A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)

(lol my bad.)

"I always knew you actually swung that way dipshit!" Nathan said spitefully to him in regards to what he said to him. He rushed toward the Alpha and barreled to the side and finished his sprint before kicking one of the werewolf bandits in the face to make him let Amberly go. He looked to the Alpha and grabbed Amberly by the hair and ran through the waterfall, bursting through it and taking her down. As he ran, he began to pull her up toward him by her hair until he had her in his arms and he continued to sprint, hoping the wound that Nathan gave to the werewolf would cause him to slow down tremendously.
Screaming in pain, she felt her hair starting to be pulled out from the waterfall and by the pulling. "Stop!" She begged, her temple throbbing in pain. Her wish was granted when the Alpha barreled into Nathan's back, spilling him down and sending Amberly flying into the dirt. She came up spitting dirt and was once again pulled up by the head, but her neck was turned to the side now to show her neck. "This is the last stay you fucker." The alpha growled, and promptly bit into Amberly's neck, tearing out a chuck of flesh and tossing her limp form into the water. "Go to her now, lover boy, save your slut before she dies." He grinned and swallowed her flesh, using it to restore his manhood more. The pack gathered around him and all laughed at Nathan's dashing form, hurling insults at his back.

Floating down the river, blood pumping from her wound and into the water, Amberly though, "So...this is how I die..." She closed her eyes and wanted to sink into oblivion, but oblivion wasn't there, only a fiery pain.
"You bastard!" He yelled out when he saw him bite into Amberly's neck. He dashed forward toward Amberly as her body began to drift down into the water and ignored the insults of the rest of the pack as he dived into the river and swam to her. When he got to her, the last thing she would feel before she'd fall unconscious from blood loss would be the sinking feeling of his own fangs into the other side of her neck, infecting her with his werewolf genes and infected her DNA so that she would become what he was. "This is gonna hurt...!" He said as he saw the next waterfall nearby and held her tightly as they both fell under. Many were always killed by this waterfall given the jaggy rocks that there were at the bottom of the falls...though Nathan managed to survive, and he pulled her ashore and began to gasp and choke on water. "Wake up girl...Dammit how long is this turning supposed to take? She could still fucking die if she doesn't recover soon." He said as he moved over to her and tried to keep the blood from coming out by putting his shirt on her wound and putting pressure on it.
She trashed around in pain, her neck veins pushing up against the skin as the venom spread. The further it traveled, the more veins started to pulse out visibly. With the grinding of teeth, she stated to buck up, feeling her bones length, pop, and set back into place. She started to tear at her chest, her nails turning into thick claws, leaving trenches in her skin and tearing off the last remnants of her clothing. With blood flowing from these new wounds, the ground under here quickly became soaked in blood. Luckily, the wounds started to close faster then normal. After several minutes of trashing around and self wounding, she finished her transformation, surging up and smacking Nathan away with a heavy slap. She howled and and looked down at her claws, now dripping with blood, and she shook with violent energy.
When Nathan was slapped, her claws would scrape across his face and cut him. He reached up and held his face as it began to bleed and he sighed when he saw her. "You dumb dumb girl..." He said angrily as he stood up and wiped the blood off of his face, his wound healed. "Dumbass girl...You screwed up now...You're like me, a werewolf. If you hadn't caused me to yell in the cave, you'd still be human and I wouldn't have turned you. Now you won't have a life to go back to so long as you're this...creature. You'll need to learn to control yourself, otherwise the beast within could break itself free and rampage."
She turned and laid a baleful eye on Nathan, which turned into a growl and a violent glare. She dropped into a fighting crouch and barely seem to be aware of what was happening around her. With another howl, she lunged at Nathan, turning her blind fury and rage into power for her attacks. She was able to hit him several times, clawing his chest and shoulder. After several minutes of furious swipes, she finally ran out of steam, collapsing onto her knees, and breathing heavily, spent after all that had happened.
Nathan easily dodged all of her childish attacks and sighed when she collapsed to her knees. He walked over and kicked her once more, stepping on her cleavage as he pointed down to her. "I told you not to attack me! I'm all you've got left so if you want to live as a proper werewolf without being noticed by humans when in their society, I'd advise you to take my word as law!"

(Sorry for shortness)
Her stomach growled loudly in response to the pressure on her chest, and she mewled softly in pain. She kept growling, but lowered the volume and nodded slowly up at him...though her anger still burned. However, that started to flow away when she realized she was naked, still showing her humanity. "I...I..need clothes." She stumbled out, not used to this new voice. She got onto all fours and then all the way to stand in front of Nathan, still a foot shorter then him.
"Hmph. You sound as if you've become a completely new person.' He said as he removed his foot from her cleavage and allowed her to stand up. "You tore up your only pair and my shirt floated down the river when I lost it trying to pull you ashore and clean your wound. You're nude until we get to a city or something." He said bluntly. "Now then, girl. From here on out, you had best listen to me if you want to survive out here in this wilderness. Otherwise...Well...You'll receive the same fate as that bodyguard of yours, only this time you'll be raped to death by the alpha. Like I said...Do you want his pups?" He began to sniff the air and smelled the faint scent of a fire from a furnace. "Small cabin...We can probably break in and steal some clothes from there."
She nodded eagerly at the mention of fresh clothes, wrapping her arms over her breasts so they wouldn't bounce as she ran. She followed after him as he headed out, trying out her new nose and her new longer legs. Keeping her arms crossed over her chest, thus increasing the difficulty, shes kept a respectful distance from Nathan, though it was because she was moving over the terrain slower..."Ummm, what...is your name?" She called out, her tongue still heavy. She was able to continue the pace, something as a human she would of dropped dead by now. She grinned at the sensations and released her breasts, letting them bounce freely. She caught scent of the fire, and she growled, remembering fire normally meant food. She sprinted ahead, barreling towards the food.
"Wait dumbass!" Nathan roared out to her as he dashed at her, accustomed to his werewolf legs whereas her own legs were still getting used to their speed. He easily caught up to her and tackled her, landing her on her back with him on her front and pinning her down, one hand at the neck and the other at her breast, unintentionally. "Just hold your horses! You can't just barge in and steal something! We're to remain unseen! One does not simply just break into a house!" He said as he removed himself from her and stood up, looking to the cabin that was now in the distance. "First, we see if they are home. If they are, we get in and get out without making a sound. We're not to be known that we were there, or else. We are bandits, at least my pack is. This is how we live our lives as werewolves. There are other tribes with different customs, though we try to at least remain undetected. When we attacked your caravan, it was only because we knew there would be no survivors to tell of us. So play this safe, as we do not want a riot to attack. Do you get my meaning, Amberly?" He seemed to have dodged the question of his name for now as he scolded her and told her how she would have to behave if she was under his teachings.
She frowned but nodded, trying to reel in her new urges. She hoped up quickly and then stopped to admire how quickly she pulled that off. She did remember his paw on her breasts through, so she punched his shoulder in response. "Don't grab me that way." She finished and got back behind him, her nose still lifted and enjoying the smell of cooking pig. She salivated and she felt her stomach rumble loudly, and she blushed some, knowing the man heard it. "So...you didn't answer me, what is your name?"
"That is not important right now, Omega." He said, feeling powerful when he had said that. So this was what it was like to feel like the alpha of a pack. 'Alpha and Omega huh...' Nathan thought in his head as he seemed to look at her in deep thought before looking back to the cabin. "Follow my lead, and stay in the shadows and cover. What we'll do is simply this...I'll cause a distraction to draw out anyone within the house. Then you'll sneak in and steal all that you can as fast as you can. You need to find clothes for you and any food. Got it?"
She nodded, happy to be the one to get the food, she rubbed her belly and followed after her Alpha through the shadows, until getting into position. She settled down into a crouch and made sure she was lined up with the door, hoping to be quick enough to have extra time to take more. She waited until he ran off, causing the family to yell and chase after him, then she darted forward, storming into the house. She grinned widely and pulled the blanket off the bed, stuffing it with clothing, she didn't look just grabbed, and then tied it off. She reached down and pulled a leg off of the pig they were cooking and swiftly shoved it into her mouth. However, it was hot, and she had to drop the clothing to pull it out of her mouth and blow on it some, losing track of time. She Bit off a chunk and then remembered her duty. She got another blanket and filled it with apples, bread, a couple canteens of water, and then some more meats. Grinning ear to ear, she started out again, dashing into the woods and following his scent.
When she would arrive, Nathan would be waiting, arms crossed. He walked over to her and grabbed the blanket and opened it to see what she had gotten for them. "Well...The blanket could help make for a make-shift tent...The food will last us for about three days as will the water...Tonight we'll feast on the meat. Though, try not to grab as many non-meat foods. We're carnivores, we feast mainly upon eat and rarely on vegetables." He grabbed the pig leg and frowned. "Seems to me you've already bitten it. Don't you know your place Omega? The alpha eats first and the omega gets whats left. Though...I guess since it is only the two of us and we have so little food, I will share with you."
She growled and yanked the food away. "I am not your bloody servant, its your fault that I am even in this situation. I want to a human...not this abomination." She sighed sadly and dropped the sack, grabbing the bag of clothing and goes off, trying to find a secluded spot to try to change back to a human. If that failed,...she grabbed a man's clothing. Her stomach rumbled and she frowned, jogging back and grabbing a bread and the pig leg again, heading back into a clearing and eating alone.
Nathan sighed as he walked over to her, bringing the blanket of food with him. "If you want to look human like me...well...mostly humans aside from my ears and my tail...you'll need to concentrate, not on trying to be human, but on being calm. Our werewolf form only comes out when we're angry and we have to master being able to change at whim. Just calm down and you'll become as human as your body will let you become."
She looked up at him and glared some, before sighing and finishing off her food. She felt like throwing up the bread, which confirmed that in this state they only ate meat. She made a face and forced it down with water, before setting the remains away and breathing out, gaining focus. She felt herself growing calmer, and she breathed in deeply, before breathing out again, slowing losing her fur and gaining back sin, revealing her naked for bit by bit.
Once she was as human as she was going to get, he picked up the bread she had picked up and handed it to her. "Eat. We're going on a long...long trip to your kingdom. Your father must believe you have died in the attack...and I plan to set the king's army upon my pack as vengeance for their wrongdoings to me." He was showing just how big his ego was and stood up. "Come. We need to go and head into town to steal a horse. You will lead me to your father and we will devise a plan on sending him the message of the attack."
She nodded and begun to eat the non-meat foods, devouring most of it hungrily. After she was finished, she dug around in the clothing back, picking out some pants and a loose shirt. She pulled them on and nodded to Nathan, setting out towards her father... She pulled up short and looked at him, "I have no father now..." She looked at her hands, which started to transform into claws again, "I am a beast..." She muttered and sighed, holding her claws to her sides.
"You are not to see your father. I will go as a messenger. I only need for access within the barracks to steal a suit of armor and possibly a sword to add in the effect. Surely you know of some escape routes that work both ways, into and out of the castle? We cannot simply just walk on inside. Unless we put you in robes to hide your claws, tail, and ears and only show your face."
"I don't know...I used to play in some tunnels when I was younger, but I don't remember where they were." She tried to control her anger that he was stirring up in her, she was a princess....or was...until they attacked the caravan. She turned and glared at him hatefully, standing in front of him, arms across her chest. "You caused those claws, tail, and ears, Mr. Dog." She stated, feeling warmth spreading from her chest to her extremities.
His claws extended and he seemed to be the fastest thing alive as he suddenly grabbed her neck and slammed her into a tree, his face inches from hers as he glared at her hatefully. "Listen you ungrateful bitch! If it was not for what I did, you'd be dead right now! It was not my fault that we were caught in the waterfall! You caused me to give out our position and this led to your turning! If anyone is to blame for your inhumanity its you!" He turned and threw her into another tree and continued to curse her. "You better hone up if you want revenge you little runt! Be grateful for the power I've given you!"
She rose from the ground shakily, knowing that several bones had been broken in the throwing around. She winced in pain and popped her shoulder back into place, growling and giving in freely to the beast. "Saved?" She roared at him and fully extended her claws, charging and tackling him into the ground, clawing his face. "You damned me you bastard! You monster! You bitch!" She screamed, and kept clawing at his face and chest, tearing great chunks of fur and flesh away. "Grateful? I am grateful I can kill you for this!" She leaned down and bit into his shoulder.
Nathan did not fight back when she began to attack him. When she bit into his shoulder, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her and thats all he did. His face was bitten and missing chunks of skin that would already begin to start healing and his chest was bleeding badly but it was also beginning to heal slowly. His arms still wrapped themselves around her and pulled closely so he was hugging her and he remained silent. "Would you have rather died without being able to take revenge on the fallen? When I attacked the caravan with my brethren, my sole intention when I found you was to simply claim you as mine and make certain that your life would stay. Though I had no idea the alpha would find you...You would have been my little secret until I had taken over the pack for myself but it would seem that is far from over."
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