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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

Just read your posts and they were great. :)
And that's fine if he does..... Emilia isn't participating either and hasn't ever done so yet. lol. Alice and Lorelai are only doing so for the first time themselves and look how old both of them are, especially Lorelai. :) So yep, totally fine. :)
Just an idea, I know there was a contest for writing before, why not a contest for rping, that could be used to enhance a rp perhaps, or not, just a thought.
I think it would help recruit people here if this was the place for the contest per say. I guess it could fit into either category.
Just wondering I know I have 3 characters as of right now but like I said before I can do up to four and seeing as we have a shortage on people right now I was wondering if I could make another professor. I seen there's a need for a magical law professor and I have a great idea for a character.
I was woundering i can play two characters at max once i did three but not sure on that but if you need more teachers sense they are all male i can play a female teacher if you need more students i can put one in hufflepuff or in a house that has the few students in it that is not slytherian she would not be a first year sense the sorting is over .
If you'd like to play a second character, by all means feel free to make up a profile for them for submission. Whether you'd prefer to do a professor or a student is up to you. I say it's always best to do what you are most comfortable with and prefer playing. Once you go outside of that you risk making it a chore for yourself and then you lose the whole point of RPing. And that is to have fun with it. :)

So either is fine. I look forward to seeing what you submit. :)
I will make a student i thought about doing a teacher but then again that would require me to do alot of research on the subject for its been awhile sense i have read the books to know the lore on classes enless i make one like that one teacher who could look into a globe and see things and predicted that harry potter would die .
Ok..... so the profile you sent was supposed to be for a student? You sent one filled out for a teacher. XD

If you were meaning for a student, do a quick tweak and make sure you are filling out the right template and then resend it to me so I can look at it and all that. Thanks. :)
No I changed my mind when i looked at the list for teachers i saw that you guys had no grounds keeper or caretaker i could play that greatly cause i know hagrid real well and the other old guy with the cat that seems to know were the students are at and alert him to them when they are were they are not suppose to be.
I think I pretty well managed to work both my characters into being stuck for a while. Well wrote a couple of posts to write posts, but if I don't post for three days that would be why ^^;
All righty. Though, you can always find ways to work them into interacting. Don't ever feel like you can't. And when it comes to groups, always look for ways to engage with others so you aren't by yourself all the time.... the point of groups is to interact with one or more of the people involved. Though, when things come up it makes sense to place your character in a position where you might be a bit more isolated just so you don't hold things up, etc. But, I'm sure you get what I mean. But anyway, thanks for the heads up. Hopefully you'll get your two charries into the mix more I think they have a lot to offer the RP. :)
This is to Ruphhausin's announcement in the Announcement thread: I will have Nicko get involved as well seeing he is in the great hall if you want any of my character's to do anything specific let me know currently Riku, Cameron, and Nicko are the characters I have in the great hall.
For me, I have both Alice and Lorelai in there..... Emilia and Norah are elsewhere. :)

As for the rest of the announcement...... I think the biggest thing is this. If a GM has a plot idea that involves EVERYONE (or most everyone, depending), they should mention that in 'announcements' straight up so that EVERYONE is aware of it right off the bat. They don't have to give all the details necessarily since the element of surprise may or may not be key, but they SHOULD say something at the very least. I think this should go for anything be it a big detail or small detail because the GM is a leader here and those involved are going to look to the GM to lead. If that leader fails to lead, then people flounder and have no clue what to do and communication is lost, etc etc etc.

For small scale stuff that involves one or two people, that does NOT require an announcement. For that sort of thing, feel free to discuss things via PMs to start with (ie, pairings and other such things). If little plot-lets form around your characters involving one or two members, definitely discuss it with them to begin with, but then bring it up in OOC so that people have a heads up. It might not directly involve them, but it's nice to be aware of things nonetheless.

Remember, this is a GROUP game. So communication is ALWAYS key. Use your best judgement here. Not everything needs to be announced. But a fair amount does. Especially when it starts impacting the overall RP.
That is why I apologized, and I apologize again. I should have been clearer, I know that now.
Since we are kind of/sort of nearing the end of the day before the first day of classes....... and a few of you have professors who will be teaching actual classes....... I figured I'd get the ball rolling there and have you guys discuss what you all wanted to do there. I know I'd like to see the actual classes possibly play out since I think those could be a ton of fun to see and partake in provided they mesh with peoples' characters and their majors and interests, etc. Better to have actual classes than to gloss over them in flash backs in other posts, right?

So, that said................... if people with profs wouldn't mind discussing what classes they'd like to host the first day that would be awesome. I know myself, and I'm sure others would as well, would like to have an idea on what to gear up for class wise for our student characters for day 1 of classes. :)

GAME ON!!!!!
I think so as well. :)

And I think with the bunch of professor characters in the RP, I know for a fact my characters will be able to take a bunch. Heh! I have 4 students raring and ready to take classes!!!!!!!! lololol. So, what classes do the profs want to teach on day 1?????
as for my professors I think Professor Braeden is gonna do Muggle Defenses day 1 and Donovan is just the flying instructor so he'll be teaching flying lol
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