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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

Okay folks... this is crunch time as far as the Sorting goes... go forth and take the House you feel pulled to by the horns.

... or... ears... or... feathers... or.. scales... whatever. Remember in the Potterverse, what you desire is as much as what the Sorting Hat finds within you.
Indeedy. Please do. Feel free to have your student hear their name being called and go on up (alphabetically please, so be watchful... list was given above *points up*). If you need to see how a 'sorting' goes, please refer to the wiki link and look it up in the 'useful links' thread. There should be info there about the Sorting Hat and what not. And if that's not enough.... go to YouTube and watch a clip from the first HP movie.
Did I misread who was implied to go next? I want my post to go directly after that of the mystery character.
Posting order for sorting was posted earlier. The mystery girl is last. And I believe that she'd gone by her 'foster' name for good reason. I don't know full details. But, I think part of it had to do with protection and possibly some other stuff too. But again, all guesses on my part since I have not seen her profile and know very little.
Just letting Kadavro know in case he missed it he is before me and he is next not trying to sound like i'm rushing things if he wants to take his time to get sorted cause of real life things then i understand and can work with that.
The mystery girl (at least still mystery to the characters) threw that curve because there really is no sense in hiding her real last name. It is not the name, nor should it be, that causes the reactions but what the person does themselves. I know that may have messed up some things planned for characters to do, but there is a certain reason for the theatrics. Think back to when, suddenly, Harry Potter was the unexpected fourth name selected to participate in the Tri-Wizards tournament... or in fact revelations of any unknown thing in the early stages of any saga. I am not trying to through a monkey in wrenches, rather role-playing a recently-turned eighteen year old girl who has after a time decided to own the truth of why she was every conceived, let alone born, is all. I hope that explains why she is going last.

(Also, please remember, owning a truth and living up to it are two entirely different things.. that is all.)
Kadavro said:
Don't suppose my character can be late so that she gets the thunder strike effects?

Why are you wanting to attack her now?? She has not done anything, as she has not had reason to.

Also.. you are kind of holding things up, and you really need to have your character sorted. At least one other character is waiting on you.
Ah, I did not know I was next. I will write something up, though internet may be down for a while as I pack.
The line up was posted a couple days ago..... >.>

Plus, we'd said alphabetical way before that. But it's fine. Try to do so today since I'd gotten the impression you knew yesterday morning and really you should've known for a while now. Not to mention... if you can post elsewhere, you should be able to squeeze in one post for this.
I apologize, I had missed the line mentioning myself yesterday. Was there a place mentioning it before that I had missed?
Yep.... just Riku is left and then we're onto the 'mystery girl'. Then everyone we'll have been sorted and we can wrap up the ceremony and move onto the mixer. :)
Good Sorting posts all, I think.. and yes.. soon the fun begins...... *rubs hands together, maniacally laughing....*
That sucks.... just do what you can, when you can.....

Also, Ashley needs to drop the NPC dealy from her header and needs to add the Ravenclaw crest.

One student left to sort and then we can move on to the mixer and other things.
Happy mothers day dark angal and I will not be on due to the holiday spending time with my mother and my kids.
Happy Mother's Day to the other moms. :)

Looking forward to the mixer. SHOULD be getting to that pretty soon. I think..... I hope..... Regardless, I know my characters will be at it and mingle with whoever decides to join it.
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