Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Hermione always liked to be ahead of the game, within minutes she completed her notes. She ignored the fact that the class was filing in, giving her stares wondering why she was in there. Hermione heard Krys and Stacy talking, She smiled, she was sure Krys was going to enjoy talking about what to wear and so on for a dance she didn't want to go to.
"So yeah you can wear the grey dress robes and the black tie" ,Stacy said. Krys shook her head and Draco snickered, "But grey is such a rubbish color I refuse to wear grey hell I don't even want to wear dress robes" ,Krys argued back. Stacy gave Krys a glare that made Krys quiet down just for the sake of not arguing in front of the whole classroom.
Hermione felt bad for Krys. she could hear them talking. She knew Krys really didn't want to go to the dance in the first place, and Now her girlfriend wanted her to wear grey, of all colors at least black. She looked back slightly seeing the look they both had and it seemed they might fight.
"You're wearing grey both Pansy and I decided you'd look nice in it" ,Stacy pressed on. Krys turned and looked at Stacy, "Oh so I guess you and Pansy are now my fashion advisers huh"? Krys asked sarcastically. "No but if you listened to us you'd look nicer on a daily basis not like some grungy punk" ,Stacy snapped back. McGonagall turned and looked at Stacy clearing her throat, Stacy sat back and quieted down and Krys smirked.
Stacy seemed like a real bitch, she wondered why Krys was with her, then remember Krys said there was a lack of lesbians. Krys didn't look bad, Stacy must have a few screws loose, she thought trying to figure this out. Now Hermione understood why Krys got into fights.
When class finished Krys stood up and Stacy did as well hooking her arm around Krys' as she walked out. Krys walked with Stacy to their next class, the girl was in one of those possessive modes today which pretty much meant Krys was stuck with her for the whole day.
Hermione finished her work, waiting for class to end. Once it did she was off to her next class, she was back to her other schedule only a few classes changed around. She saw as Stacy basically cling to Krys, she probably would be stuck all day. Hermione hoped to see her later, but if not there was always another day.
Severus woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and rested he got out of bed and went to grab Bellatrix her potion before she woke up, he also had the elf make her breakfast. He put on a pair of pajama pants and climbed back into bed and wrapped his arms around Bellatrix and waited for her to wake up.

"So we have got so much work to do before the dance it's only in a few weeks and everything has to be perfect" ,Stacy went on as she dragged Krys into the next class.
Bellatrix was fast asleep, as Severus moved about the room, unaware that he had even left her side. Bella did feel Severus climb back into bed and felt him wrap his strong arms around her. Bella smiled and turned her body to face him, "Morning.." She stated softly, then remembering she was still naked, not that it really mattered.

Hermione went and sat through her class.
"Good morning love I've ordered the elf to make us breakfast and got your potion for you" ,Severus told her smiling. He held her close enjoying having her in his arms.

After Krys had finished all her classes she made her way to the great hall for dinner and Stacy of course was stuck to her side like she had been all day. Krys had a very stressed out expression on her face and it turned into a look of aggravation as soon as Pansy sat down with them and joined in on pestering Krys about what to wear.
"Sounds lovely, May I have my potion please?" she asked sweetly. Still cuddling in his arms, enjoying the feel of his warm body. Bellatrix kissed his lips softly before laying her head back down, smiling.

The day was done and it was super time. Hermione felt hungry today, she has her days when she is and isn't hungry, then there are days when there is no time, inbetween classes and studying to eat. Hermione was at her table with the usual crowd. She looked over at Krys' table seeing them come in, Stacy still attached and Krys looked so stressed it was concerning.
Severus grabbed the potion when Bellatrix asked for it and handed it to her, "Here you are love" ,he said right before she kissed him, he loved the feel of her lips on his and it made him smile.

Krys could barely eat she was so aggravated Stacy had never usually controlled what she wore or did and she wondered what in the hell had gotten into her. Whatever it was Krys hated it and was starting to get pissed, she forced down a few bites before standing up, "Where are you going we're not done talking yet"? ,Stacy asked in a demanding way. "I have to go to the bathroom and I have a test to study for we can talk about the dance tomorrow I promise" ,Krys said in response before walking off. When she passed Hermione she looked at her and without stopping mouthed the words ,'Save Me' before walking out the door.
Bellatrix took hold of the potion and drank it down she was in more pain today, being ill from prison and now from making love with Severus. "How are you this morning?" She asked softly, cuddling back to him still under the blanket for she was cold.

Hermione ate and spoke with her friends exposing what happened with her classes. They continued to talk and she ate her dinner. She watched Krys' expression and her mouth, as soon as she saw 'save me' she knew Krys needed a friend. She waited a few minutes after Krys left. "I'll see you guys later I have to study one of my tests had been moved up." She stated they nodded and let her go. Hermione once out of sight hurried to the library.
"I'm doing very well this morning love" ,Severus told her. He cuddled up to her and could feel her shiver, "Want me to grab you some clothes to put on you feel awfully cold"?

Krys made her way to the library knowing Hermione knew exactly where she would run off to. She told the librarian to let Hermione in when she saw her then made her way to the restricted section and had one of the elves that was lurking around make her a plate of food she was hungry but just couldn't eat while around Stacy and Pansy the two were driving her up a wall.
"That's good to hear my love." She stated, shiving again she was fine a moment ago ut all of a sudden felt cold. Bellatrix nodded her head slightly, "Yes..please do I feel that cold?" She asked curiously.

Going inside the librarian nodded to her letting her into the restricted section. Hermione walked in and sat down next to Krys, are you alright?"
Severus got up and made his way over to the dresser and got Bellatrix some clothes, he then handed them to her and sat down next to her. "Yes you felt a bit cold love and I don't want you getting sick at all" ,he told her.

Krys looked up when she heard Hermione's voice, "I'm alright now that I got away from those crazy bitches, every time they're together they drive me up a wall and I want to strangle them" ,Krys told her. "Sorry for ranting to you just don't have anyone else to talk to at the moment".
Bellatrix stayed in the blanket, trying to keep warm, waiting for Severus to return with clothes. She took them from him when he brought them to her, sitting up to put them on. "Thank you...I don't want to be sick either...not when I'm doing so well at healing, If it get sick I may not get better..." She stated in worse case synaryiro.

"That's good to hear Krys, let's not strangle them you'll get into trouble for that. Have they been thst annoying?" She asked, it's a wonder why she gets into trouble it seems like a few people can fuel it. "No, I don't mind Krys. I really don't, I told you wheenever yu need a friend." She stated and meant it.
"Well we'll just have to keep you from getting sick then" ,he said in response. The elf soon came in with their food and Severus set up Bellatrix's plate for her and then his own. "Here you go love food will do you good".

Krys smiled when Hermione told her she didn't mind talking to her or listening, "Thanks I could use it sometimes, I mean Draco is my best friend but he has his own issues ya know" ,Krys told her.
Bellatrix nodded her head lightly, leaning against his shoulder. Bella picked her head up when she heard the elf. "Severus..." she stated she was about to protest, she didn't really feel hungry but she knew she had to eat to keep her body in check, and keep from falling ill.

Seeing Krys smile, Bella smiled back at her, "No problem, we all have issuses but I get what your saying."
Severus knew Bellatrix didn't want to eat but he also knew she had to if she wanted to get better. "I don't expect you to eat it all of course just make me happy and eat at least a few bites for me love" ,he told her smiling.

Krys took a few bites from her plate seeing she was actually able to enjoy some food without someone bitching in her ear, "So has anyone asked you to the dance yet"? Krys asked trying to change the subject.
Bellatrix took her fork and started to play with her food having fun with it. She looked back to Severus and smiled softly. "Alright love..." She then began to eat some of her meal.

Hermione smiled as she watched as Krys started to eat her meal, that meant she was calming down. She tilted her head slightly, and her smile faded a bit, "No not yet, I think Ron expects me to be his pity date though..." She stated sighing slightly.
Severus began to eat his food as well, he enjoyed being able to sit down and have a meal with Bellatrix and when she was better he would enjoy sitting down as a family with both Bellatrix and Krys to enjoy a meal.

"Well that's a bit dickish if you ask me but then again I dunno Ron too well so he may think it's ok to do" ,Krys said in response she didn't want to offend and hoped it didn't sound wrong the way it came out. "I would ask you myself but you're straight and I'm going with Stacy she made that clear, hell I might as well be going with Stacy and Pansy at this rate, thank Merlin Draco is taking Pansy, that poor bastard".
Bellatrix ate about half of her plate, before she stopped wanting to make him happy, while keeping up her strength. Bella was enjoying the fact she now had regular food access, when she was hungry, and that she was no longer all alone in a cold dark cell. Granted Bellatrix hardly and really couldn't leave the room with the state that she was in so in a sense her room was like a dark cell. Life was slowly starting over.

"Well it's for if neither one of can get a date we'll go together as friends, but I don't know if I really want too..." She explained, Ron wasn't a bad guy just stupid sometimes. "Really? You would ask me to the dance?" She asked curiously, not expecting that she would say that. "Yeah if I wasn't I'd probably take you up on that offer" She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Yeah I'm sure Stacy would go on a rampage if you didn't go with her. Oh Draco's taking Pansy? Are they an Item?" she asked unsure. "Harry will probably take Ginny or Chou."
Severus had finished his food rather quickly and noticed Bellatrix had seemed full after eating only half of her plate. He summoned the elf to come and clean their stuff up then turned to Bellatrix, "You did very well today you'll be feeling better in no time" ,he told her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"Oh I see erase that comment I made about him being dickish then I didn't know but yeah I would ask you why not"? Krys said in response. She took a few more bites of her food then had it cleaned up for her, "I think Harry should go with Ginny she seems more fit for him then Cho but that's just my opinion ya know".
Bellatrix gave the plate to the elf as he came to clean up.Bella smiled up at him, "I hope so..." she stated cuddling into his strong armsher hand rest on his chest, feeling his heart beat, it had always soothed her.

"No worries, They only thing is I'd want a date of my own, to actually be with someonerather then, just go as a friend.." She stated she wouldn't mind going with Ron, but it happened a bit often. "Me too, but the thing there is Ron's over protective of his little sister andd it mat be odd for them to do so. But I think they fit each other well."
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