On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Bella was quiet as he breath started to return to her. She rested there in James' arms. "Sure, I'll need one too..." Bella replied.
"Alright sounds good to me" ,Krys said in response. After a little while Krys decided to get up and head for the shower, before leaving she put her pants on just in case one of the kids were around.
Bellatrix stood when Krys started to get up. She put her dress back on and grabbed her bra and panties. She opened the window in the room to air it out, then shut the door behind her as she left, Bella followed Krys to their bedroom then to the bathroom within to take a shower.
When they got into the bathroom Krys turned on the water and set the temperature, she then stripped down and climbed in. The shower was huge and could probably fit at least five people in it, there were multiple sprayers in it and it was really quite nice. She looked at Bellatrix and motioned for her to come in before grabbing the soap and lathering it over James' body.
Bellatrix shut the bathroom door and removed her dress again. Waiting for Krys to set the water temperature. When Krys motioned for her to join in Bellatrix walked over and climbed into the warm water. Bellatrix stood in the water for a bit relaxing in the warmth, and the water trickled down her body, her hair falling straight.
When Bellatrix climbed into the shower Krys looked at her as the water ran down her body, the woman was truly beautiful in whatever form. Krys began to wash Bellatrix, she ran the bar of soap over the woman's skin gently and leaned down to kiss her neck while she washed her.
Bellatrix turned and looked at Krys as Krys began to wash her. She wasn't expecting it, she sighed feeling the soap run over her skin. Bella tilted her head to the side as Krys kissed her. It had been so long since Bella had showered with anyone, it was a friendly intimate feeling.
Krys continued to wash Bellatrix as they stood there Krys slowly ran the soap over Bellatrix's soft skin as she kissed her neck. After a few moments, Krys looked into Bellatrix's eyes and smiled it felt good to be so close to someone and feel loved....wanted.
Bellatrix looked back into Krys' eyes, and smiled. Seeing Krys smile she blushed, not a normal accurance for her. This was interesting these feelings, she hadn't felt this strongly since the Dark Lord, but this was very different, this time she felt something back.
"This is nice, I wish I could stay in here all day" ,Krys stated as she looked into Bellatrix's eyes. "Especially if it's with you". Krys continued to wash Bellatrix enjoying her smooth skin and being so close to her.
"That would be nice, but it is getting late...If one of them need something they come looking for us..." Bellatrix smiled and stated looking into Krys' eyes. Granted they shared a bed they hadn't been that close.
"That is true maybe we should start wrapping this up, besides we'll have more time eventually" ,Krys said in response. Krys lathered the soap over her skin and washed herself off then waited for Bellatrix to finish up.
"True, we should finish up." Bellatrix stated then stood under the water washing the soap off of her body. Once she finished she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself, drying off. She walked out into the bedroom and grabbed one of her nighties and a pair of panties, it was the pink one all the others needed to be washed. She hated pink with a passion but it was all that was left.
Krys followed Bellatrix out of the shower and dried off as well, Krys then walked into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of black pajama pants and a pair of boxers and got dressed. "So what do you think Draco and Iracebeth are up to"? Krys asked. The two had been upstairs for quite a while and Krys wondered what the kids did to occupy their time.
Bellatrix was in her pink nighty, she felt odd in it. Bellatrix was drying her hair, "I have no idea, they're probably watching the box." Bellatrix stated. They had been upstairs for a while, she was curious to what they were up to.
"You're probably right that thing is interesting" ,Krys said in response. Draco laid on a floating raft with an ice cold glass of fruit punch in hit hand. "Ah this is nice, relaxing in a pool under the stars" ,he said with a tone of satisfaction right before he sipped his drink.
"That it is, if and when we return to the Wizarding world it's coming with us." Bellatrix replied. Iracebeth was floating on her back without a care in the world. The cool night water felt good on her skin. "Yes this is nice. It's a beautiful night." She replied looking up at the stars.
"I agree I definitely want that thing....and the pool" ,the last part Krys said quietly. Krys finished getting dressed then looked at Bellatrix, "I'm gonna go look for the kids, wanna come with"? Draco looked over at Iracebeth and smiled he was glad she was somewhat enjoying herself. An evil little smirk came over his face right before he splashed her in her face, it was his own subtle way of flirting with the girl. Draco really liked her and he thoroughly enjoyed his time with her.
"Yes, The pool would be nice too." She stated hearing Krys say that she wanted the pool. "...but it may be harder to travel with." When Krys asked her if she wanted to help find the kids, Bellatrix grabbed the matching pink robe and wrapped it around her. "Yeah let's go find them. When Draco splashed her in the face, she sat up, well stood and looked at him she hadn't been expecting it. She smiled at him, then splashed him back playfully. Iracebeth liked Draco there was no doubt about that, but since they were in this facade, they couldn't do anything about it, plus Iracebeth was shy so she wouldn't be able to tell him without being embarrassed.
"Yes It's one good thing they have," Bellatrix stated they being the muggles. "What was that?" Bella asked not hearing the last part of what Krys had said. When Krys Said she was going to look for the kids, She wrapped the matching pink robe around her. "Sure lets go find the kids." She replied. When Draco splashed her Iracebeth sat up, well stood up, She hadn't been expecting it. She looked at Draco and ssmiled, then splashed hit back. Iracebeth liked Draco, but since they were in the facade of a brother and sister she couldn't do anything about it, plus she was shy so she probably wouldn't do anything about it anyway.
When Iracebeth splashed him Draco hopped off of the chair and into the water and splashed her back, "You will not win" ,he said playfully before splashing her again. Krys walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking out the back door she seen the two in the pool, "I found them" ,Krys stated loud enough for Bellatrix to hear.
Racey saw Draco hop down from the raft, "No far..You wanna bet." She stated Splashing him back, playfully. Bella was looking in there rooms upstairs until she heard Krys. She then went to the top of the stairs, "Where are they?" she called.
"Yeah maybe I do" ,Draco said in response splashing her back directly in the face. He laughed playfully then swam away from her so she'd have to chase him to get him back. "They're in the pool" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix when she asked where they were.
"Then bring it." Iracebeth teased. Splashing back, as the splash hit her directly in the face, she stopped a moment and wiped her eyes. Then she started to splash again. Bellatrix came downstairs with Krys, and saw the two through the window, playing in the pool. "They look like they're having fun."
Draco was having a blast splashing around with Iracebeth, he continued to splash her as she splashed him. All of a sudden Draco got out of the pool and ran over to the deck and grabbed a bucket that was with the pool accessories then hopped back in and filled it, he then dumped it over Racey's head and laughed. "Yeah they do look like they're having fun" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix.
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