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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

That's all kind of up to you. All the rooms and in between are available for you to use for posting, but you aren't required to necessarily post in them all as you travel from place to place. They are there if you'd like to or if you want/need them. I figure in some instances, you might want to use them say for a particular scene where you are walking and having a long conversation.... gives your characters places to go and things to see. Or, if they duck around a corner to hide (for whatever reason... could be for ANYTHING, lol). So, if you want to skip it, it's fine. Just they are all there if you want them at any given point. :)

Ohhh.... however, it might be fun, at least for the first time they enter anyway..... to have some fun with the passwords. But again, up to you.
I think I'll have him go to the common room then to the dorms just because in my opinion having to say the password to get in is essential :) even if I'm only going to have him pass through to get to the dorms
Unbeknownst said:
Now I feel like I'm being watched. I'm paranoid to start with, and when people say things like that I feel the need to triple check the rooftops. >.>

Dude! I'm admin.... what do you expect! Muahahahaha!!!!! XD
Plus, you told me about it yourself if you recall. Silly nilly.
Just wanted to let people know that I made an announcement in our game announcement thread about game time vs real time and how when people split up and re-converge and such that posting in 2 locations at once is fine if the times don't jive linearly and all that jazz (like say one group takes longer to do their posts than another making the reconvergence in REAL time different). So yep. It's ok to do that so long as you label times or a 'when' or whatever so that people aren't confused. Obviously, linear is best, but with everyone's schedules being different we can't always have this happen so neatly.
Busting you all know using phone so i can't copy and paste my header on my post but i will later
I'm sorry guys, I just keep tripping when trying to get momentum for a post. I fear that I may not be cut out for the high schoolesque part of this and may need to pull out so as to not have others waiting up on me. Or switch to a teacher. Either or.
Well, I'd hate to lose people and your character is definitely interesting and has potential for plot device. But if you'd rather create a professor or some other outside character that comes into play, that is fine. You can still keep Jensen alive if you want as a NPC and use him from time to time if you get bored or even for comic relief since he's definitely added that thus far. Up to you there. But ultimately, it's up to you how you want to do that. And again..... this isn't supposed to be High School. It's supposed to be more like college. Youngest people around should be 18, but I get your meaning. Also, don't be afraid to throw out ideas for plots either in here or with a few if you want to keep some element of surprise yet need to involve a few. You will need GM approval for some stuff if it's going to majorly affect things RP-wide, but if it's only going to involve and affect just that few, feel free to go ahead and plan with them. No harm in that at all. :)
Alright, I will browse over the things I had planned out in the past sometime tomorrow and see if there isn't anything I could put ahead of schedule, then make my choice if I do not believe I can.
All righty. Sounds good. As I said. Feel free to throw out plot ideas if you have them be it with a few or RP-wide. And everyone is free to have more than one character and to create NPCs. You just need GM approval. But as you all know, we're fairly lax there, just mainly want to make sure that people are keeping cannon and have a grasp on basic game rules and that sort of thing. :)

But yep. Sounds good.
Just wondering can I make another character, a teacher I noticed there's really only two and thought the RP could use a few more I can play up to four characters so I really don't mind plus I have so many personalities for characters it's crazy ha ha I love creating characters and if it's ok I can create a profile and PM it
Krys Snape said:
Just wondering can I make another character, a teacher I noticed there's really only two and thought the RP could use a few more I can play up to four characters so I really don't mind plus I have so many personalities for characters it's crazy ha ha I love creating characters and if it's ok I can create a profile and PM it

Which sort of classes would your character teach? Having teachers with enough decades under their belts and some white in their hair would do could for keeping grades up.

Though seriously, there is a list of various classes listed in the profile thread by the Professor Profile Template. I think I hit most of the classes that are listed in the books and a few extras that might be pertinent. Feel free to use any that I might have missed that aren't taken and/or to make something up that could potentially be interesting. If you can back it up.... no reason why we can't use it. Right??? Also, those that are being used, should have a strikethrough on them.
What is needed a female teacher i can do that sense i can play two characters maybe three if some other houses need more people i can even play a boy but it seems to me the genders are about even .

A plot idea not sure who Katy will end up with but sense she is bi i was thinking she could two time with a girl and a boy for some added drama up to you all if you guys want to do something like that after all Draco was not the nicest person and thought that could fit for my Slytherian girl hehe. The two lovers are not suppose to know about each other or they can its up to you guys.
If you want to do something along those lines, that is fine. I suggest perhaps discussing with whomever you might like to plan that out with. And nothing wrong with having a villainess or drama-starter. :)
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