Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"You will be as long as you keep doing what you're doing and keep eating and taking your potions" ,he told her. He continued to hold her not wanting to leave her side until she felt better.

"I can't see why no one has asked you yet honestly" ,Krys told her she didn't want to go to into detail and admit that she found the girl attractive. "They would fit together well and I think Harry would take care of Ron's little sister he seems like a gentleman".
"So long as you don't leave me I'll be alright, knowing I still have you, and Krys,at the Dark Lord is at large, life is good."She stated as long as those key factors were ther everything would be fine, as soon as she get's well enough to enjoy them.

"Probably because I'm the typical nerd, openly, and I'm not all that" Hermione statedthose were the main two reasons she thought people wounldn't ask her out because. "I think so too but just in case they don't want to ruin there friendship.
"I will never leave you, we will have the life we should have years ago me you and Krys are going to live good" ,he told her as he held her close. "Next weekend will only be a taste of what we're all going to have on a daily basis".

When Hermione said she wasn't all that pretty Krys gave her an 'I can't believe you think that' kind of expression, "Says who? I think you're very attractive" ,Krys admitted.
"I know you won't you never have or did,the life that should have been ours. I can't wait, till the weekend, Me, you, Krys, Draco...and what's her face. She stated unable to remeber the girl friends name. Bella wasn't too thrilled to have her coming along.

Hermione looked at Krys and saw her expression, "Say's anyone who dislikes me or my friends, mostly Slytherins, well actually mainly Draco..." She stated Draco was always picking on her that's why he became a ferret. "Do you?..." She blushed slightly, "Thank you."
"Her name's is Stacy" ,Severus told her. He let out a small laugh knowing Bellatrix didn't want Stacy tagging along but he also knew Krys wouldn't hear the end of it if she didn't bring Stacy along. "I know you don't want her to come but for the sake of our daughter's sanity she has to bring the girl".

"Yeah well they're all assholes even Draco I know he's my best friend but he is a jerk towards you and I'm sorry I used to be one of those jerks too" ,Krys said in response. "Yes I do find you very attractive and you're welcome now hold your head up I'm sure someone will ask you to the dance, people would be foolish not to". Krys gave Hermione a kind smile and poured her a cup of tea before she grabbed a book to start reading.
"Right, that's it, her." She confirmed, the name remembering it. She pouted slightly as he laughed at her. Bella didn't know the girl, plus she was still getting past the fact that Krys was dating a girl. "Okay, yeah one crazy female is enough we don't need two of us running around." She stated laughing slightly, Bella knew she was crazy and she didn't want Krys to be plus then Severus might have a break down dealing with two crazy bitches.

Hermione sat there and listened to Krys as she called her own best friend an asshole. "That's okay Krys, I forgive you though you have treated me rotten in the past." She stated accepting her apologie. She smiled softly, "Thanks...I hope so." She replied. 'Great one person who finds me attractive...but she's a girl and I'm not Gay.' She thought to herself, she was flattered but, it was a bit strange. Hermione copied Krys and made a cup of tea.
Severus laughed at what Bellatrix had said, "You're not as crazy as you think love I've met far crazier people then you" ,he told her in response. He knew she was still getting used to Krys being gay but knew she would come around he only hoped Stacy didn't start a fight with Krys during the weekend while Bellatrix was around.

"I know someone will ask you don't worry" ,Krys said in response again. She took a sip from her cup and began to read the book she had taken out, she wrote down notes she thought were important as she read.
Bellatrix smiled as he laughed, "You don't know that...Maybe I'm only behaving because your here with me, to keep me sane." She stated Severus wasn't there with her, she could feel the difference in herself at times. Bella had gone nuts in prision, but memories that she locked away from everyone, what she was like before and happy and sad moments.

"I won't." She stated taking a sip of tea, randomly selecting a book to read.
"Well I'm glad I keep you sane at least I know you're happy....aren't you"? Severus asked in response. He wanted to make sure Bellatrix was happy when he was around and happy with what he did for her even if she didn't like all the things he suggested.
Bellatrix smiled at him and started playing with his hair. She thought for a second,'Am I happy?..' She looked up to Severus' face, Of course I'm happy, When I'm with you, Severus. WHy do you ask?" She questioned if she wasn't happy she'd have no problem verbalizing it.
"Alright I just wanted to make sure I was making you happy" ,he said in response. Severus pulled her in closer and held her close, "I love you Bellatrix". He kissed her lips softly then smiled when he pulled away.
"I'm more than happy, Severus, I'm with you again and we have a beautiful daughter, and now we have a war to win, since we failed the first everything will go right now." Bellatrix explained there was no room for failure. She kissed him back just as softly, she smiled "I love you too Severus."
Finally the weekend had come and both Krys and Draco were already at the manor and Stacy and Pansy were on their way. Narcissa had suggested Draco bring his girlfriend as well and his current girlfriend was Pansy Parkinson. Krys and Draco were packing their things when Stacy and Pansy came in, they both had huge bags with them as if they were going to be gone for a week. "Hi love" ,Stacy said cutely as she wrapped her arms around Krys' waist, "You smell good today what are you wearing"? "The same thing as always hun" ,Krys said in response. Stacy was in a good mood for the moment so Krys wasn't going to argue with her. "Wait until you see this place Pansy you're going to love it" ,Draco said making Pansy smile. She didn't say much while she was around people like Snape or Draco's parents and Krys liked it that way.

After the two finished packing up for the weekend Krys made her way down to her parents room and knocked on the door, "We're ready to go we'll meet you guys there ok Narcissa said she'll come with us unless you guys are ready too then we'll just wait" ,she shouted through the door. She then made her way outside with the rest of the group and they apparated to the small island where they would be spending the weekend.
The week had flown by, so quick and it was time for the "Family" trip. Come to find out not only was Stacy coming but also Draco's girl friend Pansy. Bellatrix was just beaming with joy. It didn't take her too long to pack her things, it was only a weekend. She grabbed her fancy dress that Severus had bought her, then her average dress, and two others, plus underware/bras, stockings, and hair pins and her bathing suit. Soap and other nessiesities to keep clean. But the main thing that she knew she needed was her potions, she wad doing well, feeling better for the most part. still some aches and pains, but she's eating a bit more, and moving around with better ease. "Alright We'll be right behind you." She replied to Krys.
When they got there Krys brought her stuff into the small cabin that was about ten minutes up a path away from the water. Draco stayed by Krys while Stacy and Pansy fell behind and chatted with each other while they walked. After putting their stuff away they all changed and headed down to the beach. Both Pansy and Stacy wanted to sit in the sun while Draco and Krys ran for the water.
Bellatrix was waiting for Severus, to be ready, not wanting to chance apperating on her own yet, plus she didn't know where to go. "Severus, love are you ready to go yet?" She asked sweetly. "The kids are a head of us, and I'm not sure if Cissy is actually with them or not." She stated slightly worried, granted they were all teens but you never knew what could happen.
Severus finished packing his stuff then looked to Bellatrix, "Yes love let's get going both Draco and Krys pulled a fast one on Lucius and Narcissa last time they went alone with them ,I'll tell you all about it by the fire tonight I love rubbing it in the look Draco and Krys get when it's brought up is priceless" ,Severus told her smirking. He held out his arm so that she could grab onto it and they could apparate to the island.
"Oh I see, they did..did they?" She stated. "So they are no troubles let's be off, I'm excited. For both the weekend and the story." She smiled brightly it was going to be great they would be doing this as a family, with two others but it would be fine. Bellatrix took his arm smiling, waiting for him to apperate.
As soon as Bellatrix grabbed his arm Severus apparated them to the island. When they got there Severus took a deep breath to smell the fresh air around him, "Merlin this place is so relaxing, you're going to love it here" ,he told her. He was relieved to see all the teenagers in sight. He led Bellatrix to the cabin and put his and her stuff away, it was still early in the day so they had plenty of time to lay out in the sun and enjoy themselves. "Come on love let's get changed and go join everyone on the beach".
Once they were there, Bellatrix looked around, "It's beautiful," She stated though it seemed so bright, compared to the darkness of her room. Bella saw the kids the girls laying in the sun, Draco and her daughter in the water. Bellatrix walked with Severus to the cabin, she helped him with some of the stuff. She stopped to take a potion. "Alright, Love." she went and grabbed her bathing suit putting it on, it was a black two peice with a skirt bottom. She then threw on a black wrap around dress to cover up. Bella then waited for Severus to change so they could go to the beach.
Severus changed into his black shorts and a black t-shirt then led them down to the beach. He watched as Draco and Krys splashed each other in the water and the girls laying on the beach, Narcissa had her feet in the water and was trying to avoid getting drenched by Krys and Draco.
As Severus led them down to the beach Bella got bored stopping them before they were too far down, they could see everything but they weren't there yet, and Bella was slightly impatient. "Hey Severus I'll race ya." She stated with a big smile, "I'll Race you down to Cissy." Bellat stated excitedly. "3...2...1" She started running then said go, getting a head start.n "Come on slow poke!" she teased looking back.
Severus was caught off guard when Bellatrix started running, "That's not fair you cheated" ,he shouted teasingly as he ran after her. He could see Narcissa's eyes widen when she noticed the two running, he assumed it was because she thought they were going to throw her in. Severus had no intention to but he couldn't say that Bellatrix wouldn't throw her sister into the water.
"You can't catch me....Come on Severus." She called and started to laugh. Bellatrix was most definately heading toward the water, and wasn't shy to the fact she was aiming for her sister. She could see the whites in Narcissa's eyes it made her smile, she saw the kids splashing at her and thought they'd get an uproar that Narcissa was knocked in. Narcissa tried to move but Bellatrix followed her no matter what. Bellatrix beat Severus and leaped tackling her sister into the water. "Hi Cissy..." She stated playfully laughing, then saw Narcissa's face as she spit out water, Bella's smile faded. She quickly stood up and ran back over to Severus hiding behind him. "Save me.."
Both Draco and Krys looked over when they heard the splash and nearly fell down laughing, "Haha mum we didn't have to do anything and you still got thrown in" ,Draco said his face red from laughing so hard. Krys watched as her mother ran and hid behind her father, she laughed but then her eyes widened when Narcissa ran towards her father, "Severus you can't protect her so don't even try" ,Narcissa said playfully as she made a beeline for her sister.
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