Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

I highly doubt that'll be the case. But I don't mind making another. So be on the lookout for a profile in the nearish future. :)
Been all right. Hectic-ish. But it always is. Trying to oust this freakin' cold. My allergies are making it feel like it's lingering longer. The cough is killing me and making my asthma act up fiercely. But outside of that. Not bad. You?
Decent enough, need to get things packed up for the end of the year, get rid of some clothes, that sort of thing. Nothing sickness wise for me, besides perhaps my feeling drowsy the last two days.
Not bad and be glad illness has stayed away. It would've for me had it not been for my kids. Allergies would've been it, though those were annoying enough. Tree pollens have been extra bad this year...... But yeah. My son got a cold and thus the avalanche began. And speaking of clothes.... I need to get rid of stuff myself. In a majorly bad way. >.<
They are just old and I needed new stuff. And because of space. Anyway, gotta run for a bit. Be back later. :)
Also, started posting for Emilia.
Ugh. Engineering has killed my writing ability. Being used to writing about science is not a good thing.
Originally, I was going to minor in math before I'd planned on going to grad school and doing the BiomedE thing (and then needing the zillion and one Bio and Chem classes). I will forever be 1 class away from that damn minor.... >.<

What's funny too....... I am dyscalculic. Yep. And I kicked ass in school too. *nods* :) Yay for overcoming learning disabilities and showing that it CAN be done! I'm rusty now though due to lack of practice....... but, yeah. Was good at it all when I was active and in the thick. :)
I actually cannot remember formulas. I might be able to remember them for a week or so before they're gone. I've had to drop classes because of it. Which is really annoying.
I could never really remember formulas much either. But I could derive like it was no one's business. I'd remember simple concepts and go from there. It was how I was able to do everything. It was also why I sucked so royal at basic math, but did so well in calc and diffEQ and such.
With the Sorting Ceremony upon us...... I added in a post in the 'useful links' thread about the various 'typical' traits for each house. Now, of course, there can be overlap and such. But these are the typicals. Just wanted everyone to know what they were so you could keep them in mind. Everyone has free choice as to what house their character can be placed in. But, for those of you not as familiar with Potterverse, I thought this might help you decide. :)
Should I presume that we only have the head conversation if undecided or don't know anything about the houses?
Hrmmm???? People can go where they want, but they should try to stay somewhat canon-ish. But in case some people haven't read/seen the movies, I figured it might be helpful if they had a clue. :)
I meant for posting, like having them go up then if we need to decribe what they are thinking. I expect a few where the hat goes on for a while trying to decide, even when it only happened in canon for a few out of dozens.
If you want you can do that...... That can be up to the poster. So, if you want the hat to shout out the house straight away, that's fine or if you want the hat to spout out a sort of indecisive internal monologue of what's going on in your character's head, that's fine too. I can see that happening if there are overlapping characteristics and the person isn't sure and such. And.....in the end...you can have them go where you want. But, as I keep reiterating, best to have them go where it makes the most sense. But, from what I gather, I think people pretty much get that anyway. :)
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