Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"I think we learned our lesson the first time mum" ,Krys said laughing a little herself. "We nearly pissed ourselves that day we were so scared of what my dad was going to do" ,Krys stated. Severus looked around at everyone, "So who's ready to eat dinner"? He asked. Both Krys and Draco raised their hands and so did Pansy and Stacy.
"Good to know, Krys." she smiled softly. "Not because of what you did but because of what your father would do?" She asked they set the cabin on fire and they were more afriad of Severus. "Dinner sounds nice dear."
"Yep my father can be scary when he is mad" ,Krys said in response. Severus had brought the elf with them so he summoned the elf and had him make dinner for them. Stacy snuggled into Krys more as they sat around and waited for the food.
"Trust me Krys I know...I know..." She stated Severus was a loaded pistol when mad. Bella had been with Severus since Hogwarts he would get really mad really quick though she was hardly on the recieving end, unless she was joking and had taken it too far. Bellatrix looked at her daughter and her daughters partner, it was kinda cute. Then she was boredand started to play with Severus hair.
Stacy leaned in and whispered something in Krys' ear and Krys smiled as she did, "After dinner love" ,Krys told her. Stacy smiled back and bit her lip right before kissing Krys quickly. She could tell Stacy was nervous to kiss her in front of everyone but it only made Krys realize how much she loved her. Krys smiled when she seen her mother playing with her father's hair, she was starting to get used to having a mother around.
Bellatrix looked around the fire and saw all the couples and she thought it was cute. There was Narcissa and Lucius, Krys and Stacy, Draco and Pansy, and her and Severus. Bella turned back to Severus, and out of the corner of her eye she saw the girl kiss her baby, she still found it odd but that was how she was raised. Bellatrix twirled her fingers into his hair, she loved his hair, and always had.
When the elf came back he handed everyone a plate full of food and placed a pitcher of pumpkin juice and enough glasses for everyone onto a small table. After Krys and Stacy finished eating Krys excused herself from the group and grabbed Stacy's hand and led her back to the cabin. When inside Krys sat down on the bed in her room, "So you wanted to talk about something love"? Krys asked. Stacy shut the door then turned to look at Krys, "You haven't been around a lot lately and I just wanted to know why" ,Stacy said. "What do you mean? When I'm not studying I'm with you" ,Krys told her. She wasn't going to mention that she had been studying with Hermione because that would be suicide. Stacy huffed, "You know if you payed as much attention to me as you did to those stupid books then we'd have a better relationship" ,she said. "What's wrong with our relationship Stacy"? Krys asked curiously. Stacy fell silent for a moment and bit her lip as if there was something she wanted to tell Krys. "Spill it Stacy what are you hiding"? "The other night when you were in the library me and Blaise were hanging out and I was telling him how much I missed spending time with you and how I think our relationship was fading...." ,Stacy began but was cut off. "Whoa whoa whoa, you went and complained to Blaise about our relationship"! Krys said raising her voice a bit. "Let me finish ok"! Stacy snapped. "Well while we were talking I started crying and he comforted me and we ended up kissing for a few minutes". When Stacy finished Krys was at a loss for words, her heart felt like it had broken into a million pieces, she felt like crying but refused to she didn't want to give Stacy the satisfaction.

Krys stood up and made her way to the door a stone cold expression on her face, "Where are you going? We're not done talking yet" ,Stacy said in a nasty tone. "Yes we are done we're beyond done talking I don't want to hear anymore" ,Krys snapped back before making her way back outside. Stacy followed her and grabbed her shoulder trying to stop her, Krys just shoved it off and kept walking. "You know what this is exactly why I ended up doing what I did YOU forced me into his arms it's YOU'RE FAULT we kissed because YOU don't ever want to spend time with me instead your off in the library 24/7 with your head in those stupid fucking books"! Stacy yelled. Both Draco and Severus looked up hearing the commotion. Krys finally turned around glaring at Stacy, "I'M OFF STUDYING SO THAT I CAN MAKE SOMETHING OF MY FUCKING LIFE, SORRY I'M NOT WAITING ON YOU HAND AND FOOT YOUR FUCKING HIGHNESS AT LEAST I AIN'T OFF SNOGGING EVERY FUCKING GIRL I RUN INTO"! Krys screamed. Thankfully it was dark so no one could see the tears forming in her eyes. "FUCK YOU KRYS, DID YOU KNOW BLAISE WANTED TO FUCK ME THAT NIGHT AND I TOLD HIM NO BECAUSE I LOVE YOU"! Stacy yelled back. "YOU STILL FUCKING MADE OUT WITH HIM YOU SLUT"! "KRYS STOP FUCKING YELLING AT HER LIKE THAT"! Pansy chimed in. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CATTY LITTLE BITCH THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU"! Krys snapped at Pansy. "FUCK YOU KRYS YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE YOU'RE LUCKY STACY PUTS UP WITH YOUR SHIT"! Pansy said in response. She was about to say something else when Draco glared at her, "Pansy shut the fuck up" ,he said calmly. Pansy looked at him, "You're gonna take her side"? She asked. Draco pushed Pansy off his lap then stood up next to Krys and looked Pansy straight in the eyes, "Yeah Stacy's wrong for what she did and even if she was right Krys is my cousin and family comes first" ,he said.

Krys was shaking at this point, her fists were balled and her eyes were drenched with tears, Draco put his hand on her shoulder. "Come on Krys let's go for a walk" ,he said quietly. As they turned around to walk away Stacy huffed, "YEAH JUST WALK AWAY LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO YOU'RE FUCKING PATHETIC KRYS"! She yelled. "Just ignore her she does this shit all the time you know that" ,he said quietly. Krys continued to walk away ignoring her. "MAYBE NEXT TIME I WILL FUCK HIM"! Stacy yelled. Severus glared at the girl knowing that she was purposefully trying to hurt Krys further.
Bellatrix took her plate that she was given and began eating it. Bellatrix looked at Krys as she excused herself and Stacy, she felt something was up but just ignored. She continued to eat her meal. Everyone was now rather quiet since everyones face was full. It was nice having everyone together, though Krys stepped out for a moment. Bellatrix was glad she had been returned to her family she missed having times like these, thank Merlin she severed the Dark Lord so loyally. Bella had ate more than half of her meal, then she set it aside stood and grabbed two glasses of juice one for herself and one for Severus. Bellatrix was still standing as the commotion hit.

Bellatrix could hear the two before seeing the two coming back from the cabin. She could hear how hurt Krys was and she was not happy. Bellatrix looked in there direction watching and listening, Draco and Severus also watching. 'Relationship troubles...I called it this couldn't have been right in the first place... Stupid girl leave my baby alone.' She thought her body becoming tense, as she sat there. 'You would've cheated on her too and nearly're digging your grave girl..' Another thought, Bellatrix was getting pissed just hearing this. Bellatrix's now crazyed eyes look at the bitch on Draco's lap, giving her the death stare. 'Stay out of it, or you'll end up with the other one. Good job Draco.' She thought watching Draco push Pansy off of him, going to comfort his cousin. "My daughter pathetic? No no no, You're pathetic!" She mummbled she wasn't sure if Severus could hear her or not nor did she care her crazed eyes were glued to Stacy. "That's it..." She hissed quietly, Bellatrix stormed away from the group and away from the fire, quickly pulling her wand out and pointing it at the young witch who hurt her baby. She fired a warning shot, "SHUT UP, You Foolish Pathetic CHILD!!" Bellatrix snapped, if Bellatrix was given the chance the girl was going to pay. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HER LIKE SUCH, SHE HAS THE BLOOD OF NOBLE HOUSES THROUGH HER VEINS YOU SHOULD BE UNWORTHLY TO EVEN LOOK UPON HER!" She was pissed there was no calming Bellatrix now not when she was heated. "YOU'VE PICKED A FIGHT WITH THE WRONG GIRL, YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Bellatrix didn't care what anyone thought , not Severus, or Narcissa or even Krys, this girl hit below the belt and Bellatrix was going to make her pay if she was given the chance. "Oh and next time I won't miss." She cackled but still keeping her focus.
Stacy had gotten shook up for a bit but with how arrogant she was and not knowing exactly who Bellatrix was she snapped back, "She ain't much to look upon anyway" ,she said cockily. "In fact she's not even in my league like Pansy said Krys is lucky I put up with her shit, I could have anyone I want so Krys needs to watch herself". Narcissa sat there and her hands began to tremble, she too was getting mad at the way Stacy was acting this was supposed to be a nice vacation and this little bitch was ruining it. Severus didn't want to jump in and at this point didn't care what Bellatrix did to the cheating little slut he of course couldn't let her kill the girl. "Don't kill the girl love" ,he said quietly to make sure Bellatrix didn't do anything too severe.

Krys and Draco had walked all the way down to the other end of the beach and sat down in the sand, finally Krys was away from everyone and could let herself cry. She didn't mind that Draco was there, the two had cried together at points so it wasn't anything new for him to see her cry. "We'll get him back for this Krys" ,Draco told her referring to Blaise. "He was supposed to be my friend and he tried fucking my girlfriend" ,Krys said quietly. Her head was down and she was starting to get that feeling that she wasn't good enough for anyone.
Bellatrix hissed at Stacy as she said Krys wasn't good enough to look at. That was a lie she was Bellatrix's daughter and she turned heads in Hogwarts and still did now. "Exactly wittle Stacy, Krys is much better than you're league, she's beautiful, unlike you...I mean look at you're complexion, you're hair, you crooked're knobby knees, I can go on and on..." She stated listing the faults she saw and adding a few, that may or not be there. "She's not the one with a wand pointed at her, now is she? So I think you might want to watch what you say." She staed she was ready to either serverly hurt the girl or kill her, then she heard Severus say not to she cocked her head a bit and looked at him then back to the girl not wanting to lose her, She wasn't in the mood for a chase. "Do you know who I am, girl?" She emphesized the word girl.
Narcissa laughed as Bellatrix insulted Stacy, "She has a pretty wide vagina too" ,Narcissa muttered under her breath, "Little slut breaking my Krys' heart". Lucius put his hand on Narcissa's to keep her from telling the girl off, he knew Bellatrix had it handled. Stacy looked at Bellatrix when she asked who she was, "Yeah supposedly you're Krys' mother but when me and Krys started going out she told me her mother was fucking dead so where the fuck were you while Krys was growing up? Not taking care of your kid that's for sure" ,Stacy snapped back. Narcissa's eyes widened and Lucius tightened his grip on her hand a little bit to make her stay calm.
Bellatrix heard Narcissa's comment, and smiled wickedly. Bellatrix was taken aback as Stacy called her out, her eyes grew wide. The little bitch had struck a nerve. Bellatrix tilted her head a bit and smiled evily, slowly walking toward the girl lowering her wand. "I am Krys' mother, very now now, you really wanna know why I wasn't there to care for my child, my angel, the daughter I wanted more than anything in the world besides my love and power?" Bellatrix asked sweetly. "Stacy, I was one of the lucky ones sentenced to life in Azkaban, and for the past 14 years, I suffered in a living hell, but I was freed, Here I am. I was charged with the insanity of Frank and Alice Longbottom, Pathetic twits didn't give me the information I wanted they had to be punished so I Crucioed them to maddness..." She told the girl her voive was menicing yet calm. "Now that you've been informed properly and we've been properly introduced, I know you and you now know me...." She stated then paused as she was near Stacy fairly close to her face, Bellatrix threw her hand back and slapped the girl right across her face, throwing the girl to the floor. "I AM BELLATIX BLACK LESTRANGE, BITCH THE MOST FEARED WITCH IN THE WIZARDING WORLD!!" She screamed.
Stacy's eyes widened at the mention of the Longbottoms, she knew exactly who she was now and she nearly pissed herself. When Bellatrix hit her she fell to the ground and cowered she kept her mouth shut and just looked up at the woman with fear in her eyes. Narcissa cleared her throat then looked at Bellatrix, "Bella dear we should go find Draco and Krys" ,she stated. "Elf grab me a bottle of rum from the cupboard I'm sure Krys could use a drink". Narcissa didn't see the harm in letting Draco or Krys drink Draco was her son and Krys was nearly 18 and the two were stressed out.
Bellatrix smiled with the fear she had now installed within the girl. Bellatrix wanted to kill the child for what she had done. Bellatrix snapped her head over to her sister, she was shaking with anger. Bellatrix stepped away from the girl, "You're lucky to be alive..." She hissed. Bellatrix agreed that Krys would need a drink, she needed a drink, Plus Krys was nearly a grown woman she saw no problem with her having a drink.
When the elf brought the bottle over to Narcissa she took it and began to walk down to the end of the beach in the direction both Krys and Draco went. Krys had still been crying a bit being so hurt and angry, she was a mix of emotions and it was driving her crazy and she didn't know how else to handle it.
Bellatrix then turned seeing the elf, walking away from Stacy linking arms with her sister heading down to the kids. Bellatrix was still shaking, and that crazy glint was still in her eyes. 'Don't mess with mama bear's cubs...' she thought. as she walked down with her little sister. " two alright?" she called to the kids.
When Krys heard her mother's voice she wiped her tears away not wanting either her or Narcissa seeing her cry, "Yeah we're alright" ,Krys called back. She looked up and watched as the two got closer, "Just needed to get away from Stacy for a moment" ,Krys sighed.
Bellatrix looked upon her daughter and could tell she was crying, "Are you sure?" she asked softly wanting to make sure that after the stunt Stacy pulled. "I know dear, Narcissa and I just wanted to make sure. Cissy figured you could use a nice drink." She stated sitting down on a rock close by, not sure wether to hug her daughter or to give her space.
"Yeah I'm sure and I can use a nice drink, come sit near us mum no need to be shy" ,Krys stated. She looked to Bellatrix and gave her as much of a smile as she could. Narcissa sat down next to Draco and handed him the bottle, "Where's the glasses"? He asked. "Who needs them we're on vacation Draco loosen up a bit" ,Narcissa said in response.
Bellatrix stood from her place and got closer sitting by her daughter as Narcissa went to her son. Bellatrix wrapped her arm gently around Krys' shoulders trying to comfort her. Bellatrix smiled at Narcissa's comment, "Plus were all family unless you think your mother and I have Koodies..." she stated teasingly.
Krys leaned into her when she wrapped her arm around her shoulder, it wasn't like Krys to cuddle up to anyone but she was beyond upset and needed it. It was different then cuddling up to her father, it felt more comforting rather then that protected feeling she got with her father. Draco took a shot from the bottle then handed it to Krys who took a shot as well.
Bellatrix smiled brightly as Krys cuddled into her, Bella rubbed her arm lovingly wanting to soothe her. She wasn't sure if Krys heard her yell at Stacy but then again Bellatrix didn't care, she was defending her baby and herself.
Krys took another shot then handed the bottle to her mother, "Draco I think I'm gonna break it off with Stacy this is the second time she's pulled some stupid shit and this time it involved cheating on me I just don't think she's worth the bloody headache" ,Krys said. Draco nodded, "Yeah same with Pansy she's not as slutty as Stacy, no offense, but she is so bossy" ,he said in response.
Bellatrix took the bottle from Krys and took a drink the liquid felt like gold pouring down her throat it was nice to have that feeling after a blow out. "Good for you, both of you...It's not worth being with someone who bosses you around, or gets you into trouble, or who cheats or nearly cheats on you..." Bellatrix stated, she looked at hers and Narcissa's relationships, Hers was a bit messed up being married but dating Severus. But Narcissa had the perfect marriage. Bellatrix handed the bottle to her sister so she could have a drink.
Narcissa took a drink from the bottle and nodded in agreement while she swallowed the liquid, "Plus those two are so blah and act like their shit don't stink you don't need that" ,Narcissa stated. Both Draco and Krys laughed, they never heard Narcissa talk like that before so it came as a shock but it was funny. Narcissa passed the bottle to Draco who took a rather large sip then handed it to Krys who did the same before handing it back to her mother.
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