Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix got the reaction she wanted heard the kids laugh, but had a sister after her hyde, she was in big trouble. Bellatrix peeked from behind Severus shoulder seeing her sister march up to them. Bella's eyes widend, as her soaked sister was right in front of them. As Narcissa went one way to get her Bellatrix went the other heading back to the water to see if her sister will folllow her back in. "Coming to get me Cissy...Come on then." she taunted.
Narcissa chased after her sister as soon as she asked if she was coming to get her, "Oh yes I am Bella you better run fast" ,Narcissa yelled playfully. She was already in her bathing suit so it wasn't a big deal but she had wanted to get into the water slowly and her sister had thrown her in. Both Draco and Krys laughed as the two played around.
Bellatrix then remember she wouldn't be able to run in the water. She turned quickly and cackled as her sister chased after her they hadn't done this in years. Bella then remembered she still had her cover up on and it being wet was weighing her down she quickly took it off and threw it at her sister hoping to slow her down a minute. "You caan't get me Cissy.." she teased as she continued to run.
Narcissa caught the cover in the face and it slowed her down a bit, "Oh yes I can Bella don't tempt me" ,Narcissa yelled back. She was now laughing along with everyone else as they ran around. Severus began to walk into the water to join Draco and Krys, he noticed the two trying to be sneaky and splash him, he waved his wand and caused a small wave to hit the two a smirk came across his face as Draco and Krys spit the water from there mouths.
Bellatrix continued to run, as Narcissa was hit in the face with her dress. Bella quickly circled around the girls and into the water, seeing as Severus went in he was smirking she must've missed something. As Bellatrix was in she tried to catch her breath waiting to see what her sister was gonna do.
Narcissa ran over to Bellatrix and grabbed her around the waist pulling her deeper into the water, "I told you I'd get you" ,she said playfully. Draco and Krys along with Severus made their way over to the two, both Draco and Krys had a look of defeat on their faces while Severus had a look of satisfaction.
Bellatrix laughed as her sister wrapped her arms around her waist. Bella kicked her legs and squirmed trying to get away from her. Bella was splashing as her sister pulled her in deeper.
Narcissa laughed along with her sister, she hadn't played like this since the two were kids. When Draco and Krys got to them they knocked both of them into the water then high fived each other, Severus then grabbed Krys and threw her into the water then proceeded to throw Draco like he used to when they were small, "Old people vs. young people" ,Severus stated. "That's not fair there's three of you old farts" ,Draco said teasingly. "And there would be four of you if the two divas over there would join us" ,Severus said sarcastically. Both Stacy and Pansy blushed with embarrassment Snape had never insulted them jokingly before, the two got up and ran into the water to play around with everyone, they figured if Snape could loosen up and have fun they might as well too.
Bellatrix screamed as they fell over thanks to Krys and Draco. They both popped up looking at each other, spitting out water then laughing. "Yeah but you two are faster I'm sure." She stated. Bella then looked over aat the two girls who were tanning, as Severus said they could join them. She wasn't thrilled but they were there and dating her daughter and her nephew. Bellatrix smiled as they joined them maybe they weren't so bad. A wicked smile came to Bella's face, She silently slipped into the water,with her hands but mostly using her nails grabbing Krys' and Draco's ankle, then the girl's then she popped back up by Severus.
Both Draco and Krys jumped when Bellatrix grabbed their ankles and the two girls screamed, "There's something in the water"! Pansy shrieked. When Bellatrix popped up Draco and Krys laughed even Stacy took the joke well and laughed herself Pansy took a bit to laugh but it was mainly because she was shook up so bad.
Bellatrix stated to cackled as the kids jumped and screamed. Bella then high fived Narcissa and Severus she thought it was hilarious, as did the other two, Narcissa noticed her sister's disappearance when she went under the water. Pansy seemed a bit soft to the fact that there was something in the water and that something was Bellatrix.
"Alright point to the old people now us young people have to get you guys back" ,Krys said in a challenging voice. She jumped back and dived under the water and after a while jumped up behind her father and back suplexed him into the water. When Severus came back up from under the water he looked at Krys and shook his head, "That bloody muggle wrestling rubbish that's where that move came from" ,he stated jokingly. Krys just looked at him and flexed cockily making Draco and the two girls laugh, everyone knew Krys liked to watch and read wrestling and the only reason Voldemort let it go was because the muggles beat each other up, he only wished it'd be to the death.
Bellatrix watched the kids, seeing Krys disappear, wondering what she was up to. They she popped up and dragged Severus under, she thought it was funny. Bellatrix was confused on what they were talking about but whatever it hadd something to do with muggles, Severus could fill her in later. "Alright point for the young brats." She stated
"Brats? We're not brats just stronger and faster" ,Draco said cockily. Severus looked at him with a 'yeah right' sort of expression. "Bring it you old farts" ,he sneered. Krys and the two girls laughed at how Draco taunted them, Narcissa looked at him wide eyed, "Old farts huh Draco"? She said in an almost threatening tone. She darted toward her son blatantly then dunked his head under water, "Charge the old people"! ,Krys yelled then ran towards Narcissa and tackled her while the other two mad their way towards Bellatrix and Severus. When Draco resurfaced he joined in on the fun.
"You're a brat and you know it Draco." Bellatrix teased. She laughed as Narcissa charged her son Cissy was the baby out of the adults. As the girls headed to Severus and herself, she dived under the water circling behind them dragging the two girls back by their ankles. Then swimming away. She loved to play cat and mouse.
Krys watched as her mother grabbed the two and she laughed but she had to do something to get her back or else they would win. She snuck up behind her and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up and threw her into the water then laughed, "Ha ha and yet another point for us thanks to me" ,Krys said cockily.
Bellatrix was laughing, she didn't notice at first that someone was behind her. Nor could she tell who it was. Then next thing she knew she was up and back down into the water as she was thrown in. It took Bella a moment to realize she was under the water and she hadn't gotten up. Then she came up with her long hair infront of her face. Spitting out the water, flipping her hair back. Bellatrix then tackled Krys from behind. "Ha gotcha"
Krys continued laughing until she got tackled herself, when she got up she looked at Bellatrix, "Alright mum you got me" ,she admitted smiling. Everyone was having so much fun and it was good to get out and have a vacation. As it got darker Both Krys and Draco got out of the water to start the fire for the night.
Bellatrix looked at her and smiled as Krys looked at her. Bella was happy that Krys called her 'mum,' knowing that everything would be okay. They were family after all. Bellatrix climbed out of the water, as it got darker, she was getting cold. Her body started to hurt. She dried off then, put her dress back on, sitting on a rock.
Both Krys and Draco had changed into dry clothes as did Stacy and Pansy, after the fire was lit they summoned a few chairs to sit in then relaxed by the fire. Stacy sat down in Krys' lap and snuggled into her and Pansy did the same with Draco. A pop was heard in the distance and Lucius appeared shortly after, "Sorry I'm late" ,he said right before sitting down next to Narcissa.
Bellatrix had dried so she didn't feel the need to change. Once the fire was going she sat in one of the chairs waiting for Severus to come sit with her. "Well it's about time Lucius." Bella teased he had missed all the fun. "Severus could you get me a potion pwease?" She asked trying to mask the pain she was feeling.
Severus went and grabbed Bellatrix a potion when she had asked for one, he sat down next to her and put his arm around her. "OK so who wants to hear a story"? Severus said smirking. Both Krys and Draco looked at him wide eyed, "Don't you dare dad it's not that funny" ,Krys demanded.
"Thank you dear." She stated taking it in one shot waiting for the pain to go away. Bellatrix cuddled into Severus as he put his arm around her. "I wanna hear it." She smiled, "Severus you promised."
Severus smirked then looked at Draco and Krys, "When Krys and Draco were younger and Narcissa brought them here for a few weeks in the summer, I had been working on a few things and she was in charge of them, one day I decided to come and see them for a few days you know relax a little bit, when I got here neither Draco or Krys were in sight and Narcissa had went back to the manor for something I forget what but she had figured the two were old enough to stay alone for a little while, well boy was she wrong, when I got her the cabin was on fire I mean completely engulfed in flames and it was starting to catch the trees surrounding it on fire so I myself had to put it out before th whole island caught fire, when we found Draco and Krys they were hidden in that cave over there" ,Severus pointed to a small cave near the water. "The look of fear on their faces was priceless, they thought I was going to kill them, when asked what had happened they replied with, there was a bug crawling around on the floor so we tried to hex it and the spell ended up setting the house on fire". Severus started to laugh as did Stacy, Pansy, Lucius and Narcissa. "I remember that well it was the funniest thing" ,Narcissa stated. Both Krys and Draco were blushing with embarrassment as everyone laughed.
Bellatrix listened intently to the story, resting in Severus' arms. A look of shock was on her face as the house was on fire and no one could find the kids. Bella saw the cave he pointed to, Then she smiled thinking so much damage was caused because of a bug. Bellatrix laughed as well it was so cute that it was funny. "I hope you don't do that this weekend." Bella teased.
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