A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)

As she rushed off, Nathan sighed as he held his head. 'The hell is wrong with this girl? No less than a few hours ago she practically hated my guts and now she's all friendly and caring with me.' Nathan thought in his head as he watched her rush off to a stream, still in her werewolf form. He shrugged and smirked, turning into his wolf form, something he had not shown her just yet. It was the perfect disguise, to be a wolf yet be natural rather than be the big, unnatural werewolf form that most people often hunted. He trotted after her, following her scent until he found her and walked over, nudging her with the tip of his cold nose.
She was in her human form at this point and washing her face with her hands, scrubbing the blood away. She looked up from the pinkish water to look at the wolf, and she petted him, recognizing the eyes. "Hey alpha, nice little disguise you got there. Too bad it's not useful at the moment." She giggled and went back to washing her face, bending over to dunk her head into the water.
He nipped at her shoulder and growled lowly before he turned back to his human form, naked and joining her in the water. "Fmeh..." He grunted as he sat next to her. "It seems you've taken a fond bond towards me. Lately you've been all bubbly and preppy!" He was being sarcastic when he used those adjectives just to tease her. "And you could even tell who I was just by looking at my eyes. Here I thought you hated my guts." He said with a smirk.
"I do." She replied with a grin and backhanded him into the water. She laughed and stood up, dancing away from the water to keep out of his reach. "Stop being so bad and maybe I will be nicer." She smiled and walked away, wagging her naked butt to tease him, and went back to her pile of clothing, putting her vest back on before he got back to her.
"You surely do not act like it." He said when he surfaced from the water and watched her as she began to walk away, teasing him. He smirked and turned into a wolf once more and swam to the edge of the river to get out, shake off the water, and rush toward her to walk beside her. "I will act how I want to and you'll just have to live with it. Got it, Princess Omega? I'm your Alpha...I should not have to be forced to do something because you don't like it. Though...unlike my previous Alpha, I will be more fair with things. Heh heh..."
She pulled her pants up and belted it into place, looking down at his wolf form. "You can change back to normal you know..." She began and then left, trying to find the horses. She watched as he changed back into a human and she blushed lightly, seeing that his cock was proportional to his werewolf form. She smiled at him and winked, nodding down to him. "You might want some clothing on there Mr. Hung." She laughed and found her horse, and promptly jumped up on it.
"Which was why I was in a wolf form. I'm naturally naked." He said as he laid down on the horse and turned into a wolf form, his forelegs and backlegs hanging off as he was on the horse. "Mush!" He said as he scratched at the horse's neck with his fangs, causing the horse to go ahead and start trotting down the trail. "We will pick up some clothes for me for when I arrive in town! Catch up, Omega!" He said as the horse continued on. A few hours later, Nathan hopped off the horse and looked to her. "You have your clothes. Take the horses and tie them to a nearby tree. I will return to you once I've found some clothes for me." With that, Nathan stealthily moved through the shadows of the town, larger and busier than the last one they were in.
(( Questioning the physics of that...but whatever ))

She tied the reins to a nearby tree, making sure that the horses had some grass to eat under the tree. She sat down next to another tree and waited for him. After a couple minutes, she noticed some soldiers traveling down the road toward there and the horses. She stood up and nodded when they trotted up.

"Hello there, Miss." The lead soldier said, the other three fanning out around her. "What is a lone woman doing out here in the wilderness alone?" He asked curiously, not sounding sexual or anything besides curious.

"I am not alone...my...uhh, husband, is out there. He is taking a bathroom break. We have been riding all day, and his bladder couldn't handle it." She quickly spun out, trying hard to keep her disguise up. She hoped he would arrive soon, or else she was going to get in trouble.

The leader nodded and then looked to the horses, seeing that the one Nathan had ridden was bleeding. "Hmmm, how did that horse get injured?" He asked, turning a very curious gaze over her, noting some dried blood in her hair.

"He, uhhh, got attacked by a wolf...and we fought the animal off. The injury didn't seem bad..so we kept riding." She backed up a little, feeling a primal urge to tear into them starting to swirl inside her.

"A wolf you say? We have had reports of a pack of...lycans...in the area. They can take the form of a wolf easily enough...perhaps you were attacked by one.... I see blood on you..were you injured at all? Even a bite is enough..." The soldiers all looked at her and rested their hands on their silvered weapons.

"No no no, I wasn't bitten!" She shook her head quickly, perhaps too much. She wished Nathan would hurry up...she needed more deception. "I said we fought it off...it didn't a single hit in."
(A wolf as large as he would have been when he turned would be able to just hang there. You said the horses were malnourished and weakened so I assumed they were skinny as well so I figured it would work.)

Nathan had arrived in his new clothing, though he stopped when he saw the guards and listened to what they were saying. He cursed when they started to question her and had their hands on their weapons, ready to strike. He began to strip once more, so he could just get these clothes again rather than worry about them ripping when he transformed. He turned into a wolf and rushed out, biting one guard in the leg with his large jaw and began to pull, making the man fall to the ground as Nathan began to drag him into the woods, his jaw acting as a vice as it pulled the man and made sure he could not get out his sword by shaking him around. It would be obvious he was a lycan, as no mere wolf should have that much power.
The soldiers immediately followed after the screaming and thrashing soldier. They pushed past her, knocking her over in their haste, and she yelped when a horse stamped down on her leg, breaking it with a loud snap. The sound was still covered up by their screaming though, so was left there to hold her broken leg. They followed after him and knocked him off of their companion, jumping down and bringing their swords to bear. They lunged at him, missing though they stay skilled in staying together.
Nathan continued to lead them further and further into the forest. He had crippled one soldier and only had to worry about the others. Once he was deep in the woods, he made a mad dash away towards the town, leaving them in his dust. When he arrived and saw Amberly in her state, he frowned. "Switch to your werewolf form! You'll recover faster! Move into the woods as fast as you can while I keep them distracted! Hurry, they'll be here any minute!"
"If...If I don't set the bone properly, it won't heal right!" She barked out, angry that he didn't know basic medicine. She growled and tried to force the bone back into place, put the pain washed over her, draining her strength. She watched as he came over and firmly stomped on the bone, shoving it back into her leg and making her scream out in pain. Only her rage at being mistreated as much allowed her to remain conscious. She slowly got to her feet and called into her lycan form, limping badly away towards the city, slightly saddened that her outfit had been shredded in the hasty transformation. She limped as far as she could before collapsing, feeling the bleeding reduce. She had left a trail of blood, but she was sure she would be long gone until they were in the city. She smiled and felt confident, limping towards the gate, but the arrow quickly took that thought away. She looked down at her chest and was knocked onto her back by the second one. She felt an intensity, burning pain in her chest, the silver eating at her skin, and she mewled out in pain. The last thing before darkness engulfed her was a pain of hunters standing over her and shaking their heads in disgust. They dragged her unconscious form into the city, leaving a trail of blood towards it. There, they disappeared into the maze of the city.

(( Ok, you character was still leading them along, you didn't know this happened. Time for some mystery and deduction! You can try to track her down now. :p ))
When Nathan had dragged them into the woods, he found he could not simply lose them without them tracking him down...He was forced to kill them and drag their bodies away, hidden into the underbrush to become food for other animals and such. When he returned, he saw Amberly's trail of blood and sighed. He moved to where his clothes were before and turned to his human form, putting on the clothes and waited some before walking out to the trail of blood. He began to follow it until he found a blood pool and a small indentment in the ground from when she had fallen back. He bent down and sniffed the blood, growling as he smelled burning flesh from silver. 'Hunters...' He said as he stood up and looked around. Normal guardsmen did not have silver arrows. They had thrown smelling salts around the area so that he could not find them. 'Dammit!' He began to run through the town, trying to find the scent but he could not find it. "Omega! Princess Omega!" He kept calling out for her, hoping she'd call out to him. "Amberly!!" He said loudly, his voice echoing throughout the city as he seemed to howl her name before running onward again in hopes to find her. 'Where would hunters take her...? Dammit. I need information...Where the hell is a bar when you need to find one?!'
While he was rampaging through the city trying to find her, the guards took notice of all his yelling and decided he was just a wandering fool trying to find his girl or something. They turned their attentions away, so he was able to enter the Muddy Boots tavern without a problem. When he entered, there were a dozen tables, lining the walls that were in a booth format. There were several smaller tables around the middle with stoolsn wit the actual bar area towards the back with a counter and stools there as well. It was about half full, around thirty people sitting at their tables and drinking, with serving girls walking around serving refills. One walked up to him, and introduced herself as Tristana Redolk. "Welcome to the Muddy Boot tavern, sir. Would you like a booth, a table, or a seat at the bar?" She gave a distant smiled and looked over him, seeing that he wasn't that wealth, though nice in body.
Nathan entered the bar and held his nose of the stink of alcohol, sweat, and annoying drunks. It wasn't that bad to humans, but it was a little more powerful to Nathan given his abilities. When Tristana first approached him, he gave her no notice until he didn't see anyone worth getting information from at the bar. Turning to Tristana, Nathan frowned. "I am looking for information...Do you know where a Hunter's Guild or something is located...? I was looking to join...My farm off in the outskirts of town has been plagued for so long and now everything is gone...I want revenge."
She frowned at his dismissive tone of her and she just shrugged, "Not my area of knowledge, sorry. You might ask my boss if you really want to know. " She jerked her thumb over her shoulder towards the barman, who was serving several guests at the bar. "Of course, it will likely cost you, the same as anywhere else in the city. Now, would you be needing anything? A seat? A drink? A bed? Someone to warm your bed....?" She gave a small grin.
Nathan raised an eyebrow. Perhaps...he could have her convince her boss if he charmed her. He smirked. "I would prefer the last choice, my dear." He wrapped his arm around her and snickered. "Would you be willing to warm the bed? I will pay well. I may even pay more...Depending on what happens. What do you say, little flower?" Nathan wondered if sexing her could get her to spill any information she truly did have. She was a barmaid, she HAD to overhear some gossip of some sort.
"I would love to, but it is still daytime and I have other work to do before I work you. Tonight, go to room 6 and I will be there right after sunset." She smiled and winked at him. "I will of course have to charge for the room as well, room's aren't cheap here in the city." She laughed and left him to go back to the bar, picking up a tray of drinks and walking around, handing them out in exchange for money.
Nathan frowned. Nightfall? Amberly might not be alive by then. She might not even be alive at that time. He figured he had no choice...so while he waited, he went from table to table, asking men for information in exchange for a drink or two, the money he used would be the money he had pickpocketed in the last town and he made sure to have a separate pouch of money for the room and the girl. All that he got out of the men was that hunters were within the city but rarely ever came out and no one in the slums knew much about them. 'Great...just great...' Nathan murmured as he leaned against a wall and waited for nightfall.
Once the night had arrived, most of the patrons in the tavern left to go home. However a new wave entered in after a small lapse, filling in the vacated spots. Tristana served them a little, then told her boss she had an engagement to be taken care of. She took a bottle of wine and went up the stairs entering the room and finding Nathan pacing across the floor. "Eager much? Normally guys are not this eager to have me. Well, before anything else happens, pay up. Five silver for the room, ten for me, and...heh...2 for the wine." She smiled and wagged it in the air, before sitting on the bed and holding her hand open.
"I'd rather not have the wine. But if you insist..." He murmured as he pulled out seventeen silver coins, actually less than what he had originally thought it would be for her and a room in this town. Once he gave her the money, he walked with her to room six and sat down, looking to her. "Lets play a little game..." He said with a smirk. "It will involve which of us orgasms first. The one who orgasms first loses...and the winner gets to ask the other person anything they want. And you have to answer truthfully...I might even pay extra to persuade you."
"Hmm, that's new, but alright, if pay is involved." She closed the door and stripped naked, letting her clothes drop to the floor. She then laid down in the bed and got under the covers. "Come on big boy, lets see who wins first."
Nathan smirked. He had an unfair advantage...He was experienced fucking women of all kind for large durations of time thanks to his time with his old pack. And the fact he was a werewolf had given him a more endured body. He stripped as well and joined her under the covers, reaching forward to start massaging her breasts, his fingers pressing her nipples like buttons whenever they grazed over. "I bet you I'm going to win."
She groaned softly in response and crossed her legs some in pleasure. She grinned and reached under, wrapping his cock with her hand and jerking him off softly. She used her free hand to reach under and fondle his balls, and she blushed hard when she felt their heaviness. "Damn...you are hung huh?" She asked and leaned in to bite his neck. "Do you want to lead or me?" She accented it with a quick jerk and a hard squeeze.
"Heh...You know your body. I think it would be unfair for me to start thrusting, only to know where you love being hit and just keep going after that one sweet spot." He teased and leaned his hands forward to fondle her breasts as they laid together, massaging them gently. "You lead if you think you can make me cum faster...if not...I will just rock your world over and over again..." He said with a smirk.
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