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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

wildkat said:
Hey all just wanted to say when the sorting starts can Katy be in slytherian if i spelled that right?

If you spelled it right? Yes. Otherwise you get Gryffindor. Anyways, DarkAngel, should I take it that your characters know very little about the muggle world past their early childhoods?
You can have your character sorted wherever you'd like. The only thing I recommend is that you try to keep your character somewhat in cannon to the house. So, if you are Gryffindor, you should be a bit braver than most, impulsive, etc. If you're Ravenclaw a bit more studious, eccentric, etc. Hufflepuffs are hard workers, have a penchant for following the rules, etc. and Slytherins tend to be super ambitious, etc. And those are just a few traits. Of course there are overlaps and not everyone fits perfectly. But that's the gist.
"Tech"? Might I suggest you read over the posting rules and as well as the posts above yours?
Eh? If you're talking about the header thing I'm slow in adding it on. Don't get yer panties in a bunch.
Unbeknownst said:
Eh? If you're talking about the header thing I'm slow in adding it on. Don't get yer panties in a bunch.

Mostly about the a post a bit over yours saying that- never mind.
I never said any of those things were technologically based did I? He specializes in finding ways to fuse technology and magic.
Now now, boys... too much and I will stop this game and turn around and head on home. LOL

But, perhaps there does need to be a bit of boundaries there.

In general, everyone is posting very well, and some interesting things are developing. I am certain there will be many moments of need for clarification.

Are there any questions that I perhaps can help with?
And yeah, overall, I'd like to add that I'm loving how everyone is posting as well. I will say, however, that when interacting with others to make sure that your posts are solid enough to give people something to bounce off of. Remember, we're ALL building a story here and according to posting rules, posts should be at least a solid paragraph. They don't need to be insane novels if that's not your thing, but they should give others something to go off of and develop from. :)

But anyway, in general, I'm really liking the mix of characters. We have quite a mix indeed. heeee!!!!
No worries, I was thinking some of the same things as well, hence my own questions. Need to see how much I can push the boundaries. Besides, Jensen and/or his family have been working on converting electricity to magic so as to power spells that were to risky for anything less than large groups of upper tier magic users to do. That, and I was thinking over converting a wizarding radio to both work multiple ways instead of just being a receiver. Also some experiments on magic and the eletrical charges in the body. Stuff like that. Mostly built up from generations of work from very competive people over the world who have already been going through enforced darwinism and tracking genes. Needless to say, not everything works and the British don't really have the people focussing on it in their territory.
Indeed. Anyways, I doubt I will continue the demon suck territory right now, so shall we begin our tour or Sorting today? Also, anything able to think of people they RPed with who did a decent teacher? Also, has everybody been taught their contraceptive spells?
Fair enough, though my character doesn't. I will guess that the Hogwarts classes on the matter were for seventh year and simply never shown. That and the Death Eaters would want to keep up the birthrate amongst the non-Slytherin Houses, as they tended to keep to having single children. Though that... I need to keep fanon and canon seperate.

Also, I am trying to juggle which of the five people for Jensen to respond to the interactions with without creeping people out. Would you mind having your character change the topic so that he doesn't have to scare people away?
Why does everyone think Jensen is odd without first knowing who he is? At which time they can be concerned.
Alice is verrrrry shy. She's trying very hard not to be not to mention trying hard to hold onto Lori's mantra. Being in her 'element' helps her somewhat and having Sam there helps too. Plus, she just got a letter that more or less made her day. lol. So that definitely lifted her spirits. Presently, she's not sure what to think of Jensen yet and she likes both Nicko and Ashley. Katy, she's unsure of yet because she hasn't really interacted with her at all. As for Lori and Sam, well, she has history, so that's a done deal and with Tech.... well, she likes him ok, but she doesn't like the nickname he has for her (or for Lori) so that makes her avoid him because she thinks he doesn't like her overly much and that's why he might say such things. So that's where she stands on everyone. As for a topic change...... I suppose she can just say something like 'enough with the forest, how about the pretty cove'. >.<
Most people at either the scorpion or by using their quasipsychic abilities. Then again, he is rather strange.

And yes, he is a strange one..... I get that from his internal monologue. Then again, it makes him both unique and interesting. And definitely a spice of life for the game. So, can't go wrong there. lol.
darkangel76 said:

And yes, he is a strange one..... I get that from his internal monologue. Then again, it makes him both unique and interesting. And definitely a spice of life for the game. So, can't go wrong there. lol.

Only strange at Hogsdale. At the Reunions... Hmmm. Probably should bring someone to it. Anyways, his deep dark secret is going to take some time to reveal.
Right. Anyways, I'll follow Alice's lead. And just so I know, does she have history with Tech?
Tech and she attended primary together and have been in secondary together for as long as she's been there. So, they do know each other decently well. She, however, is extremely shy. She's gotten better since her days in primary, so she's gotten to know him better in secondary vs primary. Tech makes up nicknames for people. His reasons and where he comes up with them are a mystery as he's eccentric and rather oblivious and tends to not really notice peoples' feelings all that much. His nickname for Alice is Frosty. She doesn't like it and it hurts her feelings greatly so she tends to avoid him as a result because she doesn't like how that makes her feel. He also has a nickname for Lori too. He calls her Scars due to the scars she has all over her arms. The fact that Alice looks up to Lori and knows that has to hurt her makes her even more leery. Anyway, being as shy as she is, Alice thinks that the nickname is because Tech finds her to be a cold and unapproachable person. Whether this is true or not.... don't know. She's too shy and leery to find out.
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