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Hogwarts Revised: Hogwarts Secondary - OOC Chatter

No, Krys.

You, like many, are doing well and fine. I love how your characters are written, and your posts are always contributing to the flavor and direction of the group. You have nothing to worry about at all.
Also, don't forget............. 3-day posting rule! Unless you have muse issues or rl issues (which are bound to happen, of course), please try to stick to this and also please try to let people know in the delays/absences threads if you're not going to be able to post as well so that people aren't left hanging on you either. Sometimes people are relying on your posts and are left in a lurch and it's rude to leave them as such indefinitely. Sure, people can eventually work around it, but you shouldn't place them in such a way if you can help it and definitely should give a heads up if you can. Thanks.
On a side note...... I'm personally loving the plots I'm seeing form around all 3 of my characters. So yay and thanks to all contributing to that. You all are awesome. :) And in general, a lot of you are. *sage nod*
You know something, folks. I have role-played every since I was a kid, and in formal form with actually recorded rules since around eighteen. Having said that, something happened in the main board that has thoroughly pissed me off.

Someone, who has really finally chapped me redder than ever imagined, brought here to BMR, and specifically to this group game, intend to sabotage things by "role-playing worse than those on here" to give an almost direct quote. Well, to that person, and that person only, let me say this very simple way of putting it.

Your self-righteous and self-aggrandizing merely goes to exaggerate your own personal lack of imagination as well as lead to the questioning of the vibrancy of your own role-playing site/board itself. How dare you, or anyone else from there or any other board, come on here and act like Nazis about style, ability, and so forth. Especially, if I may add, when you take names from the most overrated "hack and slash overblown board game" out there in table top. I am so sorry that Warhammer bores you to the point you have to do that, but please spare us your "purest" views. All you are really doing is showing just why you shouldn't be role-paying in any way in the first place.

Role-playing, in all of its forms, has no room for narrow minds.

For those of you who know this is not for or about you, please understand that I am saying this as a player and a GM who knows all the work that you put into things, and that you are perfectly fine. The person who knows I am talking to them knows I am talking TO THEM.
damn man someone is actually being a dick about how people write? In my own humble opinion a roleplayer should be able to post to anything and that means anything from two sentences to two pages I've adapted to many styles of role playing in my two years of roleplaying and I have realized that some people write different then others and I've found I can adapt to most writing styles I am by far not the greatest RPer ever but I have respect for other role players because in all reality we do this for fun right? So let's just have fun, people should keep their stank ass comments to themselves and let people enjoy themselves. On another note I am loving this Group it is actually one of my favorites out of all the groups I've been a part of on other sites and I can't wait to see where it goes. Also sorry for rambling but I've dealt with criticism nearly my whole life and if it's not constructive then it shouldn't even come up.
All I have to say I tried to get into a rp once and it was on here not going to mention the name of the person but i fixed my profile like three times for her trying to make it perfect and still got rejected so i told the person I will not be joining their roleplay sorry. I say if people get to picky the story line drags out and people start dropping out of the role play then it like just dies.
Well, I don't think we have to worry about that in our game...... I think everyone in our game is fine and free of the potentially trolly crap that might be going on. Sadly, no matter where you go on the internet trolls exist and nitpickers exist as well. But anyway, as I said, I think our game is safe from that sort of thing. So I don't think anyone needs to fret or worry there. This game welcomes people of all RP-styles and levels of HP knowledge (even though we have our rules, but they aren't insane rules or anything, just enough to make it fun). That's why we have our links and have this discussion thread. It's to help people out who might need info on the books/movies, to help people out with headers and little things that add to the RP experience and fun and just in general. But that's the main thing. That everyone has fun and that we all build a great plot together. So far, I think everyone involved has been doing that and I, for one, am really glad about that. I meant it earlier when I said I was pleased with the plots I was seeing begin to form around all 3 of my characters. I really am. And what's so awesome about that is that they branch out into everyone else's character. How many people can truly say that about a group game and a group game as extensive as this? Not many. So, seriously, everyone should be pretty happy about that. I know I am. And I thank everyone for joining and contributing. Seriously, it's become a lot more than I thought it would and it's all because of everyone's joined so far. And who knows who may still join. After all..... look at how fortunate we were to have a new person join just recently! How awesome was that? I mean..... woot! :)
Snivellus said:
Can anyone play Albus Severus? Even as a side character? He's my characters adoptive father and I'd like to have a few scenes with him .... (not sexual) if not it's cool ... figured no harm in asking.

Is there anything we should know about their past relationship if we were to try it? Friendship, blame, jealousy... That sort of thing.
If people haven't done so yet, I'm thinking that by the end of the mixer for sure, people should be starting to update the diaries..... unless it's going to just be me who does this for their characters. >.>

Also, looks like we have some things to look forward to in the RP and possibly some things brewing in the under current. We have some Slytherin ongoings of the darker kind it would seem starting up given the near fight that almost broke out during the feast. We have a reincarnated Snape. We have a surrogate spawn of Voldemort and Bellatrix LeStrange. And we have a research foundation doing all kinds of stuff in the dungeons of the school. The girls are planning a future weekend in Hogsdale. What about the guys???? Hrmm.... you all are kinda silent. lol. We also know that the forest is inhabited by Lost Souls... nasty things.

But anyway...... those seem to be the major things going on at present. And the mixer is just around the corner. Hope everyone is enjoying the RP so far. I know I am. I'm loving the plots revolving around my 3 characters and the overall game itself. And it's thanks to everyone involved. :)

Anyhow, no doubt more will be coming and unfolding as things flesh out. I foresee holiday events depending on how things fare and who knows what else. Maybe some will be daring enough to venture into the forest???? EEEP! But anyway, hope everyone is enjoying things.
okay well it seems every one that talks to my character save Snape tends to dissapper not good thing for my character lol. anyways nothing to post till the mixer sorry fresh out of ideas inless i come up with something evil for her to do at the feast.
Mixer should be starting verrrrrry soon. I hope. My co-GM should be announcing it in his next round I believe. Also, those of you who choose to go to your common rooms to get 'ready' for it (I know mine will be), don't forget to check the 'layout' thread in the stickies for the passwords and whatnot. For those with Ravenclaw students, it's a riddle to follow suit with how the books are, etc etc.

Anyway, from the announcement of the feast's end people should be able to run pretty smooth for a while through the mixer to the night. My thinking is that people can pretty much do what they want at the mixer until they want to have their characters finally go to bed for the night thus pretty much ending the first day back.

Sound good to everyone?
Also..... in case people need 'directions' to where their dorms are, those can be found in they 'layout' thread. Looks like people are free to either start attending as they are or head to their dorms and change if so inclined. Also, the mixer is optional so people technically don't have to attend or they can stay as long or short as they like at it. Up to everyone. But once everyone feels like having their characters go to bed... thus ends the day.
I hate my life. On that happy note, cheers! I'm alive. The one day I had internet this week, my computer was basically turned into a video phone for, hah, roleplaying purposes. Not having internet for about a week was horrible. I actually had to go out and do things. Anyways, I'm a failure and I heartily apologize.

Ah. Now I have so much to read through...
No worries. You're back and I was well aware of your situation. Have fun posting and bringing Tech back into the thick of things. :)
Now I feel like I'm being watched. I'm paranoid to start with, and when people say things like that I feel the need to triple check the rooftops. >.>
Question if Nicko wanted to go change he would exit the Great Hall and go to the Corridors then the Slytherin common room then the boy's dorm? Or would he just exit Great Hall and go straight to the Slytherin Common room then the dorms?
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