A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)

She pulled her bloody snout from his shoulder and looked down at him incredulously. "You still would of damned me, and my best friend would of died anyways. What would of been my life in this dream, a servant? A little princess that would keep your straw warm?" She growled but did sit up, bloody claws still in his shoulders. She unconsciously licked her fangs, feeling the warm blood flood down her throat. "How would you of claimed me, take a piss on my leg? Shoot your seed into my belly? Your story doesn't make sense, taking a girl with wild men whose noses and lust are greater then anything normal would of found me and killed me."
"No. The waterfall. Its impossible for us to be found in the waterfall. The sound of the crashing water will drown out a lot of sound, except should we begin to yell in anger. The water hides our scent. And it is impossible to see through it. It was my perfect go-away spot until you caused me to give it away. You would have stayed human and would have been to me what you humans have dogs for, pets. You would have been my pet that I would have cared for."
She made a face and shook her head, "A princess to a pet....lovely." She slashed his face again and stood up. "I would of tried to escape, just so you know." She looked down at her blood splattered clothing, and shrugged, it was still in one piece, and there was a steam nearby. She walked away and jumped into the river, letting the blood float off of her and travel away on the water. She shivered some in the cold but felt that it wasn't nearly as biting as it had been when she was human. "At least it has uses..."
When he approached her, he shook his head. "I would have had you tied to a chain to a wooden steak that would be several feet in the ground, so the only hope you'd have to escape was to chew your own leg off...unless I attached it to your neck like you humans to do your pets." He said as he went to start soaking his wounds and let the blood flow off of his clothes. "Whats done is done. Get used to what you have now and use it for your revenge."
"You paint a great image...would I have a bowl for my water and food too?" She said sarcastically, dunking her head into the water to wash off her face. She came up twenty seconds later, shooting out water and shaking her head, flicking water all over. She pulled herself out of the water and laid down on the grass, letting herself air dry. "I will have revenge, against you and all the others.
"Then let my greatest creation be my downfall." He replied bluntly, not caring if she would attempt to kill him soon after. He did not blame her, but he would not go out without a fight. He would kill her the moment she tried to kill him. "Though. I would suggest you kill the others first. Otherwise you will not have a helping hand with your powers nor would you know the ways of my tribe. I will not allow you to follow the teachings of others."
"And why not?" She asked bluntly as well, "And you never did give me your name." She sat up after several minutes, dry and began and flex her new muscles and to get out the cramps. It felt good to test her new limitations.

( Didn't have much to go with, sorry. )
(I apologize. :[ )

"If you will keep insisting that I give you my name, then know me as Nathan." He said as he got out and looked at her before walking over. "Now only know me as your alpha. For the time being. In a pack, a wolf may challenge the alpha at any time for dominance of the pack. Though...I doubt that in your current form you could defeat me. For now, you must know your body before we start toward your castle. There is a town east of here. Let us go there and rent rooms. I have a small amount of money that I have whenever I take time to go through the markets."
"And I have nothing but the clothes on my back..." She muttered and sighed heavily, missing the luxury she used to have..."I will miss the wealth..." She sighed heavily once more and followed him into the direction of the town. She ducked back to pick up the food bag and the clothing back. "Do we need to change back into human form for now?"
"There is no reason for you to lose the wealth. All we need is a little...king...to go away. Whether its through assassination or secret imprisonment, it is up to you. But if you came to power, all you would have to do is wear the robe and you could rule your people. Or rather...would you risk your father still be in power and you only being able to go out with a robe on? Unless you were a nice little hat to hide your ears and do something about your tail...Maybe cut it off?" He joked.
She stopped as soon as he started talking, glaring in disgust and disbelief. "Are...are you suggesting that you want me to kill my father?" She whispered, pure rage behind her tone. If he thought that she was going to damn herself even more, then he was going to die very very soon. "I will not have you kill my father...I will die stopping you." She felt like she had a deathgrip on the sacks and slowly released her grasp so that it was back to normal. "He will stay in power, he is old, but he is a good father...and king."
"It was only a suggestion for if you truly wanted to keep your royalties." He said with a laugh at her anger. "I will not be the one to kill him. I think you killing him will be more amusing if it had to come to that." He walked over to her and patted her head. "Come. We've spent enough time out here in these woods. Let us head into the human village and pay for a room. Go into your human form like me so you do not attract as much attention. We will steal a hat for us to hide our ears and try to keep your tail into your pants to hide them. They are baggy enough to hide them so you will not have much difficulties.
She nodded and slowly turned back into her human form, feeling the clothing getting looser. "There..." She said and started following him towards the town. After several hours of walking, and the sun near setting, they arrived at the gate of the city. She stuffed her hair into her pants and shook her hair out, covering her ears as best that she could. "Are you ready?" She asked, tossing him the packs, "Normally the male carries the heavy stuff."
"Well I guess I could carry all of this stuff for once." He murmured as he walked her through the gates and into the market. "So. How does it feel to be amongst humans knowing you are no longer one of them?" He said with a smirk as he looked to her, waiting to see her reaction to his taunting of her being a werewolf among humans for the first time since she had been turned. "Does it feel awkward? Or do you still feel the same? Do you feel your primal instincts kicking in when you smell all this cooking food and just want to attack the food stands for food?"
She growled and punched him in the face, too fast for the other people in the street to see. "Just take us to this inn you spoke of." She ordered not amused at all by his sarcasm and poor joke. "I...I can control myself." She murmured, though she was indeed feeling a wild hunger in her belly, seeing the roasted meats along the street, and the sweet smells washing over her. If she didn't get out of this soon, she would snap and their cover would be blown to nothingness. She groaned and held her belly, feeling her stature start to increase some. "Fuck!" She breathed out, rushing into an alley and away from the scent of food. She stumbled into a back alley and lost her dinner into a gutter, feeling her chest tighten.
Nathan sighed as he followed after her as she rushed into the alley and approached her, pulling her over to him. "Let me help you get your mind off of the food then. This should keep your mind from being hungry for a good while." He said before pulling her over to him, her back against his chest as he began to fondle her breasts and kiss up and down her neck, the alpha wanting a piece of his forced mate who was only an Omega. His fingers twiddled her nipples through her fabric and his hot breath grazed up and down her neck as he kissed her.
Her face turned a bright crimson and she yelped in a breathless state. She pushed herself away and looked at him, eyes wide and surprised. "Wha...what the hell?" She gasped out, wiping her neck and feeling completely lightheaded. She pressed herself against the alley wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "That distracted me, good job, let's go to the tavern!" She declared, desperate to get back out in public, and not be alone with him when she could clearly smell lust on him.
"Oh come now..." He said as he pressed himself against her, his nose's tip touching hers. "We are just getting started my little Omega..." He sad as he slowly pressed his lips to hers and slipped his arms around her, pulling her close. She would feel his erection bulge in his pants and press against the fabric of her clothing around her pussy as he did this and pulled away, smirking as he looked to her. "What do you say, my little Omega?"
She blushed hard and started breathing faster, feeling a primal lust start to stir due the lycanthrope side inside her. She gulped loudly, and finally managed to get out, "I don't want my first in an alley..." She said and pulled away from him, heading back towards the street, though her stomach rebelled some. "I would like my first to be in a nicer place...more romantic and not quick and dirty...in a alley."
"Your first? The last time I remember you were covered in sperm from my old alpha. Unless you mean your first as in your first time fucking as a werewolf." He said with a smirk as he nodded. "Then let us go. I still have not paid for the room at the inn so we may go purchase one." He said as he began to walk her through the crowds, though he was stealthily stealing small petty change from them as he went along and soon they made their way to the inn. By then, he had three times the amount he had started off with. Enough to pay for the room and two dinners. "Well now. Pick your room. Would you like one with a view? Or one with easy access to the spa? Take your pick, Omega."
She cocked her head to the side in curiosity, "They have a spa in here?" Interesting...and she dearly felt like she needed one. She chose the one closer to the spa and took the woman clothing out of the pack and set it in the dresser in her room. She sighed loudly and flopped into the bed, enjoying a non-sperm covered bed for a moment. The bed was soft...she quickly fell asleep splayed out right there.
"The hell am I supposed to do now?" He murmured when he walked in and saw that she was asleep. "Oh well...a little sleeping fun is always interesting." He said with a smirk and moved over to lay next to her, reaching past her and began to grope her breasts from behind as he licked up and down her neck with the tip of his tongue. "Mm...Wakey wakey..." He said gently into her ear before he began to kiss it.
She awoke with a groan and quickly realized that she was being groped. With a loud yelp, she bolted upright and landed a heavy punch on Nathan's face, nearly breaking his nose. "God damn it!" She yelled at him, pulling her clothes tight against her frame. "Where they hell did you come from where raping a girl when she was sleeping was normal!" She yelled at him still, feeling herself start the transformation as her rage grew. Her eyes flashed and she growled loudly, clearly a threatening sound. She was ready to beat him into a bloody pulp in her current state of mind and body.
"We're werewolves. We screw any female whenever we want and the females of our kind do the same." He said with a shrug. "Get used to it. I am your Alpha and you are a lowly Omega in this two-person pack we are in. I have authority over you." He wiped his nose clean of blood and shook his head at her. "Or would you rather go about this on your own and be completely alone in this world knowing that humans will never fully accept you as an equal?"
She frowned and ducked her head down so that she looked at the floor, "No....I...I couldn't bear it." She said quietly, and then sighed in defeat, going over and sitting down in his lap. She felt tired, but it looked like sleep would have to wait for awhile. "I...I am sorry for the punch." She spread her legs in his lap, sadly knowing what is to be expected due to the other alpha.
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