Severus smirked then looked at Draco and Krys, "When Krys and Draco were younger and Narcissa brought them here for a few weeks in the summer, I had been working on a few things and she was in charge of them, one day I decided to come and see them for a few days you know relax a little bit, when I got here neither Draco or Krys were in sight and Narcissa had went back to the manor for something I forget what but she had figured the two were old enough to stay alone for a little while, well boy was she wrong, when I got her the cabin was on fire I mean completely engulfed in flames and it was starting to catch the trees surrounding it on fire so I myself had to put it out before th whole island caught fire, when we found Draco and Krys they were hidden in that cave over there" ,Severus pointed to a small cave near the water. "The look of fear on their faces was priceless, they thought I was going to kill them, when asked what had happened they replied with, there was a bug crawling around on the floor so we tried to hex it and the spell ended up setting the house on fire". Severus started to laugh as did Stacy, Pansy, Lucius and Narcissa. "I remember that well it was the funniest thing" ,Narcissa stated. Both Krys and Draco were blushing with embarrassment as everyone laughed.