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This or That?

Neither, but as I have to choose one, wine.

Fake fingernails or real fingernails?
Real, even though I’ll be wearing fake for my wedding 😂

Fake flower arrangements or real?
Listener. You can learn a lot about a person (and by your surroundings in general) just by listening and observing, and it means I don't have to expend energy on direct interaction.

Ferris Wheel or Merry-go-round?
Wrestling, sure it's staged but the personalities are more interesting.

Coke or Pepsi?
Hiking. Especially if there's edible stuff along the trails. Wild blackberries give me nostalgia of simpler times running around fields catching dragon flies.

Sexual compatibility or conversational chemistry?
Conversational Chemistry. If you are just talking about interacting and nothing else.

Horror or Comedy?
Lambada ... because I love the Lambada song since my childhood. ^_^

Credit card or cash?
Cash. No bank fees involved in the transactions, cash retains its value, and you can't restrict where & how I use cash.

Take a long walk or go for a short run?
I have always loved long walks at night or in nature for the head spaces it places me in. I simply cannot do repetitive high impact for the purpose of exercise these days because my knees aren't what they used to be. Isometrics are bomb.

Deep sea or outer space?
Outer Space. Even though both are still deathly terrifying.

Swimming or sun bathing?
Both, but if I had to choose it’ll be hiking.

Reading a book on a kindle or hard copy in your hand?
Hard Copy. I think this one has appeared in a different thread (or maybe this one...not important :) ). I enjoy the simplicity of holding a physical book and turning the pages...and the book will be there for reading long after the Kindle's batteries have died. ;)

Porsche or Ferrari?
I love both but Skittles!

Sedan or hatchback for your car?
Painting, granted I think it's much trickier to find a painting that fits just the right mood which would be why a poster might be easier.

Firefox or Chrome? (Sorry, it was this or that only could do two!)
Firefox. I don't mind Edge, but for a second browser Firefox has always been nicer - and I've never liked Chrome since its early days when it was damned difficult to uninstall when you needed to.

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
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