said as he buffed his nails on his shirt making erika laugh at him."I am...fine."She said slowly, not at all sure that she was but she'd deal with that later, when she really figured out what was going on."I'll go pack.Then we can goDont' worry, i'm fine."She said leaving loti and jace allow, smiling as her fiancee wrapped his arms around loti, pressing a kiss to soft silver hair."See?She's not at all upset. I think it disturbs her more that I want to share your bed instead of hers then that she's not human."He said sighing as he listened to teh girl packing upstairs.
Loti chuckled a little at her comment about always being a Princess. "just like Jace, he always knew he was better than everyone else too." he teased grinning a little as he shook his head a little as Loki glared at Jace. "yes! dammit! it's my job to keep YOU safe too don't forget!." he growled. "once you two become king and queen you can fire me if you damn well please, until then i'm your bodyguard and you'll DO AS I SAY!" he growled before stalking off, Loti giggling again. "he takes his job WAY too seriously..." Loti muttered, amused even if he knew why... if anything happened to Erika or Jace... Loki would be the one paying for it... with his life. Loti snickered at Jace's joke, looking amused because he knew, just from Erika's personality, that Jace was going to spoil her rotten. she was hard not to like, she was so positive and upbeat and he just knew that she wouldn't keep him away from Jace, even when she WAS there.

Loti smiled at her and leaned into Jace, cuddling into him as he closed his eyes. "well, i guess being that she IS a princess, she's probobly above such mundane emotions." he teased smiling at her, thanking her with his large blue eyes as he cuddled with Jace, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "i can't imagine finding out that you have to marry a gay guy." he admitted smiling at Jace. "are you even going know... function?" he asked, worried. he'd never seen Jace show physical interest in a woman before... he hoped desperately that Jace could at least function once or twice, enough to produce one or two heirs. he himself could barley stand being hugged by a woman. he paused as the sound of glass shattering filled the air upstairs, in Erika's room. "Unseelie!" Loti gasped, leaping to his feet as a huge monster of a man crashed through the window, smirking at Erika. "Hello Pretty Princess." he growled, grabbing her wrist. "your coming with me." "You let her GO!" Loti demanded, reaching into his pocket, gasping in horror as he realized... he'd left his seeds at home... he was defenseless.

"JACE!" the monster man slammed a massive hand into Loti, a strangled shriek leaving the slender boy's lips as he was slammed into the wall, slumping onto the floor, unconscious as the Unseelie Trylle grabbed Erika again, hugging her tight to him before leaping backwards out of the house, Loki struggling against three Unseelie in the other house, one of them laying on the ground outside, screaming at nothing as he slapped wildly at his body, fighting off invisible things, Loki staggering out of the rented house with a busted lip, a black eye and blood running out of his nose. whether it was from overusing his powers or from it being broken it was impossible to tell, but the three unseelie he had been fighting where screaming at invisible things as he twisted reality to suit his needs. "Erika!!!" he yelled as the remaining man dragged her off and shoved her into a car, clearly intending on driving off with her. "JACE! Do something!" Loki demanded, trying to run after her, limping heavily on a leg that looked like it had been smashed in a door.
"He really is to uptight."Jace muttered rolling his eyes even if he knew that loki's life was on the line because of it, he couldn't help but tease him about it. Smiling slightly as he looked down at loti he shuddered a little before nodding."I..I can."He said because he'd always known he was marrying the princess, and being gay, his slight interest in women had been repressed even more. But he could preform, at least to get a child. Growling as he looked startled wincing at the sound of erika's screams.

Jace reaced out as he ran out of the house, reaching and jerking his hand into the air, breathing a sot sigh of relief that the car raised up a few inches off the ground, just enough to stop it from leaving. As blood drizzled down his nose he growled flinging the car door open as he made the effort to keep the unseelie from attacking loki to, breathing a soft pained sigh as erika screamed and climbed out of the car."Get her out of here Loki.I'll finish this, and get loti."He said already feeling the migraine overwhelming the pain potion, and blood poured more steadily from his nose as je worked on dealing with the problems."GO!Loki get her out of here!"He yelled raising his other hand as erika tried to join the fight holding her still to keep her from joining in figting with them as he forced his legs from going out from under him, from being totally useless.
Loti giggled a little and nodded a bit as he snuggled the other. "good." he murmured softly. "i get to be the uncle that spoils them." he murmured happily. with Erika's permission of course, he wanted to be involved in the children Jace sired as well... it would be up to Erika though whether Loti got to be a part of the family, or if he was just a closet boy toy taken out only when no one else was around. before the other could react though Erika started screaming, and Loti was knocked unconscious. Loki grabbed Erika, and practically dragged her to another car. "get in! stay down!" he ordered before flinging his hand out as the large man lunged at Jace, the man shrieking in horror as he batted at something near his face. there wasn't anything there, but the man didn't know that. "JACE! Forget the damn Unseelie! get your ass over here! LOTI WAKE UP!" Loki demanded as he sprinted across the street to try and find his brother once he was sure that Erika was hidden under the back seat of the Car.

Loti met him at the door, the weaker twin staggering into Loki's arms, looking like he was in pain as well. Loti probobly had broken ribs. he didn't waste any time leaping into the Drivers side of the car and jamming the keys into the ignition, starting the car and hitting the gas. "Hold on Erika!" he ordered, spinning the car backwards and slamming the rear end of the car into one of the Unseelie who was running after them, Loki leaping into the passenger front, slamming the door shut as he struggled to stem the flow of blood coming out of his nose. "we'll come back for your things!" he promised Erika as Loti started Driving forward, the wheels squealing as he rocketed over to Jace. "GET IN!" Loti ordered, reaching behind him and swinging the door open, ignoring the agony he was in as one of the Unseelie slammed into the side of the car, trying to rip Loki's door off. Loti shrieking in terror as he hit the gas again once Jace was in the car, the Unseelie howling as he ran over the bastards foot.

"Drive! Loti Drive!" Loti didn't need to be told twice, he drove. he raced down the street as Loki grimaced, whimpers falling from his lips as he bent Reality, and the car vanished into thin air... at least that's what it looked like to anyone watching. rendering something like that invisible was a little too much strain on Loki, who had blood gushing out of his nose now. Loki would be alright after a few days in a Coma like sleep, but for now he was in such a massive amount of pain, all he could focus on was the illusion. and he wouldn't stop until Jace, or Loti broke him out of his Trance. as long as no one bothered him, they would remain invisible. once the trance was broken, Loki would go into his healing Coma, and they would be practically defenseless unless they where in the woods, there Loti's power could take control and protect them until they got tot he Trylle homes. "Erika, Jace, are you guys alright?" Loti finally asked after a moment of frantic driving. "Don't touch Loki, he's Trancing, if you break it early we'll be defenseless."
JAce cursed as he panted as he ently held his terrified fiancee making muttering comforting sounds as he stroked her hair, wiping blood away from his nose as he gentl loked her over."We're okay. Just get us home."He ordered holding the terrified crying girl.

Jace sighed softly as they stopped in front of the palace, smiling softly. RElieved to be home, relieved to be back in a home that would keep him from splattering his brains all over something in a power surge, leaning against erika as she helped him walk. Erika looked at her fiancee then at the twins as loti carried loki instead."Is this a normal thing for them?To lose it in a fight like this so much?"erika asked looking so worried about the two men that had risked everything to get her to this palace. Barely noticing the queen coming down the stairs to see what had happened to the highest ranking duke and his bodyguard. Not to mention her daughter.
(can you take her mother?)
Loti nodded as he turned and raced them home, breaking Loki out of his trance once they hit the forest, the woods closing behind them as Loti took over the power playing field. the Unseelie wouldn't dare try to attack, not knowing that Loti was in the car. Loki was pale and still, barley breathing as he rested from his drastic overuse of his powers as Loti pulled the car to a stop once they where at the Palace, hauling Loki onto his back, small whimpers of pain falling from his lips as he hauled Loki out of the car, letting two of the Guards take Loki instead, the two guards carefully supporting Loki's dead weight. "no... this isn't normal." Loti admitted softly. "normally we're only attacked by one, maybe two unseelie... we didn't take into account that they would know you where the princess." he admitted his arm wrapped around his own throbbing ribs. "we where distracted... we let our guards down because it was daytime..." he winced as he watched the Queen walking down the dozens of steps... she looked just like Erika only older and more... regal.

"and just what, is going on here?" the woman demanded her eyes narrowed as she studied the out cold Loki with a touch of surprise. he was her best 'fetcher', to have him in such a state... "come inside." the Queen demanded. "Guards! take Loki, and Loti to the healing wings..." she ordered. "we will figure out what has happened in a moment, give Loti all the herbs he might need to help Loki and Jace." she ordered, gently taking Erika's hand. "come inside darling, we'll have a healer look at you, get you a nice hot bath and some clean clothes and some good food." she promised smiling at her a little. "Jace, how is your head?" she asked. "do you need to go with Loti or will you accompany us?" she asked blinking at him. it would be easier to explain to Erika with him there, but if he was in too much pain... then he wouldn't be any help at all to anyone. the queen took Erika inside and had a healer look at her, the woman healing anything major, broken bones, internal bleeding, but she couldn't do anything about the cuts, scrapes or bruises. that was normally Loti's job, but he was busy pouring herbs and teas down his brothers throat, and Jace's too for that matter. so for now, Erika would have to deal with a hot bath in a bathtub so large it could have been a pool.
Erika looked frightened and worried. Trying to figure out what had happened before staring up at her mother. It was... so weird to consider the idea that she had a mother. The onl mother she had ever known had tried to kill her. Looking at this woman walking towards her she felt...something.Erika smiled a little but tightened her grip on jace's waist as the man swayed a little."I am fine my queen."He said bowing his head, and it was true, his nose had even stopped bleeding though it seemed his head was going to kill him. Letting loti pour potions down his throat before kissing loti's cheek."I have to go see to erika."He muttered heading to her rooms to wait for the princess to come back out, looking amused at her mother as he sat down on the couch with a sigh of relief.

"Lady Elora, I am sorry. We did not mean to bring such chaos bck with us, but the unseelie showed up in dalight, and they hardly ever do."He apologized before smiling at the sight of the newly cleaned up erika stepping out of the bathroom, red hair curling slightly.
Elora smiled at Erika, stroking her hair out of her face gently. "come along darling." she reassured her long lost daughter as Loti helped support Jace instead, ignoring his own needs as he helped Jace and Loki instead while the Healers fixed their breaks and damages. he was the last to be seen by the Palace healers, though they only healed Loki and Loti at Jace's firm orders. Loti smiled at Jace at the kiss and nodded. "good luck my Duke." he chirped bowing his head to the other. "do try to be careful won't you?" he teased smiling as he finally lay back and let one of the Palace healers see to his broken ribs.

Elora was also waiting for Erika to come out, her eyes soft with repressed emotions as she looked at Jace. "do not apologize." she ordered simply. "it was not your fault." she was probobly blaming Loki, but since Erika and Jace where mostly unhurt, she wouldn't punish him for it. she knew very well that he had risked his life, being that he was in a coma right now. "they appeared in the Daylight!?" she demanded, staring at him in shock. "they must have known she was my daughter." she scowled. "we must keep her safe... as soon as Loki is well, he will be both you and Erika's personal body guards..." she decided, frowning a little. "please sit Jace, your making my head hurt." she ordered before smiling at Erika in her new clean clothes. "please sit." she offered her daughter the softest chair of course. "i have ordered for food and drink to be brought here." Elora promised her smiling at her daughter. "there are many things that you must be wondering about... i never expected you so soon i... i admit to being unprepared." she admitted shaking her head. "please, ask anything you desire my daughter and i will answer to the best of my abilities."
Jace grumbled as he was poked and prodded, annoyed with the healers who didn't want to waste precious magic on healing the twins before sighing s he looked at loti. Wishing it was just the tewo of them before smiling slightly.I will be as careful as I always am."He said smiling as he left to deal with his future wife.

Jace sighed as he rubbed at his temple, his head ached,even more because he was picking up elora's repressed feelings and he so ust wanted to go to sleep. "Yes, they must have. Otherwise they wouldn't have sent one of the dukes."he said voicing the words because he'd recognized the driver.And as much as he wishe he hadn't, he had seen Frost Winterbane staring back at him.And as his equal among the unseelie, he had a feeling that the unacknowledged king of the unseelie would not let erika go. Even if the current king was the man that really wanted their princess for his bride, he knew that frost was just as likely to steal her away for himself instead of giving her to his king. Frost ruled just as much as oren did, if not more. Erika loked woried as she sat down waiting until the food and drink was there, sipping her drin as she tried to think of something to say."Why?Why did you...send me away?DId you not want me??"She asked looking so worried at the idea.
Elora gave Jace a worried look as he rubbed his temples, her head tilted a little. "Jace, are you certain that you are alright?" she asked giving him that look before gasping in horror. "they sent a duke!?" she demanded, terror in her eyes. "Orren isn't playing this time... he wants Erika...." she whispered, worried, shaking her head a little. because this wasn't the first time someone had tried to take Erika... and Elora for themselves. Elora looked shocked at Erika's first question and she sighed, lowering her gaze. "oh Erika... ever since you where sent away i have felt a pain in my heart..." she admitted softly. "i wanted to keep you so badly... but i was in danger from the Unseelie, they wanted me as their queen, they wanted me as their pawn..." she looked at her. "i was pregnant when they kidnapped me..." she admitted shaking her head a little. "i went into labor there, in the unseelie courts... there was a boy there, Oren... he was ten when you where born... he was promised you as a bride." she admitted softly.

"i knew you would never be safe so long as you where in the realms... no Trylle royalty is... their either kidnapped or killed... i took you away, i barley managed to escape and switch you with another baby at the hospital." she admitted her voice choked with emotion. "i never knew who you went home with... it wasn't until recently that i knew where you had gone. i felt your powers..." because that was one of Elora's powers... she could feel another Trylle's powers, she knew immediately when a Trylle's powers had woken, and knew immediately what powers someone had when she met them for the first time. "i sent you away, because it was the only thing i could do to make sure that you where safe... some Trylle try to deny it, and keep their babies but in the end..." she shook her head. "in the end it's always too dangerous." she admitted sighing a little as she looked at Jace. "you have told her, i assume?" about the marriage, Elora was no idiot, she knew that was why Jace had agreed to go with Loki. or she thought that was why anyway. "i wanted you more than anything Erika..." she whispered. "but i didn't dare keep you..."
JAce sihed nodding a little."I'm fine."he snapped before shrugging."Maybe, Or Winterbane's finally decided he wants to be king."He said because it really wouldn't be above the winter duke's ablities to plan on taking a throne, two thrones, by stealing a princess. ERika bit her lip before smiling a little realizing that her mother had indeed wanted her. "Oh....."She said feeling better at the idea that her mother had hidden her to protect her instead of just sending her away.

Jace nodded rubbing his temples as he slouched onto the couch."Of course. I didn't want her to come back if she didnt want to get married."He said because it had been in part of why he had gone, to give his future bride the choice of staying away if she didn't want to marry him.Erika looked thoughtful wondering just how much planning the duke had done to get to go, having a feeling it wasn't a normal thing for a duke to be doing. Getting up she moved over to her omther wrapping the woman in a hug."There are other things we need to talk about, but I would like to sleep."She muttered. JAce grinned a little looking over at her, because while the trylle did have marriages, they didn't always have the same thoughts of sex before marriage, and he figured he better find out if he could really have sex with her before they got married. otherwise they were going to have to do something. "Does that mean I get to stay?" Erika frowned a little looking at her fiancee, "Only if you promise to behave, and rest. You're looking sick."She said not so much that he was physically looking sick but his aura was that sickly green that sad despite what he'd said he really did just want to sleep.
she sighed a little and closed her eyes. "i wouldn't put it past the little bastard." she complained shaking her head a little. "and if you take that tone with me again young man i won't hesitate to throw you in jail." she growled glaring at Jace a little before smiling a little, shaking her head. "as much as i want to be mad at you for that..." she sighed. "i just can't be..." she admitted shaking her head as she wrapped her arms around Erika, kissing her forehead gently. "then sleep you shall." she agreed smiling at her daughter. your bedroom is just through that door." she explained flicking her fingers at the door, smiling at her as she ran her hand over Erika's hair. "i am SO glad to have you home my daughter." she admitted softly before glaring at Jace. "you behave yourself around my daughter! you are not married to her yet and if i find out your behaving inappropriately with her i will have your man parts removed! Heir or no heir!" she growled before sweeping out of the room, pausing.

"oh! Loti good evening, i'd like a word with you later about...." "becoming a Duke i know..." the blond complained moving into the room with two hot cups of tea. "here, to help with pain and help you sleep." Loti explained smiling at Jace as the Queen left, looking indignant. "Loki should be awake in two or three days." he explained, knowing that Jace, and Erika too no doubt, would be worried about the loud mouth spoiled brat. "how are things going?" Loti asked, worried about Erika, his head tilted a little at the woman. "do you need anything before i go back to Loki?"
Jace winced a little."I'm sorry my queen."he said bowing his head a little before looking over at her. "Goodnight mother."Erika said smiling a little snickering a little at jace's look. "I would never behave inapporiately around a lady, my queen."He said looking amused before sipping the tea loti handed im."Thanks, ti."He muttered looking relieved to see that his friend would be up and moving soon.Erika shook her head gently urging jace into the bedroom,gently kissing loti's cheek."No.Worry about loki.I'll take care of him."She said tilting her head towards the door.

In the two days that it took loki to recover jace had gone a little stir crazy, but that wasn't unusual. He just hated being trapped in one place, and his fiancee had ordered him to take it easy for a few days and stay in bed, which meant today was the first time he was up and about. Grinning as he bounded into oti's suite of rooms at the palace he wrapped his arms around the man-loki-as he stepped out of the bedroom,kissing him slowly, edged with a need as he shoved him back against the door."You didn't have to listen to erika you know. You should have come to visit me."He whined because she'd known he wouldn't rest if loti was there, erika had gently but firmly asked that the man not visit for a day or two.
Loti chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "take good care of him ok?" he asked hopefully, looking ever so sad as he walked out. he was worried about the future. while Jace was resting, he himself was going a little stir crazy as well. he was gone the morning Jace finally was allowed to get out of bed, Loki was supposed to be in a meeting with the Queen as soon as he got up but he had put it off. now he looked up as Jace bounded in, grinning a little. "Jace! glad to see you up and ab..." he froze as he was kissed, his eyes wide in horror as he found himself pinned to the wall and he blinked at the other as he spoke, his eye twitching as Reality bent around him, his mind struggling to protect himself as what looked like dozens of Birds came out of the walls and shrieked as they batted and clawed at Jace's face the floor seaming to open up, wrapping around the Duke's feet, tripping him and sending him to the floor, Loki staring blankly at nothing, his eye twitching madly before reality straightened.

"...what...the.. HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Loki finally demanded, grabbing Jace and slamming him into the wall, but it sure as hell wasn't for a kiss. "You BASTARD!!!" he snarled glaring at Jace before dropping him, looking at him darkly. "...why did you say i shouldn't have listened to Erika? i've been sleeping for three..." his eyes widened and for a moment he looked horrified. "oh...oh my god thought i was you..." his eye started twitching again and reality bent again, though this time Loki just shuddered and collapsed. his poor mind just couldn't handle what had happened and the realization that his best friend was gay with his TWIN. so wrong in so many ways. "...Jace... why is Loki unconscious on the floor?" Loti asked as he came in from behind, running a hand through his hair. "dammit... ow i have to heal him again..."
Jace yelped as he felt reality bent, cursing as he hit the floor. Wimpering softly as he was slammed into the wall, his head ached from loki benting reality fr him it was bad enough when it was directed at someone else,but it was worse when it was his own reality warped. Fear slid through his eyes, as strong as jace was, as powerful as he could be even know he could slam loki away from him with a casual flick of his wrist, but the man looked to much like loti,and he couldn't do it.

Jace to lid on the floor, wiping blood away from his nose as he looked up at his lover, a soft blush on his face and pain in his eyes. Because he just knew that he'd lost his best friend, and he probably lost loti.Loti would never chose im over his twin, and because it would pain loki for them to be together....yea his life had just come down to having his queen."I was overeager to punish you for listening to erika and not visiting."he said looking sad."He past out after I kissed him."
Loti stared at the other his head tilted a little before he groaned, shaking his head. "son of a bitch..." he groaned setting a hand on his eyes. this was going to end badly... so very badly. "i'm sorry i didn't visit Jace, i was going to yesterday but Loki started convulsing.." he admitted sighing as he moved over to his brother, checking his eyes before shaking his head. "he'll be fine, he's just in shock..." he muttered moving over to Jace, wrapping his arms around the man and kissing him hard. he hoped Loki would be alright with this... he couldn't bare to lose either of them. "will you go and tell the queen that Loki's having an episode and can't go tot he meeting today?" he asked hopefully. "i'll put him in bed and calm him down before he starts screaming at us." he decided sighing a little as he carefully picked his brother up under the armpits, dragging him to the bed.

the Queen was a little annoyed to learn that Loki was bedridden again, she wanted to find out what had happened. she knew Erika, Jace, and Loti would lie to protect Loki... Loki would be brutally honest with her to the point that he would cost himself his life. he just couldn't help himself, his job was important to him and when he made a mistake he owned up to it. when he finally got back to Loti's house it was strangely silent, and once inside Jace could hear Loti sobbing as he explained that he loved Jace and couldn't live without him and PLEASE won't Loki forgive him for keeping it a secrete!? "how could i blame you for keeping that a secrete?" Loki demanded, sounding bitter, angry. "you'd be punished if people found out but... dammit Loti!" the man demanded, sounding exasperated and traumatized. "how much of him touching me was just him pretending i was you!? i'm freaking out here! all those touches mean something else now and i'm creeping out of my skin!" Loti had to giggle through his tears. "trust me Loki... Jace doesn't like you like that, he just likes freaking you out, as far as i know this is the first time he's ever confused us." Loti admitted hiccuping hard as Loki sighed. "oh Loti... don't cry." he whispered carefully wiping the others tears away.

"that's the real reason you don't want to be a duke, isn't it?... because then you can't be Jace's closet lover..." Jace couldn't see it, but he would know that Loti was nodding. "that's pretty fucked up bro... but..." he sighed. "i can't blame you, i think i always knew you where...." he hesitated and Loti giggled again. "gay?" Loki winced. "yeah.... i just didn't want to admit it..." Loki decided blinking at Loti. "...i don't think i'll ever be able to look Jace in the eyes again... the fucker used his tongue!" Loti winced. "well... he was excited... you where supposed to be gone..." Loki grumbled and shook his head. "he...put...his...tongue....!" he growled. "i am ignoring him! on purpose or not he deserves to be ignored!" Loti giggled because he knew his brother would forget the indecent in a matter of hours, Loki was too energetic to dwell on something for too long.
Jace nodde a little as he wiped his nose, kissing him back."I'll talk to er. And it'll be good to have him back.Even if he's yelling at me."He said smilng as he sighed, he so didn't want to think about how things were going to go badly.

When he got back to the house he frowned tilting his head a little as he walked inside, frowning as he listened to them as he walked up the stairs, pausing as he listened to them. Growling, power flexing around him as he reacted to loti's distress, his own hair caught in the soft flutterings of power as he shuddered a little. Stepping into the room he ran his fingers through his blond hair."Definately a mistake. You're to easily freaked out, I have no desire to touch you except to freak you out."He said looking amused as he moved over to loti growling as he pulled loti away from his twin,cuddling him. Not wanting to be nice to loki since he'd upset loti, which meant not letting them touch.

"I've been on bed rest for three days, on orders from my fiancee. Of course I'm excited."He grumbled nuzzling loti little pressing a kiss to his head looking t loki."Besides you can't ignore me. You have to come to a meeting with me, and you're standing witness to my wedding. And your the best man, which means you get to talk to my mother about engagment parties and things."
Loki grimaced as he felt Jace's power and he scowled at the other. "shut up you pervert." he ordered, blushing hard as he looked away from Jace, too horrified about the kiss to look at the other yet. "you shouldn't touch me at all!" Loki complained, his voice holding that high edge of anxiety, Loti looking up at Jace as he was pulled away from Loki. "love. i have to keep him calm or he'll start twisting reality again..." he warned, Loki shuddering a little. as all people with strong powers, Loki lost control of his abilities when he was very emotional. a built in self defense system almost, Loki's power would lash out without warning with him this high strung. Loti giggled as he was nuzzled, smiling happily, Loki glancing at them and shuddering a little, not because he thought it was gross, but because he just looked way too much like Loti for him to be comfortable with that just yet. still, despite his creep factor being so high he could barley function, he was rather pleased... he had a dangerous job, he wouldn't live for much longer with the unseelie getting so brazen in their attacks... he was glad that Loti had Jace, he knew Loti would never be alone now.

"i have to go to a meeting with you?" he asked, looking at Jace, startled. "what for?" he asked looking a little horrified. "she...wants... ME to talk about... PARTIES!?" he was so horrified about the idea of actually attending a social event that he forgot all about his horror of being kissed. Loti had to wonder if Jace had done that on purpose. "oh no! no! no way! it is SO not happening! i'm running away for about a MONTH!... a month should be long enough right?...should i make it three!? Loti help me pack!" "you can't leave!" Loti protested laughing. "you'll be held in contempt and won't be allowed back in, and then what would you do!?" Loki paused, his eyes narrowed a little as he considered that. "...son of a bitch!" Loki complained, sighing as he flung the covers off of himself and moved into the bathroom. "i might as well get the debriefing over with first and then find out what else she wants me for." he groaned, shaking his head, Loti smirking. "i think she wants to make you Jace and Erika's personal bodyguard...." "SON OF A BITCH!" Loki loved going to the human world and bringing back new Trylle, it was why he was so good at it. it was his passion to help new Trylle settle into their new lives. he had a high favor in court because of his kindness to most of the Trylle when they had first arrived, even holding them while they cried, and hiding their secretes when they let something slip. some of them even had him on the list of who they wanted to get their own children, if he was still alive then.

"Jace, don't forget to talk to the Queen about her adviser... ok?" Loti asked, looking concerned. "she's been visiting about once a week now trying to make me a Duke." he complained resting his head on Jace's shoulder. "i'm worried about what she's trying to accomplish." "the Queen probobly doesn't know about that... the Queen only asks someone to be a duke, maybe once a year... IF she remembers." he admitted shaking his head. "i'll bring it up myself during the debriefing." he decided, scowling a little. "i don't like that bitch trying to pressure you..." he growled. "you wouldn't make a good duke, your too shy..." "that's what i told her, but she said that could be taken care of with training." Loti complained scowling as Loki came out with a toothbrush in his mouth, pulling his long hair back into a ponytail at the top of his head. "mmph phhmmm aphum." Loki muttered around the toothbrush Loti giggling. "it's not nice to call people things like that Loki.." he protested, the illusionist shrugging.
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