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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

Katy will be joining the mixer and decided i might as well bring out her true nature then no more sweet in accent Katy this role play i think needs some drama.
Sounds good.... :)

Can't wait to see what's in store...... I foresee some awesomeness in this game's future. heeee... Not that it isn't already. But, well, I foresee even more. :)
lol Just wait till i come out with Katy's bad side hehe just think of buffy the vampire slayer gone bad but she wont be killing anyone thou too much drama if she would to kill someone lol
lol oop i will do that but i can't find the link to were you have all the crests listed and the link to post the pic.
No worries. They are in the 'Profiles' thread.

Speaking of profiles.... finalized profiles for both Ashley and Renee need to be posted. >.<

And I think I'm the only one keeping up with the diaries........ >.>
That's all fine..... I'm actually interested in seeing how those progress. And I also hope they help entice others to maybe join in down the line. Would be awesome. :)
crap i have writers block sense after all i already posted that she was eating at the feast i guess i could wait till the mixer starts sense I'm the only in slytherian house all others are Npc
nicko slytherian when did i miss that hold on going back to read some old posts lol maybe i can work something for her .
smacks head against the table as i realize i may have ether read and not put it to mind or missed the name of the house some how lol
This is a multifaceted post, so everyone please make certain to read it totally before thinking every part is about everyone.

First, I think on the whole, everyone is writing well. I see well-developed characters and not caricatures, as well as multiple ways each character can go.. forks in the road so to speak with choices. I know that many of you have plans for how things go out, but for the most part, I am seeing much in the way that can really work out even if first choice things don't always.

Second, I am very pleased to see more than just "goody two-shoes" positives and "maniacal laughter" negatives, which would just be cardboard plot. Well done. as the more of that we have, the more we bring out of each other in this game.

Finally, and this is something that bothers me.... some posts are not really being paid attention to. I would like to state that all posts, especially by the faculty, be they PC or NPC, need to be headed. Also, there will be serious consequences for any power-gaming or god-mode behavior. I am not just saying this, as both I and the other GM here, who is the board admin, I would like to point out, will bring the hammer down if needed.

Those of you who are innocent need not worry about that last part at all. Please keep up the good work, as your posts are all getting read and very much liked.
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