On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

This was fun, being a muggle had it's plus' at times and the pool and the box was two of them. Iracebeth was confused when Draco ran out of the pool, until he came back with the bucket. She knew what he was about to do. When the water dumped on her head she didn't close her mouth in time, and started to choke a bit on the water. "You cheated!" She shouted smiling still playing around. "I'm guessing there was nothing on the box.." Bella replied
When Iracebeth choked a bit Draco stopped laughing until she started laughing again, "I did not cheat I just gained the upper hand by being strategic" ,Draco said in response. He said it with his hand on his chest and in a sarcastic tone that made he himself laugh after saying it. "Guess not, you wanna go out there or do you wanna leave them be"? Krys asked Bellatrix in response.
"Yes you did... you cheated!" She teased back splashing him as he claimed he was strategic. She was laughing at his sarcasm. Bellatrix looked at the two having fun, "If we go out there they will splash us as well...I think they are fine, they're laughing and having fun. Unless you want to go out there?" Bellatrix replied.
"No I didn't cheat" ,Draco said in response. "And you can't prove I did". He splashed her some more laughing as he did so. "Nah let's let them play around, maybe I'll make some dessert for us all" ,Krys said. She wrapped her arms around Bellatrix's waist and kissed her softly, "Wanna help me"?
"Yes you did to cheat, Yes I can you grabbed the bucket." She laughed as she continued to splash him. Bellatrix looked at Krys, "Sounds like a good plan to me dear." Bella stated then smiled as Krys arms wrapped around her waist, and kissed her, Bella's hands went to her shoulders, kissing her back softly. "Sure I'll help you." She smiled.
"So no one said you couldn't grab a game changer I just thought of it first" ,Draco teased. "Alright how about some cake with a tall glass of milk"? Krys asked. "I can go for something sweet after our little encounter upstairs" ,she stated biting her bottom lip.
Iracebeth stuck her tongue out at Draco, She then went under water and swam behind him. She grabbed a hold of him and threw him into the water, he was quite light in the water. Bellatrix thought for a minute, "Yeah that sounds good. So long as it's not muggle cupcakes." She teased. Bellatrix blushed and looked down trying to hide it.
When Iracebeth threw him into the water Draco swam back up then dunked her head under quickly before swimming away as fast as he could before she resurfaced. Krys noticed Bellatrix blush and smiled, "Hm you look cute when you blush, maybe we can go up to our room before we make that cake and go for round two hm"? Krys stated.
Iracebeth went under as Draco dunked her, She popped back up and looked around trying to see where he went. She saw him at the far end, Iracebeth swam after him, chasing him. Bella looked at Krys and thought about it..."Krys I'm not sure..." She stated, she wasn't sure if it was a good idea, or if she could do another round. Making love gets tiring, and Krys being an 18 year old girl still had her energy and spunk, Bella was older and did tire quicker.
Draco watched as Iracebeth resurfaced and came after him he swam away and splashed at her while she did so. "That's alright I was only half serious, although I did like it a lot" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. Krys kissed her head softly before making her way into the kitchen to gather all the stuff to make the cake.
Iracebeth tried to avoid his splashes as she swam after him it was rather difficult. She went under and grabbed at his ankle. Bellatrix looked a Krys and smiled softly. "I enjoyed it too." she replied to Krys then followed her into the kitchen to make the cake.
Draco fell underneath the water when Iracebeth grabbed his ankles, when he popped up he caught his breath before splashing her in the face a couple times. "You're a cheater" ,he stated playfully. After Krys got everything out to make the cake she began to mix all the stuff together then put it into a pan and then the oven. Krys then set the timer and sat down at the table to wait for it to cook.
"I am not!" She laughed playfully then swam away from Draco. Bellatrix saw as Krys had the cake under control, she grabbed ingredients to make a frosting. Once she whipped that up she put that in the refrigerator and sat down next to Krys and waited.
"Are too" ,Draco said playfully as he chased after her. Krys smiled seeing that Bellatrix had made the frosting, "Now we just wait I hope it comes out alright" ,Krys stated. She looked over at Bellatrix, "Would you like a drink"?
Iracebeth pops up from the water "Are not!" then goes back under and continues to swim away. Bellatrix looked over to Krys "Let's hope so." Bellatrix replied looking forward to having cake. "Sure WHy not." she smiled.
"Oh yes you are cheater" ,Draco said in response playfully. He continued to chase her around the pool as they played around, he was having a lot of fun. "Alright I'll grab us something" ,Krys said with a smile. Krys got up and grabbed two glasses and poured some wine into them then sat back down handing one to Bellatrix.
"Oh no I'm not." She called playfully swimming away from him having a great time. Bella smiled and nodded to Krys. "Alright, then." When she sat back down with the drinks, Bella smiled still, "Thank you." Bella wasn't too sure what to say to Krys there relationship was strange now.
"Oh yes you are" ,he joked back. When Draco finally caught up to Iracebeth he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her under water with him then resurfaced quickly with her. Krys took a sip out of the glass then looked at Bellatrix things were indeed different now and a little strange but Krys knew somehow they'd get through it.
"Nope!" She continued to swim, but she was getting tired, she then felt Draco's arms around her waist going under the water with him. Still in his arms she smiled and looked up at him, "You..caught me." Bellatrix took a sip of her glass, Bellatrix is interesting in her character. She looks and acts crazy, mean, rotten, bossy, and viscous, and other similar words. But when it came to being in a relationship she was a completely different, quiet, shy, loving, cuddly, sweet, and various other terms. People may think her bipolar because of this.
Draco laughed a bit then looked down at Iracebeth, his arms still around her he smiled, "Do you wanna go inside"? He asked. He could tell she was getting a bit tired. Krys sat and sipped from her glass as they waited for the cake to finish, when it finally did Krys got up and took it out of the oven and set it on the counter to cool off.
Iracebeth was still smiling, "If you're ready too..." She stated she was alright, it was just all the horsing around and such. Bellatrix had finished her glass of whine. When Krys pulled out the cake she went to get the frosting to soften it up. Taking it out of the fridge and setting it onto the table.
"I don't mind either way" ,Draco said in response to Iracebeth. "It's up to you". Krys sat back down after taking the cake out and finished her own glass of wine. Waiting for the cake to cool off Krys decided to get up again to go check on Draco and Iracebeth to make sure they were still alright.
Iracebeth continued to smile at Draco, "I'm sure it's getting late, and mom and dad....I mean Bella and Krys....will probably call for us sooner or later." She stated, she had been playing the charade for a while now at times she wasn't sure to keep the act up normally that was the best idea though. "I guess we can go inside." Bellatrix watched as Krys got up and seeing where she was looking. "How are they?"
"I suppose you're right and if I'm not mistaken I think I smell something sweet....they've baked something" ,Draco said with a smile on his face. His stomach grumbled a bit as he lifted himself out of the pool and grabbed a towel and dried off a bit, he also grabbed Iracebeth a towel and waited for her to follow him. "They're getting out right now actually, just in time for cake I tell you Draco has a nose for this stuff" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix.
Iracebeth smiled she stood up right and followed Draco out of the pool, "I wonder what they made?" She stated taking the towel from Draco to dry herself off with. "Typical well at least we know how to get them inside when needed...sweets." Bellatrix teased
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