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RE: come take a look!

"why does everyone here think i need to be protected, its getting annoying" she said under her breath as she walked towards the kitchen in search of something to eat.."the crocs arent soo bad they are kind of cute" she said
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"Well, you are kind of the only one with broken ribs pokin' at your lungs. And, well, you seem to be the only one with a bad luck streak with the zombies." He shrugged, raising an eyebrow when she commented about the croc's being cute. "Yeah, sure. That's why you almost shit yourself when you found out Sasha was under your bed. Heh, we had the medical room bugged when we first got here." He started to laugh, taking off the barrel of his weapon and replacing it.
RE: come take a look!

loki climbs off of the tank and looks around nodding to the leader of the men and pulled out his browning and slowly headed twords the door. he didnt even try the handle he put a heavy shoulder into the small door not only busting the door down breaking the wall iself, missing the suport studs nut taking the rest with him. he looks around seeing nothing around and moves in slowly Sasha close behind him.
RE: come take a look!

"well i think i would of been ok with it if i knew she was there" she said digging around in the kitchen.."and who the fuck plans for a zombie to have tongue from hell.. but hey im the zombie girls like" she said with a giggle as she walked towards the living room.. sitting down with some chips and water
RE: come take a look!

James shrugged. "Well, nobody knew a zombie could have a tongue! Plus, I think it was waiting for us to go there. They might be getting smarter." The soldier shook his head. "We also found a very twitchy one, hunched over, full of energy. It was weird. And you know what's even stranger?" He looked at her from his spot, eyebrow raised. I think I remember playing a game with infected like that as a kid. That couldn't be right could it?"

(Hahahahah! Thought that would be a fun little reference.)

Trent nodded, following the Russian and his crocodile, narrowing his eyes, keeping his ears strained for movement. Or at least the sound of movement. Mikey and Dezy had already made it down a few blocks, seeing what looked like an apartment complex. They moved slowly, cautiously, watching the rooftops as well as the ground now. They weren't going to get tongued by an infected, that's for sure.
RE: come take a look!

she jumped in her seat and let out a small groan.."yes yes.. i know what you are talking about! i played it also" she said holding her side, as she had a huge smile on her face.."i played that game all the time!"
RE: come take a look!

James raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "No sudden movements hun, you'll kill yourself by getting excited." He grinned though, happy to know he wasn't the only one. "You remember the name of the game? It's going to drive me mad until I figure out what it is....."
RE: come take a look!

"yes yes.. Left 4 Dead! i remember the names of the special infected also.. there are tanks, smokers i think with the tongues, hunters are the hunched overs on, witches cry...she paused and looked up at him.."theres more James!, a boomer, and a few more i think" she said now worried about the guys..
RE: come take a look!

The soldier was starting to get worried now. "You don't think...... there's no way a game designer can predict the types of zombies in the future. They could just be coincidences. And I think the Hunters were the ones in hoodies." James shook his head, peering out the window. "I can't let you go anywhere. We'll simply have to pray that they all come back safely. And besides, unless Trent split everyone up into groups of two, they'll have no problems."
RE: come take a look!

"ill be alright if you just carry me..but there is a radio in the med room.. we can try to contact them!" she said as she stood up carefully.."they need to atleast know there is more!" she said urging him to do it
RE: come take a look!

loki sighed a bit looking into the dark room ripping and tearing through boxes and drawers looking for anything that looked medical he found a few rounds for his gun and slid them unto his pocket. rounding a corner his eyes lite up and he lett out a skilled bird call to draw his partners attention. when the man rounded the corner he would see a room full of machines to reload ammo and a few collector swords that looked strong enough to use.
RE: come take a look!

James nodded, standing up and restrapping his gun to his back before lifting Lillie up, jogging as steadily as he could downstairs and to the medical room. "You okay hun?" he asked, laying her down on the medical bed before heading for the radio. He zoned in on his squads frequency, fully knowing that they would all hear this. "Trent, Dezy, Mike, me and Lillie figured something out. There might be more of those special infected things. That thing with the tongue, that's called a Smoker. The thing we punted off the roof is called a Witch."

"Woah, woah, you mean to tell me that we're fighting zombies out of a fucking video game?" Trent was shocked. Dezy and Mike came to a dead stop, their jaws having fallen open. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" James shook his head.

"No, I'm pretty sure about this Trent." Trent sighed, shaking his head. Dezy called in. "Oi, you think we should regroup?"
"No, we continue with the mission. We need to find medical supplies, and ammo." Dezy looked over to Mike and shrugged, continuing to move down the road. Down the hall, gurgling could be heard. Gurgling and burping. It sounded rather nasty.
RE: come take a look!

lillie quickly got up and grabbed the radio.."look you need to re group.. the nasty if remember correctly is a boomer.. it vomits on you and attracts a horde of zombies..if you hear anything nasty or weird just get out of there.. we can the surgery without the shit.. im tough.." she said urging the men to come back
RE: come take a look!

oki lifted the whol table full of the manually operated machines and used it to bust down the wall thinking it would be easier to move the wall then take the gear off the table. he slowly starts to walk it down the road tossing it on the roof of the tank then hurries back to his team mate picking up the swords putting them into his pack. he hears the noise and didnt know much about the game but he knew that noise he drew his gun and looked around wildly.
RE: come take a look!

Trent groaned, shaking his head, putting a few rounds through the wall where he thought the sounds were coming from. Nothing moved, but the sounds continued. It sounded like it was coming from upstairs now. Dezy and Mike had breached the apartment complex. So far, still nothing in sight. Except for an odd hissing. They readied their guns, wanting to be prepared for anything.
RE: come take a look!

"they dont listen to anyone do they?" she asked looking up at James, she started to walk back to the table and leaned over on the table trying to find a position to help her ribs..
RE: come take a look!

James shook his head. "Not normally. I think they figure they can handle a few Spec Infected." He shrugged, taking the armor from where he'd left it and putting it back on. "It could be me, but I have the feeling we're about to catch quite a bit of shit."
RE: come take a look!

she let out a small giggle.."lets just go back to my place" she said walking over to him holding out her arm so he can pick her up.."we cant say we didnt try" she said looking at him with a smirk as they walked outside
RE: come take a look!

James chuckled, picking her up again, although being much gentler. He had his tough exterior armor on now, and even though he wasn't holding her with her bad side to him, it might hurt if he wasn't careful. With a small grin, he started to move back to Lillie's house, a small smile on his face.
RE: come take a look!

he walked inside with her and set her gently set her on the couch.."im sorry that you are stuck with me and not out there killing some damn infected" she said looking up at him..
RE: come take a look!

loki sighed at the gun fire and pulled out an inspection tool used to look through small holes and slide it through the holes just made in the wall. "noting there i think we should move to the next house i dont think its here" the large Russian used his assassin skills to guesstimate the sounds and pointed with his gun "fire right there, but gun cant go through that, not what my ammunition is made for."
RE: come take a look!

Trent raised an eyebrow at the Rusky's triangulation, firing his heavier rounds through and hearing something explode. The burping and gurgling noise also stopped. "Heh, nice job there." He patted the Russian on shoulder, even though he had to stand on his tippy toes.

Dezy and Mike narrowed their eyes, moving up the stairs, weaving through bathrooms and busted walls. The Zed had torn this place up. But the hissing was getting closer.

James grinned at her, shedding his armor, revealing his white undershirt and como-fatigues. "So, we gave it a go eh? They'll be fine."
RE: come take a look!

she looked him up and down a few times then looked back towards the ceiling.."yes.. i hope they atleast see something so we dont catch hell from them.." she said waving her legs in the air out of boredom then stopped cause it tweeked her ribs a little too much..
RE: come take a look!

James tilted his head, sighing as she waved her leg. "Bored much?" He chuckled, sitting down near her and starting to polish his gun. He even went so far as to start cleaning the junction where the bullets were pulled in.
RE: come take a look!

"yes quite.. i hate being hurt" she said rolling over on her good side and watching him clean his gun, where were you from before all this happened?" she asked curiously still watching him
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