The Great Hall


Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James, Alice, Sam, Ashley, Renee; Sees Riku

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai shook both Renee and Ashley's hands, smiling as she did so. "Indeed," she said. "I do hope you heard good things." Much like Alice, her own cheeks reddened. She then looked up at James for a moment and smiled. She then looked at Ashley. "I've no doubt we'll become great friends and I look forward to getting to know you as well," she said addressing the blonde. Turning to Renee she added, "And you as well. I'm glad you're liking it here. Secondary has been like a second home for me."

Lori looked over at both Alice and Sam and smiled at them. They were like the siblings she wished she'd had rather than the two ungrateful sisters she did have. Not that she didn't love her sisters since she did and always would because they were indeed family. But, the sad truth was that her sisters didn't care about her nor did her parents. Alice and Sam did and had for a long time. As she looked at her two friends she could feel her eyes prickle a bit. Blinking quickly to prevent them from tearing, she then smiled and giggled a bit.

"And yes, Alice, I think I might be able to manage Friday next," Lori then spoke. She glanced over at James, her lips quirked up into a tiny smile as she answered her friend. Looking back over at everyone, she continued, "It sounds like it would be fun." She then noticed Alice waving to another girl. "Another friend, Alice?" she laughed. "This is wonderful."

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall

When Katy asked Nicko to dance he smiled, "Why yes we can dance" ,he answered in response. He had learned how to dance properly from his mother and enjoyed it quite a bit. Nicko held out his hand and looked to Katy, "Shall we"? Nicko smiled as he waited for Katy to respond, he had no intention of making moves on her for he really didn't know how to he just wanted to share a dance with a new friend.


Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Jeans and a T-Shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Alice, anyone

Smiling Riku walked over to the group when Alice motioned for her to come over. When she reached the group she looked at the new faces and extended her hand to introduce herself, "Hello I'm Riku Taven" ,she said with a kind smile. The woman was eager to meet new people and things were going very well so far.


Name:Cameron Jasper Donovan
Occupation:Flying Instructor, Game Keeper
Blood Type:Full
Wand: Holly (Tinne) dragon heartstring 9 inches
Attire:Black Slacks and a Black Polo T-Shirt
Location:Great Hall

Cameron walked into the Great Hall, his hair a mess and a broom in his hand. He looked around at all the students and teachers mingling and conversing with each other and smirked. "Well sorry I seemed to have gotten lost on my way here, the skies can be tricky sometimes" ,he said loudly making sure a good chunk of people heard him. He was always one to turn heads so to speak but he was no attention hog, after he said those words he pulled out his wand and pointed it to his broom, after he muttered a spell the broom disappeared and was send to his quarters.

He made his way over to get himself a drink before heading into the crowd of people and introducing himself. When he got over to the bar he looked to the bartender, "A scotch please on the rocks" ,he said kindly. After the bartender served him he made his way into the crowd taking small sips from his glass as he walked. Cameron noticed a familiar face in one of the groups that were conversing so he made his way over to the man. "Excuse me sir, forgive me if I'm interrupting you but you're James Magnus I've heard about you and let me say it is an honor to be on the same faculty as you" ,Cameron stated extending his hand.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy took his hand with a kind smile and she also knew how to dance in fact it was her father who tought her and her mother how to dance. She Lead him out onto the dance floor and the song that was playing was a slow song so she put her hands around his neck.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, anyone who comes over...

Renee was very pleased, ecstatic in fact, with all that Alice and Lorelai said. She remained reserved and demure, but she was really about to burst with excitement over the trip to Hogsmeade with a group of others. She already liked both Alice and Lorelai, and she spotted the other Ravenclaw Firstie. When Riku came over and introduced herself, Renee was even happier, as it was obvious that she was now somewhere she really cold feel at home.

"It is really very good to meet you, Riku. I think the more the merrier is a very good thing both as far as the trip that we all seem to be planning as well as friendships here at Hogs. I want to get to know all of you very, very well, as I honestly am liking it here already."

Renee was smiling, very truthful even as she finally spotted the two Creepy Slytherins. They moved over to the farther corner across the length of the Great Hall. They were keeping their distance, and that is where she really thought they should stay.. for their own safety. Renee ignored them, her attention on the group for the moment.

"So, Riku, do you have any thoughts on what you will be studying?"


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

Ashley also waved to Riku, but as Alice was already calling her over to the group. She smiled and nodded to her when she got there, and was glad to have both of them in the conversation. She didn't say anything for a few minutes, sipping her drink. She was still getting used to the idea of being comfortable around a group of people, her parents always having taught her to be on eggshells just because of different matters. They always cared about what others thought, but now she was among others like her, who were not like that at all. Perhaps they seemed that way, but deep down Ashley could see that they all were their own person and she was going to show how great that was to be yourself.


Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, Ashley, Alice, Samuel, Lorelai, open

"Actually, while it can take time to settle into the major or majors that make you comfortable and that you know are what you want to do for some, some know early on when getting ready for Uni. Don't fell either intimidated or pressured, Riku. Take it from a Professor who had some of that trouble himself."

James was attempting light humor, wanting everyone to be comfortable. He was well aware of the potential places that a group conversation can go wrong, but he was wanting to get to know all of them as well. He could tell that Lorelai wished they were alone again, and he was going to see about that later. He then heard the band, Dumbledore's Reserve, start a slow instrumental number. Although they were very popular with the younger students, James actually liked their music. They would be starting actually performing soon, but they had to wait till all of the students were assembled for the mixer. It was in that next moment that one of the male faculty members, he remembered his name as the faculty's pictures had been placed on one of the walls in the Headmistress's office.

"Yes, it is also a pleasure for me as well. Cameron Donovan, correct? It is good to get to speak to you face to face. Would you like to meet some of your students this year?"


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

"I know how that is, Professor.. if it weren't for Lorelai, I would never have settled on one. She has always been good at seeing things like that."

Samuel was not bragging, rather it was the truth. Lorelai was really a "sister" to him, and they had been friends for the last six years. He wanted other people to know how great a friend she was, and as he held Alice to him he was pleased that Riku was there. He could tell she was going to be a very interesting person to get to know, but as Renee had asked the most direct question, he just felt his comment to help take any edge off and was very complimentary to Magnus's words as well.

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall

Nicko to Katy's hand and let her lead him to the dance floor, he smiled when the woman put her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her waist in a gentlemanly way, not too high up and not too low down. As the music played Nicko took the lead and guided their bodies as they danced but he didn't mind of Katy took the lead for a bit either.


Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Jeans, T-shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Alice, Renee, Ashley, Sam, James, Lori

Riku shook everyone's hand and smiled, she was happy to meet all these new people. When Renee asked the question Riku thought for a moment. "I haven't really decided what to major in yet, of course I'd love to dabble in a bit of everything but I know there is not enough time to do so but I will say I am interested in magical creatures, my parents are muggle farmers and I've always loved animals magical and non magical so I think I may major in taking care of magical creatures" ,Riku replied. She blushed a bit realizing she was ranting a bit. When the man walked over she had thought he was a student at first until he introduced himself to Professor Magnus.


Name:Cameron Jasper Donovan
Occupation:Flying Instructor, Game Keeper
Blood Type:Full
Wand: Holly (Tinne) dragon heartstring 9 inches
Attire:Black Slacks, Black Polo T-Shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:James, anyone

"Yes Professor Donovan if I dare I like to think of myself as a coach more then a professor though" ,he joked. "It is great to speak to you face to face as well Professor Magnus" ,Cameron said in response. When James asked him if he would like to meet some of the students Cameron smiled and nodded, "Of course I'd love too" ,he looked around at the students that were standing around. "Are any of them amongst this fine group standing here"? He asked in a friendly tone.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Lorelai, Sam, Ashley, Renee, Professor Magnus, Riku; sees Professor Donovan

Alice just stood quietly and very close to Sam as everyone began to talk. The crowd was starting to get rather large, which was making her natural shyness a bit more apparent than it had been earlier on. Still, she was enjoying herself and the company and knew that the weekend that she and the other girls had planned for Friday next in Hogsdale would be more than fun. In fact, she was a bit excited for it even if a bit nervous since she would finally be branching out. She really liked Ashley and Riku and found herself liking Renee as well, so she knew it would be quite a time indeed so long as they were along with Lori.

As the music began to change to a slower pace, Alice found herself hoping that Sam would ask her to dance. She noticed a few other students doing similarly and the idea appealed. But her reverie of dancing was interrupted when she saw Professor Donovan walk over to say hello, eager to meet the new First Years, of course.

"Good evening, Professor Donovan," Alice said as she moved closer to Sam, still hoping he'd ask her to dance.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James, Alice, Sam, Ashley, Renee, Riku; Sees Professor Donovan

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai giggled softly at Sam. "That's true. But that's only because you were interested in everything! Honestly, you put many Ravenclaw to shame. But, eventually you found your true passion," she said with a smile. Turning to Riku, Renee and Ashley, she gave them all a broad smile, "You all have time, so don't worry if you aren't sure as to what you'd like to focus on as of yet. Take this time to dabble if you need to and truly see where your heart lies. Once you find your niche, you'll know."

Lori remembered when she knew Astronomy and Arithmancy were her loves, despite their unpopularity amongst the crowd. Oh that giddy flutter she felt in her tummy when she took those classes and even more so when she started becoming more independent with it, learning how it could help with spells and potions. It was just so very fascinating!

As Lori finished talking to her new friends, she noticed Professor Donovan join the group, introducing himself to James. Not wanting to be rude, she turned to face him. "Good evening, Professor Donovan. I hope your night is going well." She then glanced at James briefly before looking back at Professor Donovan once more. So far, the evening was going well and she was enjoying herself and from what she could tell, James was as well and that made her happy.

Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, Ashley, Alice, Samuel, Lorelai, Riku, Donovan, open

"First, I would like you to meet Renee Marvolo LeStrange. She has been sorted into Gryffindor this year.. the last one as I have been told. You know how Alistair is and how theatrical she can be even when she cannot help it. Then, I would like you to meet two new members of Ravenclaw, Ashley Palin and Riku Taven. They are the newer students, though not the only ones as you know. And of course, these are three of our returning students also in the group with us. Samuel Anderson is a Sixth year Gryffindor and Alice Snow and Lorelai Flannagan, Fourth and Sixth Year Ravenclaws respectively."

James introduced all of them to Donovan, keeping his voice very even as he did so and gesturing to each by name. He was very pleased to do so, as he knew that they couldn't stay clustered in such a small group all night. He did enjoy making the introductions, knowing that Renee especially was going to be very open with asking questions of Donovan if she had the opening. He then moved gave Samuel a look, letting him know that he knew that he should be on the dance floor and that the older student already knew himself with whom. He then sipped his drink, as the students were old enough to speak for themselves though if he were asked anything he would provide answers as well. He also wanted to wait a bit before asking Lorelai to a harmless dance to the music.


Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, anyone who comes over...

Renee smiled as Professor Magnus introduced her to Professor Donovan. She was very interested in getting better at flying, and she liked the other Professor already. She was not nervous around him, much like she was not around Magnus when she first met him when introduced to her by Harry Potter. She kept herself from thinking about the retired Potter, though she did hope he would come by to see in on her during the school year, but now she was in the present and enjoying herself. She was hoping they wouldn't have too much longer before the singing started, as she really was hoping to get to hear the band. She met Donovan's hand if he offered it, but didn't act too forward with the older man.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

Ashley nodded, not certain if she should be the first to offer her hand, so she waited for Donovan to go first with that. She was not as shy as earlier, rather she was very eager to get to know all those she could in that night. She was not staying quiet for any reason other than she needed to be very observant as she still was the "fish out of water" and she had to pick up on any social ques that she may need to remember later. She was still sipping her drink, careful not to do so too fast nor too slow.


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

Samuel was not going to wait for too long, extending his hand when it was appropriate. Then after nodding to Donovan, he smiled and politely made his apologies.

"I am really glad to meet you, Professor, and although I will be happy to talk a bit later.. someone has to make certain this nicely prepared dance floor doesn't go to waste."

He then took Alice's hand, not really asking as he could tell she wanted to go. He moved and lead her onto the dance floor, and he started to dance close with her. He smiled as he looked into her eyes, very pleased indeed as a few others started to move to the floor with those they asked or were already with. He stole a look around, then smiled back at Alice.

"Well, now we are not just going together.. we are setting trends."

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Sam

Alice smiled as Sam led her out onto the dance floor, his hand so warm as it held hers. She felt light and happy as he pulled her close, her heart racing. Never had she felt so happy or complete in her life. It was as if she was right where she was supposed to be in that exact moment. Looking up into Sam's eyes she felt her cheeks get warm with a blush. She nodded and smiled.

"Never thought I'd do that..." Alice said, her voice soft. She rested her head against Sam's shoulder. "But with you, I can do anything." At that, she pressed closer to Sam, nuzzling against him as they danced and swayed to the music.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James, Ashley, Renee, Riku, Professor Donovan; Watches Alice and Sam move to the dance floor

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai watched Sam and Alice go out onto the dance floor. She was very happy for the two of them. For quite a while she'd been hoping the two of them would eventually relieve the tension she'd been feeling between them both. It had been growing for quite some time and she knew that eventually they'd either have to do something about it or go into complete denial. She was glad they chose the former since she thought them perfect for each other and for the long haul. Sam would always be there for Alice. Forever. She knew that without a doubt. He'd been there for the past four years and then some for her, each year growing stronger and stronger. And she saw the way he looked at her. It made her heart warm and happy.

Just then, Lori glanced over at James. She gave him a small smile before turning back toward the others while they all engaged in idle chit chat regarding their studies and majors. Everyone seemed really nice and excited to start the year. She was excited as well. So far it seemed promising and she had to admit that even the plans for the girls trip into Hogsdale seemed like it would be fun. And then there was her intern and the mentorship... the mentorship. Yes, James had wanted her to assist him there with that on top of her studies and internship. And she would. From what she'd gathered so far, Renee, the student she'd be mentoring seemed wonderful and she looked forward to helping out there when she'd be needed. Again, she looked over at James and then once more at everyone else.

Smiling, Lori spoke softly. "I think I'm going to get myself something to drink if anyone would care for something."

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy let Nicko lead for a bit but she was going to start leading herself cause she liked to . She took the lead from him half thou the song and her movements were smooth and she did not step on his toes or look down to watch her steps she was a great dancer fast or slow she could dance to anything. She smiled and said "I love this song its so pretty did not know they played slow music to this mixer I figured it would all be fast songs". She looked to the band that was playing and thought would they let her go over there and request songs to be played .

Name:Cameron Jasper Donovan
Occupation:Flying Instructor, Game Keeper
Blood Type:Full
Wand: Holly (Tinne) dragon heartstring 9 inches
Attire:Black Slacks, Black Polo T-shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Renee, Ashley, Riku, Alice, Sam, James, Lori

Cameron shook everyone's hand as he was introduced, "It is a pleasure to meet you all and I can't wait to have you all in my classes, I have a very fun yet serious class while we will of course be flying we will be learning the history of flying as well so there will be some book work and studying to go along with the flying lessons" ,he told the students. He gave Sam a friendly nod when he said he wanted to go dance, "We have all year to get to know each other by all means go have some fun and enjoy your night" ,he said with a smile. When Sam and Alice walked onto the dance floor Cameron turned and looked at the group, "So do any of you have any questions for me tonight, anything you would like to know? I'm new here like most of you and I would love to get to know each and every one of you as the year goes on" ,Cameron asked.


Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall

Nicko let Katy take the lead, he enjoyed dancing with the woman her steps were perfect and she didn't make any mistakes. He too stepped perfectly and didn't step on her toes or need to look down to watch his steps, he looked straight into the woman's eyes as they glided across the floor. "I don't mind this slow music it is quite fun to dance too but I would not mind a fast dance either, you are a very good dancer I can't remember the last time I've had such a great dance partner" ,Nicko said in response to Katy's statement.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy smiled and let out a small chuckle and said "thanks your a very good dancer as well it feels good on my toes to know they wont get stepped on ". she was teasing him a bit but she did not care she figured they was getting to be good friends and she liked that. She then nodded her head at his statement about fast music and said "yes fast music is fun as well to dance too gets your heart pumping and makes you feel like that if the night does not end soon you might pass out any minute but then you don't cause you do not want to miss out on the fun". She then stopped dancing as the song came to an end and she took her hands down from around his neck and asked "want to dance to the next song or go see if we can meet some of the other students here or the teachers"?

Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, Ashley, Alice, Samuel, Lorelai, Riku, Donovan, open

"Actually, I could use something. I will accompany you, Lorelai."

James spoke her first name fully, as he didn't want her to be worried about anyone discovering about their relationship. He was wanting to protect her from any trouble, and he took her arm to walk her over to the bar. He smiled at her, his conversation light and standard for what a teacher should be saying to his student.

"I am glad you are enjoying the mixer so far, as it appears that is the case. I should remind you, though, that our house elves excel in all they prepare, even if it is just beverages. That makes it something to both be proud of and weary of when it comes to more 'potent' kinds of course. One will not want to face one's first day of classes with to bad of a hangover."

He smiled, making it clear that he was being as overtly protective in his words as he could. He spotted someone, pausing with her as the two arm in arm students, one male and one female, had blue and green flames respectively on the tops of their glasses. He chuckled, smiling at her as he did.

"For example... genuine Vesuvius Rum... not something to mess with if you are not a strong drinker."


Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, Donovan, anyone who comes over...

After Magnus had departed, his politeness making Renee tilt her head. She then returned her look to Donovan, smiling as she did.

"Professor Donovan, I would like to know if there really is a difference in the brooms that are built for speed. I know that there are various minor differences, but I really am stuck on how to choose a new broom for myself. That should be simple, I have been told, but I also know it has to do with both the aerodynamics of the broom itself as well as the driver. I have to admit.. it is a bit hard for me to find a broom with a proper level of handling and speed to my liking, and I am hoping you can help."

She nodded, as she was not just making small talk. She expected Magnus and Lorelai to return, but for the time being, she also wanted to have the question answered as well.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

"Actually.. I had that same question. I really have always had difficulty with brooms, and I unfortunate need more training to fly that others may. It is something that I am not proud of, but flying really is not my strong area."

Ashley was not embarrassed as she would have been before to say that, rather it was a testament to the fact that she was getting into the spirit of everyone around her. It was at that moment, when she was about to say something else, that a pop caught her attention. She turned, and suddenly realized that the floating glittery specks that were now around them were static zappers.. minute little magical fireworks that were moving about and stirring up the room. Giggling from quite a few was going on, as the zappers were ticking many.


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

Samuel was smiling, the zappers starting to come down from where he and the other Prefects had put them. He looked into Alice's eyes, shrugging as he knew she would want to know.

"This is not really a prank, rather it is to liven up the party. Now if you want to really get interesting.. there are some people who react in a much more.. festive.. way to the zappers. Got to love the Weasley family.. they come up with such fun party favors."

He was then dancing her around, the two of them slowly lifting up a couple of inches off the floor. They were not the only ones, as a number of the couples were as well. The floor was magic, as was going to allow more than enough room for people to dance in the entire Great Hall.

"We should talk directly to her."

Creep one, the less threateningly looking of the two whispered to the other. He nodded, knowing that soon they would have to address the person of their interest. They had to get her to understand her place in things, her destiny, was what she had to embrace. This was about the future of blood, and she couldn't be allowed to not see that she had an obligation to those who had arranged her birth.

Name:Cameron Jasper Donovan
Occupation:Flying Instructor, Game Keeper
Blood Type:Full
Wand: Holly (Tinne) dragon heartstring 9 inches
Attire:Black Slacks, Black Polo T-Shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Renee, Ashley, Riku, Anyone

"Well I can tell you that certain brooms aren't for everyone, I have a Firebolt and that's because I feel most comfortable flying that certain broom but the speed and handling on that particular broom can be a problem for others" ,Cameron began after the two girls asked their questions. "There are various manufacturing companies that produce all different kinds of brooms and I would be happy to give you any information on any type of broom you may be interested in and then we can see if it is the right one for you, as soon as all my students have figured out what broom is right for them and have their own I will be handing out some broomstick servicing kits to everyone as I want everyone to keep up on their brooms so that they get the best usage out of them" ,he took a sip from his glass then continued. "So do any of you have a particular brand of broomstick you were interested in"? He asked curiously if so he could go from there with figuring out if it would be the right fit.


Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall

Nicko smiled at the woman's compliment, "Why thank you I try to be very careful not to step on toes I know how bad it can hurt" , he said with a small laugh. When Katy asked what he wanted to do he thought for a moment, "We can go meet the other students and some teachers if you'd like I do have to admit though I am a bit shy" ,he admitted.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Sam

Alice smiled and giggled as she and Sam lifted up off the floor of the Great Hall. The sensation was rather odd, she could feel what seemed to be hard ground beneath her feet, yet to her eyes there was nothing but air. The illusion my her tummy do somersaults, so rather than look down, she looked into Sam's eyes and laughed.

"Always full of surprises, aren't you?" Alice said as she and Sam continued to lift up off the ground. She held tightly to him as they danced, the zappers still going off all about the Great Hall. She had to admit that the sparkles were pretty even if they tickled a bit.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai nodded and smiled as she made her way with James over to the bar to get something to drink. Knowing full well that it took very little to get her buzzed and that she had classes the next day, she decided it best to stay away from anything alcoholic for the night. Another time perhaps when she'd be able to sleep a bit later the following day...

"I think I'll stick to something a bit simpler. Perhaps a lemonade." Lori smiled as she picked up a glass of pink lemonade and began to sip at it. "A much better choice for me," she added softly. "What would you like, Professor Magnus?"

It felt odd for Lori to call him that after everything they'd shared and done together earlier that evening. But such was the way of things. It was a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things and she supposed with everything in life that was worth obtaining, there was always sacrifice. In the end, she knew it would all be worth it.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy giggled and said "well then its a good thing you have me for a friend cause I'm not one bit shy". She grabbed his hand and not waiting for him to say anything made her way over to the group of students and stood next to Cameron saying "Hello I hope we are not just barging in if we are I'm sorry" . she gave the crowd a nice pretty smile.
The leader of the band, an intense blonde named Rachel, then suddenly waved her wand. Suddenly, a fountain cascading in an intricate pattern now replaced the dais, with the spot that the band was on now floating in place in one spot of the pool of the fountain. As the music continued to play, paper butterflies that the members of the band had made were now moving all about the room and joining in some cases with the sparks of magic, causing them to phase in and out, and even through some of the dancers. She spoke into her wand, as it was magnifying her voice as if it were a microphone.

"Well now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome again one and all to the Hogwarts Secondary Start of the Year Mixer. I am Rachel Marshal, and you all know my band, Dumbledore's Reserve. I want you all to know that dancing, drinks, and conversation are just the start. We have games and competitions for all of you, especially certain Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Years who are going to get to show off for you.. including the Prefect Cup getting started here! For those of you who don't know, the Cup is a series of competitions that happen at every major event like the Mixer, and it involves games of ingenuity, skill, and power in magic. All the upperclassmen and women qualify... and one of each gender becomes Prefect King and Queen. Also, the winners tonight among the Sixth and Seventh years are Head Guy and Girl of their Houses for the Year as prize for winning the first night of competition in their respective Houses tonight!"

Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Lorelai

"Actually, I want to stick with having a clear head..."

As he said that and picked up a glass of blood orange juice, the leader of the band waved her wand and then made her announcements. James sipped his juice calmly, very familiar with all of this. It was a yearly thing, something that made him very pleased to remember that he won both Head Guy and the competition on the whole his Sixth year. Of course that was something that he didn't brag much about either, as he preferred other things to be remembered as far as what he was known for. He then smiled at Lorelai, his tone encouraging as he spoke to her.

"I think you have the potential to win.. and I do think that you would make a very good Head Girl. It would also allow you a number of privileges as to where you can go and be. But then, I always have thought you very capable and talented. I may be partial, but then, if I weren't?"

He had been whispering that, very amused but also wondering about who was going to compete. He knew not all Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Years competed, particularly as the Head Guy and Girl from the previous year couldn't as they would have to relinquish their posts at the end of the night.

Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice

"You know I am, Alice, just as I was today and telling you just how much I love you."

Sam kissed Alice again, doing a nice and tender job of it. He was slow in breaking the kiss, the beginning of the interesting events that came with the lead singer of the band flexing some of her magic muscle. He paused just like many of the dancers, watching and listening to what she was saying. He was very amused, but also very attentive. He had competed last year, and won in the Fifth year division for his house, and tied with the very Slytherin Prefect whom he had shared the moment of correction earlier at the Feast with over that group of Slytherin students.

"What do you think, Alice? Should I go for it again this year? I have a shot... and we can always use the advantage of the Head Guy's.. privileges..."

He wiggles his eyebrows, jesting but only slightly as he whispers to her, eager to hear her input on the matter.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, Donovan, anyone who comes over...

Renee was very pleased, as Professor Donovan was already wanting to help her and Ashley. She thought a moment, as she had a few in mind and was curious on his opinion on them.

"Well, I was looking at the Nimbus, Firebolt, and Nimbus series, but I was not sure of the differences or which model would be best. I know there has to be a balance of speed and maneuverability, but that also has to be coupled with the flyer's skill and all. It is not that I don't know how to, but I would like to be better at flying before I do it more than I have."

Renee was told she needed to have more skill, though she was a bit more of a natural talent than her friends she left when she came to Britain to attend Hogs Uni. She knew she wasn't the most talented, that was why she was so eager to learn from Donovan already. She could already see that he was going to be very thorough, and though she knew it would be tough she really did feel that it was going to be fun. As Ashley started to speak to him, Renee started noticing the change of the dais from the lead singer waving her wand, and she smiled as things were getting even more interesting she could tell.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

Ashley was not perfect, though she could do a little bit of flying on her own. Her goal though was to learn how to really fly well on a broom, as she wanted to be more like her friends... and her perspective friends as well. She didn't want to be overly different than those she wanted to get to know, and she then smiled as she made her inquiry after Renee was finishing to let her speak.

"Really, I need more practice and experience, but also some better instruction on handling as well. I know that you can help, Professor, as I am certain you can help me to get better at handling a broom as well. I do hope that some extra help in it as well, as I never really could get the hang of fast flying."

As she paused, she and Renee turned and listened to what the leader of the band was saying, both of them wondering if the two Sixth Years would participate or not. Ashley then turned to Donovan, a question popping into her head.

"Who are the judges for the games and the Cup? Faculty members... students... or a mixture of both?"

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Sam

Alice felt warm and safe in Sam's arms as they floated and listened to the announcement made by the lead singer of the Dumbledore's Reserves. His kiss only adding to the warmth she felt and her lips tingled as he pulled away to look down at her. She gave him a smile and a nod.

"I think you should go for it. I think you stand an excellent chance." Alice's cheeks were quite red as she whispered softly to Sam. "And I don't think I'd mind the perks either..." she admitted, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of scarlet. Giggling a bit, she then buried her face against him.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai felt her cheeks get a bit warm at the suggestion she compete in the games. She hadn't the year prior since she'd been too shy and didn't like being center stage. All too often she got stage fright and worried about how others perceived her. Sam had competed and won the year before and oh how she and Alice had cheered. She hoped he competed again this year. Knowing him, he would.

"Perhaps, maybe," Lori said shyly. "If only I wasn't worried about everyone staring at me," she added with a nervous giggle. "Though maybe I'll try. I suppose I could..." her voice trailed and she looked over at James. "I mean, this year has already started off differently than I'd expected it to. Maybe I should just go with that and see where it takes me."

Name:Cameron Jasper Donovan
Occupation:Flying Instructor, Game Keeper
Blood Type:Full
Wand: Holly (Tinne) dragon heartstring 9 inches
Attire:Black Slacks, Black Polo T-Shirt
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Renee, Ashley, Riku, sees Katy and Nicko

Cameron listened to both girls and looked up when the lead singer of the band made the announcement. After the woman finished Cameron returned his attention to the two woman standing in front of him. "Well the Nimbus Company is known for making racing brooms and the Nimbus 2000 is known as the perfect seeker's broom, they go quite fast but have a decent handling system and are very easy to learn on if you are a beginner" ,he began. He took another sip from his cup then continued, "The firebolt on the other hand is a much faster broom and the handling is a bit difficult due to the speeds the broom can reach, it is not something I would recommend for an amateur flyer but if you are truly interested in flying a firebolt I can lend you a Nimbus 2001 I have until you are ready to fly a firebolt so you don't go spending money on a broom just to learn on and I would be happy to teach you both how to fly properly and safely if you attend my class you will learn a lot and I will also be hosting trainings during my free time as well" ,he smiled before taking another sip from his glass.

Cameron was eager to help all his students and was happy that some were already interested in learning the art of flying. When Ashley asked who would be judging the games and the cup he thought for a moment, "Well I of course will be one of the judges other then that I haven't decided yet I'd like for people to show an interest rather then just choose who judges you know". He smiled once more and looked around to see if the contest had begun yet he then turned back to the two girls, "So are either of you interested in quidditch"?

When the blonde girl came over holding a young man's hand he looked at the two, "No I don't believe you are barging in this is an event to get to know each other, my name is Professor Donovan and this is Renee, Ashley, and Riku she's been a bit shy" ,he flashed a smiled toward Riku who was being a bit quiet the whole time he was over there with the group, he figured she was more of a listener then a talker. "And may I ask what your names are"?


Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Donovan, Renee, Ashley, Katy, Riku


Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/unsorted
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Standard Hogwarts Uniform
Location:Hogsdale Train Station
Tagging:Nicko, Renee, Donovan, Katy, Ashley

Nicko laughed as Katy pulled him along with her, when they reached the group his face turned a bit red and he fell silent. He gave everyone a shy smile. "Hi Nicko" ,Riku stated. Her and Ashley were the only ones he really met so far out of the group. "Hello Riku" ,he said in response. When the professor asked what his name was he looked at the man, "I am Nickolai Dominique" ,he stated and held out his hand for the professor to shake. After he introduced himself he fell quiet again and listened as the rest of the group talked.
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