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This or That?

I'd go back in time and say what I should have said without fear, when I had the chance at that very moment....which is now gone forever. (Ah, regrets...I've had a few.) *sighs*

Would you rather travel around the world alone and meet some the most amazing people you'll never see again or travel your own country with your best friend and only have a so-so time?
I would definitely travel around my own country with my best friend any day of the week. As a so so time with them is always better than an amazing time with strangers to me.

Would you rather be flexible enough to give yourself head? Or have me as your personal slave for a week?
A week should be enough to make you crave for more so you come back on your own...;)

Would you rather be a super hero for a year or being able to jump into a manga/anime/show/movie/comic/book/picture of your chioce without being able to get back to the real world nor being able to travel around in the multiverse?
I like my place in the real world so leaving it behind for anything else wouldn't even be an option. Super hero for a year, easily. Do I get to choose my powers and vulnerabilities?

Would you rather be able to hear everyone's thoughts around you without being able to single a person out or have everyone around you be able to hear the thoughts in your head clearly?
The first. Most definitely the first, because some of my thoughts scare me sometimes.

Would you rather win the lottery and get it paid out over 20 years or have a lesser one-time payout of 60%?
That's hard. There's a chef I like very much and also a photographer. Classy ladies, both.

Would you rather be cold with the proposition of getting warm, or hot with the proposition of cooling off?
Ooh a historical mystery!

Do you tend to do things meticulously to the point of way over thinking it or do you procrastinate and blow it off entirely with an excuse?
Procrast... yeah. Sorry. I went to look up the spelling and I found a book I lost last year, so I put it next to the bed and since I was there, I took a nap.

Chocolate malt milkshake or soft pretzel with thick cheese sauce?
Chocolate Malt Milkshake because Chocolate. Always Chocolate.

Would you rather be allergic to horses/cats/dogs or allergic to peanuts?
Definitely peanuts. I couldn't stand to not be able to be around animals.

Would you rather have orgasms that are twice as intense, or be able to instantly make anyone you can see have one just by thinking about it?
The second, It would be really amusing to see a girl who just aggravated me suddenly fall to her knees and puddle her panties... Not to mention such a superpower would make me immensely sought after, likely leading to me having both abilities anyway

Would you rather Play vid games on a computer or a console, and why?
Since I don't own a console, I'd have to say computer...even though I don't play video games.

Two heart wrenching, life changing decisions. Which would you choose? From the movie 'Alive' where you had to eat someone who had died to survive yourself or from the movie '127 Hours' and having to cut off your own leg or inevitably die?
Even though I hate to admit. I would go with the first option. Eating someone who died to survive. Mainly because I do not think I can handle the fact of cutting my own leg or any body part of mine.

I have something simple for mine.
Chocolate or Candy
Get lost in an unknown foreign city. Some things are universal. I'll take my chances.

Would you rather be forced to consume something nasty, or pass the plate to someone you really care about I.E. would you take it for them?
Depends on who id be passing the plate to, but considering most people i care about have fucked me over at least once, id pass the plate

Would you rather be rich but terminally ill, or poor and very healthy.
Poor and very healthy. That way I could work my ass of without risking my health and get rich to have both.

Would you take both pills from Morpheus just to see what happens or stay in the matrix without taking any pill?
A wizard! OH, the things I would do with such magical powers!

Would you rather be known in the literary world as someone who writes trash and gets annihilated by critics but sells millions of copies or a novelist who will be remembered as one of the all time greats of our time, whose books will be read for years and years to come but never made a fortune doing so?
The hell with fame and talent and hard work. Show me the money :)

Would you rather have. One hundred pounds of platinum bullion, or a flying car that can be fed garbage and a hoverboard (no time travel capability, sorry )
Well, since the selling price for platinum is $1,127.50 per ounce (as I type) that adds up to a nice tidy sum of $1.8 million dollars in which I can do a good bit of investing and eventually purchase 2 flying cars! *smiles*

Would you be willing to lie under oath to protect a close friend if it meant saving them from going to jail for life or would you tell the truth knowing you did the right thing and have a clear conscience?
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