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from the shadows loki sees his charge jump out a window, this woman just loved making his job hard didnt she, he darts from the shadows Sasha in toe as he climbs out of the window onto the awning. he sighs and walks up behind his charge and stands above her looking out over the empty city and with out a warning starts to talk. "is very quiet here, too quiet even sasha on edge"
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she screamed and turned around pointing the guns at Loki.."you cant do that!" she said punching him in the stomach
"and yes it is too quiet.. i dont like it at all..and the croc is making me on edge" she said walking away from the croc and towards the building
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Trent and his crew had finally made it to the roof, looking around, staying silent, communicating by hand signals. The crying was louder here, coming from behind a couple of crates. Trent moved up. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?" Trent moved closer, slowly making his way around the crates. "It's okay, we're soldiers. We came to help people." He finally came around the crates, his flashlight falling on a hunched over fiure crying into bloody hands. Then, the figure looked up at him with red eyes, growling at him. Following his intinct, he dashed towards the creature, slamming the stock of his barrel into the creatures face, sending it sprawling to the ground. "We got Zed!" He yelled, his soldiers vaulting over the crates and opening fire at the thing that was beginning to stand up, letting out an ear-piercing, inhuman scream that went down a few city blocks.
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lillie stopped what she was doing and looked up at the roof.."TRENT!!" she screamed hoping whatever just made that noise is dead.. she paused for a moment then heard the sound of something moving but couldnt see anything.."loki loki.. i hear something.." she said quietly as she looking around nervously.. suddenly she was wrapped up by something very wet and that smelled awful. Lillie let out a terrible scream as she dropped her guns..
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Trent slowly moved forward, holding the trigger down until his clip ran dry. The thing fell to one knee, but still looked alive. Trent did the only thing he though of doing. He brought his leg up, sending his foot smashing into it's jaw, kicking it over the edge of the roof. It landed with a very audible thump. Then a scream ripped through the air, a human one this time, and out the corner of his eye, Mike saw Lillie being dragged by a....... a tongue? He followed the trail of pink, finding the source in a heart beat. There was a Zed on the roof of the building across from them that was tugging Lillie across the street. He went down to one knee, peering through his Reflex scope, feathering off rounds until the zombie exploded in a noxious cloud of gas. "Lillie!" he shouted down, looking over the edge of the roof. "Lillie, are you okay?"
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every time she tried to open her mouth she just coughed and couldn't breath, she fell back over trying too hard to talk and breath at the same time .. the group of men and Loki saw a group of infected coming from a building near her and they just caught her scent.. and her guns were too far away from her.. she kept grabbing her rips and near where her wound was, she rolled over and there blood seeping out of her wound, the tongue must of cracked some ribs and reopened her wound.
RE: come take a look!

Trent's men saw a small horde, and it looked like they had caught Lillie's scent. Luckily, Trent and James had rappel lines, and they quickly hooked them to the rails and started sliding down, Mike and Dezy picking off the Zed they could from where they were. The second Trent and James hit the ground, they started to run towards Lillie, the gas starting to disperse. Since they couldn't go in and get her until the gas was gone, they set up defensive positions. Mike and Dezy soon joined up, and the firing began. Zed dropped like flies, but the noise was attracting more. They kept up their fire, matching the rhythms of each other so there was never a lack of bullets, even when one needed to reload.
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lok isaw lillie was in trouble acting on reflex lone he dashed into the cloud of gass followed bu sasha who instinctively latched onto the legs of the zombies doing death roll after death roll leaving the corpes in a mangled mass. the dead tried to bit into sasha but her thick scaly skin protected her making it impossible for the zombies to infect her. loki dashed in holding his breath picking lillie up and wit out thinking pressed his lips to hers and forced some of the air he had in his lungs into hers then darted out of the smoke falling onto his side from the smoke, all that mattered was that they where clear and not far from the medic.
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Lillie was still gasping for air and wincing in pain everytime her ribs expanded.."my ribs my ribs" she managed to say before passing out in loki arms with her hand over her still bleeding wound.
RE: come take a look!

Trent looked back, noticing the giant had collapsed, the girl in his arms. "Fuck! Mikey, we got two down right behind us!" Mikey looked back and shook his head.

"We can't fall back, the Russian is too heavy to carry!" he shouted over the gunfire. The SAW had been spitting out bullets for so long that smoke was pouring from a slightly red barrel. Dezy tapped Mikey's shoulder. "Get Lillie onto the bus, we'll cover you and find a way to get the Russian back on his feet." Mike nodded, firing a few more rounds before dashing to Loki, picking up the girl and running back to the tank. After making sure she was securely seated, he hopped into the drivers seat and punched the gas, swerving infront of the group of soldiers. Dezy was the first to react, running back to Loki's body. Mike loaded on of the MG's on the bus and let loose a hailstorm of lead. James and Trent both lent a hand in picking up the Russian' mauevering him like a couch onto the bus. They sat him down a few seats away from Lillie, James now hopping into the driver seat and pulling out, swerving and heading back for the camp. Mike kneeled next to the girl, checking her wounds.
RE: come take a look!

as the men nears loki he sat up in that creep way that he did like he was a puppet on strings he holds his hand out to the men letting out a loud whistle. the croc slipping under the buss loki got up taking the help of the men to get on the buss followed by Sasha and sat down looking to the medic. "your needed shes bleeding out we dont have time to get back find someplace to park and get to work ill take out anything that gets close.......NOW!"
RE: come take a look!

James shook his head, continuing to drive, watching through the windshield for any more Zed. Mike sighed, wagging a finger at Loki. "Calm down big boy. The bumps won't effect my work one bit. It has about the same suspension as a Jeep, and much more room." He unbuckled Lillie, setting her on the floor, checking her pulse. Next, he gave her a shot of adrenaline, stripped her of her shirt, and began to work on her open wound, cleaning it out, sewing it up. He then turned his attention to her cracked ribs, putting an ear up to her chest, listening to her breathing. Nothing was punctured. That was good. From his medic bag he pulled out a large roll of gauze, slowly, steadily wrapping it around her ribcage area, moving down as he wrapped so the the freshly stitched wound was included in the bandages. "You'll be fine hun, but I don't think you'll be going on any missions anytime soon." Mike patted her head, looking up at the Russian. "You have balls. A crocodile as a pet, charging into an unknown gas without a gas mask." The medic shrugged, standing up, going back to man his MG.
RE: come take a look!

he sighs a bit looking to sasha then the medic "sasha is a sweet hear is boris you have to keep an eye on, its mating season for them so he will be looking for sasha" he looked out the window letting out a slight cough and sighs reaching over to his pack pulling out a mask slipping it on knowing that it will help even a little bit. "as for the smoke, loki has big lungs was fine in smoke lillie was in there longer, breathing it better check for infection....."
RE: come take a look!

lillie shot up quickly as the adrenaline set in.. she let out a loud cry as the shock hurt her, and fell back down holding her ribs.."oh god" she moan through some tears.. she opened her eyes and looked over to see a croc next to her and jumped up hurting herself again and letting a few more groans out as she reached out for Loki
RE: come take a look!

Mike shook his head, looking back at the now jumpy Lillie. "I don't think she's infected. Other wise, we wouldn't have been able to get her onto the bus. She'd have had no pulse, and her eyes would be completely white right now. Infection normally has pretty obvious signs." James looked back at Loki and the girl, chuckling at her reaction to the croc. "And if she does turn out to be infected, we'll be keeping an eye on her. So don't worry. No one will be getting hurt."
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*he looks to lille and slowly lifts her off the floor setting her in what little space there was left of his lap with the seats being so small. he holds her close to him stroking her hair." dont get use to this missy im only doing it cause you have an open wound and if you keep scaring yourself you will bleed out."
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she quickly fell asleep in his arms, as he could feel her heart rate and breathing slowly start to slow down.. as they made it to the city, Loki carried her to their home and Trents men followed bringing supplies to make sure is comfortable for the night, she will probably wake up in a panic again
RE: come take a look!

Trent was kind of mad. They had wasted more ammo fighting off that horde then they had brought back. They would have to go back again. Next time, they'd have more of an idea of what to expect. The zombies seemed to be mutating, like the Tank, except that these newer zombies weren't as muscular. They'd have to go about naming them. Oh boy, how fun.
RE: come take a look!

Loki laid lillie on the table so the medic could check her wounds before he laid her to rest in her room.. and once again she woke up a bit, but not as violent, she muttered something under breath about her mother then passed out again..
RE: come take a look!

Rose empted round after round at the horde then slipped away as fast as she had came. She then got her pack from the car. She then got on the roof that lillie and her gang was staying in. She put her guns away but drew out her daggers. She sat down to eat.
(Its fun trying to keep up with you all but I mange it somehow)
RE: come take a look!

loki sighed and laied the passed out lillie into her ned looking to sasha who could almost read his mind because the croc slowly crawled under lillies bed. loki nodded and slowly when out to meet up with the men slapping the leader on the back almost sending him to the floor. "we need to learn whats going on with these things. who is good with recon?"
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Trent managed to save himself from face-planting as the Russian slapped his back. "Yeah, it would be nice to know what the hell is out there. You might wanna watch your croc though. If Lillie wakes up and looks under her bed, she's going to have a heart attack."
Dezy started to laugh a little, silenced by James slapping the back of his head again. "I'll get my team ready to go out on recon. We'll be ready to go out by tomorrow."
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Rose put her food away at the sound of voices. She could not make out what they was saying but from the sound of things they was getting ready for something. She laid on her stomach putting her ear to the roof hoping to find out they was up to now.
RE: come take a look!

Trent left the building, followed by his troops, making their way to the armory they had found and restocking their ammo. They hadn't realized how low they had gotten fighting in the middle of the street like that. A few more minutes of heavy sustained fire like that, and they would've been screwed. After rearming, they made their way back to the medical building, sitting down in various spots around the room and dozing off, still fully armored.
RE: come take a look!

loki sighs and walks down the hall laying in his bed he didnt even take his pack off befor he passed out he slept like a rock he didnt budge a muscle. the sun rose in only a few hours waking this moutain of a man he slowly sits up and looks around he slowly walks to lillies room closing and locking the door. he slowly walks to the mecal tent and looks the men over standing in the door way waiting for then to get up and ready.
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