On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Bellatrix smiled at Krys' comment, "Thank you..." She said softly, "You haven't been too bad of a husband and a father either..." She stated being honest. Her smile brightened as Krys kissed her hand. Bella listened to Krys say how great it's been to be a family, but when Severus was brought up her smile fell slightly. Even though they never saw eye to eye, he was Krys' father. When she saw the tears she gently took her thumbs and wiped Krys' tears away. In a family sense they were all a little broken, besides Draco really. Iracebeth was an orphan, Krys was a girl now orphaned and was playing the role of a husband, and Bellatrix was crazy, lost her husband, and had no children, but was raising them, they were all dysfunctional. "Again...you're crazy but so am I..."
"Thank you." Bella smiled and stated softly. Her smile brightened as Krys kissed her hand. "You know you haven't been..that bad of a husband and father yourself." Bellatrix stated then fell silent as she listened to Krys speak. Her smile faded when Krys mentioned Severus, even though they didn't see eye to eye he was still Krys' father. When she saw the tears Bella gently caressed Krys' face and wiped the tears away. They were a dysfunctional bunch, Iracebeth was an orphan, Draco well he was Draco and had a crazy Aunt and couldn't live with his parents, Krys was a girl now orphaned and playing a grown married man who was cheating on his wife, and Bellatrix was crazy, wanted for murder, lost her husband, her way of life, and raising kids though never having any. They were all fucked up. She once agaiin listened to Krys, and smiled once more. "You're crazy...but...so am I."
Krys smiled when Bellatrix complimented her it was nice to hear she was doing something right, "Thank you that means a lot coming from you" ,Krys stated in response. "I know things are crazy but I like it I do it's nice to have a family that's kinda sorta my own" ,Krys continued letting out a small laugh. Krys looked into Bellatrix's eyes and smiled then moved closer to her and put her arm around her, "No matter what Bellatrix we're in this together, we're a team and nothing can break us apart" ,Krys stated.
Bellatrix smiled softly, this was odd but it felt right. "Yeah I understand...this is the family I wished I had...But I got stuck with Rudplphus." She replied, looking back into Krys' eyes. As she moved closer so did Bellatrix cuddling into Krys' embrace."A team that can't be broken, the pair of us and the four of us."
"Well you're not stuck with him anymore and you'll never have to go back to him we can stay together all four of us" ,Krys stated. It may have been a bit odd but it was something Krys could definitely get used to and it was something Krys definitely liked. Krys held Bellatrix close liking the feeling, after a few moments Krys leaned in and brushed her lips against Bellatrix's as if asking for permission to kiss her.
"No I guess I'm not...no will I ever be again, we were married for about 20 years, unless you don't count the 14 in Azkaban. I don't plan on going anywhere as you said be for you guys me." Bellatrix smiled it wasn't just that they needed her, she needed them just as much. Though her and Krys never really got along, Bella could adapt and get used to this. Bellatrix cuddled with Krys, for the first time that they had shared the bed. Feeling her his brush on her own, Bella got the message and gently placed her lips to Krys'.
Krys was glad Bellatrix had accepted the kiss and she wrapped her arms around the woman and continued to kiss her softly. After a few moments Krys broke the kiss and looked into Bellatrix's eyes, "You have no idea how you make me feel, you send chills down my spine" ,Krys admitted quietly before kissing Bellatrix again.
Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys in return. As they kissed Bellatrix closed her eyes enjoying their moment together. Once the kiss was broken Bell's eyes reopened, looking into Krys' "And I didn't do that before?" She questioned jokingly, before meeting Krys' lips again.
Krys broke the kiss once more and let out a small laugh, "Well these are different kinds of chills they're good chills not chills in fear of being cruciod for setting something of yours on fire" ,Krys stated laughing kissing Bellatrix quickly again. "I like it though I like it a real lot and could definitely get used to it" ,Krys stated looking into Bellatrix's eyes.
Bellatrix continued to smile, she gave everyone chills though she knew these were different. She laughed with Krys. "Well you shouldn't have set my things on fire, you wouldn't have gotten cruciod, now would you?" She teased, while also being truthful, though those were different times. Bella smiled continuing to look at Krys.
"You are absolutely right I really did deserve that back then but I've grown a lot since then so I can assure you it won't happen again" ,Krys stated with a smile. "You know what else isn't gonna happen again, I am not going to be seeing that tramp from work anymore quite frankly I don't know what the hell James....well I was thinking you make me feel way better then she does" ,Krys stated truthfully.
"It better not...I might have to set you on fire then, not like this is really my stuff...it's hers." She teased, she wouldn't set Krys on fire, crucio maybe but not fire. "I believe you...What? Well that's good to know...little bitch tried something in the house she's lucky she's still alive...I don't know what you two saw in her either...little skank." Bella said the last part in disgust.
"I agree you are way sexier and you definitely turn me on, she doesn't I think that was clear today" ,Krys stated. "I'll have to get used to my new equipment too". Krys let out a small laugh she then kissed Bellatrix again, "I can definitely get used to kissing you as well it'll just be hard to hide how much I like it now" ,Krys looked down at her pants where a large tent had formed, "Fucking pajama pants" ,Krys joked.
Bellatrix blushed slightly, something she hadn't done in a long time. Bellatrix started to giggle at the thought of Krys having to readjust to her male parts. "Indeed...I hope you have good aim, if not that would be gross." She stated referring to toilet practice. Bella accepted her kiss. "Yeah...I..can live with that..I like it..too." When Krys looked down so did Bella, "I don't think it's the pants fault...Is that a wand in you pock or are you just happy to see me?"
"OH I'm definitely happy to see you" ,Krys stated in a seductive tone like the one she had used in the office earlier that day. A smile came across Krys' face and she leaned forward and kissed Bellatrix, after breaking the kiss she laughed a little bit, "Wanna touch it?" ,Krys asked playfully. "Let me cast a spell on you with it".
Bellatrix laughed playfully, Bella knew that tone, it was the same from earlier. Bellatrix kissed Krys back, enjoying the feeling. With that comment Bella broke out into laughter. "Oh what kind of spell were you thinking of casting. hm?" She teased. She wasn't sure if she wanted to have another go around but then again the kids would be in bed so there really wasn't anything to worry about.
"Trust me it's one you'll enjoy highly" ,Krys stated in response playfully. "I promise". Krys kissed her again then laid down on the bed, "If you don't want to I understand though I was only playing around a bit" ,Krys stated with a smile.
"Oh will I?" she whispered seductively and playfully. She continued to lay next to Krys, "Krys you may think you were playing but your extra appendage isn't." She teased she very well knew what tent's in there pants meant. "The kids should be asleep by now...I don't see why not.." SHe smiled at Krys.
"Well I guess I'm caught out then" ,Krys stated with a smile. Leaning in Krys kissed Bellatrix deeply and let her know just how badly she wanted her. After a few moments she pulled away, "So I guess you do wanna touch it" ,Krys stated playfully.
"Just a bit.." she whispered smiling. Bellatrix kissed Krys back with just as deeply. Once Krys pulled away she took a breath, then looked to her glaring playfully. "Yeah...I guess so.." She teased. Bella ran her hand down Krys' chest heading toward her pajama pant's, she paused before going further to toy with Krys. She then gently placed her hand on Krys' well James' hard shaft rubbing her gently outside of her pants.
Krys smiled as Bellatrix ran her hand down her chest the woman really knew just how to touch Krys to drive the young Snape crazy in a good way of course. As Bellatrix rubbed Krys through her pajama pants Krys let out little sounds of satisfaction, "Mm that feels good Bellatrix, is there anything I can do to you to make you feel good?" ,Krys asked wanting to please the woman.
Bella smiled hearing the sounds that Krys produced, knowing Krys was enjoying what Bella was doing to her. When Krys asked if there was anything she could do, Bellatrix moved closer to Krys and made it look like she was moving to her ear to tell her as if it was a secret, but at the last second she changed course and pressed her lips gently to Krys' lips. With her free hand she guided Krys' hand to her stomach, then left it there. Bbella brought her hand up to caress Krys' face.
Krys kissed the woman back with passion and love and as Bellatrix moved Krys' hand down to her stomach she let it trail down further until she reached Bellatrix's panties. As Krys continued to kiss Bellatrix she let her hand slip inside the fabric of the woman's panties and began to rub and tease at her clit with her fingers.
Bella sighed softly as Krys kissed her passionately. When she felt Krys' hand moving down her stomach , she smiled slightly continuing to kiss her. Bellatrix moaned softly in pleasure as Krys teased and rubbed her getting her worked up, as Krys played with her Bella continued to play with Krys' new member.
A low growl escaped Krys' lips as Bellatrix played with her new member it felt amazing and she could definitely get used to having it. Krys continued to rub at Bellatrix's pussy for a little bit before sliding two fingers inside her, moving them around slowly inside her.
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