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The Great Hall


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Zoe, Renee.. then moving to Alice, Ashely, and Riku at the Ravenclaw position...

Samuel saw it all as reason to move about, and he moved to where Zoe and Renee were. He heard something about a weekend, but it was not his to know unless the information was volunteered to him. He stopped, smiling and introducing himself to them both.

"I am Samual Anderson, House Prefect and Sixth Year. I am very glad you both got Sorted into Gryffindor, and I do hope during the Mixer I will get to know both of you much better. I am not meaning to dash, as I will be back.. but I have someone needing my attention."

He made it clear her would be talking to them again, and after parting friendly and warm, he then turned and moved to where Alice and her two new friends were. He smiled, kissing her right there after getting there, then slowly breaking the kiss and then nodding to Ashley and then Riku, introducing himself again to her.

"I am Samual Anderson, House Prefect and Sixth Year. I hope I am not wrong, but I can see you were both hitting it off with my Alice here."

Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Standard Hogwarts Uniform
Location:The Great Hall
Tagging:Ashley, Alice, Sam

"Oh yes my education is very important to me and I would honestly probably be lost without some sort of school work or a good book close at hand" ,Riku said blushing a little. She was a bookworm and had just as much fun buried in the pages of a novel that she would being out and about. When Ashley mentioned Alice's friend coming over Riku looked over and seen Sam walking over to them. "Hello I'm Riku we met briefly I believe" ,Riku said in response to Sam. She reached her hand out to shake his, properly introducing herself. "And yes Alice is wonderful company I've been enjoying our conversation so far and I think she will make a great friend" ,Riku smiled at Alice. She was truly happy to have met her and Ashley and hit it off so well.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging:no one
Katy watched as the room changed into a party room and the feast disappeared. She was in total shock. She looked around for Nicko for she has said she was going to the mixer with him and was not expecting this. She let out a sigh as she saw Samual walk over to Alice and kiss her how that make her feel all more lonely. she did happend to know the way Severus seem to scoot back into his own corner this giving her a sign telling her he did not like things and wanted to be alone. She did not walk over to him instead she found herself a nice spot against the wall to watch the people all mingle not sure on whom to talk to but she knew she wanted to talk to a lot of people even if they was not at her house. She was also making plans on doing something exciting something she knew would breaking the rules but she had to make her house know just who she really was.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Hufflepuff uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Walking away from Hufflepuff Table
Tagging: Anyone; Samson and Jenson

Emilia smiled shyly. "Well now. I'm going to head to the dorms and change then. If either you care to walk back with me you're more than welcome. The walk isn't far. Just around the corner."

Slowly, Emilia swiveled her legs about her chair and moved to stand up once again. She hadn't eaten much, but it was all right. There would be light refreshments at the mixer and drinks. And there was always the late night kitchen run... even if it meant breaking the unspoken curfew.

At Secondary, since everyone was an adult and able to care and fend for themselves, rules weren't nearly as strict as they'd been for primary school. However, the caretakers and those who did reside within the castle still preferred for students to be in their dorms by a particular hour, at least on school nights. On weekends, that was another matter entirely. Those who broke this unspoken rule typically got a verbal slap on the wrist. Emilia also wasn't one to do so ordinarily do such things. Ever. But this time it was for a good reason and being close to the kitchens, she knew she could do the task very quickly without rousing any alarm or upsetting anyone.

Glancing over her shoulder, Emilia looked to see if either Samson or Jensen were going to follow her to the Hufflepuff dorms. Turning back toward the doors of the Great Hall, she pushed them open and walked out into the corridors wondering who she'd talk to, if anyone, at the mixer.

(Exit to the Ground Floor Corridors)

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Ravenclaw uniform and robes.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Ashley, Riku, Sam

Alice felt a warm hand touch her and pull her close. Somehow, without even looking, she knew who the hand belonged to. Before she had a chance to react, she was turned around and Sam's lips were pressed hard against her own, warm and wonderful. She couldn't help but smile as he kissed her, his love and affection for her more than apparent, making her feel so very special and desired.

"Yes, Sam. Ashley and Riku are wonderful. We're already planning a weekend in Hogsdale for Friday next. Hopefully by the end of the mixer we'll have encouraged a few others to join us in our escapade." Alice's cheeks were a little pink as she spoke. She wasn't one to usually plan things, but the friendships with her new sister Ravenclaws came so easily that it just came naturally and she was glad of it. "Hopefully Lori will be joining us as well when I get the chance to talk with her later. Everyone is anxious to meet her." She gave Sam a smile as she stepped closer to him and leaned against him making it clear that she didn't want to break the contact. "Anyhow, are you going to head back to Gryffindor before the mixer or stick around here?" she then asked Sam. "I think I might head back to Ravenclaw and freshen up a bit." Turning to Ashley and Riku, she gestured to them both, asking if they'd care to join her. "Would you like to come with me? Also, Gryffindor is on the way..." her voice trailed just then, a small smile still playing on her lips.

Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Standard Hogwarts Uniform
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Alice, Ashley

"I wouldn't mind joining you, although these robes are very nice I don't think they're that easy to move in so I'll come up to change into something more comfortable" ,Riku said smiling. It was as if she had the smile permanently tattooed on her face, she was completely happy to be here and felt welcomed by her fellow students, it felt nice to belong.

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Standard Hogwarts Uniform
Location:Great Hall

Nickolai stood up after he finished his dessert, he wanted to go change before the mixer started. He made his way to the entrance of the Great Hall and walked out and headed towards the dungeons.

(Exit to Slytherin Common Room)

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie Click
Location:Great Hall

Nicko walked into the great hall and looked around, everyone seemed to be interacting with one another and he suddenly felt that shyness he usually got while around a lot of people. He knew that there was nothing to really worry about but he was always a shy person until someone spoke to him first. He looked around for Katy remembering she had asked him to go with her but he couldn't seem to find her amongst the crowd of students. Nickolai leaned up against the wall and watched he wondered if anyone he had already met would pop into his vision if so he would go and talk to them but for now he figured he would wait on getting into the mix of things.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone

Emilia re-entered the Great Hall wearing her green dress and heels. She swallowed hard as she slowly, hesitantly walked inside the large room. It no longer looked like the room it had earlier at the Sorting and feast. Now it was decked out for an informal party. There was music, refreshments, people milling about. A part of her felt terrified and wanted to run away back to her room. This was the first time she dared to attend one. Even her first year she managed to get out of it and slip away to her dorm room and stay behind. But then, she wasn't one people typically noticed. Short, pale, ghastly red hair. And then there were the freckles. Smoothing out her dress, she walked a bit further into the room, her eyes glancing over everyone, searching to see who was there. As she did so, her thoughts drifted a little... drifted on how to prepare for her meeting the following evening.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Professor Lupin

Emilia felt rather out of place at the mixer never having attended the previous two at Secondary. But then she was never one for parties or anything like that. Typically she preferred quieter get togethers and more often than not did things on her own. Though, she had to admit that on those days when she was by herself she often wished she had a friend or two in which she could spend her time with, someone who would understand her and not judge her and just take her as she was. She never got that from her own family, so it would be nice to have a friend.

Biting down on her lip, Emilia dared to venture further into the Great Hall. There were enchanted trays floating about the room filled with light refreshments. As she looked about the room again, hoping to see a familiar face, a tray of drinks passed by and hovered next to her. Looking at it for a moment, she opted for something light and sweet, a lemonade. Carefully she picked up the glass and brought it to her lips to take a sip.

Emilia wondered if Samson or Jensen would show up. Samson had said he would, but he was no where to be found. As she wandered a little more she started to recognize some of the faces, but her nerves were getting the better of her. They all seemed to know each other, happy and engaged in conversation, making plans for the upcoming weekends. Suddenly none of it seemed all that appealing. Walking a bit more, she noticed people turning their heads to look at her as she passed by and it made her feel more than uncomfortable. She felt like people were staring. Judging. It made her want to hide.

Finally, Emilia set down her nearly empty glass of lemonade and walked over to an area where she could get away from the crowd a little and get some needed air. As she made her way toward a seat, she caught sight of a familiar face.

"Oh, I..." Emilia stammered, her eyes had found those of Professor Lupin's. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect to see you here." She paused a moment, her cheeks going red. "That is, I mean, not that you wouldn't be here. Just that, I didn't expect it. I..." Again she paused, fumbling over her words. "Oh gosh, this is coming out all wrong. I'm so sorry. I apologize."

Emilia covered her face in embarrassment wishing she could just run away and hide and now, more than ever, fearing that her chances of working for him as a research assistant were truly destroyed forever. Who'd want someone who stumbled over their words working for them? Surely not anyone.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Ravenclaw uniform and robes.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Possibly Sam, Ashley, Riku, Renee, Zoe

Alice gave Sam a hug and then smiled at him before making her way through the Great Hall. She hoped that both Ashley and Riku were following her. As she made her way through the large room, she indicated to both of the girls that Sam had been talking to earlier at his table that they could come with since the way to the Gryffindor Dorms was on the way to the Ravenclaw Dorms. Happy and excited, she went out into the corridors, ready to head to her dorm room and get ready for the mixer.

(Exit to the Ground Floor Corridors)

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Professor Lupin

Though her cheeks were still a bit red, Emilia felt a bit better at Professor Lupin's words. "Really?" she then asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question. "I guess I'm just used to being treated a certain way and thus have certain expectations." She giggled a little just then. "Makes it easier to expect disappointment when you've already prepared yourself for it."

Emilia wasn't quite sure why she made the admission she had to Professor Lupin just then. Perhaps it was the informal atmosphere or the fact that he'd tried to make her feel better. But for better or worse, she gave him a glimpse of the girl underneath that awkward exterior of hers. She just hoped it wouldn't influence his final decision in letting her do research for him.

"Anyway, I don't usually attend these. This is my first one." It was another admission. Oh Emilia was on a roll and she was beginning to wonder just how foolish she was coming off.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy looked around the room one more time when she noted Nicko she made her way over to him . Soon as she got close to him she said "Hey shall we go mingle with the rest or was there something you wanted to do "? She did not know what to do at the mixer but she did notice that there was music maybe he wanted to dance. she thought about her old school's dances and had wished she went off and changed but she did not want to leave all this excitement. She was still wearing her cloths from being sorted but she liked her jeans and her t shirt she did not care to much that she did not change. She was one strange girl for she did not like wearing dresses much.

Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Standard Hogwarts Uniform
Location:The Great Hall
Tagging:Alice, Ashley

When Alice made her way out of the great hall Riku followed, she wanted to go change and get to know the way to the common room. She was grateful to have met someone who knew their way around, not only was Alice becoming a great friend but she was very helpful and considerate with the first years.

(Exit to Ground Floor Corridors)

Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Zoe, Renee.. then moving to Alice, Ashely, and Riku at the Ravenclaw position...

Samuel had parted from Alice and the other girls, Apparating to his room to change. It was one of the privileges of the older students Fifth year and up. He was soon in a nice light shirt and his favorite slacks along with his best soft-soled shoes. He was cool and comfortable, and soon was back to the Corridor outside of the Great Hall.

As he waited for Alice, he peaked into the door and smiled. A large number of smaller tables were now there, with plenty of space on the floor for dancing. There were also bars in the corners for drinks, both alcoholic and non, as well as floating trays for snacks and all. The band, Dumbledore's Reserve, was already tuning up and a number of students were already in there now.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: The entire Great Hall for the moment.

After quickly telling Zoe she needed to change, Renee ducked out and headed to the Gryffindor dorms. She soon was out of her uniform and into a stunning red blouse with a black skirt with gold trim. It was demure and not overly flattering, rather accented her trying to be a lady and not to make other women jealous. She totally didn't like being the center of attention, and as she walked in the flats she got to go with it, she was going for a blend of style and subtle. She was soon peaking in with Samuel, having overheard the band's name from another girl on her floor. She had one of their CDs, and hoped she could request a song for them to play from it.

"Wow... I got one of their CDs in Sydney... they are good...."

Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Alice, Riku

Ashley had gotten to her room, and she was really nervous. She had gotten her favorite dress, a blue number that was very subtle in style on. She was very nervous, and she took a couple of breaths and thought about the fact that she had gotten to make friends so soon. After putting on her flats and then adjusting the dress, she soon was walking into the corridor outside of the Great Hall. She saw Renee with Samuel, and she paused just out of sight to calm down more. It was a few more minutes, and then she returned and smiled at them, introducing herself to Renee who took her offered hand.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Professor Lupin

Emilia winced a bit when Professor Lupin referred to her as a 'kid'. It made her feel like a child and she hardly felt that she was one any longer. She was twenty now and though she still relied on her parents to a degree, that was beginning to change rather drastically as of late. And given the way she'd been treated by her family a majority of her life, she felt a bit older than her years just naturally. Maybe that was naive to think in such a fashion, but it was how it was for her nonetheless.

Turning her wince into a half-hearted smile so as to cover up how she felt at the remark, Emilia giggled very softly. "Indeed," she said. "Trends always change, coming and going like the wind over water." She paused a moment as she sat down next to him. "But some things are timeless and it's typically those which go unappreciated by most since far too many are too busy ogling the newest fad." She giggled then. "Funny though how such things eventually dwindle and become yesterday's news. But what's even sadder still..." Her voice trailed a moment. "That timeless piece still goes unappreciated. More people should take time to stop a moment and do such things. Don't you think, Professor?"

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Lorelai; looking for Sam

Alice was excited to be heading to the mixer arm-in-arm with Lorelai. She'd gotten to share her news with her best friend and learn some news about her as well. The year was starting out perfectly... the two of them finding love. She could only hope that the rest of the year played out so well. So far it seemed to be running down along such a path. She'd met some girls who seemed wonderful and she was anxious to introduce them to Lori and finalize plans for Friday next... now if her classes went this smoothly... she had to giggle inwardly at that thought. She was a studious girl, bright and smart, always doing well. But that didn't mean she didn't hit the occasional hiccup. It was one of the reasons as to how she'd met Sam. He'd helped her a bit in her younger years with classes.

Slowly, Alice entered the Great Hall, her eyes scanning the room in search for Sam. She was more the anxious to find him and be by his side. Ever since that kiss on the Cliffside Path, she knew by his side was where she was meant to be.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Alice

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai entered the Great Hall with Alice, her arm linked with her friend's. She wondered if James had arrived yet or if he'd casually show up late. Either way, she knew he'd be there eventually. Being new faculty for the school, it made sense that he'd at least mingle a little bit to help put some of the newer students at ease.

As Lori scanned the room, she couldn't help but smile. McAllistair had definitely gone all out this year. But then, the Headmistress was never one do things small scale if she could help it. Not that she was overly extravaggent, just that she liked to give to her students when able. And this year was definitely no exception.

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:The Great Hall

When Katy came over and asked if he wanted to go mingle with the rest of the students Nicko nodded, "Sure let's go" ,he said happily. He felt a lot better having someone with him then going in and mingling alone. Although he had already met a few of the students he didn't really see any of them besides Katy and Riku who had just walked into the Great Hall. He looked to Katy once more, "How about we go get something to drink"?

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia nodded at Professor Lupin. "Yes, Emilia is fine." She smiled a bit, her hands reaching to cover her face at first. Realizing what she was about to do, she stopped herself and awkwardly placed them back in her lap. She noticed his pause as he continued to speak, his tone taking on an odd inflection before he cleared his throat. Tilting her head, she hoped she hadn't said something to upset him in some way. She knew of his line, his relations. She sensed it. The fact that he was doing the research he was, was evidence enough... "Thank you," she then said not wanting to add to his discomfort. "And I'm not saying one shouldn't look ahead to the future, Professor. But if we forget the past how are we to ever learn from it or grow?"

Emilia bit down on her lip and stared at her hands for a brief moment. She hoped she wasn't being too forward in discussing her thoughts so openly. But for reasons unknown, she suddenly found it easy to talk to Professor Lupin in the current atmosphere they were in, so different from earlier when they were in his lab. It was as if she could talk to him and he'd listen and not judge her. It was oddly... refreshing.

"I hope I'm not being too bold, Professor. I so rarely get to speak like this to anyone," Emilia then said, smiling once again, her cheeks a bit red as she did. "So, thanks for that. Also, I know I still have a lot to learn. I both know and accept that and know it would be foolish to think otherwise," she continued. "I just... I don't know." Pausing once more, she glanced over at Professor Lupin. "I guess I've never had very much guidance and have had to rely on myself to find my way most of my life." She looked away and stared at her hands again. "It can be overwhelming sometimes, frightening. I wish it was different. So badly..." Her voice trailed and she realized she was babbling on about things he probably wasn't overly interested in. After all, her personal life and troubles could hardly be of any interest to a man such as him. Cheeks reddening more, she winced. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I apologize."

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia felt a strange warmth rush over her at the compliment she was paid by Professor Lupin. In the short while she'd known him, he'd done his best to make her feel better about herself. To make her feel like she was someone who could one day be truly important somehow in some way. She wasn't sure if it was intentional or not or if it was just his way to ease her nerves given it was the start of the year and she'd approached him about helping him with his work. But all the same, she was very appreciative. The compliment seemed genuine enough and that was what mattered.

"I do hope it gets better, Professor," Emilia admitted. "I just want my life to mean something." She turned to look at Professor Lupin once again and smiled sheepishly. "Silly thought," she said with a tiny giggle though it was still quite clear that her admission had been a serious one. "I just want someone to care whether I come or go... I've never had that. Not even with my own family."

Emilia could feel her eyes prickle with tears so she immediately looked away from Professor Lupin and back at her hands. She refused to cry again. She wouldn't. There was no way that would be happening twice on the same day. Especially not when she'd just returned back to school and especially not in the company of this man who was being kind enough to converse with her.

"I guess we don't always get what we want though. Do we, Professor?" Emilia whispered.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia nodded as Professor Lupin spoke. Profound words indeed. As he continued to speak, her eyes widened. Had she heard him correctly? Did he...

Turning her head to look over at him, Emilia's eyes went wide, "Are you... did you... I..." She was stumbling over her words again, her cheeks getting redder by the minute. Her lips suddenly quirked up into a smile and one of her hands reached up to cover it while the other reached out to gently brush Professor Lupin's arm. "Thank you, Professor. Thank you so much. I won't let you down. I promise."

Emilia's entire body was giddy with happiness and she had all she could do to contain it. But she managed. Barely. More than ever she was eager to start, to prove just how hard a worker she'd be as well as how much of an asset. She'd do her best to make Professor Lupin proud, to help him succeed. That was what she wanted and as she sat there next to him, she knew it was what she needed on some level as well.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy gave Nicko a pretty smile saying "sure a drink sounds nice". She let the boy lead the way after all she did tell him it was his choice on what they was going to do. She looked around the room and saw clusters of students together and anther smile played on her face. She felt happy at the moment with Nicko and cause she has someone to talk to it kept her out of any trouble she was thinking about doing. She also saw boys give her a hard looking and she knew what they was thinking and if they was given half the chance they were sure to jump at the chance to date her. She smiled knowing she was a pretty girl and in her old school that caused problems with the other female students and was the cause of some of her fights.
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