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This or That?

Painful truth. Better to have the truth come out quick and fast than have the lie compound over time and potentially cause more pain in the end.

If you're going to lie to someone, would you rather tell a lie of omission or a lie of exaggeration?
Lie my Omission, if I want to lie I'd rather it be something I don't say rather then exagerate.

Comedy shows: Censored with Funny sounds, or no censoring of words at all?
Summer. Winters are far too cold.

When making a sammich, cheese on top of ham, or under the ham.
On top. Of course I'm not a fan of cheese to begin with, so the chances of me making a ham & cheese sandwich aren't good.

Snow-skiing or snow-boarding?
Hold back the tears and soldier on. It's just how and who I am. If there are tears, they're mine alone.

Walk on the beach, or walk in the park?
Day person. My god is the sun.

Run a mile (the whole thing) or change all four tires of a car on the side of a busy highway?
Run a mile. I could use some exercise, lol.
If you think that, you haven't thought about the amount of effort involved in changing one tire, nevermind all 4. Running a mile is the easier option. :)

One shower a day is enough for a standard day.

White coffee or black?
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