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This or That?

LOTR. I used to be a fan of both series, but haven't really returned to either after Junior-high. LOTR books were extremely enjoyable read and it deserves all the praise it gets and has gotten in my opinion. Movie-adaptations were alright too.

Slight variation of the last question:
Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice?
Oh wow, that's tough but I'll still go with the classic, LOTR. Gotta love it and I used to read it all once a year, and also the Silamarillion at times (when I felt especially self-punishing).

The Sopranos or Breaking Bad, for best TV show?
I prefer to stare at dead trees and hallucinate for hours myself rather than have my ear holes be spellbound by someone else's captured vocal vibrations who has also seen a volume. My inner voice is quite loud enough. I do enjoy scary short story narrations though.

On/in a body of water all day, or on/in the body of a lover all day?
From a purely practical perspective... while the body of a lover does present a very appealing idea, after a while said lover is going to complain about my continued internal/external presence - so for an all day exercise, the body of water is preferable.

Camp under the stars, or sleep in a hotel/motel?
Having contracted to the military for a couple of years, I do find that using the military method (HHMM DDMMMYY) for noting date & time is a lot clearer with zero room for misinterpretation (unless you're clueless...). Eg right now, for me, it's 0850 21MAY23 - very clear.

Split system heating/AC, or ducted system heating/AC?
I'm in an uncomfortable middle ground of finding physical money in general very cumbersome, but hate the possible implications from the powers that be with a full conversion to digital. Coins if I had to choose, I suppose. I love movies where things just cost a vague pouch of coin.

Give up all forms of vice, or give up going anywhere but your state/city/province?
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Never had the opportunity to be in a caprio, but I'd love to try some day, so I choose driving with the top down.

Spring or Autumn?
Autumn, easy choice. Much prefer the cooler weather, changing leaves, and halloween.

Audiobook or physical book?
For clothes and groceries, physical. Anything else I can make do with online.

Scrambled eggs or sunny side up?
Fertilized. I mean, scrambled, 120% ;)

Fountain or ballpoint pens ?
Ballpoint. I've been bled on before.

Fork or Chopsticks?
Fork. While I'm moderately adequate with chopsticks, as a Westerner I've been raised using forks, so...

Rice or Noodles?
i've been sitting here for the last 5 minutes trying to come up with an answer. this is tearing me apart... i'm gonna say noodles hhh >_<

lights on or off?
I’m going to have to say, lights off. As a candle hoarder and a lover a soft atmosphere ❤︎ I rarely have them on ~

Have a pause button in your life or a rewind button???
Pause. I'd abuse the heck out of it to make sure I actually get plenty of sleep. :p

Herbs or Spices?
Damn, I have to choose?

Herbs, I guess. Never met a guy named Herb who I liked.

Fight the System or Lick the Boot?
Fight the system. Just like I banged my TVs when they weren't so flat -- I miss the bludgeoning capacity.

Hardcover or paperback?
Hardcover. I'm always nervous with paperback having it start to bend with bothers me.

Nighttime or Daytime sounds? (Ambient noise you might hear, like for example wildlife outdoors)
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