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The Great Hall


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Zoe, Renee.. then moving to Alice, Ashely, and Riku at the Ravenclaw position...

Sam smiled when he spotted Alice and Lorelai together, turning to Renee and Ashely.

"I see them, and I will be back with them in just a minute.. as I am certain you both would love Lorelai."

He nodded, then was moving to slide beside Alice on the other side, kissing her the second she turned when his arm was around her waist. He was very pleased to see Lori, but he didn't want Alice to forget about him. When he had finished with the kiss, he reached over and hugged Lori as well. He held the three of them in the hug for a bit, knowing that Lori was like a sister to him and that he wanted her happy. When he broke the hug slowly, smiling as he did and brushing her hair back.

"Now you are going to have to tell me where you have been, young lady?"

He smiled as he said that, leading them to one of the four corners so they could get something to drink. He wanted a fire whiskey, and he also wanted them to have little privacy.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, anyone who comes over...

As she watched Samuel go to the two older girls, Renee looked around after he entered the Great Hall. Ashley moved with her, and she could tell the blond girl was far from home and very in need of being there for others. She was far from home, but Renee saw a very bright person like herself and she smiled and place her hand on her shoulder.

"Ash.. if I may call you that.. don't be so nervous. I can tell you are already liked, and I think that, if we decide to get a group of us 'girls' together, we can all have a great day or weekend on the town. I was talking to Zoe about that very thing.. what do you think?"

Renee spotted someone that she thought she recognized from pictures she saw of her biological parents, but for the moment she was not going to bother him as she waited for Samuel to return as well as Ashley's answer.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, anyone else

Ashley blushed and smiled, a mix of emotions making her think for a few minutes. She was very happy that the idea of the "girls' time out" was not confined to a few of the female students, but she had to admit to herself that she had been nervous around Renee. She was very in awe that Renee was there, and she was so totally different from what she knew her infamous parents were recorded to be like.

"That would be very good, Renee. I am sorry I am so... on edge... it is just...we're here... it is very intense..."

She looked over where Sam was talking to Alice and the older girl who had to be Lorelai. She was very much hoping she was not going to be excluded and all.

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:The Great Hall
Tagging:Katy, Anyone

When Nicko got to the bar he ordered his drink, "I would like a glass of cranberry juice please" ,Nicko said. He knew that they served alcohol due to the older students but he wasn't on to drink because of his father. He had a sort of fear for any type of alcohol not that he was afraid of the liquid itself just how he may act if he drank it. Nicko looked around and seen a few familiar face and waved to a few people he had met earlier in the day. When Nicko got his drink he took a sip, it was cool and refreshing and he enjoyed it very much. "So where are you from Katy"? He asked trying to make conversation. It was obvious he was still a bit nervous being around so many people but he was definitely starting to loosen up more and more as he noticed more familiar faces.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Lorelai, Sam; Waves at Ashley and Renee

The moment Sam was nearby, Alice just knew. It was as if she could sense his presence and nearness. A wonderful warmth seemed to engulf her from top to bottom making her feel safe and beckoning her to move closer to wherever he was. Though as she turned her head to look for him, he'd already found her. Smiling, she felt his hands splay about her waist pulling her close. Oh how she loved the way that felt. Within moments, his lips were upon hers again in another heated kiss. It wasn't a lewd kiss, far from, but how she felt it all throughout her body as his lips moved over hers in those brief moments they made contact with her own. When he pulled away, she could hear herself whimper softly. Something she knew she'd probably always do when it came to him. She couldn't help it.

Alice then watched Sam move to hug both her and Lori. It was clear he was happy to see their friend as well and she wondered when Lori would share her news with him. Given the discretion she had to take they'd need a bit of privacy would be in order. Suddenly, as if sensing that, Sam pulled them both aside. 'Ah, Lori had been right!' she thought to herself. 'Sam had an idea...'

As Sam began conversing with Lori a bit, Alice looked out into the Great Hall. She searched the room a little for familiar faces and noticed Ashley not too far off. Giving her a smile, she gave her a wave, letting her know that they'd all be joining her and Renee shortly.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Alice, Sam

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lori blushed a bit and glanced around a little making sure that no one was within ear shot. Once sure that things were safe, she leaned in close to Sam and whispered, "I've been at the inn in Hogsdale, but I suspect you had your suspicions on that." She paused a moment. "Things have been solidified, Sam. Spoken about." She pulled back just enough so she could look into his eyes. "He loves me and I him. We'll be careful."

Though Lori knew no one could hear her save Sam and Alice, she wouldn't use names. She wanted to be extra careful while out in the open at a party and while things were still so new. Besides, she knew Sam knew exactly to whom she was referring and that was enough for now. There was time enough for more detailed explanations later when they could sit and talk in a more private location.

"And Sam... I'm finally happy."

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia smiled as she looked over at Professor Lupin. She was giddy with excitement as she listened to him speak. Despite that, she took in his words and made sure to make note of everything he said. There was definite merit in everything he mentioned as potions was not something to take lightly. Ever.

"Yes," Emilia said with a nod. "I promise. You have my word, Professor Lupin. I will do as told." She bit her lip about the grades, but continued to nod. She'd always done well in her studies, but she'd never had anything extra on the side to detract her attention away from them. So, she knew she'd have to prioritize and make sure to stay on top of things. And oh she would! She wanted this. "And I promise not to let you down. I'll stay on top of my studies. I will. And I'll do what I can for you as well. You'll see. I promise you won't regret this decision."

If Emilia hadn't been so inhibited, not to mention had been better coordinated, she'd have jumped up and danced around on the spot with joy. But, given things, she just smiled and giggled a bit. Her enthusiasm was more than apparent.

"When should I expect to get started, Professor?" Emilia then asked with a smile. "Tomorrow?"

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia smiled and giggled, her hands moving to her face to cover it up. She nodded as Professor Lupin spoke, listening intently to each and every word. It was amazing as she sat there. In a single instant she suddenly felt like the weight of the world had been lifted, like something precious had been offered to her. And it was all because this man was showing trust in her abilities and faith in the fact that she could both learn and do the work, that she'd be an asset to him and helpful, useful. Finally, she felt as if she meant something even if only in a small way. She wondered if he understood just how much this meant to her, this gesture. All of it.

"I'll be sure to brush up then, Professor," Emilia then said as she brought her hands down. Her voice was soft and the smile still played upon her lips. She was so excited, so happy. To think she'd been crying earlier! Now, things were taking a turn and she couldn't be happier about it.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, anyone who comes over...

Renee could tell from what she was watching that the friend of the girl and Samuel was very happy, and though she didn't know the cause she could tell that she was happy. She knew happiness when she saw it in someones face and in their eyes, and she smiled. Something told her that, like Alice herself, she deserved happiness as well. She nodded at what Ashley said, something very pleasing about Alice being with the prefect of her House.

"Those two are very lovely together, Samuel and your Fourth Year friend. What is her name again? I am sorry.. I didn't get the chance to hear it before, Ashley."

Renee was already speaking to the other young woman as a friend, very pleased to get to see all of the things that she was and very glad to be around so much happiness. She was so deeply hoping that nothing from her past before now would come back to make it hard on any of her new friends. Her eyes scanned around the room, noticing she was not seeing the two Slytherins that had been looking at her with those "Death Eater eyes" that she had been dealing with off and on most of her teen years. She was smiling even broader in relief, taking a couple of glasses of chilled punch off of a floating tray beside her and handing one of them to Ashley.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, anyone else

"Her name is Alice Snow, and yes, Samuel is her boyfriend... but I don't know how long they have been together. She is a really nice person, and so is her friend.. Lorelai, if i remember properly."

After accepting the glass of punch, sipping it slowly, Ashley noticed Renee looking around and looked around as well. She sensed there were some very interesting vibes getting thrown around the room, and she was sensing a lot of ease from Renee now and she put what happened earlier in perspective.

"I didn't think Creep Two and Creep One are here..."

She stole a look at Renee, who giggled softly at the reference. She then stole another look around, very eager to see someone she didn't see at the Sorting or the Feast.

"I so hope that Professor Magnus is here soon... I really wanted to talk to him about his work in Asia where he got his wand... plus he is so smart and cute..."


Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Lorelai

James Magnus was very pleased with how the night was going, and his entrance into the Great hall in his very nice suit, the silk shirt he was wearing open two buttons open as he was not wearing a tie. He was still American, and he was not going to totally change from that. He was getting a feel for the room when he realized that one of the students in front of him, their backs turned to him, was Renee.

She was talking about something, and it pleased him that her tone was pleased and happy. He overheard the reference to "Creeps", but he was going to leave that alone as he then overheard the other girl, a blond, say that she thought he was smart and cute. He recognized her voice as one of the really good students he remembered from his lectures back in the states. He laughed softly, deciding to speak on that.

"Smart, I guess I can agree with.. but I have not been cute since I was little."

Both girls whipped around, Renee smiling with Ashley stunned.

Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

Samuel smiled broader, realizing that he was right. He kissed Lorelai on her cheek, very happy for her as he did. He knew that she deserved to be as happy as he and Alice, but he also suspected for a long time that Magnus did as well. He was so stoked that his favorite professor (from the lectures) was now full time at Hogs Uni, and also with his "sister" Lori as well.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you, Sis. It really is something I have been wanting for you for a long time. I have to say I don't think it could be with a better person for you. He cares about you so very deeply, and I could see that for a good while."

He was about to continue his praises of James Magnus in his subdued voice when he spotted him. He smiled, turning back to Lorelai and smiling even wider.

"Speaking of Prince Charming...."

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Lorelai, Sam; Sees Ashley, Renee, Professor Magnus

Alice just stayed close to Sam for several minutes as he spoke to Lorelai. Somehow she'd known he'd be accepting of things given that Lori was sure he'd be astute enough to pick up on it all without her having to say as much about it. And it made her happy that they'd all found happiness at the start of the year. It made the outlook that much brighter knowing you had someone special to share it all with. Sure, they'd had each other as friends. But this turn of events made things that much better.

When Sam suddenly mentioned Professor Magnus' name, Alice's eyes went wide and a tiny smile played on her lips. She gave Lori a knowing look and giggled softly. She reached out and touched her friends arm, giving it a loving squeeze before leaning close to Sam once more.

"We should go over and say hello," Alice then said.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Alice, Sam; Sees Ashley, Renee, James

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai smiled. "Thanks Sam," she said. "It means a lot to hear that. And... I love him. I really do." Her cheeks reddened slightly as she said it, but her smile also broadened. She looked over to Alice who seemed elated and that only made her feel better and accepted. She knew the relationship would be a difficult one for most to swallow once they were able to go public. But it was nice to have the support of her closest friends.

Lori then looked over at James who seemed to be chatting with a couple of students she didn't recognize. Obviously they had to be first years. The one girl looked terrified and it made her giggle a bit as she could relate to that feeling as she'd been that way at one time as well.

"Yes, let's. I'd like to meet the new first years as well." Lori noticed Alice had waved at both ladies earlier so she figured she'd already made friends with both. "Having missed the Sorting this year, I missed out on meeting new people as well," she added. "So make sure to introduce me to your new friends, Alice!" she said with a soft giggle feeling so happy to be back.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy walked up to the bartender. and thought about ordering a wine cooler but decided to see if they had her favorte drink instead so she ordered a Dr. pepper. when she got a class of it she made a big smile and was very happy for sure she was glong to love living here. She heard nicko ask where she was from she turned to nicko and smiled saying "Own from the untied states where are you from".

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall
Tagging:Katy, Anyone

Nicko took another sip from his drink as Katy told him where she was from. "I am from Russia but I went to school in Germany" ,he said in response to Katy when she asked where he was from. "That is why I sound more German than Russian I spent years in Germany the school I went to became a second home for me and I didn't really want to leave it" ,he let out a small laugh then took another sip from his cup.

Name: Emilia Jane Harrison (Em, Emmie)
House/Year: Hufflepuff/3rd Year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Holly, 9 in, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Simple green A-line dress with spaghetti straps and matching heels
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Professor Lupin

Emilia nodded when Professor Lupin mentioned she should stop by the labs the following night after classes. She was very excited to get started not to mention learn something new. From the sound of things, everything she'd be working with had the potential for danger or even death. And though that scared her on some level, there was an element of thrill there too. It made her eager to start doing research on the Wolfsbane Potion and to gain a better understanding of Lycanthropy in general. She had quite a bit of reading to do, that was for certain. So, as Professor Lupin said his... odd... good bye, one that made her tilt her head and wish he'd just tell her the truth she sensed but still wasn't 100% sure of, she gave him another nod and knew what she had to do. She had no desire to remain at the mixer any longer. Instead, she'd rather start doing some research. Something, anything. Anything that might help them work toward finding a cure.

(Exit to the Ground Floor Corridors)

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy gave a small smile at his laughter loving the fact they was getting along. she then took a sip of her drink then asked him a question she hoped he would not take it the wrong way "So Nicko do you have any girlfriends here that might take us chatting the wrong way cause right now I'm in no mood to fight". She gave a small chuckle to show she was teasing about that last part trying to think of things to talk about but not sure what she could ask him and what to say around him for sometimes her tongue ran away with her. She turned back to her drink thinking she should slap herself right about now.

Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:Great Hall

Nicko smiled a bit when Katy asked him if he had a girlfriend, " I don't and if I did she would not be jealous, I have pretty high standards even though I've never really been in a relationship before" ,he began hoping he didn't sound like a jerk. "It's not that I don't want a relationship I just don't want the wrong one, I want love not just a fling you know I'm looking for a wife and I know it's a lot to ask for now a days but if you don't aim high then you will always be disappointed, that's my motto" ,he continued. Nicko gave Katy a friendly smile before taking another sip of his drink.

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, anyone who comes over...

Renee couldn't keep from giggling, her eyes telling Ashley that she was not laughing at her, rather the situation that was now before her. Renee had to admit that Professor Magnus was a catch, but she knew somehow he was very much taken, even if no know knew by who. She herself was happy for the man, as she always had thought that at one time he had a dark past as far as relationships were concerned. She paused and placed her hand on Ashley's shoulder, wanting her to know she was alright.

"It's okay, Ash. You didn't say anything wrong at all, as Professor Magnus here is good about that sort of thing. Ashley Palin, I would like to reintroduce you to the much talked about Professor James Magnus... who really should give us an explanation why he missed all of the fun at the Sorting. professor, this is Ashley Palin, one of the First Years who was Sorted into Ravenclaw.. just as I was chosen for Gryffindor."

Renee was ribbing Magnus, but she was very pleased he was now there. He had told her that he would have an older student, someone he knew he could trust, help her get used to things at the Uni, but who she knew also would be there for her in other ways. She was eager to know who it was, but she would let him tell her in his own time during the mixer.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

In the midst of the mixer really getting started, Ashley was blushing brighter than the illuminations that were shining red over them. She had not meant him to know that she thought such things about him, even though her primary thoughts were of respect and total admiration. She slowly extended her hand, which she held out in a proper and mature posture.

"Professor, I don't know if you remember me, but I was the one who asked all of those questions about wand woods, cores, and how they affect DADA skills and all."

Ashley remembered that some of her questions were off the wall, but she still stimulated the lecture into deeper matters.


Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, Ashley, Alice, Samuel, Lorelai, open

Jame gave Ashley a firm handshake, nodding as he was very pleased at the memory of that lecture. A few of the older students gave him welcomes and commented on missing him at the Sorting and the Feast. He nodded, returning his look to Ashley. As he replied to her, James' tone was to help her relax as well as to help her know she is alright now at the school.

"Actually, as I remember it, that was the highlight of the lecture. I was very pleased that someone else other than I paid that much attention to how wand/core combinations play a part in DADA skills and how they grow and adapt."

He then looked to Lorelai with her friends Alice and Samuel, gesturing to them to come on over.

Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

Sam saw that Prof. Magnus gestured to them, and he smiled as he turned back to Alice and Lori. He knew that Lori, even though she had to keep their romance under wraps, would want to be close to the man. He didn't blame her at all, as he wanted to constantly be close to Alice. He was holding her close to him, his arm around her waist, as he spoke to them both then.

"The man himself is wanting us to come closer and mix. Personally, I think that is a fine idea, but I will let you two divine 'Sisters' of mine decide on that. I would love to get to know Renee better, but again, that is up to the both of you. As the daughter of two of the most infamous magical people ever, her being in Gryffindor now should be very good to discuss."

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy smiled and a thought ran thou her mind "maybe they might end up together". she pushed that thought aside for now making friends was good for her. she turned to Nicko and playfully said "well this shall cheer you up I do not have somebody ether I'm single it seemed all the guys i thought i might date back at my old school were all players so I decided to just stay single for awhile and yes one has to aim high to find the right person and I agree flings are no fun for they end to quickly". she took a sip of her drink then added "maybe someday I will find my husband or mr.right or prince charming what ever you want to call him but for now I think being single and seeing whats out there and making friends is a good way to start looking for him ". She turned to Nicko gave him her most pretty smile to let him know she was not offended by what he had said to her.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Lorelai, Sam, Ashley, Renee, Professor Magnus

Alice smiled as she stayed very close to Sam, liking the way it felt to have his warm hand touching her waist. He was so warm and inviting and it just felt so right being near him. Safe.

It definitely would be interesting to get to know Renee better, Alice had to agree there. She seemed an interesting person to say the least. Very nice and friendly and well adjusted. So as she, Sam and Lorelai walked over to Ashley, Renee and Professor Magnus, she couldn't help but wonder how the girl must feel to have such parents. The fact that she seemed to have the support of the Headmistress and was being allowed to attend the school at all spoke volumes of the sort she was. Though how she managed to handle her lineage, she had no idea. No doubt there were times it had to be difficult.

It made Alice's heart twist a bit for her, hoping that people gave Renee a chance. She knew she would be along with those who were her friends, especially Lorelai. She glanced over at her best friend for a moment, her eyes catching a glimpse of her scars on her arms as she glanced away and back at everyone as they continued their approach. Lori disliked bullies immensely and for good reason... and so did Alice.

As they finally reached everyone, Alice smiled broadly and leaned in closely to Sam. "Hello Professor Magnus," she said reaching out her hand to shake his. She then turned to Ashley and waved and smiled. "Hi Ashley." Lastly, she turned to Renee. "Hello, my name is Alice Snow. Fourth year, Ravenclaw. Welcome to Hogwarts Secondary." She extended her hand in hopes to shake hers.

Name: Lorelai Elizabeth Flannagan, Lori
House/Year: Ravenclaw/6th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Ash, 11.5in, Phoenix Feather, Bendy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: White sundress and sandals
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; James, Alice, Sam, Ashley, Renee

((Game Time: Has just returned from the Hogsdale Inn unnoticed, is now attending the mixer))

Lorelai nodded and smiled as she, Sam and Alice slowly approached James and the two students, one of which she learned was Renee LeStrange... the student James had told her about earlier that day. As they made their way over, she was fairly certain she knew exactly which girl was her, the darker-haired girl, and as such watched her a bit over the other student. She seemed relatively happy and adjusted given things and that made her very glad indeed. It meant that she'd been shown love and support while growing up. Something she'd have needed for sure given things.

Though, as she continued to watch Renee, Lori wondered if there were things that still cropped up here and there. Yes, times were better, but there were still those who shared the ideals of the original Death Eaters of old, those of... Voldemort. No doubt that history still followed her to some degree. And it made Lori hope that no one at Secondary bothered Renee about such things. But unfortunately even the nicest of places still had their bullies and creepers. She just hoped most of them stayed away. The fact that she was in Gryffindor helped ease her mind a bit, however, since she knew it would mean Sam would be looking out for her to some degree. And Sam wouldn't tolerate bullying or anything else just as she wouldn't.

Finally, as Lori, Alice and Sam reached everyone, she glanced back and forth at both students trying to take in both faces so that she could commit them to memory. Alice spoke her hellos first and when finished, she stepped up to do the same.

"Lorelai Flannagan. Sixth year, Ravenclaw. Nice to meet you both... Ashley... Renee." Lori extended her hand to both girls, hoping that both didn't stare too much at the scars marring the flesh of her arms. She then turned to James and smiled at him, extending her hand to him as well. "Professor Magnus. I trust you are well?"

Name: Renee Eve Arizona Marvolo LeStrange (Renee, Eve)
House/Year: First Year
Blood Type: half-blood
Wand: 10 inch Rowan, chimera mane hair, flexible with a riding crop for its handle
Broom: (in room)
Attire: Basic Hogwarts Uni uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Ashley, James, anyone who comes over...

Renee smiled when both Alice and Lorelai introduced themselves, and she did shake both of their hands. She liked them both immediately, and knew that she would get along with the both of them nicely. She didn't say anything about the scars she noticed on Lorelai's arms. She was not going to ask how she got them, as that was something that needed healing that only love could give.

"It is really nice to meet you both, as both Ashley and Professor Magnus have told me something about you respectively. I really am already feeling at home, and eager to get into classes as well as fun with as many as possible, and all of those I am meeting and getting to know tonight are good starting points."

Renee was relaxed, deciding to let Alice and Lorelai ask her things first. She was the one with the intense past, so she was willing to be the object of scrutiny for the time being.


Name: Ashley Shannon Palin
House/Year: First, unsorted
Blood Type: Half-blood
Wand: Red Oak, 10 inches, Granian tail hair, supple and flexible
Broom: (if you have one on hand)
Attire: Travel cloak over basic Hogwarts uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, James, anyone else

Ashley shook Lorelai's hand, smiling and realizing that she was not the only person who had difficult to deal with families. She had minutely noticed the scars, and Ashley kept her thoughts to herself. She now was very eager to get to know her more. Lorelai was very happy now, something that told the younger blond woman she had deserved for a long time. As she spoke to her, Ashley smile and let her know just how true her words were.

"It is really a pleasure to meet you, Lorelai. Alice has said nothing but glowing things, and I really would like to get to you know you much better as I think we will get to be good friends."


Name: James Alexandre Magnus
Occupation: Professor of DADA and Potions
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 13 incch Cherry with dragon heartstring core, appropriately yieldy and attached to the platinum hilt of a Musketeer's rapier
Broom: It was sent on ahead.
Attire: Nicely tailored
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: N/A
Tagging: Renee, Ashley, Alice, Samuel, Lorelai, open

James sipped his drink quietly, just watching the group of students getting to talk and know each other better. He was not addressed yet, so he was perfectly happy to be "chaperoning" the group of students in their talking. He was deeply in love with Lorelai, very eager to have her again soon, but that was not the situation at the moment. He was going to wait on that for now, and he smiled at them all, especially her, as the talk got started.


Name: Samual Christopher Anderson (Sam, Chris, Andy)
House/Year: Gryffindor, Sixth year
Blood Type: Full
Wand: 12 inches, Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, attached to the hilt of a Royal Navy cutlass.
Broom: Not yet
Attire: Gryffindor travel uniform
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: n/a
Tagging: Alice, Lorelai, Anyone else..

Sam also was quiet, his arm around Alice and holding her tightly to him. He was watching around them, very pleased with all he was seeing and hearing. He was careful while scanning all around them. The band was playing instrumental, but soon they would start really performing. Renee loving them was a point in her favor for her with him, as he was a fan of theirs as well. He loved that Ashley was getting along with both Alice and Ashley, as his "Sisters" deserved both love and friends after all the things they had been through all the years he knew them.

Name:Riku Taven
House/Year:1st year/Ravenclaw
Blood Type:Muggle Born
Wand:Maple, 9.5 inches, slightly springy and pleasant.Hair from Centaur's tail Core
Broom:Don't have one
Attire:Jeans and a T-shirt
Location:The Great Hall
Tagging:Anyone, Alice, Ashley

Riku went over to one of the bars and ordered a glass of pumpkin juice, she had become quite fond of the drink ever since she had frist drank it at primary. When she was served her drink she smiled and thanked the person who gave it to her then made her way into the mix of things. She noticed Alice and Ashley talking with a few people one of them being Sam who she had just met before the mixer started she smiled and gave them a wave, she was happy that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and felt that the year was going to be a good one.


Name: Nickolai Dominique, Nicko
House/Year:1st year/Slytherin
Blood Type:Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, 10 and a quarter inches, flexible.Veela Hair Core
Broom: Don't have one
Attire:Suit and Tie
Location:The Great Hall

When Katy smiled at Nicko he couldn't help but smile back, he was glad to make friends with her she was very kind and seemed to enjoy his company. "So erm what would you like to do next"? He asked seeing as he chose to get something to drink, it was only fair that she chose what they did next.

Name: Katy swift
House/Year:unsorted /first year
Blood Type:half
Wand:Chestnut, light brown , 6in, unicorn hair
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire:the schools robes with a black tshirt with a white tiger on it with blue jeans and black and white sneakers
Location: walking towards hogwarts secondary
Travel: Not Applicable
Katy thought about his question for a bit then said "well would you like to dance or not cause if not we could just go and see who all is here and see about making some new friends". she did not want to push him in the wrong direction thinking she was putting moves on him for she had done that before got friendly with a guy trying to make friends and then he got the wrong idea and she ended up sitting alone at a dance wondering what she did wrong. She stood up from the bar and made her way over to Nicko and stood by him with a kind smile.

Name: Alice Katherine Snow, Alice
House/Year: Ravenclaw/4th year
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Wand: Cherry, 10in, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Broom: Doesn't have one.
Attire: Blue form-fitting dress and matching heels.
Location: The Great Hall
Travel: Not Applicable
Tagging: Anyone; Lorelai, Sam, Ashley, Renee, Professor Magnus, Riku

Alice smiled at Renee as she shook her hand, still staying quite close to Sam as she did so. She could feel the warmth of his body emanating from him and it comforted her, made her feel safe. "Well hopefully it was all good things that they both said," she then replied, her cheeks turning a bit pink. Her shyness was slowly coming back a bit, but not overly so. But that tended to happen more so any time attention was brought to herelf. "Though I'm glad you're enjoying your time here already. Sam here will ensure that with you being in Gryffindor. He'll easily make sure no one gives you trouble there," she added, obviously proud of him and the man he was. Just then, she caught sight of Riku waving as she walked by. She waved back, gesturing that she join them in their conversation. "That reminds me, Friday next a few of us were discussing going into Hogsdale for a girls get together. We're hoping several will go. You must come along. Myself and Ashley will be going and, if I can help it, I hope to persuade Lori here as well."
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