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This or That?

Hoping for friend, but inwardly expecting foe, lol. I don't trust machines. XD

Strawberry cheesecake or banana split?
Sunset, not much of a morning person and there is something special about seeing the sun set

Trekking through the woods: Following a well laid out path or going off your own way?
Place of my dreams. The world is an unfamiliar, and I'm a creature of comfort.

Stone or Steel?
Hmm ... In RPs I'd always go for blind, but I think in RL paraplegic is the better choice here.

Angel or demon?
I view both as elements of the consciousness/I Am, as I view that as God, which is the only reality in my belief. The demonic, or shadow self is more useful overall when it is conquered and used constructively.
If separate conscious entities, I've always wondered what demons would look like anyway, given than angels true to description look like Lovecraftian horrors. (Was that too much elaboration for this game? >>;)

Sobriety for life, or abstinence for life?
I'm not a fan of chili, but I like turkey more than beef, sooo ... turkey chili.

Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris? 😂
Most things I want to be able to see and handle in person before purchasing, and I've many a disappointing experience with mishandled packages. Definitely in store.

Physical books or e-books?
Physical books. While e-books do have the advantage of providing their own light-source for reading, physical books aren't dependent on battery power.

Coke Zero or Pepsi Max?
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