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Rose got down off the roof and took off. She found the armory and took some Ammo. She then went back to her car and popped the hood. She looked inside the engine for a bit before shutting the hood. She laid down on the car resting.
RE: come take a look!

she woke about an hour later and got up slowly feeling so sore, she could barely breath without letting out a small sigh.. she went to the door and tried to open it.. she at first thought she was too weak but the damn door was locked.."Loki..hey uh my door is locked wanna maybe open it for me" she asked think he was just right there..
after awhile she realized he wasnt there.."that damn bastard locked me in here" she said to herself she glanced around looking fro something to useful, when she noticed the croc tail and she screamed..."oh my fucking go you left the croc in here with me!!" she screamed then quickly grabbed her ribs.. the croc slowly slide out and she jumped on the dressed holding her knees to her chest..
RE: come take a look!

sasha would slowly walk to the door of the room and claw at the door pulling a slip of paper under the door and noses it to lillies feet then crawls back under the bed where she was told to stay. the slip of paper would read roughly, showing almost every the sturness that loki used when lillie was being stubborn. 'if your reading this you woke up with an attitude, you are in no shape to head out i am setting out with the men to find out what is going on to the corpses, sasha will keep you safe." picking up the paper to get a better look lille would see a second message on the back 'PS, STOP SCREAMING! you will startle sasha and she will attack, you stay calm so will she'
RE: come take a look!

By the time Lillie would've woken up, Trent, his guys, and Loki were already on the tank, heading out to the sector they were at, Trent swerving to a stop near the building where Lillie had encountered that tongue-zombie. They filed out, guns at the ready, and slowly entered the building to the left of them. Still basically no infected. How strange. They made their way through the building slowly, cautiously. They didn't want anyone to get hurt on the recon mission.
RE: come take a look!

loki walked over and kicked the severed head of the tongue thing that wounded lillie and say a blast mark on the ground from its death he let out a perfect mimic of a bird call pointing to the mark. "think we should take some of that to see what it is?"
RE: come take a look!

lillie still sitting on the top of her dresser watching the croc.. "how the fuck could he just leave me here.. i need to eat you" she said to herself she slowly inched her way down to the floor and inched her way around her bed, she sat down on the wall facing the door.. she gently reached out and attempted to touch the crocs tail..
RE: come take a look!

Trent nodded to the Russian, slowly moving to the back of the room, they found a flight of stairs. Still no signs of infected, but they had to be careful. The most dangerous part of recon is not knowing what to expect.
RE: come take a look!

loki would slide in behind trent his browning blr drawn he wasnt going to go easy on thes rotting bastards any more he was pissed. he rounded the cornder and heard something that sounded like well two apes humping a single door nob, it was rather weird to say the least.
RE: come take a look!

Lillie was still sitting in her room trying to make friends with the croc under bed..
RE: come take a look!

Rose woke up with a start when the tank pulled out. She jumped into her car. With a few wires she hot wired it and with luck it started up. She followed the tank and when they stopped she did but parked behind the building. She sat on her car hood listening to them move around the building.
RE: come take a look!

Trent tilted his head, slowly moving towards the last door, gun ready. What an odd sound. Zombies didn't have sex, did they? Dezy moved up, kicking open the door. A zombie jumped out, but this one looked off. It was twitchy and hunched over. They wasted no time in gunning it down.
RE: come take a look!

she managed to get the croc to come out after probably 2 hours she managed to work up the courage to pet the croc on nose and she seemed to liked it..
RE: come take a look!

loki was the last to send a single shot right between the group of men the small round fragmenting in the zombies head turning the brain unto mush. he sighs slightly and walks up to the body and kicks it slightly" twitchy little bastard" her drags one of his short swirds from his pack and cuts the head from the zombies head. "lets load this rotting bag of flesh on the tank we might be able to see whats happening to it.

back at camp sasha was slowly crawling out from under the bed she slowly turned around and starts to crawl onto lillies bed her yellow eyes locked on the fearful women. it took no time at all for the croc to climb onto the bed, laying fown her skin looked rather dry and everyone knows a dry croc in an unhappy croc.
RE: come take a look!

she could feel the dry skin on the croc and looked around for some water, she had a few water bottles left in her room, she opened the first bottle and gently poured some on her body waiting for her reaction..
RE: come take a look!

Sasha jumped a little at first then slowly lowered her short body to the bed eyes closing she apeared to enjoy the sensation o water on her long dried skin.
RE: come take a look!

Trent nodded, slinging the body of this new zombie of his shoulder and starting to head back for the tank. "We oughta bring that other body too. Do we have any scientists at that camp of yours?"
RE: come take a look!

she began to continue pouring the rest of the water..on her then grabbed the other bottle and poured some over her face and gently rubbed it in.. she set the bottles down.."im sorry thats all i have here..perhaps if we ever get out of here i will take you to some water" she said still petting the croc
RE: come take a look!

loki shrugged at the question and looked around "lets load thes bodies up.... take the head off first dont want any sleepers. then lets see if we can his a hunting store get some ammo" he follows the man down the hall carrying the head by the hair, once reaching the tank he tosses the head in then finds the walker that was crying cutting its head off and carries it to the tank.

Sasha was nearly completely wet softly leaning into lillie letting out a low grumble normaly used for finding a mate.
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lillie was starting to have the strangest pains in her ribs.. she had to sit down and breath, maybe she was out doing herself, she was taking deep breaths but the pain was still there.."oh sasha this doesnt feel good at all, those boys needs to get back now" she looked down a noticed a little blood on the bandages..
RE: come take a look!

Trent and his men made sure to decapitate the bodies, throwing them over their shoulders and loading them up on the tank. Mike climbed into the driver's seat, throwing the hulking thing into drive and speeding off back to the camp. The drive was quiet. Dead bodies stank, especially the tongue zombie's body.
RE: come take a look!

as they pulled in loki hopped off the tank and walked back to lillies house to check on her opening the door slowly seeing her holding her side and sasha looking a little concerned. with out hesitation he picked lillie up and walked her to the medical tent calling out loudly. "medic somethings going on with lillie again, i think sasha scared her a little!"
RE: come take a look!

she giggled again.."no no i was pouring water on her and all of sudden my ribs were hurting.. maybe i just over did it" she said as Loki laid her on the table
RE: come take a look!

They had just started to unload the bodies before Mike heard someone call for a medic. He dropped the body that was over his shoulders, dashing to the Russian's side. "Well, that's what you get for locking the girl in a room with an alligator. Maybe we oughta think before doing things like that again eh?" He turned his attention on Lillie, moving her arms, seeing blood on the bandages. "Lillie, tell me what hurts. Can you breath?"
RE: come take a look!

he looks at sasha who had followed them out and sighs a bit. "sasha is grade a bodygaurd she is trained only to attack hostile actions. lillie needs to learn to spot good training if we are to work well together." he kneels down next to the croc and strokes her now moist skin and loks her over a bit reaching into his pack and set a fish in the crocs open mouth watching her dorn it in one gulp. loki stops and looks to the gate and his eyes grow cold, he saw him only letting out a soft whisper "boris" a 15 foot long nose to tail green mas looked almost like a green cow that got wan over by a steam roller. it was the male croc he had tracked sasha across the city to this place, his scaly skin was covered in scares from battles in his past, he looked like one big lump of muscle. loki frantically looked foir as many water bottles as he could ghet and readied to calm his croc the best way he could.
RE: come take a look!

"no no i dont think it was the croc..i just pouring water on her and i had a sudden pain in my ribs, i can breath but it just hurts real bad" she said looking up at him
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