Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix laughed softly as her sister spoke granted Bella had heard her say worse but she always found it entertaining. Before she knew it the bottle was back to her, taking another swig of rum. This was nice having a bit of bonding with her daughter, her nephew and her sister. "Plus as you said school work is more important then them, have a future." She stated handing the bottle back to Narcissa.
"Yeah even if my future consists of ruling the wizarding world next to Voldemort, being smart and knowing my shit will help am I right"? Krys said in response. "I'm sure the dark lord will need a minister of magic or something maybe I'll aim for that job". Draco laughed, "Typical Krys always aiming for the top, you just need all the glory eh mate" ,he said jokingly. "Damn right I do" ,Krys said laughing back. Narcissa took another sip from the bottle then handed it to Draco.
"Yes once you kick me out of that spot to do so then yes, it will be very important," she teased though she was the Dark Lord's most loyal servant, so logically she would rule beside Voldemort, but she wouldn't mind her daughter having that spot, it would still bring honor to her family. Bellatrix smiled she was glad her daughter aimed high, though it would be upsetting to not get there.
Krys laughed as Draco passed her the bottle, she took a sip then passed it on. "If you aim high then you don't get as disappointed if say you get a job one rank lower then the one you aimed for, maybe that's why I'm so upset about Stacy because I didn't really aim high when it came to her" ,both Krys and Draco laughed after that comment. The alcohol was starting to take affect on them both.
Bellatrix continued to smile at the two as they loosened up. Bellatrix listened ti her childs reasoning, 'whatever works for her.' she thought. Then Bellatrix started to laugh at her comment, that was a good reasoning, but then again it may just be the bottle. Bellatrix took a swig from the bottle.
"SOOOOOO Who wants to watch Stacy put on the water works"? Krys said as she got to her feet. "I think I'm ready to go and break it off with her now". Draco got to his feet too, "Yeah I think it'll be entertaining to see how she reacts to you dumping her" ,he said in response.
"Come one Cissy, It'll do us all good to watch a common enemy cry." She stated since no one was a fan of Stacy she gave Bellatrix a horrible first impression. "Then what are we standing around for, let's go.." She stated happily Bellatrix had a skip in her step which was hard to tell, if it was from joy or insanity, propably both. Bellatrix went back to Severus sitting with him again, waiting for the others.
When they got back to where everyone else was Krys sat down where she had been sitting before, Stacy and Pansy were sitting next to each other muttering stuff back and forth. They both glared when they seen Krys and Draco, Krys sighed then smiled, "Stacy it's over, after this weekend I don't want anything else to do with you" ,she stated. A look of shock came over Stacy's face and she looked at Krys, "What? But I said I was sorry Krys don't do this I love you" ,Stacy begged. "Don't bother I'm not falling for that bullshit again" ,Krys said in response.
Narcissa went over to Lucius, cuddling with her husband. Bellatrix watched the girls intently wanting to see there reactions. She smiled brightly as Krys broke it offf with Stacy she was proud of her daughter for doing so, plus Stacy's face was priceless. Bella nodded slightly, she still had the bottle, taking another drink while watching the scene.
"You're so fucking mean Krys" ,Pansy said in a nasty tone. "Don't worry Stacy I'm sure Blaise would love to pick up the pieces plus he's a guy not some filthy dyke". Krys just laughed at Pansy's remark, Draco on the other hand looked pissed as did Narcissa, "Guess what you little bitch make yourself comfortable in that chair because you're sleeping outside" ,Draco snapped at Pansy. "Really Draco? That's how it's going to be"? Pansy asked.
Bellatrix shot the death glare to the girls, she became tense and was ready to jump from Severus and attack with her claws fuck the wand. Bellatrix then smiled wickedly as Draco said Pansy was to sleep out side that evening. She took another drink to calm herself down, it wasn't working.
"Yes Pansy that's how it is you want to act like a bitch you can sleep on the lawn like one" ,Draco said making a female dog reference. Krys laughed then looked at her mother, she knew if Draco hadn't chimed in she probably would have lunged at Pansy. "So can I have some more of that"? Krys asked looking at the bottle that was in her mother's hand.
Bellatrix smiled Draco learned to back talk someone she was so proud of him. Bellatrix tilted her head when Krys spoke to her, she then looked at the bottle, then to Krys before handing it over. "Of course sweetheart." She said getting up giving Krys the bottle, then going back to Severus knowing at least she'd be calmer with him then if she was anywhere near the girls.
Krys drank from the bottle again, she was feeling pretty nice and was pretty happy even though she had just broke up with her girlfriend. She had to admit it was kind of a relief and she couldn't wait to tell Hermione what had happened the next time they met up.
Bellatrix looked around to everyone still keeping an eye on the two girl's that hurt Krys and Draco. She looked to her sister who was cuddling with her husband then looked to Severus, kissing him quickly. Bellatrix stood up and stretched, "Well, it's been a long day, I'm goning up to bed..." She stated in gengeral, then turned her attetion to the two girls smiling wickedly. " was a pleasure meeting you two...oh and Stacy remember what we spoke about, okay?" She stated scarcastically, then threatening Stacy. "Good night." She stated cheerfully and walked up to the cabin to be away from everyone, she didn't mind her family but the other two she had a high desire to kill them both. Bellatrix went inside grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey and went to her room laying on the bed.
After Bellatrix left Severus followed and made his way to the bedroom, "Are you going to drink that bottle yourself, or may I have some"? He asked with a smirk. He laid down next to Bellatrix then snuggled up to her. "Well tonight was very eventful wouldn't you say"?
Bellatrix stayed there drinking some of the whiskey. She looked to the door and saw Severus and she smiled brightly at him. "I was waiting for the right person to come and share it with me." She stated happily then handing the bottle over to Severus. Bellatrix cuddled into Severus as he snuggled with her. "Indeed it was...I didn't like her I'm glad Krys broke up with her."
"She is a....well pushy individual and very bossy, I'm not too fond of her myself" ,he said in response. Severus took a sip from the bottle then handed it back to Bellatrix.

After a little while Krys pitched a tent to be nice then her and Draco went inside and sat at the table in the kitchen to drink some more. Lucius and Narcissa were soon to follow. None of them wanting to really be outside with Stacy and Pansy.
"I can tell, Well I'm glad it's over then." She replied, taking another drink, she was starting to cool down and relax thanks to the drink. She cuddled more into Severus.
Severus held Bellatrix close as she snuggled into him, "Believe me I'm glad it's over too, that girl drove Krys insane" ,he said in response. "I just hope she doesn't rush into another relationship because she doesn't like to be alone".
"She was driving me insane and that's saying something Severus." Bellatrix sighed softly. "I hope not the poor dear, She takes after me in the sense I hate being alone, I never had a problem really until being sent away...It just got worse." She stated as hard and fearless as Bellatrix was she still had a heart and she did fear things, being all alone in the dark with no one to talk to was definately one of her fears. Bellatrix twisted in Severus' arms facing him. She kissed him softly, the fiddled with the tips of his hair.
"I know love, she does have many of your traits and the fear of being alone is one of them, she absolutely hates it, the first time Stacy broke up with her she clung to me and Narcissa for the week they were apart, neither of us could really get anything done but we also didn't want Krys upset" ,he said in response. Severus pulled Bellatrix in when she kissed him, he sighed then deepened the kiss.
Bellatrix sighed as the kiss deepend, her back arched slightly and she wrapped her arms around him gently. Bella then broke the kiss, "Does she? Have my traits?" She asked curiously. "What made them get back together?" She questioned before kissing him again.
"Stacy giving it up to Krys, that's what made them get back together, Stacy played on Krys' weaknesses, the fact that she hates to be alone and that she's a bit of a pervert" ,Severus said in response. "And yes she does have some of your traits love". Severus accepted Bellatrix's kiss again, he loved the way the woman made him feel.
SHe broke the kiss again, needing to speak, "Oh I see...That little bitch..." Bellatrix stated Stacy got on her nerve even more so now. "This was supposed to be such a nice weekend...."
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