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RE: come take a look!

he tilts his head at how much lillie has been hanging on him latly it was strange to him he shrugs it off and watched as the as the doors open to the ground floor slowly he walked out of the building heading for the tank. he sighs a bit and looks the buss over trying to think of a way to use it as a charging port as well as as a mode of transportation. a light goes off in his head and hes off to work.
RE: come take a look!

lillie was felt like she was losing something but she couldnt put her finger on it," ill drive tonight.. ill go search for trent and his boys" she walks off looking around for him, she notices him.."well are you boys ready to kill some zombie bastards?" she asked with a smirk..
RE: come take a look!

Rose saw what she was looking for and with her guns out started firing at the zombies she found. She darted behind a wall. "Come on babe get if you can " she taunted them as she let more bullets fly.
RE: come take a look!

Trent chuckled as Lillie approached him. He glanced quickly at Mr. Big, then looked back to the girl. "Have any fun while we were waiting?" He chuckled lightly, calling the others on his radio. They were by him in a flash. "Yeah, we're all ready. Let's go huh? My guns are getting restless."
RE: come take a look!

*he finishes his work on the buss and slowly lumbers up behind the group his standing tall a small smudge of grease on his face that he missed when cleaning up.*
RE: come take a look!

Lillie was already annoyed with Trent and his men at all there comments about Loki.."ok can we just do this with out any accidents or worthless comments" she said as she walked into the tank.."we are going about 10 miles into the city and looking for med supplies, and ammo" she said sitting in the driver seat.."if you any comments or concerns keep them to yourself"
RE: come take a look!

Rose walked among the dead bodies reloading her gun. She found ammo and added it to her belt. She smirked saying "you guys no fun you die to easy ". She pretended to pout. She started laughing at herself. She hoped while she was out she gets to see those handsome boys and her sister.
RE: come take a look!

loki would slowly climb ontop of the tank and get into his collapsible seat and swats the tp of the buss to let lillie know he was ready to go but changes his mind and gets inside the buss.*
RE: come take a look!

Trent sighed, shaking his head as they climbed into the bus. Dezy tapped their leader's shoulder and whispered into his ear. "Wonder what the hell got up her ass." Trent chuckled, patting Dezy's shoulder before they moved towards the back of the bus. Their guns were ready and fully loaded, and Trent had found a few more knives to attach to his belt. Now he jingled slightly louder then the others when he walked. Which was good. He was one of the fastest runners out of the group, so if he made more noise and got the zombies on his tail, he'd have the most chance of surviving. Although he was curious. He leaned over to Dezy and whispered, "Hey, I think the Russian rubbed a little of his attitude off on her." Dezy shrugged and whispered back, "Yeah, probably rubbed more then is attitude off on her." Mike smacked Dezy in the back of the helmet, making a very audible smacking sound. Then, once again, they all started laughing, James rubbing tears from his eyes.
RE: come take a look!

"nothing got up my ass boys..i just hate missions" she said as she smirked driving through the city she flipped on the 6 very bright lights on the front of the tank.."ok the reason i wanted your explosive man is becuase the rumor about where we are going is there might be explosives there.. but im not that great with identifying them" she said trying to calm her attitude
RE: come take a look!

Dezy chuckled, standing up and nodding. "Well hun, I can normally tell them apart pretty easy. But uh.... I need to handle the transportation of said things that can go boom. If one things screws up, everyone is going to regret it. Especially the people who don't die right away." James smacked Dezy in the back of the head, causing the soldier to stumble forward. He then turned and punched James in the gut. The only thing that stopped the two from erupting into a fight was Trent slapping the both of them in the back of the head, forcing James to sit back down in the seat.
RE: come take a look!

loki just watched the show go and sighs a bit and sits still watching the buildings go by doing his best not to look at the lights to keep his night vision.*
RE: come take a look!

"you can handle whatever you but just remember that i am your way out.. i know this city like the back of my hand" she said glancing back at him..about 5 minutes later the tank came to a stop.."ok we are here but i want to wait a bit to see of infected start to come out and play" she said as she grabbed a few more clips of ammo from the tank..
RE: come take a look!

loki was the first out of the tank he stood at the door blocking the path for a moment his eyes scanning the area he couldnt see a thing. he slowly stepped to the side to let the others out and started toward the side walk to reach the closest building and keeps his hands on his meat hooks just in case.
RE: come take a look!

she looked up at Loki and walked towards the building with he halogen flashlights attached to both pistols, she kicked the door open, quickly looking from one side to the other.."lobby know guys, its odd there are not a lot of infected around" she said pushing another door open and seeing nothing again, she heard some what heard like scratching from upstairs and quickly started up the stairs
RE: come take a look!

loki was close behind lillie and could feel something wasnt quite right something felt off he could feel lillies uneasyness and desided to lighten the mood a little. "when i com to city, during infection i had pet, sasha and boris, lost track of crazy couple not long ago, near here, wonder if they are ok" he reaches behind his back drawing his short swords knowing that there wasnt enough room for his whips or hooks anmd not being a big fan of guns.
RE: come take a look!

"those were pets?" she asked confused she heard a loud crashed in the next room, she stood in front of the door and smirked she loved the hunt and was good at it..she pushed door and saw two infected looking at her,before loki could take two full breaths she shot them both twice in the head. "two down" she looking back at loki
RE: come take a look!

Trent climbed off of the tank, following closely behind Lillie, all the soldiers activating the LED flashlights on their helmets. It was odd. There were no zombies around, the roads actually looked silent. It would look normal if not for the bodies that littered the ground. When he heard the scratching, he held Lillie back, shaking her head and pointing upstairs, then to his group. "We go first. We have armor, they won't bite through right away." James nodded, drawing a pistol, the SAW hanging from a strap off of his shoulder. Since he had the heavy armor, he went up first, not seeing anything. All the lights on the second floor were out, except for one flickering down at the end of the hallway. Barely, just barely, he saw movement. "Oi, I got something up here. Don't know what it is though," he whispered, looking at Lillie. Maybe the girl had seen something like this before.
RE: come take a look!

after she dropped the two she looked at trent.."ha who needs armor" she said with a smile and continued walking around.."well i have no idea whats going on.. there is nothing here.. we had info that supplies were here, perhaps you and men should head up to the third level then the roof and I will look around here more" as she said that there was a faint crying from far down the hall
RE: come take a look!

loki sighs and powers down the hall toward the light and looks around letting out a large childish screech lifting something large into his arms hugging it the turning around. the large man had an almost equally large crocodile in his arm hugging it tightly he called out to lillie waving frantically "is sasha!"
RE: come take a look!

Rose was on the roof if the building she was sitting down looking at the sky. She had her pistols in her lap. She heard things moving around and heard voices. She smirked for she knew those voices.
RE: come take a look!

The soldiers looked on in amazement as the Russian picked up a crocodile and started to hug it. 'He named it Sasha?' Trent thought to himself, shaking his head and signalling for his group to move upstairs. Suddenly, he stopped, looking around. He heard crying. "Oi, guys, I think there's someone still alive. You hear that? Spread out, four points." The soldiers spread out, covering the entire room, each person checking every door they came across. Nothing there. Maybe it was on the roof?
RE: come take a look!

Lokiset the croc down and followed after the men the croc following suit quite easly crawling up the stairs showing how domesticated she was. hearing the crying something went off in lokis head and he reaches up pulling his meat hooks from his coat and sinks into the shadows, his black clothes making him virtually invisable to the naked eye.
RE: come take a look!

she looked at him in amazement... and tried to avoid the croc at costs.. she wondered through the rooms, looking around for something useful. she glanced out a window and saw a few infected and a new building.. she glanced behind her with a sparkle in her eyes, noticed a awning below she broke the window and jump down to the awning, she sat on the awning shooting the infected so she could get to that building..
RE: come take a look!

Rose stood up after she had her little break at the sound of gun fire. "So my sister is out here hey with her boys". She put her guns away and walked on the roof checking for infected before trying to get down.
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