A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)

Shes growled and grumbled...but it didn't seem like a bad deal. She could kick his ass anytime she wanted, and she got laid every now and then. After a couple of moments, she nodded, "Sounds like a fair deal...able to kick your ass at any time in exchange for sex." She smiled and kept walking, pulling herself away from him.
"Not like any of your mosquito bite punches could hurt me." He taunted but began to walk on past her. "Come. Let us get some horses so that we can travel outward toward the capital city. It makes me wonder why a princess like you was so far out of her kingdom. This is backwater city over here. Nothing to do here except live your daily life. Nothing really interesting happens in these parts...aside from us attacking caravans anyway."
She shook her head, "That's none of your business, pup." She stated and left it at that. She kept on walking, pushing past him, and made sure to kick him in the ass as she passed. "Horses would be nice...walking is going to get old after awhile. Where are we going to get them though?"
"We steal them from the stables." He said with a laugh as he walked over and put his hand on the back of her neck and put pressure on it, not choking her nor hurting her. "And don't call your Alpha a pup, Princess Omega. Or I'll have a right mind to punish you. Though...It won't be nearly as bad as what the other Alpha would do to you. Speaking of which...I wonder what he is doing now, hm?" He said with a laugh as he brought her to a small farm off the outskirts of town. "We sneak into the stables, find a horse or two, and get out. Got it?"
She nodded and headed into the treeline with him, slipping around towards the stables. She smiles at how naturally stealth came to her now, and she enjoyed it as they ghosted closer to the doors. With a slight grunt, she opened the doors and slipped inside, before standing up and looking around. There wasn't much, a couple pigs, a lot of hay, and two horses, both of which looked in poor condition. "Uhhh, puppy, they don't look like the effort..."
"You were the one who said 'walking could be boring' after a while so we might as well take them and nurse em back to health ourselves. Don't give up on them because they're malnourished. Once they've eaten a good meal for about a week I'm sure they'd become one of the fastest horses around." HE said as he hopped onto it. It looked like it was about to give out wit hthe sudden weight gain but it regained composure and neighed gently and weakly. "Now get your own horse. I think this one can hardly carry me by itself."
She grimaced but shrugged, jumping onto the other horse and following the Alpha out. She looked round but it looked like the owners were busy somewhere else, so she urged her horse the way they came, entering back onto the road in no time. She started the horse down the road, following slightly behind Nathan. "So...what now?"
"We keep moving toward the capital city. My plan is still set in motion and I intend on keeping it so that we get our revenge." He said as he continued on. The horse was pitiful and so slow that it pained him to ride it for so long. "Know of any nearby towns during your caravan? I only know of one but its a short ways from here, but feel free to chime in if you remember any nearby towns..."
She shrugged and indeed felt bad like him for riding the animal at all. When they stopped for lunch, she jumped down and let the animal wander free. She sat down in the clearing and set her back against a tree. "Did you bring food?" She asked, feeling snackish and thirsty. She stretched her legs out and yawned.
"Nope. I told you. I have no money. We'll have to hunt for something and eat it raw...Uh...Eat it while you are a werewolf...it will taste like it is cooked to you...And you will not get a disease as easily." He murmured as he transformed. His big shape almost scared the horses had they not seen what he was before. "Leave the horses to graze and eat some nourished grass. We will go and hunt for our own food."
She grimaced but shrugged, taking off her clothing and putting it in a pile. She then growled out and tried to transform again, but couldn't find the focus to. "Uhhh...I need some help..." She said, struggling to turn into her wolf form. "I'm not mad...I am actually...content at the moment." Her faced screwed up in confusion, why was she happy? Was it the nature? Was she happy to be on the road? What...?
"I killed your useless excuse for a bodyguard and turned you into a werewolf against your will." Was all he said before he darted off into the woods to go and track down some meat, leaving her with those words to help influence her anger to get her to transform faster so she could get her share of the hunt and food. Nathan had already taken down a small boar. It was barely an adult but it would have to do for a one night feast. "Wonder where the Omega is..."
She slammed into his back, barreling him over the boar and into the ground. Her claws snapped out and she went to work, tearing into his chest and biting into him repeatedly. That was perhaps the wrong encouragement...She nearly shredded his chest open, but was kicked off before should could complete it. She hit a tree hard and snapped it in half, falling back onto the ground and mewling out in pain. However her rage dominated her senses, causing her to claw he r way forward again, unable to stand but able to use her arms.
"Maybe I hit the wrong nerve." Nathan said as he stood up and held his chest as it began to bleed out. He growled at her as he lunged forward to meet her lunge and pinned her to the ground and made sure his arms were away from her. He was far larger and stronger than her but his blood was dripping down onto her fur. "Damn girl! Calm your ass down, Omega! Thats an order!" He roared to her as he went down to bite her neck, not penetrating but holding her head in a vicegrip with his jaw, his teeth providing clamps to her for if she moved she'd tear at her own skin. "Calm down! Now!"
She growled loudly and made to lunge again, but the sharp pain in her throat caused her to stop. She continued to growl but she slowly settled down, into semi-coherency. She blinked and finally understood what had happened. "Oh..." That's all she said and that's all that could be said in her mind. She stopped fighting and let him pin her into the ground without a struggle. "Sorry about that..." She smiled sheepishly and hoped there wouldn't be any hard feelings. She did however lick her lips, and tasted the blood, enjoying the richness of it.
Nathan sighed as he looked to her with a frown. "No. That was my fault. I think I made you a little too angry but you've become quite a hassle for me since you're so slow to learn your powers." He said as he let her go, not caring that she tasted his blood and enjoyed it. HE looked down to his wound and returned to a human state and looked at the wound. It was still fresh but the bleeding had stopped. The skin was raw and it was stinging whenever he tried to check to see if it was completely healed. "Get up. We've got a boar to eat."
She hoped up eagerly and went to the boar, tearing into it. She gulped down several large chunks of it before she moved away and finished what she had, still leaving the choice pieces for the alpha. She licked her bloody muzzle and smiled, showing bright white teeth splashes with crimson. "I am sorry about the attack....if I do go out of line...you can always get rough with me..." She let him go with that suggestion where he thought prudent and kept licking her lips and muzzle.
"Funny. I thought I could always get rough with you." He said as he slapped her ass as hard as he could in his human form to tease her. He smirked and backed away so she could not do something to him without having to jump toward him or something first. "Anywho. Try not to lose your temper in town. I don't think we can keep the lycan secret out. We're supposed to be an underground group, not many people know about us."
She grinned, "I will try not to. It will be up to you not to make me mad or do anything to make me mad." She smiled and scuttled back to the boar, tearing off more chunks since it looked like he wasn't going to eat. She continued until she was completely filled, and she rolled onto her back, holding her stomach and letting her tongue hang out happily. SHe was content and yawned loudly, some blood flicking out of her mouth with the yawn.
"Have some decency." He said as he walked over and sat down on her stomach, laughing to the large werewolf girl. "You really should try to find more decency. Though...I never really noticed the size difference between my human form and a werewolf's werewolf form." He reached forward and began to massage her breasts. "I could use you as a bed if I felt like haha. Built in pillows to sleep on as well! Your tail and arms could be my blanket. Heh...I like the idea. Hell. I'd do the same for you, Omega."
She nodded and relaxed, letting him massage her breasts. "Sounds nice..." She yawned again and wrapped her arms around him, burying him in her fur. She rolled onto her side and fell asleep, using him as a teddy bear. She smiled and enjoyed a quick nap, rolling over several times and tossing him around when she moved.
Nathan was suffocated with how she held him. She had him pressed into her breasts as she laid on his side and he was unable to get away, barely being able to breath and he wasn't the least bit angry to transform. 'Curse this weak human body...Gack...' He thought in his head as he soon comically became KOed in her arms as she slept until he felt her roll over and toss him a little, hitting the ground hard. He awoke and took a deep breath of air before looking to see she had him still. 'Shit...' He said as he tried to get free from the sleeping girl, only to have her roll over and put him into the dirt face-first.
She came to a couple of hours later, and she opened her hands, letting him escape. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, still in werewolf form, and popped one eye open to look over at him, seeing him bruised up. "Oh, hey, what happened to you?" She yawned again and sat up, stretching out her muscles, making several pop loudly.
"The horrors...The horrors..." Nathan murmured as he seemed to just lay there, his back to her as he seemed to be like a ragdoll that just fell down and landed in some crippled position. He eventually sat up and stretched, several joints began to pop back into place as he looked to her. "Never...Never ever...have me do that again...as a human..." He said as he stood up. "Lets just go...The horses are probably ready to go as well."
"Uhhhh, what happened while I slept?" She hopped up and followed after him, tail wagging. She poked him in the back and swept him up into her arms, easily lifting him due to the extra strength of the wolf. "Don't be grumpy, I'm sorry for whatever I did." She licked his face, and she smiled, slowly turning back to human form after setting him back down. She still had blood across her mouth, and she licked her lips, tasting it still. "Damn...be right back, I need to find a stream or something." She jogged off to find a river, still naked but not minding at all, just enjoying the grass on her feet.
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