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This or That?

Power out for a day.

Be cursed to always speak in riddles or have every question you ask be answered with a lie?
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I think I already speak in riddles, so I'll go for that. Better than lies anyway

On a ham and cheese sandwich, ham or cheese on top?
Singular character.

Would you rather buy a house and know it's haunted or buy a home that you eventually find out is haunted?
I'd like to know it going in.

Would you rather be attacked by a werewolf or a vampire?
Vampire. Good luck getting an invitation into my house with my introverted ass.

Would you rather end war, or end world hunger?
End War. You could then direct the funding saved into agriculture. It's a pipe dream, I know. Population control is also required (which may, sadly, need a bit of War).

Eggs (again): Poached or Hard-boiled?
Hard-boiled... there's a salad somewhere longing for 'em.

Would you rather be the Smartest person in the world or the richest?
I’d take being the most smart cause if I truly was that intelligent, I’d be able to use my smarts to invest in the right things, discover new anomalies that would inevitably lead me to becoming as rich as I’d like, whilst I believe being the most rich person in the world would put a huge target on my back, at least with being the most smart I could regulate my wealth to living extremely comfortably but still remaining under the radar. I also have the bonus of just being insanely intelligent with money hehe.

Would you rather always feel understood, or would you rather always feel valued?
Understood. Value isn’t something you seek from others. Understood is great to get a complex point across.

Would you rather be able to live for an average lifespan but you’re always in your physical prime or you’re pretty much immortal but you do age very slowly (a decade is equivalent to roughly a year for you).
Average lifespan in peak physical form. We aren’t going to have a pleasantly livable planet for much longer anyway.

Would you rather be able to breathe under water or breathe in space?
Underwater so I can be the worst Aquaman to ever exist. And to see the pretty fishes. Maybe find Atlantis too.

Being able to cosmically project so you can experience being anywhere without moving from where you are or having a never-ending supply of stamina (meaning can't get tired and no need for sleep)?
Stamina because why the hell would I ever need to be able to project myself on a cosmic level? Sure I can pretty much spy on anyone on Earth, but that leaves my body vulnerable. I’m pretty much a spectator that’ll relay important information later or keep that information and use it for a later time. Stamina would be more useful in my life.

Never be able to see or taste again or never be able to hear & feel again
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