A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)

"No need to be sorry. You are so feisty and are such a fireball." He teased as she sat in his lap. Feeling her legs spread, he chuckled lightly and reached forward and began to slowly massage her pussy through her clothing with his fingers. He kissed up and down her neck gently before he finally closed her legs and laid her down on the bed, smirking and turned to leave to head to the spa. He would have already turned her on. He'd let her primal lust take over and see how much willpower she had at her disposal.
She had to admit that he knew what he was doing when he started to play with her body, thus the sudden leaving left her confused and with a lingering fire in her chest. She growled some and hit herself in the head, "Come on girl...he was just teasing you so you would beg. You are...were....a princess, you don't beg." She stopped, breathed in deeply, and then released the air in gust. She punched the bed and stood up, unable to control her new hunger. As she left the room, and went down to the main room and grabbed some mutton, tearing off chunks as she tried to find Nathan, her nose useless due to the food in her hand.
When he heard her looking for him around in the halls, Nathan smirked and emerged from his spa bath and put his clothes on. He walked out and snuck up behind her, grabbing her breasts and pulled her close to him with a laugh as he took a bite of the meat off of the bone, not that large since he was still human but still quite a large bite. "Were you looking for my, princess Omega?" He said with a laugh as he let her go and swallowed the food. "I thought you would be sleeping like you wanted. That is why I left you."
"It's hard to when you leave me burning and I can't sleep because of that." She growled and jumped up, biting his neck, leaving a love bite. "There." She grinned and licked her lips clean of blood and went into the female section of the spa. She smiled and felt good for being able to express the lust and not go overboard. She stripped naked and got into one of the hot water tubs, and began to clean herself off. It was late at night so not many people were about in this section.
Nathan smirked and wiped the blood from his neck as well and slowly began to swim over toward the female section of the spa. Amberly would be the only one there, so no one would notice Nathan as he crept up to her and reached forward and grabbed her breasts. He snickered as one hand moved down to her pussy where he began to finger her with two fingers slowly as his lips went up and down her neck. "Enough games...Let us do the real thing..."
She yelped at first and then started to groan, getting tired of fighting him off. "Fine..." She moaned some more and started to lean forward as his fingers went to work on her. The next thing she realized, her face was on the edge of the pool and her ass was pointed Nathan's way. "Damn it..." She muttered, starting to feel the beast taking over. She was turning into a horny pup...and she felt all human control slipping. Her body started to morph as well...
"Heh...You want me to fuck you as a werewolf? How dangerous. Someone could see us." He said teasingly, taunting her as he began to prod her pussy with the head of his cock. He reached forward and grabbed her breasts, pulling her to sit in his lap but in doing so his cock went into her pussy. He began to buck his hips, his cock now sliding in and out of her, thrusting every now and then as he massaged her breasts. "Tell me my dear Princess Omega..." He said as he continued to do so, "...Your first time as a werewolf is like being a virgin all over again without the breaking of your hymen...What does it feel like for you hm? Does it feel like everlasting pleasure? Or memories of a darker time?"
Her only responses came out as gasps, moans, and growls, unable to think straight enough to form a sentence. She moaned out loudly, taking over and bouncing roughly and wildly. Her muscles tensed and she slammed down hard on his lap, nearly snapping his still human bones with her lust. Her hands reached up and held his hands, helping him to massage her breasts, making them squeeze together harder. "Love....love...it."
"Good..." He said as he transformed as well, becoming stronger now. He picked her up and turned her around to face him and then put her back to take in his cock and he began to thrust once more, his mouth going up to move her breast to his mouth and begin to suckle on it as he thrust into her, his free hand going to her clit to start teasing it as he continued ot thrust and buck as she bounced on him. His cock went deep inside of her and he loved the feeling of how tight she was. "Amazingly tight...You are a virgin..." He smirked.
She closed her eyes and let him take over, feeling her inside being pleasured beyond anything she had felt before. She felt her insides turning into jelly and she knew she was close. Her arms wrapped around his neck, forcing his head into her furry chest and she smiled some as her claws tore into his back leaving long, bleeding lines. She leaned into him, feeling the water lapping against them. After several more minutes of ravaging, she finally snapped, howling out loud and climaxing, sending her juices all over.
Once she came, the sensations of it all made his seed shoot deep into her, filling her womb with his lycanthrope sperm. He slowly pulled out and smirked as he let her float slowly down the pool until she sat on her bum in the shallow water with him and he leaned back, relaxing. "Mm...That was good...No. Amazing. For an Omega." He said wit ha laugh as he looked to her and transformed back into a human, not caring for his bleeding back as it would recover on its own over time. He began to pet her head. "Good girl."
She smiled faintly and leaned down, still in werewolf form, and rested her head on his chest, and wrapping herself around him. She closed her eyes again and quickly fell into sleep, her juices still leaving a trail behind her. It floated to the surface, giving her a halo around her waist of cum. She sighed in her sleep and reverted back into human form, and help closer to him, enjoying the warmth.
When she got closer to him, he wrapped his arm over her and pulled her close to lean against him. He looked to her and kissed her temple and smirked. "Omega...You and I are gonna get along juuuuust fine." He laughed and stood up, stretching and popping his joints. "Let us go. I want to get to sleep now. If you do not mind." He said as he began to leave, walking naked and wet through the inn until he came to his room and laid down in the bed, closing his eyes to sleep.
She was asleep and couldn't hear him, and was left naked and sleeping in the spa. She stayed near the shallow in, luckily, and was still there when the workers came in the next morning and saw her. They shook their head in disgust and sympathy and helped the poor girl out of the pool. They fussed over her, cleaning her and waking her up. She was surprised to see them worrying over her but she accepted the pampering willingly, enjoying the cleaning. They gave her some spare clothing, a nice fighting leather vest and some breeches, and sent her on her way. After thanking them repeatedly, she stormed off to Nathan's room, kicking it open, and then roundhouse kicking him in the face, smashing his nose and his cheek. "Asshole!" She screamed at him.
Nathan was sent into the wall and fell back with a comical KOed look on his face. He sat up and rubbed his head, having been asleep when this happened made it just that more confusing until he remembered everything and began to laugh. "Oh. I'm sorry. I had figured you were only relaxing in the pool. I did not know you were actually asleep." He chimed with laughter. Standing up, he began to stretch once more. "Thems the break, Princess Omega. Now then...If you're ready...We should be heading out toward your castle in the towns over, yes? This is not the capital city I am assuming."
She stalked forward and punched him the face again, just to assure him that she was pissed at him. "Bastard...." She muttered and left, heading back to her room, before deciding that the clothing in there wasn't as nice as her current clothing. She just left the clothing there, but took the back anyways, never knowing when a bag would be handy. She headed down into the tavern area and ordered some sausages and some ale. Her breakfast arrived and she dug in, devouring most of it in minutes.
When she would finish eating her food, he would finally be down and had found her. "There you are." He murmured as he walked over. "You really are quite the...hot head." He said as he rubbed his jaw as it was sore from the many assaults she had given him lately. "After what I did for you last night and you still beat me up? I thought we shared something special." He taunted as he took the last sausage off of her plate and ate it. "Now then. As I was saying. Lets go to your castle."
"I....I don't feel comfortable going there..." She mumbled out and stayed sitting at the serving area. "I don't want to see people that would recognize me...I don't want to lose control." She continued, staying sitting and ordering another ale, and quickly downing it to try to calm her nerves down.
"Come now...You can't change without wanting to unless you become angry...Or Horny...apparently...from last night. You still need control. So lets teach you how to control yourself then before we go to the castle." He patted her shoulder and smiled to her. "If you want revenge, we'll need the king's soldiers...if he has a good amount. An army of fifty could easily take out a pack of thirteen werewolves and an Alpha, given that they are experienced soldiers. And if I am amongst them, I can distract the Alpha."
She nodded and stood up, heading out of the tavern with Nathan and following him out of the city, towards the capital. "It's going to be a long walk..." She began and turned back to look at the city again. "Shouldn't we get some food or at least a map to tell us what's in the area?" She was really just trying to delay the travel some, not really sold on going back to her home city.
"No. I know this area well. I've been here since I was born and turned." He said as he followed her. "Though if you want a map of the world...We must steal one. I'm all out of money." Even though that was a lie, he had not told her of his pickpocketing last night. "I want to see how stealthily you can be in your human form thanks to your new abilities." He smiled and looked to her. "Go on. Go steal a map and bring it back without being seen."
"Uhhhh...." She made a face and shook her head, not wanting to do the work. "No...I don't what to..." She began to walk again, hoping he wouldn't be mad at her refusal. She already stole once, and stealing again alone would be harder. Where the hell would a map be found in a small village anyway? The mayor's house? No thanks...
"You'll never learn." He murmured as he followed her. "Then we'll go by my instinct. Simple enough. Though..." He frowned and began to ponder. "I don't know how to train you. Its something thats supposed to happen naturally but you're such a hot head that you could turn whenever you turn angry. Learn like the Buddhist Monks or something and channel your emotions or whatever they do. Meditate."
As they walked, she thought about it and nodded, thinking that channeling it would help her. She thought about the different ways to calm down, and she nodded and laughed, finding a solution. She turned to face Nathan and grinned up to him, "I have an idea..." She winked mischievously and told him to close his eyes. She waited until he did and then leaned forward, going through the motions that she was about to kiss him. Instead, she leaned back suddenly and punched him straight in the nose, sending him flying to the ground. "There! That calmed me down a lot." She grinned widely.
Nathan sat up and rubbed his nose. "My face is going to go flat if you keep punching me square in the nose!" He said angrily but began to rub his pained face. "I guess I could be a human punching bag if it means that you won't fucking blow our cover..." He said as he stood up and walked over to her. "Though in return for this pain...I expect some luxury later..." He said as he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her to pull her close. "What do you say...Princess Omega? You punch me all you want...I get to have you all I want."
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