On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"Yeah me too whatever it is it smells freaking delicious" ,Draco said in response as he walked toward the door. Krys opened the door for the two then looked at Bellatrix, "You're absolutely right all it took to get them inside was a cake" ,Krys stated with a smile.
Iracebeth smiled at Draco and walked with him to the door, walking inside as Krys opened the door for them. Bellatrix laughed lightly, not her normal cackle, "Yes kids love cake." She stated it was a good trick to bring them inside. "Did you two have fun?" Bella asked them.
"Yeah I had fun outside you guys should try swimming late at night it's quite fun" ,Draco stated in response to Bellatrix. He then looked at both Krys and Bellatrix, "So how did your talk go, is everything settled now"? Krys looked to Bellatrix then to Draco and Iracebeth, "Yeah everything's fine now" ,Krys answered quickly.
"Yeah the water was perfect, it was a good night for a swim." Iracebeth replied. Bellatrix looked at Draco curiously then remember that she had been mad at Krys, and Krys was supposed to sleep on the couch. Bellatrix looked to Krys and Draco and Iracebeth, "Yeah we worked everything out," She replied after, Krys trying to not seem suspicious, with how quick Krys replied.
Draco just shrugged his shoulders at their responses then looked at them again, "Alright so what did you make and where is it"? He asked. Krys just laughed before responding to him, "Cake and it still needs to be frosted so hold on" ,Krys stated laughing a little while she spoke.
Bellatrix laughed at how quickly Draco changed the topic. "Oh Draco you and your sweet tooth.." She teased, then grabbed a cake spatula and stirred the frosting seeing if it was loose enough to be spread, it was. Bella handed the frosting over to Krys figuring she'd want to do it.
"I can't help it the stuff tastes good" ,Draco said in response before sitting down at the table. When Bellatrix handed the bowl over Krys frosted the cake then set it on the table, "Go ahead and serve yourselves I'll grab some milk" ,Krys stated.
Iracebeth laughed slightly, and Bellatrix shook her head. They watched as Kyrs frosted the cake, Bella looked at Krys and smiled. "Don't say that...Draco would take half of the cake." She teased she stood up and cut four pieces of cake giving one to each of the putting one where Krys would be sitting.
"I would not that's not nice" ,Draco teased. Krys laughed at the joke and looked at Draco, "Yeah you would Bellatrix is right" ,Krys stated in response to Draco's statement. Krys then sat down and began to eat the cake that Bellatrix had put on the table.
"Sure you wouldn't, Draco, sweetie who ever said I was nice?" Bellatrix smiled sweetly, before sitting down to eat her slice of cake. When Krys came back with the milk Bellatrix poured her a glass, and took a sip. Iracebeth was silent as she started to eat her piece of cake.
"I guess you're right you aren't really nice" ,Draco teased. Krys let out a laugh at the statement, "Well that's not true Bellatrix can be very nice when she wants to be" ,Krys stated before taking a bite of cake.
Iracebeth laughed at Draco's comment about Bellatrix not being nice. Bellatrix just smiled thinking about everything that she had done, in the past. She really wasn't nice, once upon a time maybe. Bellatrix looked at Krys and smiled. Iracebeth looked at the two, "This coming from someone who hates the other's guts." Iracebeth teased, knowing the two didn't get along and that they had been acting civil from there predicament.
"Yeah Krys you two hate each other you're the last person I would see defending her" ,Draco said with a mouth full of cake. "Don't talk with your mouth full" ,Krys began. "And maybe we've been getting along better ever think of that"? Krys took another bite of cake followed by a sip of milk. "Yeah right who are you trying to fool"? Draco asked sarcastically. Krys responded by shoving him playfully Draco then pushed back and Krys gave him a look, "You wanna fight Malfoy"? Krys asked jokingly standing up, "Maybe I do Snape" ,Draco stated back playfully. The two rolled up their sleeves then started slap boxing in the kitchen, it looked quite funny seeing as Krys was a six foot something man and Draco was that man's son who wasn't as tall at all.
Iracebeth looked at Draco understanding him even with a mouth full of food, it was definitely strange that Krys of all people was defending Bellatrix. Bella had opened her mouth to tell Draco to not speak with his mouth full, but Krys beat her to it. Both Iracebeth and Bellatrix looked at Krys, Bella knew what had happened between them and Iracebeth was with Draco it wasn't possible for them to really get along. Bellatrix stayed silent as she ate her slice of cake. Iracebeth smiled and laughed as she watched the two play fighting, Bellatrix looked up at the two, she didn't look amused. "No fighting or horsing around in the dining room/ kitchen." She stated like any mother would.
Both Krys and Draco stopped when Bellatrix said no fighting or horsing around in the dining room or kitchen. They both looked at each other and at the same time said, "Parlor"! Draco ran off and Krys chased after him into the parlor, the two continued their fight in there and got more rough with each other as the play fight got more intense. All of a sudden there was a crash and both Krys and Draco stopped to see what it was. Their eyes widened and they both ran upstairs and shut themselves in Draco's room and locked the door. They had knocked over a potted plant and got soil all over the floor and couch. The two sat in the room laughing even though they knew Bellatrix was probably going to be pissed Krys planned on cleaning it up and apologizing later.
Bellatrix should have seen that coming, at times she forgot that she was living in a house full of kids. She heard the ruckus that was occurring in the other room, it was only a matter of time till some one was hurt or something broke. Bella ignored them and tried to enjoy what was left of her piece of cake. Just as she was putting the last bite in her mouth, she heard the crash. She slowly chewed the cake in her mouth her eyes closed shut. Iracebeth had heard the crash quickly finishing her piece of cake wanting to be out of Bellatrix's way, when Bella exploded. She ran into the parlor saw the mess and ran up to her room. She could hear the other two laughing, Iracebeth grabbed her clothes and jumped into the shower to get the chlorine off and then ready for bed. Bellatrix cleared the plates in the kitchen, whether they were empty or not. She went into the parlor to see the mess they made, dirt everywhere. Bella took a deep breath and went upstairs, not speaking, yelling, or the such like, Krys or Draco would be cleaning it up, If Krys wanted to sleep in the bed with her. Bella went into their room and settled herself in bed.
Both Draco and Krys heard Bellatrix come up the stairs but they were surprised when she didn't come busting through the door with her wand pointed at them after what they had done. "She must be pretty upset we should go clean that mess up" ,Krys stated before standing up. Draco nodded in agreement and stood up himself, the two made their way down the stairs and over to the mess. They pulled out their wands and cleaned the mess up within seconds. After the mess was clean Krys turned to Draco, "Time for bed son" ,Krys stated with a smirk. Draco shook his head and laughed, "Yeah yeah alright dad yes sir see you in the morning" ,he stated in response. The two started laughing loudly as they made their way up the stairs, when they got to the top they went their separate ways. "Sorry for breaking the vase, we cleaned it up and repaired it" ,Krys stated before sitting on the bed.
Bellatrix laid in the bed getting comfortable on her side. She wasn't in the mood to be yelling or pointing her wand, plus it was late at night and they were supposed to be the perfect family, even though Bella was a drinker, and Krys was a cheating husband, and the kids had trouble in school, there were police running around asking questions about the boy's disappearance. Other that they were portraying a wonderful loving family, Besides being Death eaters bent on killing muggles and blood traitors to ensure a bright future for the next generations. If the mess was still there in the morning she would deal with them then, she'd probably kill them. Iracebeth listened for the screaming and yelling to start but heard Krys and Draco laughing something didn't seem right. Bella would probably get them later she thought nestling into bed. "So long as one of you cleaned it up.. You two need to be careful about fighting and wrestling especially when it's late if anyone hears you they may call it child abuse and we'll be in more trouble then we already are on the run for.." Bella stated quietly as she turned to look at Krys.
Krys listened as Bellatrix spoke and knew that the woman was right, they did have to be more careful now even more so now that Krys....well James had killed that boy in cold blood. Even if the murder was for good reason the police wouldn't look at it in that way. "You're absolutely right Bellatrix and I apologize for my recklessness I should be setting a good example for Draco and Iracebeth not fucking around like a child" ,Krys stated. Krys thought for a moment and realized that she had apologized to Bellatrix and even admitted that she was wrong, it came as a shock but Krys oddly felt like it was the right thing to do.
Bellatrix listend to Krys, she was shocked that Krys had agreed with her, they hardly agreed on anything. Things seemed to change, it started slow at first untill this afternoon when they had sex, after that everything seemed to change. "Krys don't be that hard on yourself...after all you're not a grown man..woman..grown up, you're still young only 18 and have had to grow up too quickly." Bella stated with a sigh, Krys was being someone that she wasn't, Bella thought that maybe when she goes shopping again that she would try to find another family with three kids about the same age as Krys Draco and Iracebeth, and one mother, ure it would be more work but then Krys would be a kid and would be more comfortable...
"Bellatrix I wanted to grow up I can't be a kid forever and between you and me I'm kind of getting used to this and starting to like it" ,Krys stated in response. "I know you probably don't want to hear this but I like being your husband". Krys had hoped what she was saying didn't freak the woman out but she had to be honest with her.
"You like this situation?" Bellatrix questioned curiously. Not understanding how Krys could like this predicament that they were stuck in. Bella looked at Krys curiously. "My husband doesn't even like being my husband....why would you?" She asked unable to believe what Krys had just said to her. Her face softened a bit, she sighed softly thinking back to when her and Rudolphus were happy but after Azkaban everything went down hill from there.
"I could get used to this situation yes" ,Krys stated in response. When Bellatrix mentioned that her husband didn't even like being her husband then asked why Krys would like it Krys simply smiled and looked into Bellatrix's eyes. "Your husband is a fool and he takes you for granted, I've gotten to know you and see a side of you that in my opinion is beautiful and amazing and quite frankly I like it a lot and could definitely get used to it" ,Krys told her honestly. "Being James has been a real test but I think I've passed the test and you know what I think you've been doing an amazing job as a mother". Krys touched the side of Bellatrix's face gently and looked into her eyes, "But yeah call me crazy but I do kinda like this situation".
Bella watched as Krys smiled at her, waiting for the response that she would give, looking back into Krys' eyes. If Krys looked away she was most likely lying, and it was foolish to lie to Bellatrix. She listened closely to what Krys had to say and she was shocked. SHe wasn't lying or joking her voice was genuine, and if she was lying her eyes would have told her. Bellatrix didn't know what to say to Krys in return, she still couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. Bella smiled slightly, "Yeah you're crazy...but I like it...You really think so?..." SHe asked then brought her hand up to Krys' laying her hand on top gently. "That I've been a good mother? I always wanted children...but there was just never anytime to have them...There was always work to be done...plus I didn't want Rudy's idioticy to rub off on them..." Bella stated honest and sincerely.
"I wouldn't lie to you Bellatrix you have been a great mother and....wife" ,Krys stated in response. When Bellatrix placed her hand on top of Krys' she leaned into it and kissed her palm, "I know this whole situation is crazy but I like it I really do, spending time with you, Draco, and Iracebeth as a family has been so great, the only family I ever really had was my father and...." ,Krys paused for a moment as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. It was still hard for Krys to think about her father, she loved him dearly no matter what anyone else thought of him. "And when I lost him I thought that I was completely alone but then this happened and I can honestly say I've never been more happy in my life you guys have become the family I never had and call me crazy but I don't want to let go of that if I don't have to" ,Krys continued looking into Bellatrix's eyes letting her know that every word said was honest and sincere.
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